 Вторая половина 90-х, время доминирования симфо- и мелодик блэка. Время, когда Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth, Covenant, Old Man’s Child, Limbonic Art и прочие расширяли композиционные рамки, казалось бы, навсегда задубевшего в своей антимузыкальной мизантропичности, заскорузлого стиля, всколыхнувшего хмурые норвежские фьорды несколькими годами ранее. Но речь сейчас не о норвежцах, и не об австрияках Summoning, и уж тем более не о греках Rotting Christ, которым всегда была не чужда южная мелодика и мечтательность. На фоне фундаментальных работ вышеупомянутых корифеев жанра дебютный альбом поляков Darzamat немного потерялся, но это никак не означает, что “In The Flames Of Black Art” не заслуживает внимания. Вся музыка сочинена и исполнена основателем коллектива мультиинструменталистом Дарзаматом. С первых секунд прослушивания в голове сразу же всплывают вполне определённые ассоциации с Summoning, Limbonic Art и первым альбомом Covenant. Короче говоря, Darzamat угощают слушателей порцией клавишноориентированного блэка с драм-машинкой и размытыми гитарами. Но блэк поляков имеет принципиально иную мелодику и приправлен звонким сопрано Катажины Банажак, которое не имеет ничего общего с мощным низким и откровенно-эротичным вокалом сменившей её позднее Неры, в наличии имеется и стандартный блэковый скрим Флауроса. Конечно, по прошествии многих лет “In The Flames Of Black Art” звучит сейчас несколько наивно и откровенно по-дилетантски, но в этом и заключается всё его очарование. А уж “Secret Garden”, “Seven Golden Fires” и особенно “Theatre Of Rapture” являются его настоящими изюминками. Единственное, что немного портит впечатление – это последний трек, просто он своей маршевой ритмикой и тупостью в вокальной части совсем не вписывается в общее настроение альбома. |
The night is eternal in me
Like the storms of waterfalls
I am in the flames of black art
My heart didn't stop beating
And my breast isn't icy
But my thoughts are covered with the dark
And my heart has attired the black
Where the night spreads to out the earth
I will go there looking for the night
In the flames of black art
2. Legend
I saw the tree at the night
Which with his colour was killing the most sublime feelings in me
And the rain led me by the furthest corridors of the dreams
To show the pearls of people's minds
To strip the symbols
It was so long ago when the flashes of lighting
Were listening to the scrteam of the thunder
Staying in an eternal trance i don't cry
Looking at i don't understand the fear
I climb the clouds of mysteries
Finding the relief, finding the lost feelings
Surrounded all around with immensty drops
Esteeming over all the taste of life
It's misteries secrets and moments of trances
I am swimming across impossible to preform confessions
To perish stripped naked among an ugliness of conscience
Finding my shadows which still coincide
In the beginning and the end
3. Secret Garden
Hurry my steeds chased by the wind
Across the crystal meadows
Nobody will hear the piano of melancholy
The music is dancing in my heart
In the midst of the stillness and the storm
When the past closes my feelings in the ice-chains
I will rise the mirror of my visions above the thoughts
To steal merciless the flower of the gods
Which they give away falsely
And the blast of magic and the blackness of sin
Will undermine my scarlet face
When the wind mutter dreadful
You will feel my kiss
When the wind blows into the horns
You will feel the flames of blazing blood
Because only i am the god in my secret garden
4. Inevitable Eclipse
I can see dense hazes
Which cover me with their clouds
I can see dark clouds
Which near inevitable
It is the time to wake up the eclipse
This is the time of inevitable eclipse
Sleeping in torpid weakess
Chined to the burning lake
It will spin the sky with its shadly breath
This is the time of inevitable eclipse
5. Seven Golden Fires
Sitting by the candles
Before the mirror of my inspiration
I look at my mirror's picture
So who am i if there stays a mind of an
Inexhaustible mistery with me?
So dance faster with the wind of your shadow
So chase faster in the rain of storm feelings
Drive the chariots of slassy clouds
Looking for the silver groves
And for me the scream of forgotten rain
Where only remains to me to go by the thorns
By the bridges of the past
So i give seven golden fires
So i give seven golden keys
Seven golden fires
Seven golden keys
6. Theatre Of Rapture
Why do you rise me above the clouds
And i hear the voice of my lust
That i hid away from the light
Only desire can be the wind in my dreams
Maybe the wind will find a look in nameless mirror
Maybe the wind will find the inaccessible jewel
I see a bird on the sky, which steals my longing and takes it away
He it bears sadness and naked sorrow around me
I sail the gold sky above mountains' tops and forests
I sail above eternity
Give me a night, just one more night full of dream
Because when the mourning comes
I will rest for ages on the rocks
Where water and wind dance forever
7. The Dream
Swimming on black wings of winds
I am flying up in a gravely valley of my dream
I am falling in the tub full of blood
I am dreaming about crying portraits
I can not die - this night is so bright
I can not cry - my eyes are so dry
I can not wait - my blood is dying so fast in my black heart
I can not be silent - the sore in my throath is so hot
The scream is burning
The dram about crying portraits
8. The Storm
The storm, that the flames of black art have started
The storm, which has left the symbol of thousand fires
The storm, which gives the thousand minds
The storm, which will thunder forever