« Diva »
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1 | Frozen Images
 | 2 | Emotional Wound
 | 3 | Flames Of Vanity
 | 4 | Since The First Smile
 | 5 | Tears Of Grief
 | 6 | Moonlight Girl
 | 7 | Judith Heavenwood
 | 8 | Weeping Heart
 | 9 | Frithiof's Saga
 | 10 | Lament |
 | 1. Frozen Images
The wind sang tears for me
As the crow looks sad to me
Am I too young just to see
Remembering the days we pass
And the others who we condemned
Is this the price for negativity
Feed my wound, holy child
Why you're gone, holy child
Embrace the cold tranquility
The sun sa |
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 Не знаю, почему до сих пор никто не рецензировал данный альбом - по мне. Diva является одной из лучших работ в стиле doom-death. Работа эта имеет много общего с парадайсовским Gothic, только Heavenwood не используют женский вокал. На альбоме присутствует чистый вокал, но он играет эпизодическую роль, балом правит гроул. Качество записи хорошее, что не особенно характерно для начинающих групп. О музыке : как было выше сказано, Heavenwood похожи на ранних парадайсов, но у них больше места отведено клавишам. Также не могу не отметить великолепную работу лидер-гитариста(в рамках жанра), большинство мелодий запоминается с первого раза и потом их очень сложно выкинуть из головы. В целом мы имеем отличый дум, прослушав который не хочется идти вешаться в сортире. |
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Несмотря на все обвинения в клонировании саунда Paradise Lost, "Diva" звучит в разы монументальней и стократ ярче в своей мелодике, нежели любой из альбомов британцев. Нет, не поймите меня неправильно, не расценивайте сие заявление как признание в нелюбви к PL, просто этот альбом действительно великолепен. То переливающимся журчащим ручьем, то могучей полноводной рекой, то накрапывающим осенним дождем вливается эта музыка в сознание слушателя и словно бы подчиняет его своим законам существования. Зачем спешить? Или, что важнее, куда? И чтобы спокойно слить в одной песне несколько творческих задумок, вовсе не обязательно устраивать калейдоскопическую смену риффов и мелодий. Нет, каждый завершенный гармоничный проигрыш нужно повторять снова и снова, чтобы дать слушателю в достаточной мере насладиться происходящим. Просто нужно не бояться писать композиции подлиннее. Но и здесь необходимо соблюдать баланс - ни про одну из песен нельзя сказать, что она затянута. Кроме того, несмотря на присутствие в команде клавишника, радует тот факт, что ведущую роль играют гитары, и наиболее красивые и цепляющие партии принадлежат им. Все же чувствуется прошлое группы, в котором Heavenwood носили достаточно банальное название Disgorge, и были одной из первых мелодик-дэтовых групп в мире. Но смена названия и стиля на более суровый и эмоциональный дум-дэт только пошла им на пользу. А еще у этих португальцев был в руках дополнительный козырь - исключительно правильный, обволакивающий гроулинг Эрнесто Гуэрры, подкрепленный ненадоедающим чистым вокалом гитариста Рикардо Диаса. Ну и, как подведение итога - наилюбимейшие песни: "Since the First Smile", "Frozen Images" и "Frithiof's Saga". |
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просмотров: 18503 |
As the days pass tormently
But nothing erase your heart in mine
Another loose, another faith has gone
Forever dommed, what have you done
Am I too young to understand you
Feed my wound, holy child
Why you're gone, holy child
Embrace the cold tranquility
Did you remember us
On your last days
Was the pain so strong
When temptation striked on you
2. Emotional Wound
My soul is tired like the evening sun
It is night and the moon is full
In this place alone I am
Hoping to see behind the dawn
In this dark and long winter of torment
I'm passing through
In sadness I will dwell
Hoping to see any light to fade away
Haunted by dreams dressed in black
Embraced within them and in their loneliness
Searching for serenity
Within my deepest inner sould
When pleasure is found
Ecstatic I will be
And no more will I hold this
Overwhelming sadness
I log for scarlet days
Of pleasures and delight despite that being
So insipid and unreal in this gloomy future
That is approaching so fast
I will have to resignate myself to this
And stand embraced (in solitude)
... and surrounded by loneliness
And void feelings so lost until the day
When maybe all will understand...
3. Flames Of Vanity
The wrath of your demon
Embrace your fear and conquer my heart
The await for silence
Thy peaceful heart is turn so dark...
You choose to walk that way
Alhtough my deepest fear
I asked for you to stay
Twin soul is not so near
Face the day
And swallow your pride
Words to day
And to forget
The wisdom...
Was sold for free
Maybe is lost
Innocence is lost
Torn my soul apart
Feed your freedom with sears
Let the day begin
Since the bright of your love stoped to shine
... with scars
To worship your tongue
In our fullmoon nights
The dreams of a loveform
Hidden under my vanity
4. Since The First Smile
The days are passing by
Lost times so cruel
My heart is fall apart
Every time I see you
Hard words I cannot speak
No tongue to spell it
I gazed in your smile
Since the first you did
The time is running out
I've waited so long
As the walls are falling down
(to make) her smile again
That certain way you stood
Apart fromm all the rest
Won't you come and show to me
Your precious smile again
The days are passing by
Lost times so cruel
My heart is fall apart
Every time I worship you
You are the air to me
But (without you) I can't breath
Sometimes I wonder Why
(oh why) I'm still loving you...
5. Tears Of Grief
Hiding my feelings
So deep inside
Taking to the Outside
Cause Within I mourn
Pictures of what used to be
Invading my thoughts
Silent whispers of past moanings
(Are) All I bear within my dreams
Now all is gone...
Embraced in solitude I am
No one to Caress my Wounds
And cherish my pain
Like a candle burning within the night
You were my light within the darkness
That surrounded my soul
In this reality you vanished
Leaving me with sorrow
Now all is gone...
6. Moonlight Girl
Hey, hey, hey... now now
Where your shadow walk alone
Hey, hey, hey... now now
Where your heart beats no more
Hey, hey, hey... now now
Where your soul fly away
Hey, hey, hey... now now
Where your lips kissed the grave
But you still cry in vain
Remembering life again
You have sold your soul
To the mystic, frightening night
Girl of the unknown
I desire you know... tonight
You keep on walking alone
Through the moorish valley of dreams
You have sold your soul
To the mystic, frightening night
Girl of the unknown
I desire you know... tonight
7. Judith Heavenwood
Walking so lost
In the cold and dark forest
I gazed upon light
Shimmering in the horizont
Beyond the trees
I felt compeled
To walk into this light
Hidden beneath the bushes
I gasped as I saw
What was creating
This gloomy sight
A woman, so fragile
And perfect lines had she
So beauty and white
Was her pretty face
She gazed upon my eyes
and called me next to her
Without thinking I obeyed
Come, come to me
Don't be afraid
With such a voice
So pure and soft
I felt so weak
Listening to her
Naked before me
Lying in the leaves so pure
She invited me to lay down
With her and touch her body
So warm and soft were here breasts
So hot was she, within her legs
I sink my body within hers
I touched heaven and paradise
Her moan brought me such delight
As I never felt before
When the peak was reached
I rested beside her
So calm and happy were we
That we felt asleep
When I woke up
All alone and weary
I noticed I was in a
Clearing outside the forest
Then appeared a young girl
And she said to me:
Beware the gost of lady
Judith HeavenWood
Wandering in the forest of
Then I saw a scarf wrapped in my hand
With the inscriptions J.H.
8. Weeping Heart
Under doleful Skies
She was gone forever and ever
Gone without a beartful farewall
Erased for all eternity
Who blame you now
Memories was my only joy
For a moment I feared myself
As my strength is falling down
Lost, condemned, eternally
Who blame you now
No more tears of blood
From my mystic Queen
The one I enthroned
Goddess of my destiny
Who blame you now?
9. Frithiof's Saga
Under the caress of the mountain prospered
Two mortals which al beheld
Never surrending before them
Al happening in a horrifying manner
One, proud as a god
Raised high his head for heaven
Bold and brave, the hunter
(of that forest, he was alone)
The other, sweet as a rosary
Despite being arrested by the winter (Season)
Which coldness makes anyone fall
Still then (she stubornly rose her head) with lovee
For despite the unleashed storm
Their beauty and love
(were the truth to their union)
'Cause after uncovering the sun
Were they still holding one another
Both living in happiness
The boy in his youth was Frithiof
Beauty young... Ingesburge
Was the maiden of his dreams
Both so sweet as Brunhilde
That Freya, goddess of love
Watned them to live in her mansion
And so, were they both shelted without delay
The moon undone in moonlight
Near the forest, they danced
Without knowing what has been
Embraced together through the flames of the night
When he understood the signs
Frithiof, happier than a god
Felt in intensive happiness
when he met his newly bride
10. Lament
Perhaps some day you'll be old enough
To tell me what you think of it...
But I shall (probably) be too deaf to hear
And too old to understand a word you say
(But I shall always be at your side)