Pungent Stench
« Masters of Moral, Servants of Sin »
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1 | Loot, Shoot, Electrocute 02:15
 | 2 | School's Out Forever 05:29
 | 3 | Diary Of A Nurse 04:14
 | 4 | The Convent Of Sin 05:25
 | 5 | Rex Paedophilus 03:54
 | 6 | Retaliation 04:36
 | 7 | Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me 05:32
 | 8 | Viva Il Vaticano 05:24
 | 9 | Mortuary Love Affair 05:24
 | 10 | The Testament Of Stench 05:05
 | | Total playing time 47:18 |
   Martin Schirenk (Don Cochino) - vocals, guitars
Marius (Reverend Mausna) - bass
Alex Wank (Rector Stench) - drums |
 | 1. Loot, Shoot, Electrocute
charged for murder
fingerprints agree
searched my home for evidence
cause for this offense
I am the scapegoat for authorities
a suspect without alibi
testimonies were utmost doubtful
still they sentenced me to death
on the chair
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 Реюнионы, возвращения к корням – события, к которым я отношусь с недоверием. Изменения к лучшему или худшему – естественный процесс для команды, любой ход чаще всего предпочтительней умышленной стагнации. А если группа распалась, то где пребывала со времени распада и почему вернулась именно сейчас? Применительно к «Masters Of Moral, Servants Of Sin» подход возможен с разных сторон: реюнион, но Ширенк и не уходил со сцены; возвращение к корням стиля, но не своим. Движение – верно, команда ранее не играла стандартный дэт-металл, но теперь ничего нового в нем не открыла. И результат вышел двоякий: с одной стороны, качественный европейский смертельный металл, во всей красе, лучше и быть не может! С другой, стандартный настолько, что непонятно, почему именно ему, а не нынешним Vader, Belphegor или Hate, следует отдать предпочтение, если уж мне надоела классика стиля. Возникает-таки мысль - не взлетом ли популярности восточно-европейских коллективов вызвано вторичное появление глумливых венцев на сцене? Но все познается в сравнении, и аргументы в пользу Pungent Stench могут звучать так: отсутствие каких-либо признаков излишней эксплуатации жанра, хороший, вызывающий улыбку сарказм при хорошем английском словаре (язык неожиданно усложнился в сравнении с доходчивыми тезисами вроде «My aim - punishment – pain, my will - torture - kill» из раннего творчества), и авторитет одной из "команд-первопроходцев" континента. То, что альбом не даст скучать по ходу прослушивания, так же верно, как и то, что он вылетит из головы, едва время звучания подойдет к концу. Да и, на мой вкус, звук суховат – негоже смачным некогда австрийцам звучать, как выжатый лимон. Не убедительно? Я тоже так думаю. А за этим как-то теряется брутальная десятая композиция, как бы намекающая на предпринятое, хотя и с поправками, возвращение к качевому медленному риффу со следующего альбома. |
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«Masters of Moral, Servants of Sin» – самое большое разочарование от Pungent Stench, не считая последующего распада группы. После предыдущих работ, удивляющих оригинальностью и нестандартным подходом, группа записала свой самый посредственный и предсказуемый альбом в духе стандартного death metal. Для любой другой, особенно начинающей группы, играющей death, данный альбом являлся бы достижением. Но, повторюсь, на фоне предыдущих заслуг Pungent Stench, «Masters of Moral...» смотрится довольно блекло. На альбоме стандартный звук, имеющий мало общего с более ранним звучанием группы, стандартные композиции, предсказуемые соло. Более того, альбом звучит довольно злобно и обладает темной атмосферой, что для творчества Pungent Stench в целом нехарактерно.
Но, не все так плохо, поскольку в рамках обычного death metal альбом звучит убедительно. Прежде всего, для «Masters of Moral, Servants of Sin» характерен жесткий, но не давящий звук и весьма профессиональное звучание. В песнях обилие запоминающихся мелодий и разнообразных переходов, не дающих особо скучать, поскольку продолжительность большинства песен приближается к 5 минутам. Интересны своими зловещими вступлениями «The Convent of Sin» и «Viva II Vaticano» – весьма развернутые композиции. Что ни говори, а музыку Pungent Stench всегда писали интересную. Вокал Мартина стал более низким и звучит очень зло, а тексты характеризует ярко выраженная анти-клерикальность.
В общем, весьма грамотная и качественная работа, уровень которой все же выше среднего. Но каких-либо особых откровений вам здесь не найти. А если учесть год выпуска данного релиза, то становится очевидно, что «Masters of Moral, Servants of Sin» это даже не шаг назад, а куда-то вообще в сторону. Слушая альбом, буквально кожей ощущаешь усталость музыкантов и возникает стойкая ностальгия по-прежнему, неповторимому груву Pungent Stench с необузданным чувством черного юмора и обилием рок-н-ролла. |
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Я не понимаю, зачем было возрождаться ради такого кошмара! Деньги? Ну какие деньги может принести этот дурдом. Боже мой! И ЭТО есть PS, чьи искрометные, оригинальные, брызжущие безудержным драйвом песни радовали нас в начале 90-х? Не верю! Не может этот тягомотный, одуряющий, абсолютно беспомощный музон быть синонимом этой прекрасной группы. Ни в коем случае не покупайте этот идиотический идиотизм, а сразу обращайтесь к их ранним нетленкам. |
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просмотров: 13263 |
from a priest
ransom for the beast
washed my body
shaved my head
no more tears to shed
plugged the power
took my life
fried my ass at five
2. School's Out Forever
I wake up in the middle of the
voices in my head trying to
the burning hate that's driving me
grabs my mind and strikes my soul with
covered in sweat
stomach upset
no more sleep
cum on the sheet
slimy excrete
I just cut my skin to gain
shed my blood to wash away the
scribe inverted crosses on my
then I purge my bowels and I get
start out to school
wrathful and cruel
no more grace
snatched up from
put on my trench coat and grab my father's gun
a sawed-off rifle is a guaranty for fun
a king-sized box of ammunition 'cause I'm smart
I won't run out of bullets when the party starts
class has begun as I am entering the room
before the teacher starts to bitch I perforate her womb
her torn up innards make a nasty smacking sound
as they spout around my face and hit the classroom's ground
the air is filled with smoke, dead bodies adorn the floor
horrified teenagers are pushing to the door
I pump a bullet into every single head
But I won't go to jail and kill myself instead
3. Diary Of A Nurse
Daddy's gone
left his spawn
he won't return before dawn
she's the nurse
she's perverse
by the end of night you'll need a hearse
trapped with this furious hag
the children start to cry
no rescue anywhere
they know they have to die
as she scents
she smears the shit with her hands
in their eyes
on their thighs
sharing that feast with the flies
their screams increase her lust
excite her hideous greed
the aspect of disgust
the pleasure to stampede
this is how the story goes
in it's entire glory
she takes off all her clothes
first she spreads her flabby butt
and makes them lick her twat
When her juices start to flow
she's reaching for her bag
to get her whetted hoe
ruthless is the attack
as the nanny begins to hack
children's blood got spilled tonight
body parts adorn the room
what a vision of delight
with her long finger nails
she rips out their entrails
now that her work is done
there's no more screaming
she had a lot of fun
now comes the cleaning
she picks the children up
slowly and placid
dissolves their corpses in
sulfuric acid
the sun comes up and she has to scoot
before the cops embark the pursuit
inside her head the memories remain
of all these naughty kids she had slain
4. The Convent Of Sin
This is the convent of sin
The clerics are touching the skin
of the novices - salivating with evil grin
who joined to study catholic creed
and despise all sexual deed
but chaplains are goatish & horny indeed
the spirit is willing
but the flesh is weak
sexual intercourse
suck it - bon appetite
harassment is the norm
fornication at the convents dorm
religious education in it's purest form
read the bible and try to spell
Amen the clerical trousers swell
Satisfaction of needs for sinners of hell
The spirit is willing
But the flesh is weak
Give head suck the
Convents whoring clique
So praise the lord
And please his servers
This lascivious horde
Pastor or geek
A catholic prick
That needs to leak
So take a shower
Warm and golden
At the convents tower
Suck in the stall
During the mass
And swallow it all
Is it Sodom or Gomorrah?
What kind of whoredom
It is penis plethora
The convent of lust
The final doctrine
In cock we trust
The path of the rector
Call it anal or backdoor
He's a rectal inspector
Accept his benediction
This is no fiction
Praise sexual addiction
Sodomy behind convent walls
Grand excess in holy halls
Masturbate in the confessional
& cum into the passional
5. Rex Paedophilus
Infants are virginal, incorrupt, innocent, so nice
their laughing and merriness that's my sugar & spice
I abandon myself to vice
to say it the least precise
my cock got mirrored in their eyes
At work they call me rector with a constant smile
come to me boys and girls in single file
don't act foolish & hostile
my cock's a gun and most versatile
I am the pastor with the paedophile smile
my cocks on fire
a natural religious desire?
Black & white and even mex
crown me - paedophile rex!
I like them more than other men do
intimate and deep without any taboo
making me cum and praying thank you
to their father, holy pastor mr. screw
Some call me bogeyman some call me children's fan
some think I am vile others a preacher in proper style
but always with a paedophile smile
I keep all their predilections
on analysis file
to make their service worthwhile
6. Retaliation
Baptized in excrements
I am the chosen one that brings salvation
The scourge of him who owns your souls
Defecating flame of god - chastisement
I bathe my leprous limbs in blood
read the prevision in my guts - world demise
Receive the holy communion
And share the corpse of Christ with me - taste his flesh
Fervent angel - I'm breathing fire
Acid is pouring through my veins
putrid bringer of retaliation
sanctify the human blain
pest control of our creator
I purge the bowels of the earth
strip the skin of every traitor
blood stained from vaginal birth
and outrage
has venomed
the shameless
the root of
all evil
no hope for
killing spree - relentless gutting
visitation for your sins
The time has come to face your master
let the massacre begin
to pave my way with bones
to drink the unteachable's blood
to gouge out the eyes of the blind
to bring credence mankind
painful deliverance
tonight everything ends
7. Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me
he's coming for you
there's nothing that you could do
he lurks the night
a ghoul with cruel intentions
waiting for you to cross his way
a predator
greedy for your intestines
enjoying your cries of dismay
run if you can
flee from the boogieman
a cleaver
and a blade
he's watching
in the shade
when you don't watch your back
he grabs you from behind
one well directed hack
blistering and unkind
drags you to his hideout
welcomes you as his guest
no one will hear you shout
when he grubs in your chest
savage routine
medical education
just tell the doctor when it hurts
the final stage
is your annihilation
he scornful grins as your blood squirts
short was your life
stopped with a surgical knife
8. Viva Il Vaticano
We are the force
of Christian believes
the ones who preach the mass
our celibacy
a false pretence
we love to go through your ass
nuns get laid
but rather raped
we just force them without care
we like boys too
from tip to toe
but don't think that's a love affair
all together now
Viva il Vaticano!
Call us priests
or call us saints
leaders of catholic believes
We're God's arm
so listen to us
us - the faith thieves
Read the bible
believe in it
believe what the maker said
sin against God
or sin against us
you'll burn in hell and forever dead
Now all together
Viva il Vaticano!
extended godly arm
the boys from Vatican
their might is right
Catholic delight
as history shows
death to their foes
the holy crusade
in the name of the blade
rape, pillage & burn
last exit - a funeral urn
Vatican's ambition
heathen submission
for every servant of sin
unbeliever, heretic & libertine
they offer death & damnation
or a underage defloration
9. Mortuary Love Affair
the smell of death seasons the air
tonight's the night to leave my darksome lair
the mortuary is my goal
I have this craving for some rotten hole
excitement grasps my sickened brain
and violent throbs my testicular vein
I might be one repulsive creep
doing what I do when everyone's asleep
caress the sallow skin
and taste the cavernous eyes with my tongue
I like it when they perished young
as an anal type of guy
I know those dead assholes tend to be dry
so I brought a tube of K-Y
I screw her all night long
impale her anus and cunt with my dong
and suck on her tits all along
right after I am done
I grab my carving knife for some more fun
for I am just my father's son
I slit her stomach and her bum
truncate her torso 'til my arms feel numb
My work is done when she is sliced
I leave her disgraced body vandalized
10. The Testament Of Stench
Beware of
false prophets
which come to you in
sheep's clothing
but inwardly
they're ravening wolves
Matthew said
I proclaim
Matthew's right
it's great to be a wolf
raging wolf
razorsharp teeth
rip & shred the sheep
Amen Christ
now the works of the flesh are manifest
adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance,
emulations, wrath, strife,
seditions, heresies, envyings, murders,
drunkenness, revellings, and such like:
of the which I tell you before,
as I have told you in time past,
that they which do
such things
shall not inherit
the kingdom of God.
Saint Paul the Apostle
wrote to the Galatians
and I'd say
he's almost right!
the works of the flesh are manifest
indeed our goal supreme
adultery is advisable
fornication a virtue
definite uncleanness and sexual lasciviousness
the most beautiful ever
Idolator is my vocation
witchcraft my natural gift
Hatred & variance
my Christian Name
Emulation a foreign word
wrath & strife my family name
sedition is my ambition
heresy for you and me
envy for every cent
drink & gorge unlimited
Jesus answered them
verily verily
I say unto you
whosoever committeth
sin is the servant
of sin
aha, soso,
verily verily
you are a smack
I'm a sinner
a hellish sinner
real servant of sin