27 июн 2024 : Новая песня ODIUM HUMANI GENERIS
“Międzyczas”, новая песня группы ODIUM HUMANI GENERIS, доступна для прослушивания ниже. Этот трек взят из альбома “Międzyczas”, выход которого запланирован на 27 сентября:
“Idée Fixe”
In it he wrote about emperor Nero blaming the early Christians for the malicious arson in Rome. "Odium humani generis" literally means "Hatred for the human species/race", "odium" meaning hatred, "humani" (Genitive Singular) from adjective "humanus" meaning "human/humane" and "generis" (Genitive Singular) from "genus" meaning "race/species/kindred". The Genitive may be translated as "hatred for" instead of "hatred of", depending on the point of view. Tacitus wrote the Christians and Jews were regarded as misanthropes and were convicted because of that.
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