« Emperor of the Black Runes »
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   Morby - vocals
Enrico Paoli - guitars
Riccardo Iacono - keyboards
Riccardo Paoli - bass
Stefano Bonini - drums
Guest musicians:
Leanan Sidhe - vocals on "The Forest Of Light", "The Sun Of The New Season"
Patrick Wire - narration on "The Song Of The Swords" |
All music by Enrico Paoli except "Overture mortale" by Mozart
All lyrics by Enrico Paoli with guidance of Danie Powers |
 | 2. Battle Gods Of The Universe
They are watching the world from a mystical place
for thousand of aeons they are guarding
As the universe is forever at change
You can feel their presence surrounding
Everlasting, Incorrupted
Sacred guardians of the miracle of life
They are bonded together |
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 Обложка с очередной реинкарнацией Элрика, Вечного Воителя из романов Муркока, а также название альбома («Повелитель черных рун» - это один из титулов Элрика) не оставляют сомнений в том, что особых перемен от итальянских пауэрщиков ждать не приходится. Уже на предыдущем альбоме “Stormbringer Ruler” Domine нашли свой стиль – эпический пауэр с текстами на фэнтезийную тематику. Правда, от сонма соотечественников-пауэрщиков их отличает куда более динамичный и цепляющий материал, подкрепленный мастерством инструменталистов и почти двумя десятилетиями опыта, а от ближайших конкурентов Rhapsody – ставка на гитары, а не на клавишные. На “Emperor Of The Black Runes” есть практически все, чем славится хороший пауэр независимо от страны происхождения – мощные и скоростные боевики (“Battle Gods”, “The Song Of The Sword”), навороченные эпики длиной по 10 минут (“The Aquilona Suite”, “The Sun Of The New Season”) и медленные мелодичные композиции с могучими хоровыми распевками (“The Prince In The Scarlet Robe”). Единственное, что можно поставить в упрек Domine – это отсутствие прогресса, поскольку основное отличие нового альбома от “Stormbringer Ruler” состоит в отказе музыкантов от позирования с мечами и прочей героической атрибутикой, да и оно напрямую к музыке не относится. Но для такого консервативного стиля, как пауэр, наличие двух альбомов в одинаковм ключе не только не возбраняется, но и приветствуется большинством фэнов. (Диск предоставлен компанией Art Music Group) |
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Первые 2 альбома («Champion Eternal», «Dragonlord») я не слышал, третий («Stormbringer Ruler») прочно обитает на ведущих позициях в моём личном рейтинге. Поэтому мой обзор и будет базироваться на сравнении этих двух альбомов. Сразу же отмечу, что итальянцы остались верны своей концепции, которая основана на произведении Майкла Муркока про Элрика из Мельнибоне. В своей рецензии на прошлый альбом я писал об этом. На обложке по-прежнему тот самый худосочный альбинос с непременным мечом, который называется «Приносящий бурю». В отношении музыки можно сказать, что новое творение или, если хотите, опус немногим более потяжелее и менее эпичнее и пафоснее. Если это пауэр, то это бешеная скорость и драйв, если это хэви-медляк, то он тяжёленький, есть и вообще чисто акустический номер. Этот альбом получился более разнообразным, но всё-таки он немного уступает предшественнику, даже не по музыке, а скорее по духу и по атмосфере. В принципе, так случается всегда, в этом жизнь, что классная группа, выпустив гениальный альбом, стремится повторить успех, или, по крайней мере, развить его, однако поклонники настолько проникаются гениальным творением, что следующий, не менее гениальный альбом, воспринимается уже не так. Вот это самое и произошло с одной из старейших итальянских групп.
Напоследок хочу отметить песню «Princess in Scarlet Robe». Просто класс! Для тех, кто любит настоящий пауэр. |
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просмотров: 9455 |
They bring law where chaos ruled
Circling their swords in whirlwinds of steel
as weapons of justice against the cruel
Everlasting, Incorrupted
Sacred guardians of the miracle of life
Timeless watchers of the heart of creation
No one ever can defy
Battle Gods - They fly on their swords
Battle Gods - Chasing the wind and the stars
Battle Gods - Across the universe they ride
Battle Gods - In search of eternal truth
Battle Gods - They tune their minds and bodies
Battle Gods - So man and nature can be one
Battle Gods,Battle Gods
Battle Gods of the universe
Battle Gods
3. Arioch, The Chaos Star
Of purest evil, I am the light
Born in the abyss of ancient time
Beyond the mountains of knowledge by magic
You find me and summoned my name
Of eternal fire, I am the flame
And I flood the cosmos with sublime hate
As you're crawling out of th genesis slime
From the darkness of chaos I rise to steal your souls
From the darkness of chaos I rise
Of chaos supreme,I am the overlord
Summoned by glorious emperors
As they paint magic runes with their sacred blood
I aid them and make them my slaves
I am the master of your creation
Prime mover of your annihilation
But the price for my duty is much too high
Your immortal souls'sacrifice
And I'll be forever the great lord of the seven darks
Now your precious souls will be my prey
Arioch is my name
I am the Chaos star, Ruler of the universe
Feeding on screams, smashing your dreams
Casting your souls into the deepest hell
I am the Chaos star, Ruler of the universe
Feeding on screams, smashing your dreams
Just speak my name and forever you'll seal your fate
Summon the Chaos star
I am the Chaos star, Ruler of the universe
Feeding on screams, smashing your dreams
Casting your souls into the deepest hell
I am the Chaos star, Ruler of the universe
Feeding on screams, smashing your dreams
Burning your bodies to blackened bones
4. The Aquilonia Suite Pt.1
[I. Under the everlasting sky]
Far, far away a long, long time ago
From the dawn of time, a king shall rise
[II. The riders of Tulsha doom]
Black, on the snowy horizon
hundreds of stallions are riding
Sun beams breaking trough the clouds are shining
on the swords of their riders
They bear a standard of the blackest steel
with two snakes facing each other
The symbol of a new born religion,
rising to crush all the others
Riding like the cold winter wind
Killing and wading through gore
Their mission, by the name of their lord
is the search for the purest steel
Spilling sacred life's blood
and quenching a power mad thirst for the mightiest
of might, They ride!
The riders of Tulsha doom
Ave domine! Ave domine!
[III. The Cimmerian oath]
By barbarian strengh and Cimmerian pride
Aquilona's crown shall one day be mine
By barbarian strengh and Cimmerian pride
Aquilona's crown shall one day be mine
No survivor has stood in their way
but aboy with hate in his eyes
This boy will grow stronger and stronger each day
to be ready to fight
A man who someday will be a great king
by his own hand and will for revenge
To crush the riders who brought the snakes
on that day when snow became red
He'll be riding like the cold winter wind
Killing and wading through gore
His destiny, by the name of himself
is to bear a jeweled crown
Spilling evil life's blood
and quenching the thirst for revenge
he's feeling inside, He rides!
[IV. A prophecy in blood]
The conqueror, the barbarian
who one day shall be king
In lakes of blood his enemies are drowning
[V. The riders of Tulsha doom - Reprise]
He'll be riding like the cold winter wind
Killing and wading through gore
His destiny, by the name of himself
is to bear a jeweled crown
Spilling evil life's blood
and quenching the thirst for revenge
he's feeling inside, He rides!
[VI. Victory in sight]
5. The Prince In The Scarlet Robe
Knight of the swords, you of the great old Gods
A new age has just begun
Forged in the fire of hate, vengeance and betrayal
The race of man has come to rule
Queen of the swords, you of the great old Gods
Darkest lady of the deepest realm
You will know fear, sharper than a spear and you'll
be banished from these planes
By the hand of the prince in the scarlet robe
He's sworm to destroy all Gods
by the power of the cosmic balance
He's chosen to save this world
save the race who betrayed his own
A quest in a time unknown
to bring peace forevermore
Survivor with a noble role
The prince in the scarlet robe
King of the swords, you of the great old Gods
Summon now your dukes of hell
Faceless lord of chaos, your golden sword will not
save you and you will fall to your destiny
By the eye of the prince in the scarlet robe
Now that Gods are no more
Law is ruling the fifteen planes
No more cities in the sky, no more oceans of light
Find a new dimension where new Gods can be
created and destroyed again by the eye, by the hand
of the prince in the scarlet robe
6. Icarus Ascending
It starts deep within, just a feeling inside
A hope in my heart I can no longer deny
to break away, break away, break away, out of here
I'm a fool and a dreamer, with no place to run
A man who's been hoping to touch the sun and
to set himself free, free to reach for the eternal sky
Now I feel the urge to follow my dream, forever free
to spread my wings and fly high into the sky
I feared I would fall and fall down to the ground
but my will to ride free through the oceans of clouds
is stronger now, stronger now,
it's stronger than ever before
I'll be a symbol of warning, of ambition to rise
To fly beyond the light which is blinding my eyes
Now on a strange wings I fly
I soar on the wonderful wings of a dream
Never again to be bound by chains within cold walls
My decission is made and the time is now
A legend is born as the eyes of the world see
Icarus ascending, Icarus ascending
Icarus ascending into the sky
Icarus ascending, Icarus ascending
Icarus ascending into the sky
High into the sky
No one will ever stand in my way
No one will ever force me to stay
And I'll fly away, fly away, fly far away from here
I take a deep breath and I close my eyes
My legend is born as the eyes of the world see
Icarus ascending into the sky
I have no place to live, I must transcend
to the other side
My wings may be burned by the rays of the sun
Though my body is falling my spirit is rising high
High beyond the astral sky
Icarus is free
7. The Song Of The Swords
Beyond the magical Shade Gate, they arrive
Elric, the Pale King, Yyrkon the Tyrant, to fight
Ther in a chamber, hanging in midair, two swords
Dreadful and fine, forged in a time no man can recall
They finally find the swords
Stormbringer and Mournblade
They are fighting face to face
As the blades come alive
The black swords are singing their song of fighting
The black swords are singing for joy of blood letting
The black swords are singing for they're back to battling
The black swords are singing
They are singing out loud the song of the swords
Lifting the blades of chaos, the swordmen attack
Just like two puppets, by alien hate
they are possessed
Hearts are now pounding, metal is clashing, as one
Brothers of steel are singing their will to kill
They finally find the swords
Stormbringer and Mournblade
They are fighting the final duel
and their souls are the prize
Listen to the song of the sword
The black swords are singing their song of fighting
The black swords are singing for joy of blood letting
The black swords are singing for they're back to battling
The black swords are singing
for souls they are craving
8. The Sun Of The New Season (A Homecoming Song)
[I. Warm are the rays of the new sun...]
[II. While I think about an uncertain future...]
What will I see at the end of the fight
The light of the dawn breaking your darkest night
What will I see when I look to the sky
Dark clouds will vanish and the sun will shine bright
Oh, the sun of the new season
is guiding me back to the place I belong
In the sun of the new season
I'm finally finding the way that brings me back home
Never regret the decision you make
A new world of chances is yours to take
Never deceive what you're feeling inside
Even when dark thoughts are oppressing your mind
I cry for the dreams and ideals
I was not strong enough to make real
I grieve for the loved ones
I hurt when I did not stand by my words
I swear to what I hold dear
Not for a moment will I tremble with fear
Now I know I got to be strong
For I believe that we reap what we sow
[III. A blinding light floods the darkness...]
This light is overcoming
This light is overflowing
This light is everlasting
This light is finally bringing me home
[IV. Inside my soul the answer unfolds...]
Oh, the sun of the new season
is guiding me back to the place I belong
In the sun of the new season
I'm finally find a new hope
[V. And a new hope brings me back home...]
I'm coming home
9. True Believer
I'm feeling tired like I walked for centuries
through peace and strife
for I'm alone on the logest journey
my journey through life
My face in the mirror tells me I've been blind
'cause I'm a man on a mission, and I finally realize I'm a
True believer
Forever free, with no chain I'm bound
True believer
'Til they'll lay my body down
And I swear with all my soul
No one will ever change my way
True believer 'till my dying day
It's the only thing I'm sure
No one will ever take away
True believer 'till my dying day
I'm feeling like the richest of kings
for I have nothing to hide
No matter what my future will bring
I'm feeling righteous deep inside
I don't need anybody to tell wrong from right
'cause I'm a man on a mission, and I finally realize I'm a
True believer
An endless world will be my home
True believer
I'll face my fate as my time will come
They say I must surrender
I say I'm a defender
They say I must give up
my heart, my will, integrity and soul
I say I'll never surrender
They say you're just a pretender
I swear they'll never take away
my heart and soul
True believer
C'mon and join me in my quest
True believer
Only in death will we find rest!
And I swear with all my soul
No one will ever change my way
True believer 'till my dying day
It's the only thing I own
I will never let them take it away
True believer 'till my dying day
10. The Forest Of Light
I always thought my war was eternal
and steel my only friend
I spent all my life fighting alone
on my own
Until I found Tanelorn
And a new man was born
We shall be free
Reaching immortality
We shall walk free through the trees of the forest of light
We shall walk free through the trees of the forest of light
No more pain
No death in vain
Sanctuary of peace
Where in harmony we can live
Where I know we will meet again
Soft sunlight shines for the heroes
Now weary of war
The ghosts of a past of endless fighting
means nothing any more
Now I live in Tanelorn
And a new life is born