Demolition Hammer
« Tortured Existence »
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1 | .44 Caliber Brain Surgery 04:28
 | 2 | Neanderthal 05:04
 | 3 | Gelid Remains 05:23
 | 4 | Crippling Velocity 05:45
 | 5 | Infectious Hospital Waste 05:01
 | 6 | Hydrophobia 03:10
 | 7 | Paracidal Epitaph 05:30
 | 8 | Mercenary Aggression 03:25
 | 9 | Cataclysm 05:52
 | | Total playing time: 43:42 |
   Steve Reynolds - vocals, bass
James Reilly - guitars
Derek Sykes - guitars
Vinny Daze - drums |
 | 1. Crippling Velocity
Squalid conditions, unsanitary
Vermin, infested, dwellings ordinary
Plagued rats, lice and fleas
Cohabitating human race
Subliminal terror spawns
Onslaught of the plague, mass extermination
Mourning, and sickness, disease and prevalent
Invading, bacilli
Eradicating a |
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 Добро пожаловать в начало девяностых. Переизданный дебют этой американской команды работает как хорошая машина времени – с первых же звуков альбома становится ясно, откуда эти ребята и в какое время творили. Довольно стандартный трэш-дэт в их исполнении вызывает улыбку своей наивным мальчишеским максимализмом, но в игре чувствуется серьезный подход и недюжинный потенциал. Приятные, не слишком заумные соло, общая слаженность музыкантов, запоминающиеся мелодии, вокал в духе Чака Шульдинера – вроде бы музыка достаточно интересная, но как ни крути, а материал все-таки устарел. Все это мы слышали и уже успели наслушаться. Разве что поклонникам духа того времени альбом будет действительно интересен, да и то с чисто ознакомительной целью, поскольку работа на шедевр все же никак не тянет. Невнятное оформление, радикальные стандартные тексты и вызывающее ностальгию фото музыкантов вполне соответствуют музыке. В общем, это переиздание – историческое пособие для тех, кто истосковался по былым временам. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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просмотров: 14779 |
Hysterical panic builds
High fever, chills and buboes boil
Lymph nodes swell, inflicting blackened pain
Delirium, violent emerods
Blood letting fails to ostracize
Septicemic human bordered death
Black death consumes populace at
Crippling velocity
Chaos reins supreme in plague ravaged cities
Disease was thought to be punishment
Livid spots, black and blue
Retribution smote from God
Ulcerated carbuncles
Pandemic rages on,galloping consumption
Hundreds then thousands of victim perishing
Tolling bell chronicles
Perpetual stream of death
Terminal pestilence
Infected rats die, spitting blood
Certain indication coming death
Corpse carrier drawn from the lower ranks
Those left alive apprehensive thoughts
Engendered in their burning tortured minds
Abhor and shun contact with the sick
Lesions, erupting skin
Mortified closes in
Panoramic Hell
Enthralled upon us with
Crippling velocity
[Leads Sykes, Reilly]
No one left to bear surmounting carnage
To rivers, and pits, places of internment
Infinite carcasses
Superficial burial
Overcrowded sepulcher
Putrefying stench of decaying bodies
Purple black, boundless atrocity
Afflicted children
Perish in abandonment
Immeasurable calamity
"Bring out your dead" dispose of them
Conveyed by the caravan of death
Progressive outbreak of disease
Apocalyptic nemesis
Horrifying drama of the plague
Black death consumes populace at
Crippling velocity
2. Infectious Hospital Waste
Red bag in the tide
Unknown origin
Deadly contents
A floating pile of pestilence
No one suspects
The impending plague
Imposing multitudes
Lethal strain
Swept in by tide
Epidemic coincides
Bulging contagious
Infectious hospital waste
Blood via tidal wave
Lab rats culminate
A festering reservoir
Putrid menstrum
Gushing sea of pain
Corrosive genesis
Serum death
Cultures decompose
Healing implements erode
Coastline reaping
Infectious hospital waste
Low tide, revealing a display so vile
Preys upon the unsuspecting
AIDS, link vials of unknown serum beached
By deliberate acts of dumping
Virus, absorbed by a school of fish
Wields a cuisine of demise
Caustic, wide spread harmful influence
Of microscopic agents
[Lead Sykes]
E.P.A. denies
Raging venomous decline
Of the ocean's infestation
Certain death compels
Irritating toxic smells
Beaches wreaking sick intent
Greed, constitutes lies
Pay off complete
Now it's too late
Barge, eludes a mandate
Clinical waste
Caustic shoreline
Scum, cripples a beach
Toxic release
Germ tainted torrent
Hydraulic death
[Lead Reilly]
3. .44 Calibre Brain Surgery
Incarcerated by my fear, paranoia
I'm condemned to live a wretched life
Confinement in a sterile world isolation
Disconjunction with society
Boiling my food to exhume the parasites
Diet infectious
Water flowing through, filters for distilling
Organisms infesting
Oxygen tanks, a breathing apparatus
Perpetuates vitality
Beleaguered by repulsion of defilement
Functional disorder of the mind
Obsessive aberration of absolute purity
Neurotic compulsion
Accursed affliction
Gnawing lamentation
Deteriorating intellect
Distortion of perception
Self proclaimed diagnosis
Drastic resolution
Self prescribe a red hot slug
White knuckle pistol grip
Load the chamber, hammer cocked
Jam the barrel in my mouth
Need a reprieve from my misery
Unrelenting anxiety
All ask is one final plea
.44 caliber brain surgery... surgery
[Leads Sykes, Reilly]
Purgatorial euphorium
Banish my affliction
Lead forged entry wound, exempting me from
Melancholic psychosis
Cybernetic annihilation
Finally set me free
Released from my coma, denied death's crushing jaws
Prolonged tortured existence
Informed by physicians, an amateur lobotomy
Deprived of an autopsy
Psychotic abortion
Grey matter negated
Premeditated remedy
Procedure of extremity
Thought I had a master plan
.44 in my hand
Assassination was my goal
Polluted filthy world a loathe
Suicide with no success
Abolished my obsessiveness
Propelled the cure emphatically
Change convictions radically
Practising without a degree
.44 caliber brain surgery
4. Neanderthal
Progressive evolution
Spawns a hybrid breed
Through natural selection
Neanderthal conceived
Barreled chest and heavy limbed
Bony ridge atop his skull
Beetled brow, immensely strong
Bi-pedal locomotion
Ape man, short statured
Slouching dim wit brute
Homo erectus
Modern sub-species
Packing spears and heavy clubs
Stalking giant prey
Neanderthal attack
A migratory herd
Mammoth charges with malice
Tries to feast upon his death
Armed with a broken ranpike
Impale it's massive chest
Butcher with stone tools
Carcass of their prey
Savage intention
Carnivorous feast commence
[Lead Reilly]
Intruding hostile cave bear
Slay the vicious beast
Snare a wooly rhino in a
Camouflaged abyss
Massive haul of bones in tow
Retreating to his dank abode
Embossing his icy lair
With a skull and bone complex
Slaughter for pleasure
Instinctively possessed
Killing the symbol
Of his dominance
Skulls of fallen enemies
Crushed by scathing blows
Mastication of their flesh
Burn the bones for fuel
Human bone, cut, smashed and charred
Neanderthal has left his mark
Severed heads, disjointed limbs
Cannibalic butchery
Emerge, cro magnon
A higher form of life
Violent, fierce battle
Neanderthal's demise
5. Mercenary Aggression
The wars that they wage
With violent murderous rage
The hungry soldiers of fortune
Care not who they oppose
Relentless assault
Of assassins for hire
Destroying at will
All that stand in their way
Specialists in destruction
Is their life's only function
Mercenary onslaught will be
Brought down on you
Mercenary aggression
Devastation obsession
Countless victims cry out
Against their brutal oppression
Forced into bondage
Their captors show them no mercy
They fear the wrath of mercenary aggression
Ruthless brigade
Dealing tactics of pain
Planning their strategies
Of bludgeon at strife
With a government issued
Contact of death
They attempt to besiege
A tyrant deranged
Insurmountable impact
Gladiatorial combat
Politicians terrorist
Soon fall their prey
Mercenary aggression
Infiltration prevention
Ammunition repels
Military contention
Disarming a strong hold
With chaotic precision
Overthrow a regime with
Mercenary aggression
[Lead Sykes]
6. Hydrophobia
Outcast wretched mongrel hound
Roaming canine madness
Incisors ripping painful force
Viciously clamps down
Rabid vector, fit of violence
Unprovoked assault
Bloodstained lethal quadruped
Poised for attack
Viral laden infected saliva
Contaminates your wounds
Plundering your neural tract
Genetic genocide
Bearing a trifling insignificant
Mad dog puncture wound
You realize not the tortured Hell
You're about to be put through
Broken skin
Rabid jaws, contaminate, rabies
Viral plague
Infiltrates, spinal cord
Foaming mouth
Boiling spit, fevers rage, rabies
Mania, compulsive, rabid death
[Leads Reilly, Sykes]
Rescinding incubation
Plague ascends to the brain
Torrid fever seething, furnace in your head
Frothy secretions spill and dribble
From your gasping mouth
Voice distorted, phonetics like a human dog
Hydrophobic spasms, deny your greed for water
Your face depicts a mask of terror
Drooling uncontrolled
Interment mental derangement
Exploding from restraints
Bicuspid flailing brute creation
Veracious rabid feast
[Repeat 2nd verse]
Your last mortal hours spent
Bound to a post
7. Parasital Epitaph
Pathogenic bio-weapons
More devastating than atomic warfare
War machine fueled by disease
Specters of epidemic
Regions, condemned by contamination
No hope, for future habitation
Terminal plague destroying all in it's path of demise
Micro soldiers, infiltrate life
Consuming mankind from within
Cities topple, ruin and dust
Desolate barren remnant
Secretly dispensed on agriculture
Infester by native populace
Vegetation breeding death
Mass killing of civilians
Virulent vapors immolate
No cure habitat corrodes
Deadly pestilence escalates
Your immune system can't revitalize
Fermenting in a noxious gas
Pernicious toxin neuro massacre
Brutal parasital epitaph
Prophylactics vaccine desist
Systematic death of vital ballations
Inoculations cease to deter
Caustic malignant disease
Elaborate, precautions involved in handling
Containment, essential discharge forbidding
Extreme caution, potential risk of mass suicide
Anthrax laden cattlefeed cakes
Fueling impending decay
Fallen livestock embody foul spores
Festering murderous heaps
Microscopic iconoclast
Infestation of nations reservoirs
Contaminating water supply
Toxic liquid virulence
8. Gelid Remains
Searing with the pain of ravaged world
Destined to collide
Struggle, in vain, to exist
Knowing you soon will die
Unable to accept, your forthcoming death
Burial a crime
Carbonizing cremation
Consummation horrified
Double insulated stainless tanks
Liquid nitrogen
Housed, within a concrete vault
Preservation capsule
Biological suspension
Sub-zero bloodless state
Hypodermic continment
Deanimating life
Is your only chose
No hope for cure
Injected with
Perfusing your body
Another frozen corpse
awaiting resurrection
Desperate human beings
Mortal guinea pigs
Dreams of cheating death
Experimenting, freezing
Waiting, thawing
Life extension
through neuro preservation
Human souls on ice
Recessisting metabolism
Flesh solidified
Pumped with anti-freeze substitute solution
Minus 320
Sub-zero capsule
Preserving tissue
Sustained by cryostat
[Leads Sykes, Reilly, Sykes, Reilly]
Immortality seeking customers
Repressing destiny
Gelid remains, residing in
Eternal dormancy
Cryonicists maintain a frigid cannister
Metallic sarcofagi
Animation suspended
Carnage petrified
[Repeat 2nd verse]
9. Cataclysm
Solar holocaust
Accumulating frost
An icy tomb awaits you
Polar caps build
Glaciers rumble from the poles
Ice covered regions
Earth's crust
Frigid tundra syndrome
Massive bergs surmount
Humongous body count
Instant termination
Gouging, erosion
Tons of ice, never thaw
Wide spread permafrost
Imprisoned by stalagmites
Frozen heritage
Petrified oceans
Crushing weight of glaciers
Frozen magnitude
Massive glacial scour
Mosaic of inertness
Frigorific mass
Bitter cold persist
Crustal deformation
Catastrophic blizzard
Abrasive fragments gouge
Frost bitten limbs
Fossilized life form
Ragged, perimeter
Abuts Black Sea
Absolute zero
Impaled by needle ice
Avalanche ensuing
Crystalized catacombs
Expansive power of pack ice
Retreat to the Equator
(Tundra Trudge)
[Lead Sykes]