 Знакомтесь, ARALLU, Израильские "Тру" Блекари из Иерусалима. Так как и я являюсь гражданином этой страны, могу потвердить что Блэк тут не только существует но и процветает. На местной сцене берут лидерство 4 группы: Arafel - Русские, играющие Folk Black Metal по всем традициям ныне играющим в этом стиле групп из России, Melechesh - Которые представляют смесь Трэша, Блэка и... Восточной музыки, Bartholomeus Night - Так называемый Израильский Мардук, и ARALLU, о них же будем говорить.
Перед нами группа-легенда на местной сцене. В первую очередь, из-за своей ультра сатанической идеологии которая не принимает все "Одно-богие" :) религии вместе с ритуалами, из-за которых группа имела дело с полицией. Кроме того, два года назад был похищен брат солиста. Сам же солист прославился тем, что он сам поехал спасать брата в южную америку. Операция удалась.
А теперь о музыке, перед нами дебютный альбом этой группы. Качество записи оставляет желать лучшего. Но для Блэка такого рода это не так уж и плохо. Сама музыка представляет дикую смесь Треша и Дэта на фоне гитаро-барабанной долбёжки Блэк металическго рода. Но самая главная фишка этого альбома - это ближне-восточние музыкальные фрагменты, которые дают понять слушателю их корни. Кстати, эти мотивы будут развиватся и в следующих альбомах.
Лирика - большая ненависть ко всему святому, Иерусалим представляет Поклонение Сатане (Он Это любит :) и мечты о забытых месопотамских богах. (Наш ответ на Bathory :) ) Мне лично не очень понравилось.
Итог - Альбом достаточно хорош. Начало развития восточных тем добавит в будущем больше позитивной оригинальности. |
God of demons, we are your sons
We will do what you command us
He sat on an evil throne
Evil throne and he screaming
I wont sacrifice.
Fire, the bloody witch, she burn!!!!
Nothing will ever stop the pain
Only the cold freezing death
The rippers boat gets closer
In a river of blood
As he holds a sword in his hand
Red dragon spilling blood
with a warriors on him
came to stop the ripper
from taking a mortal souls
The warrior start the battle
Satans fog was everywhere
And Butchered came from Egypt gate
To Jerusalem
I wake up the morning after ,feeling that its over
Riding the roads and observing ,seeing flashbacks
I know that it will be back ,but we had our chance
We had brought it on ourselves
"lO LASHALOM - KEN LAMILHAMA" (no for peace - yes for war)
They remember and know what happened!
Not! their choice, but our destiny
They chose and they shall accept
Gods worshipers are getting stronger
How can it be???
Theres no way out , a few years and heres the past
The morbid shadow floats from above
Maybe thats our sign for the end
And you shall see my promise when it ends!
This is the war that will not be forgotten
I hear the screams of the dead
Calling me to join them
The warriors of hell are on my leading way.
Broken bodies on the ground!
There is blood , blood ,blood
Massacre, Lebanon, we wo nt forget
Satan sent me to his war
My demons take the souls
And strengthen the master
The souls of the dead unite!
The power will come forth
I see the fire , see the distraction
Black skies, blood and flesh
Butchered, slautghters
With his sword of death!
Open the gates of hell!
Bring in the demons!
War , war , war- this is the way...
Mesopotamian Genie (5)
Demons call me through the night
Hate and evil go inside
The devil killing all around
The armageddon is done
Master of the dead
Death of one
The killing has just begun
The rotting people of hell
Are in darkness
Silent and pain of horror
Is war
Is war!!!
The fear came
Life cant be the same
I am the Butchered (6)
Barbarian Bloodshed
I see the black shadows staring at me
Im freezing alone
Something holds me
Eats me from inside
Blood spills from my hands
I see the inverted cross
Rotting before me
Curse the genii
I feel I want my powers back
Forces that only I can use
Save me demons from the black wings
Save me father, save me satan!!
Save me satan!!
All will came back
And the Butchered came from the dead
With the devils sign- PENTAGRAM
Now no one will survive!!!
Satanic Birth In Jerusalem (7)
War of the gods, end of the world
The gate is been opened
Something has fallen behind the mountian
Looking closely ,one can see the red sperm
Spilled and heading our way
Here comes the death blow !
Satan smiles and orders the destruction of the world
His warriors turn into zombies, whose souls are on fire
I suddenly feel lonely, not comprehending what has happened
I hear a siren and fall asleep , then awaken with a bloody sword
I feel nothing ,but the souls of the massacred
Strengthen me.
I look up the sky ,fall down on my knees and shout
I enter the gate and see the burning pentagram
Lucifer leads the way for me to the battle
No feeling but raging fury
Desire to kill all the opponents
And deliver their souls to my deamons
The skies are angry with us
Humans are were vessels in his game
The warriors of hell takes the war to victory
And knows they will pay for their sins
Message Of Evil World (8)
We look at the sky
We see the other world
A stronger light falls on us
Get us closer to him
In the next millennium
We see the world come above us
Something opens, a ball of fire
Arises on everything
Spills red sperm on the earth
It gives birth to evil warriors
And human beings are nothing
I see the sign to the black worlds
Burn, burn, burn, burn,burnd!!
Open the gate of the mysterious world
I got the curse of death from him
Makes me messenger on the earth
Evil world
My Hell (9)
Black night, darkness surround
Only Butchered is searching for blood
Black night, darkness surround
Black night, children lie
In total coma- awake!
Now the shadow rises
Above your only son
Cry motha' he's gonna die
Your gonna cry for hell
Satan`s War (10)
This is the black moment of the full moon
Runing in the woods , looking for the weapons
Sitting on my knees , the victim in my hands (bleeding)
Screaming for mercy!
All around inversed crosses
Dripping blood on the wall
Staring at me ,with their souls!
Getting my power from their souls
I'm collecting those souls ,who betrayed me
In war!
This is satan's war!!!
Of the demons!!
Satan captured me , burned my soul in hell
Father is staring, say to the genie
This is your messenger, help him
Help him to find those angels of god
Who betrayed him
Blood red holy land
Help me to find
The burnt souls in Arallu's hell
Open the gate to Arallu
Messiah of all evil
This is satan's war!!!
Kill The Traitor (Instrumental) (11)