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Norma Jean, The Chariot





Сет-лист The Chariot:

  1. Evan Perks
  2. Teach:
  3. Phil Cosby (Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Douglasville)
  4. Calvin Makenzie
  5. The Audience
  6. Abandon.
  7. The City (Partially)
  8. My Generation (The Who cover)
  9. Daggers
  10. Yanni Depp
  11. Back to Back
  12. The Deaf Policemen
  13. And Shot Each Other

Сет-лист Norma Jean:

  1. Leaderless and Self Enlisted
  2. A Grand Scene for a Color Film
  3. Face:Face
  4. Robots: 3, Humans: 0
  5. Dilemmachine: Coalition, Hoax
  6. Bastardizer
  7. The End of All Things Will Be Televised (with Songs Sound Much Sadder breakdown at the end)
  8. Bayonetwork: Vultures in Vivid Color (with Creating Something Out Of Nothing Only To Destroy It breakdown at the end)
  9. A Small Spark vs. A Great Forest
  10. The Anthem of the Angry Brides
  11. Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste (with Josh Scogin of The Chariot)


  12. Vipers, Snakes, and Actors

Выражаем благодарность Booking Machine Agency за предоставленные аккредитации.

Фото: Кристина Москвина

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Rollercoaster Rollercoaster Rollercoaster


The Chariot

The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot The Chariot


Norma Jean

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опубликовано: 17 Apr 2012      просмотров:4729


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