« Death After Life »
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1 | Goreverture
 | 2 | Mondo Medicale
 | 3 | Gutless
 | 4 | Theatre of Operations
 | 5 | Preservation of Death
 | 6 | Wrought In Hell
 | 7 | Resurrectionists
 | 8 | Critical Condition
 | 9 | The Dead Shall Dead Remain
 | 10 | Medical Waste
 | 11 | Dead Alive
 | 12 | Coda Morte |
   Ross Sewage - Registered Nut
Sean McGrath - Medical Deviant
Jason Kocol - Emergency Metal Technician
Raul Varela - Doctor Of Dissolute Science
Additional Personnel:
Timb Harris - Violin and Viola
Tim Smolens - Cello
Trey Spruance - Guitars, Keyboards
Jerry Neumann - Voice-Over |
Production: Recorded by Billy Anderson, Trey Spruance, and Randall "One Dollar Bob" Dunn at Take Root Studios, 2004
Voice-Overs recorded by Nate Perry at Take Root Studios and Jason Kocol at Kocol Studios, 2004
Produced by Trey Spruance at Forking Path Studos, 2004
Mastered by Mell Ditmer at Sinister Kitchen Studios, 2004
cover and layout - Ross Sewage, Sean McGrath, Eric Radey
calligraphy - Jason Kocol
band photo - Michael Rubenstein, Juliana Medina
 | 1. Goreverture
At Saint Julian's Medical University
Four ambitious students are taking experiments into the nature of death a bit too seriously
(Death after life)
Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, they will live by the scalpel and cut down those who get in their way.
(Death afte |
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 Век живи – век интересуйся разноплановыми достижениями в экстремальной музыке. Но на этот раз речь пойдет не о новаторской группе, создавшей свой неповторимый стиль, а о команде, которая намеренно повторяет/копирует стиль своих учителей и делает это в высшей степени мило и увлекательно. В американском коллективе Impaled запросто можно увидеть лик легенды дэт/грайнда, отцов целой субкультуры неудержимых медиков без диплома Carcass (протесты «сколько можно» не принимаются). Благодарю небеса (или чего-то там еще) за то, что я столкнулся с этими товарищами, играющими задорную, хоть и вторичную музыку в стиле ливерпульских экстремалов времен их альбома «Symphonies of Sickness» и др. Ну не может эта манера вечно оставаться собственностью отошедшей от мясных дел английской команды, что поделать, эстафету обязательно подхватит и дружно пронесет через свои дискографии новое поколение. Сейчас же мы имеем дело с особенно даровитыми наследниками из Нового Света. Старушка Европа в очередной раз послужила источником историко-культурного опыта и примером для подражания. Impaled на вооружение взяты: скрим точь в точь под мистера Уокера (чередование с гроулингом а-ля Стир дополняет сходство), риффы и особенно кокетливо достигающие уха слушателя мелодические жесты в духе того же Стира и заставляющие вспомнить о бедняге Оуэне ударные (его фирменные глуховатые пробежки). Кроме того, заметны явные композиционные параллели: от «Симфоний Болезни» вплоть до «Лебединой песни». Любознательные и дотошные могут посравнивать: “Blind Bleeding the Blind” и “Preservation of Death” (о, эта песня звучит еще более каркассово, чем сам Каркасс). Не брезгуют Impaled и совмещением атрибутов раннего, кровожадного, творчества англичан с риффингом более позднего периода. Наконец, для полного дежавю стоит добавить цинично-хохмачные интерлюдии и драматический пафос клавишных или классические фатальные запилы, рассеянные по всему диску (не в крестики-нолики ведь играем). В первых деловитые, но не дружащие с головой врачи проводят что-то вроде того самого «Некротицизм – Обсуждение… явлений» с темами вроде этих: «Резать или не резать?» «Ой, ошибочка вышла!» и т.д. Второе понятно и так. Использование струнной секции делает происходящее еще более живым и вовлекает слушателя в мир врачебных ошибок как театральное действо (“Theatre of Operations” – как это по-английски все-таки!). И мечта симфонизированого дэт-грайнда все-таки воплотилась в жизнь в почти семиминутной “Medical Waste”.
Напоследок следует сказать, что у группы Impaled в gore-тематике есть кодекс чести: своего рода моральные нормы время от времени декларируются, но об этом не хочется распространяться. Единственное, “The Dead Shall Dead Remain”! Данный альбом занимает по классу промежуточное положение между каркассовскими "Симфониями" и "Некротицизмом" + не забудем учесть, что эта работа – переосмысление старого в наш век больших возможностей – отсюда и приблизительная оценка. Но еще раз – эти парни обеспечили слушателю катарсис не меньшей силы спустя более чем 15 лет! (Диск предоставлен компанией Mystic Empire). |
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Отличный альбом. Многие обвиняют его в излишней схожести с Carcass, навешивая на работу американцев ярлык «клон». Я же вам советую не слушать этих людей. Во-первых, достойных подражателей великой ливерпульской четверки в наше время днем с огнем не сыщешь, а во-вторых, ребята из Impaled решили не заморачиваться только на раннем творчестве «Туши», на альбоме можно встретить отголоски «Хартворка» и «Свансонга». И получилась крайне интересная смесь...
Альбом сыгран очень мощно и профессионально, качество записи нареканий не вызывает. Музыка брутальна, но не утомляет, потому что разбавляется удачными мелодичными вставками. Вокал - очень грамотное сочетание скриминга с гроулом а-ля сами знаете кто (причем здешний скриминг почти нереально отличить от скриминга Джеффа Уолкера). Соло партии, конечно, не такие красивые и приятные, как скажем, в «Некротицизме», но весьма хороши. Барабанщик своей уверенной игрой не оставляет никаких сомнений в своем мастерстве. Что самое интересное, присутствуют и клавишные, но к счастью, их немного и они никак не портят альбом, скорее наоборот, делают его более разнообразным. Текста оформлены в gore-стилистике, куда же без этого, присутствуют забавные интерлюдии, любители черного юмора оценят («Ah, professor, welcome back to the land of the living...at least...temporarily»). Проходных песен нет, разве что только третий трэк под названием «Gutless» как-то не особо радует слух, с остальными номерами все полный порядок, сыграны они очень угарно и с душой. Мои фавориты – «Mondo Medicale», «Preservation of Death» и «Medical Waste».
Подводим итоги и получаем альбом не из разряда «послушал раз и забыл», а тот, который радует и цепляет, несмотря на всю свою вторичность. Лично я как минимум раз в две недели слушаю эту отличную работу. Для всех поклонников Carcass в частности и жанра death/grind в целом - это must have! |
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Эти Айболиты из Ада выдали мощный альбом в духе Carcass, так же, как и у именитых коллег по дэтовому цеху, у этих ребят есть вставки звуков и голосов из операционной, только здесь целые треки этих звуков булькающей крови, смеха врачей и визжание пилы. Ритм-секция крошит башку, мощные быстрые и порой тягучие риффы протыкают плоть, соляки срезают кожу, а вокал рвет плоть еще на более мелкие кусочки. Но потом появляется медсестра в виде клавишных вставок и мелодий. Добротный дэт металл иногда с вкраплениями грайнда и какой-то современной черты, все сыграно честно, мощно, профессионально и по-брутальному мелодично, и что самое главное с некой долей черного юмора. Забавное оформление, неплохие запись и сведение. В общем, поклонники медицинского дэта будут в восторге. Интересная работа. 9/10 |
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просмотров: 8255 |
Experiments in murder, their aim is to answer the questio - Is there a cure for death after life?
(Death after life)
Death after life...if you're lucky enough to die, pray that you stay dead.
2. Mondo Medicale
Grinding forth from the halls of education
Replete with the stench of dessication
Four pre-meds suffer condemnation
Tomes were perused, tombs were abused
All medico-legal limitations refused
With inhuman dexterity and intelligence, infused
Master thespians in the operating theatre
Likewise endowed in a gorenography feature
Deranged we may be after a blood bath
But all that rots can't be studied intact
Sifting through reams of anatomical charts
Bisecting livers and dissecting hearts
Arcane knowledge for doctoral upstarts
Rooting through a chum ridden morass
Cells scrutinized on iodized glass
We've mapped the structure of a carcass
Up to our elbows in grue and claret
We proffer quite a sanguine display
As we rule this mondo medicale
With scalpels and blades prepared on the tray
Integument cut and dermis to flay
You will rue this mondo medicale
Bypassing moral balances and checks
Summistes on high, rewriting texts
Our æsculapian methods leave them all vexed
Surgical aspirations, all dignified
Post-modern Versali, repersonified
But for our successes, we're villified
A trocar employed for psycho-surgery
In this bedlam of hospitality
Though flesh and blood are dead inside
The gross anatomy can still be applied
To raise the stakes of medicine's breadth
These choice cuts ours, until death
Our work is to die for so don't be a knave
Choke on it and go back to the grave
3. Gutless
Addressing inequities in inadequate techniques
Surgical procedures, involved and unique
My knife is a brush for a sanguine pallette
Create a masterpiece with some bone and a mallet
Hysterectomies for those who are insane
Severing meninges to balance the brain
Trephan the skull for a nervous disorder
Tapping the vein to expunge fever
Excoriate bubos with brand and cleaver
Our professors believe we're out of order
Suffering spinalectomies
Their bellies, jaundiced
Fusty minds, cowardly
You're gutless
Feint of heart and lothly
With enfeebled stomachs
Lily-livered and rafty
You're gutless
Without the risk, there's no reward
We must experiment on our wards
To elevate our science
We will operate in defiance
Committed to impuning progress
Judicial officials are made to egress
Our critics are given the axe
The needs of many outweigh the few
Profficide required for us to continue
The research of cold, dead facts
Restraining philistines
Facing final justice
Exscinding to the spine
You're gutless
Liberating omentum
Of an aristarchus
Usefulness just begun
You're gutless
Without the risk, there's no reward
We must experiment on our wards
To elevate our science
We will operate in defiance
Moral objectors will lose their tongues
And guts and bones and brains and teeth and lungs
Till they're gutless
4. Theatre Of Operations
If we make the incision here, we can minimize tissue damage...
He's waking up.
[ Gurgling noise ]
Ah, professor, welcome back to the land of the living...at least...temporarily.
What's that? Cat got your tongue? Oh, that's right. We do. Right here in this jar.
Well you were saying such awful things about us...
Hurry this up, here's a bonesaw.
Alright. We've got to take some other things from you now, professor.
Don't worry. It'll only hurt...until you die.
5. Preservation Of Death
Their censure forced the decision
Their murder forced by incision
With furtive defiance I ended their lives
My allegiance to the scalpel has reshaped mine
Stuck with a codgerie of bodies
My aims have something new to embody
Flasks brimming with nutritive concoctions
To stave off decay and exsiccation
In vials suffused with anti-decomposotes
Concealed organelles, their discovery remote
Preservation of...
A post-mortem view to the nature of
Preservation of...
A looking glass through to the traces of
With our crimes concealed, we've time to reveal
Anatomical dogmas, so far not appealed
In perfect suspension, this gralloch begs the question
Past this mortal coil, can we affect reclamation
Preservation of...
Channels replete through which we aim to cheat death
Preservation of...
To our last breath, pursuing life after death
Information I'll procure from subjects matured
In a gripe's egg of our preserving tinctures
6. Wrought In Hell
An eldritch study to beguile our throng
The irons that now bind us will be proven none to strong
Our asomatic nostrum, we'll work hammer and tongs
My medical bag brims with surgical steel
If they're the tools for the job, my work will reveal
This apparati insufficient, I'll concede
For death to be undone, custom tools we'll need
Smelted steel prepared to be forged
Instruments unimagined before - wrought in hell
Bio-morphic blades cleave whet stones
Slicing effortlessly through bones
Spreaders and clamps and brackets to fasten
For this craft we've found a passion - wrought in hell
To antique equipment we'll not be resigned
Utilizing pieces of our own design
Bunsen burners conflagrate erlenmeyer flasks
Burets are topped with bactericides distilled in casks
Formaldahyde, ether, lividinous tinctures
Medicinal vegetation we've culled
A pestle grinds these pharmaceuticals - wrought in hell
Toxic particulates mixed with saline
The reagent turns a bright shade of green
Through a rebreather, the stench is dulled
As bellows are topped with chemicals - wrought in hell
With tubing and pipe set into place
This spectre of death we'll attempt to erase
Tangled leads are wound around kaleidoscopic brains
Wherein probes are intromitted in constipated veins
Transformer required to break mortal constrains
Turbines spin generating kinetic flow
Conductive kneck bolts will direct the current to go
AC/DC, electrical, jump-start the physiological
My medical bag brims with that we have decreed
The tools of reanimation, now our work can proceed
New innovations to revivify all things rotten
Hearts will be made to pulse again with tools wrought in...
7. Resurrectionists
A hammer to drive the chisel in
A chisel to alter bone and skin
An algid stiff to now provide
A link to where the soul resides
That still hearts should pulse with ichor
Is an ethical dilemma to be sure
That a body can be made to function
Is an enigma to decipher without compunction
That the dead may in mere slumber lie
Is a query that begs us to coax a reply
That rotting lungs shall heave with breath
Is truly a matter of life and death
The ressurectionists
The ressurectionists... no more death after life
Augers employed to crack and peel
Gilding steel teeth with paste of bone meal
Their skulls disassembled and scored
With sanguine expectations, meticulously gored
To reconnect nerve filled clusters
Our encaphalic skill, we muster
To reinstate arterial paths
Our hands engage in a blood bath
To reset joint and bone
Our mending powers are hewn
To restart cardial beating
Our defibrullator is heating
The ressurectionists
The ressurectionists... no more death after life
Intra-venously dripping a potion
To rekindle locomotion
Old hat at plundering lifeless shells
But I shall never get used to the smell
Sutures of catgut carefully stitched
Securing intestines in torsal pitch
Along the sciatic, nerves are defrayed
In our conclave, bodies remade
This brain in a solution submerged
From a cranium we've purged
This jellied ganglia to reconnect
From the medulla to the neck
This artery and vein shall rehydrate
From pulmonary functions we'll resuscitate
This human tabula rasa we've sewn
From it, coaxed, secrets to life unknown
The ressurectionists
The ressurectionists... no more death after life
8. The Dead Shall Dead Remain
Our hypothesis carried out on mortal remains
Real-life application tests our conjectures
It seems despite our scientific progress
All we've proven is our abject failures
A foetid stench fills the air
And with a pungent voice declares
Though we prod a cadaver with care
There is no life in there
Altruistic notions aside
And the experiments we've tried
The veracity cannot be denied
There is no cure for those who've died
Rot, waste, spoil, bilge
The cynics did maintain
The dead shall dead remain
Our theory proved insane
The dead shall dead remain
A pallid visage stares in disgust
Through sockets laden with crust
At the bungle it would see in us
If it were not destined to be dust
Turgid corpses received first aid
In our macabre palisade
Volts unleashed in a fussilade
But no twitch from this inert promenade
A canon of soulless masses
Where no animation trespasses
These patchwork men that lie about in heaps
They reaped what we'd sewn, and showed what we reaped
This quartet can no longer sustain
Beleaguered by a fatal admission
Our covent's work in this abbatoir
Blaspheme the sanctity of a physician
Rot, waste, spoil, bilge
The cynics did maintain
The dead shall dead remain
Our theory proved insane
The dead shall dead remain
9. Critical Condition
I'm still registering a flatline on the EKG - no pulse, no BP.
Is this defibrulator even plugged in?
Affirmative, the monitor shows full power.
Increase the drip.
Forget the drip, give me 100 CC's directly into the jugular.
Christ! The infectant's spilling out of his ass.
Abdominal adema -- lower the valve pressure.
Still flatlining, negative brain function.
Ahhh! Remove the ventral sucures and spread the ribs - I'm going directly for the heart.
It's not working.
500 CC's of atrepine now in the right ventricle.
But that's enough to kill him!
Which really isn't a problem, considering he's still dead.
10. Medical Waste
We have stared over the precipice of mortality
And death's gaping maw could not be sated
Our deviant feats could not attain immortality
In shame, we vow our flesh to be uncreated
Putrescence and filth, within our lab and within ourselves
The mocking corpses bloat and distend
This reeking rubbage will dispell
When our lives, by our own hands, we'll dutifully end
In vaporous rooms, veins swell to burst
Anasthesia is applied
Scalpels lick our forearms and wrists
Doctor assisted suicide
Caught in the act, we are red-handed
From the antibrachium, flesh is disbanded
Anti-coagulants of our invention
Will ensure no bloodflow retention
Goblets are filled with the reagent
Our work's micturation
A toast is raised to time spent
On failed experimentation
Noxious salves enkindling throats
Congealing on tongues in coats
With instruments we have fathered
We'll proceed to disembowel eachother
Fraternal dissection
Detritus of a cold cook... medical waste
Keech of those that were burked... medical waste
Sweetmeats hung from rusted hooks ... medical waste
Maladroit surgical jerks... we're medical wastes
Lacerated midsections... medical waste
Sucking wounds fillling lungs... medical waste
Our avulsed intestines... medical waste
Errorist physicians... we're medical wastes
Our characters are mortally wounded
Teetotaciously rent corporeal shells
And now our blood and grue is self-exuded
For from Icarian heights we fell
11. Dead Alive
Shrouded by this mortal veil, something has gone wrong
Engaging conscious thought, though we are dead gone
A new beginning to the physiological
But as we decompose, the pain is unbearable
Cellular dissolution, structures in decay
Our systems in disarray
Glistening lividity on exfodiating skin
Living decomposition
From beyond the pale, we survive
The pain of being dead alive
Eyeballs exssicate
As moisture dissipates
The epidermis shrinks
As a countenance sinks
No marrow left to slake
Dried bones as they break
Muscles liquify
As the skelature is nullified
The abdomen distends
With noxious gasses that offend
Organs dessicate
A foul odor we execrate
Four disparate minds converge on one theorem
Merits were to be had for our death-defying serum
Decomposing and gutted, our existence it prolonged
Though we have died, still we live on
Post-mortem torturing, immortal suffering
Pain receptors functioning
I am Chris Zewe
Prone amongst detritus without ambulation
No tomb, no rest, no supplication
We suffer while our nervous systems thrive
The pain of being dead alive
We never wanted to revive
The pain of being dead alive
12. Coda Morte