 Очередной легендарный thrash-metal коллектив был извлечен из пыльных запасников полки с дисками. Полезно иногда, знаете ли, всколыхнуть ощущения детства, когда впервые слушал все это… Dark Angel во второй половине 80-х имели ощутимый вес в среде американского трэша, вполне составляя конкуренцию командам подобного уровня (то есть, котировавшихся, вроде бы, высоко, но с наступлением 90-х переживших полосу нестабильности, а то и вовсе исчезнувших) вроде Forbidden, Testament, Evildead, и даже Slayer. Известно, что гитарист последних Джефф Ханнеман признавался в то время в одном из интервью (это было начало 1986 года), что «Dark Angel быстрее и лучше, чем Slayer». Что из этого вышло, все прекрасно знают – неумолимое время расставило все по своим местам… Впоследствии «Темные Ангелы» запишут эпохальные, и даже не побоюсь этого слова, шедевральные диски «Darkness Descends», «Leave Scars» и в особенности «Time Does Not Heal», ничем не уступавшие лучшим работам Slayer того периода.
Переходя от затянувшейся (но необходимой) предыстории к рассмотрению первого полноформатного альбома, должен отметить, что «We Have Arrived» - диск, несколько нехарактерный для американцев. Здесь нет ошеломляющей скорости и сырости материала «Darkness…», как нет и эпичности и мелодичности «Time Does Not Heal». На мой взгляд, на своем первом LP ребята еще искали свой стиль, скорее всего, формировавшийся под влиянием NWOBHM (как и у всех в то время), в особенности, команд вроде Diamond Head, что особенно заметно на таких треках как одноименная альбому вещь, «Vendetta» и «No Tomorrow». Присутствует здесь и классическая «Merciless Death» (наверно, самая известная у Dark Angel, многократно переигрываемая другими коллективами, например, Vader и Sadus), которая впоследствии войдет на альбом 1986 года (ничем, кстати, не уступающий «Reign in Blood»), но приобретет в злобе и скорости. В целом, материал представлен крайне мощный, правда, некачественно сведенный, отчего появляется ощущение этой самой пресловутой «недостаточной трэшевости». Но, конечно, все заявленные недостатки - ничто, по сравнению с возможностью окунуться в атмосферу юношеской ярости и максимализма, представленные на альбоме «We Have Arrived», в то короткое, но триумфальное шествие талантливых молодых американцев. Если вам нравятся первые альбомы Testament и Death Angel, а также тот материал, что делали ранние Agent Steel, вы должны послушать этот альбом. |
Can you take the strain
We have arrived [4x]
Now the lights are off now
And the curtain is closed
We'll keep moving on
Another town another load
We have arrived [4x]
2. Merciless Death
Merciless Death
You fall before us, shattered in vain
You thrash about us, screaming in pain
Tortured and flaming, you're on your knees
you fucking whores, it's us you must please
We'll give you merciless... death!!!
Stand up and bang, till you fall the floor
The sound is so deafening, it can't be ignored
The place is burning, your minds are destroyed
Devastated and helpless, you're left here to die
The angels has landed - judgment has come
Your death has arrived, faster than some
The darkness descending upon heaven's gates
Your soul is now promised and you know that
We'll wait!!!
3. Falling From the Sky
I've seen the lights of destruction
Hot glow of death in the sky
Cities and buildings lay wasted
People left helpless to die
Watch the sky
Death is near
You are falling
The final day is near
Satan's death armies approaching
To capture lost souls of the dead
Implying his will as he pleases
The final damnation ahead
Watch the sky
Death is near
You are falling
The final day is here
The wrath of gods fury is searching
Calling the righteous abound
Decaying dead bodies are burning
Nothing left living is found
Watch the sky
Death is near
You are falling
The final day is near
4. Welcome to the Slaughterhouse
You're pushed through the door single file
The smell of death is in the air
The pleas you scream are all denied
They have no love they don't care
You're strapped to the table
Your dark dreams come true
The sound of the saw blade draws near
It's finally happened the nightmares come true
Time has shown man's darkest fear
Welcome to the slaughter house
The teeth of the blades eat your flesh
Welcome to the slaughter house
Your darkest dreams become death
With silence and hatred they kill us by blade
These methods consuming yet fast
The legions of Hitler were never this cruel
This won't compare to man's past
These beings they kill us we fall to the rule
We're tortured and slaughter as last
It's finally happened the nightmares come true
Time has shown man's darkest fear
Welcome to the slaughter house
The teeth of the blades eat your flesh
Welcome to the slaughter house
Your darkest dreams become death
The butchering meat freezer is the final doom
No one survives tonight
They take you and hang you
Your fresh meat on a hook
Someones feeds well tonight
You're put on these meat racks
And hang up to dry
They butcher and slaughter death's near
It's finally happened the nightmares come true
Time has shown man's darkest fear
Welcome to the slaughter house
The teeth of the blades eat your flesh
Welcome to the slaughter house
Your darkest dreams become death
Welcome, welcome
5. No Tomorrow
The soldiers, stand waiting
To vindicate this war torn land
The charge sounds, they march in
They're wondering, will they survive
The dawn comes, and then the light
We take lives, we hear the screams
No tomorrow, evil has it's way
No tomorrow, will I live through this day?
No tomorrow, my life's on the line
No tomorrow, there is still time
The valley, lays waiting
The enemy, is stocking
When night falls, we press out
Advancing, till early dawn
No tomorrow, evil has it's way
No tomorrow, will I live through this day?
No tomorrow, my life's on the line
No tomorrow, there is still time
Intrepid, our leaders
Decisive, the final blow
Destruction, great defeat
Carnage, across the land
No tomorrow, evil has it's way
No tomorrow, will I live through this day?
No tomorrow, my life's on the line
No tomorrow, there is still time
6. Hell's on its Knees
The master knows all temptations
He'll bring you to your knees
And when you think
That your through
He will spring on you
Hell's on its knees [3x]
He's coming to get you
He'll drive right through you
He'll burn you alive
When you find him
You fly right to him
You feel him breathe
Hell's on its knees [3x]
The ride is over you try to turn
Now it's your turn so burn
You go too fast your soul will fly
It will will fly up high
The master knows all temptations
He'll bring you to your knees
But when you think
That your through
He will spring on you
Hell's on its knees [3x]
7. Vendetta
You spilled the first blood
Now you must pay with your life
The death of my loved one
Which preys on your
Conscience brings strife
The night winds of vengeance
Whisper my hatred of thee
The bloodroom arising
Foretells the omen decreed
The thought of my anguish
Fills you with dread
My soul can not rest
Until I know that you're dead
I stalk you at night fall
Condemn you in anger by day
Fueled by my hatred
I'll not stop to rest, till you pay
You know that I'm out here
This fueling it tears you apart
But you'll not deceive me
Till I've ripped the life from your heart
The thought of my anguish
Fills you with dread
My soul can not rest
Until I know that you're dead
Vendetta, vendetta, vendetta