« Crazy Nights »
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1 | Crazy Crazy Nights
 | 2 | I'll Fight Hell To Hold You
 | 3 | Bang Bang You
 | 4 | No, No, No
 | 5 | Hell Or High Water
 | 7 | When Your Walls Come Down
 | 8 | Reason To Live
 | 9 | Good Girl Gone Bad
 | 10 | Turn On The Night
 | 11 | Thief In The Night
 | | Total playing time: 42:53 |
   Paul Stanley - lead vocals, guitars
Gene Simmons - lead vocals, bass
Bruce Kulick - guitars
Eric Carr - drums
Guest musicians:
Phil Ashley - keyboards |
Produced by Ron Nevison
Recorded at One on One Recording Studios, Canoga Park, CA, by Ron Nevison and Toby Wright, Rumbo Recorders, Canoga Park, CA, by Ron Nevison and Julian Stoll, Can-Am Recorders, Tarzana, CA, by Ron Nevison and Jeff Poe, March - June 1987
Mixed at Can-Am Recorders by Ron Nevison, June & July 1987 |
 | CRAZY, CRAZY NIGHTS - Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell
(Whoow! Here's a little song for everybody out there)
People try to take my soul away
But I don't hear the rap that they all say
They try to tell us w |
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 Вдоволь навеселившись во время долгожданного отпуска, в 1987 году группа Kiss вернулась на большую арену, чтобы в очередной раз поставить на колени всех своих конкурентов. В качестве дополнительного стимула было принято решение немного поменять визуальный имидж коллектива. И действительно, после того буйства ярких красок и безумных нарядов в турне "Asylum", было бы очень сложно придумать что-то более выдающееся на поприще глэмового этикета. Так что Kiss, не долго думая, приняли новые правила игры, и все как один облачились в кожу и цепи. Для полного счастья новый, "металлический" имидж был усилен возвращением группы на многотысячные стадионы и повсеместным применением в концертах пиротехники и прочих визуальных излишеств. Ну а в плане музыки ничего менять уже не было сил, и на новом студийнике "Crazy Nights" все поклонники услышали давно знакомый, но от этого отнюдь не отторгающий хэви-глэм. Впрочем, тут Kiss в очередной раз сработали на ура - запись просто превосходна, каждый инструмент звучит именно, так как он и должен звучать, саунд хлесткий и задорный, прямо-таки немедленно повышающий настроение и в очередной раз воскрешающий ностальгию по 80-м. Но самое главное - хорошенько собравшись с мыслями на отдыхе, группа выдала на суд публики совершенно замечательный набор песен, искать среди которых слабые - занятие очень сложное. Все стопроцентные хиты в количестве трех штук, как обычно, исполняет Пол Стэнли. В их число входят настоящий стадионный гимн всему движению тяжелого рока "Crazy Crazy Nights", потрясающе грустная и мелодичная баллада "Reason To Live" и ураганный глэмстерский боевик "Turn On The Night". Кроме этого просто великолепными вышли сексуальный номер "Bang Bang You", оптимистичный трек "My Way" и совершенно сумасшедшая песня "When Your Walls Come Down". Материал от Джина Симмонса в очередной раз смотрится лишь качественным затыкателем дыр во времени. Хотя вот одну несколько хитовую и чертовски приятную вещь можно отыскать - она называется "Good Girl Gone Bad". Но, тем не менее, будем заканчивать на положительных тонах. "Crazy Nights" - это один из самых лучших, оптимистичных и всесторонне положительных альбомов Kiss в 80-х. Заслуженная девятка. |
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Общепризнанную классику группа записала в 70-е годы. А в 80-х коллектив все больше старался остаться на плаву, в бурных волнах стадионного метала и сотен молодых и жадных до славы групп.
Записав громкий «Creatures of the Night» и смыв грим на “платиновом” «Lick It Up», Kiss смогли возродить карьеру и продержаться следующие 10 лет. Хотя, как принято считать в среде фанатов, глянцевый поп-метал от KISS в те годы был не так хорош.
После ровных «Animalize» и «Asylum» и парочки крепких хит-синглов группа записала образцово-показательный альбом 80-х. Правда, «Crazy Nights» сорвал меньше оваций, чем заслуживал.
Забойные хиты Пола Стэнли «Crazy Crazy Nights», «I'll Fight Hell to Hold You» заводят, как и положено веселым боевикам от Kiss. В этот раз и Джинн Симмонс постарался гораздо лучше, чем на предыдущих релизах (когда он променял бас-гитару на кинокамеру). Во всяком случае, «Good Girl Gone Bad», «Hell or High Water» и «Thief in the Night» - это лучшее, на что сподобился за последние 5 лет. А отменная пауэр-баллада «Reason to Live» и вовсе одна из лучших песен группы в 80-х.
Несколько мягковатый финальный микс Рона Невисона не позволил звучать альбому мощно и плотно, но, тем не менее, это просто отличный диск. И фанат жанра (а уж тем более фан группы) просто не может быть разочарован этой записью. |
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Ну какая тут может быть рецензия! Альбом, практически мгновенно выводящий из состояния грусти и депрессии!
Самые заводные вещи, на мой взгляд - это, конечно, собственно, "Crazy Crazy Nights" и "Turn on the Night". Повторение припева в "Crazy Crazy Nights" в разных тональностях лишь усиливает эффект радостного отрыва! "Turn on the Night" создает ощущение скоростного движения, причем в шумной компании веселых друзей.
Хочется ещё отметить прекрасные сольные гитарные партии, например, в начале трэка "No No No".
Этот замечательный альбом, без сомнения, заслуживает самой высокой оценки - 10 баллов! |
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Депрессия, тоска, отчаяние, груcть - забудьте эти слова, если собрались слушать «Crazy Nights», альбом, до краев заполненный оптимизмом и положительными чувствами, который способнен заставить улыбнуться самого закоренелого пессимиста! В музыкальном плане Kiss не преподносят что-то новое и оригинальное - непродолжительные, довольно простенькие и бодрые мелодии, мелодичное соляки, вокал Стэнли и Симмонса - короче говоря, все фирменные фишки группы на месте. Но это не значит, что композиции однообразны и сливаются воедино, как раз наоборот, каждая из них самодостаточна и легко запоминается. Если же выбирать самые-самые хиты, то это открывающая «Crazy Crazy Nights» (которая в очередной раз доказывает, что все гениальное просто) и безумно красивая баллада «Reason to Live»...
Если вы еще не слышали этот альбом - послушайте, и заряд хорошего настроения как минимум на день вам обеспечен! |
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просмотров: 37681 |
That's alright, we're millions strong
This is my music, it makes me proud
These are my people and this is my crowd
These are crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy nights
These are crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy nights
Sometimes days are so hard to survive
A million ways to bury you alive
The sun goes down like a bad bad dream
You're wound up tight, gotta let off steam
They say they can break you again and again
If life is a radio, turn up to ten
[Chorus] X2
And they try to tell us that we don't belong
But that's alright, we're millions strong
You are my people, you are my crowd
This is our music, we love it loud
Yeah, and nobody's gonna change me
'Cos that's who I am
[Chorus] X2
Chorus Fades Out
I'LL FIGHT HELL TO HOLD YOU - Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell, Bruce Kulick
In a world of doubt and danger, you see it everywhere
Your friends turn into strangers, does anybody care
But when all hope is lost, I'm gonna be there, whatever the cost
When you feel lost
Someone to hold you with all of their might
Through the darkness night, I'll be there
I'll fight hell to hold you, no river too deep or mountain high
I'll fight hell to hold you by my side
I'm gonna fight hell to hold you, till time stands still and worlds collide
I'll fight hell to hold you by my side
Ooh, the jealous and the lonely, they try to keep us apart
But let 'em come between us, that's when the trouble starts
'Cause there's one thing I know, I'll be beside you wherever you go
You can be sure
Someone to carry you into the light, swear with all my might, I'll be there
(ooh, by my side)
'Cause there's one thing I know
I'll be beside you wherever you go
You can be sure
Someone to carry you into the light
Swear with all my might, I'll be
BANG BANG YOU - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child
My love is like a cannonball
I'm takin' aim and you're gonna fall
Don't hide or try to get away
You know the rules and you're gonna play
And we go one, two, three, four
When midnight comes, I'll be at your door
Five, six, seven, eight
Oh, oh, I just can't wait
I'm gonna bang, bang you
I'll shoot you down with my love gun, baby
Bang, bang you
I got you in the heart, you're gonna be mine, yeah
Hands up, reach for the sky
I'll treat you good, 'cause I'm a bad guy
If love's a crime I've got a hundred schemes
I'll be the villain in your book of dreams
(You know what I'm talking about. Ooh, come on!)
Bang, bang you
I'll shoot you down with my love gun, baby
Bang, bang you
I got you in the heart, you're gonna be mine, yeah
(repeats out)
NO, NO, NO - Gene Simmons, Bruce Kulick, Eric Carr
Yeah, I'm down and out
But don't count me out
Listen here babe
Gonna show you what it's all about
It's time for love
And you're welcome to it
It's a dirty job
But somebody's gotta do it
So here I am, do you want me now
Just show me where, and I'll show you how
I wanna know
No, no, no - don't say you won't if you will
No, no, no, no - don't say you've had your thrill
No, no, no - don't say you can't 'cause you can
No, no, no, no - baby don't say no, no, no
What's mine is mine
And yours is mine
Baby just sign on the dotted line
You got nine lives
Like an alley cat
Just stick with me and I'll show you where it's at
You never lied, so take a bow
That was then, babe, and this is now
I wanna know
Just when you thought it was s-s-safe
Gonna show you where, gonna show you how
Don't stop me now, got my foot in the door
Ooh, don't say no! Don't say no! No, no, no!
No, no, no
No, no, no, no
HELL OR HIGH WATER - Gene Simmons, Bruce Kulick
Here I am, all alone, been two days since you've been gone
Three AM, wide awake, yeah I'm lonely, and I can't take it
You win a few, you lose a few, but I can't help missing you
Can't sleep at night, ain't feelin' right, but I'm gonna get to you
Come hell or high water - I'm gonna love you
Come hell or high water - gonna hold you
Come hell or high water - wrap my arms around you
Come hell or high water
Now you're gone, hurt so bad, feelings I have never had
Been so long since you've been mine, now I'm wound in the lost and found
And there you stand, now I know, I'm never gonna let you go
Ain't foolin' around, no, no, gonna make every minute count
Yeah I'm gonna get to you
Gonna love you, hold you, wrap my arms around you
Baby don't doubt it, ain't no doubt about it
I'm gonna love you - come hell or high water
Gonna hold you - come hell or high water
Wrap my arms around you - come hell or high water - yeah
Come hell or high water - come hell or high water
Come hell or high water - come hell or high water
Come hell or high water - come hell or high water
Come hell or high water - come hell or high water
MY WAY - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child, Bruce Turgon
Oh the heat is on, and my back's against the wall
You know it's tough to be strong, in a world that makes you crawl
I'm never gonna stop, I'm never gonna give up in the fight
'Cause after the battle is done, all you've got left is your pride
I'm gonna talk like I talk
Walk like I walk my way
I'm gonna go where I go
Ain't takin' no my way
Here in the danger zone, it's a jagged edge we climb
But if you take it like stone, and stand on your own
You can make the grade in time
I'm never gonna run, I'm never gonna tell myself a lie
'Cause after it's all said and done, I won't be wonderin' why
And I'll know that under the gun, I am the one who's got the right to decide
I'm gonna talk like I talk
Walk like I walk my way
I'm gonna go where I go
Ain't takin' no my way
And if you don't play my game I won't play, I'm gonna do it my way
I'm never gonna run, I'm never gonna tell myself a lie
'Cause after it's all said and done, I've got the right to decide
[Chorus] X3
Yeah, I'm gonna do it my way, yeah, I'm gonna do it my way
WHEN YOUR WALLS COME DOWN - Paul Stanley, Adam Mitchell, Bruce Kulick
Liar, liar, got your pants on fire
I know you want it, you know you want it too
Hey diddle diddle, when the cat wants to fiddle
The kitten's gotta give him the moon
And they say, "you gotta look before you leap"
And "we're gonna judge you by the friends you keep"
But you're looking nasty and I'm in too deep
You'll be real happy to be losing sleep
When your walls come down
When your walls come down
When your walls come down
You get so crazy when there's no one around
You got your script from a Cosmo guide, "15 Ways to Find a Lover"
Don't you make me chase you, cause the author lied
You'll get your answers, babe, under the covers
You say, "I wanna wait until I'm really sure"
And "I want a love to last forever more"
And "I've got my pride, I've got my dignity"
Well you'll swallow everything when you're with me
When your walls come down
When your walls come down
When your walls come down
Ah, you're so (come here baby and - auw...)
And they say, "you gotta look before you leap"
And "we're gonna judge you by the friends you keep"
Listen, you're looking nasty and I'm in too deep
You'll be real happy to be losing sleep
[Chorus] X2
Chorus Fades Out
REASON TO LIVE - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child
Out of love
There's nobody around
All I hear is the sound of a broken heart
Out of time
No more waitin' for you
Now the hurtin's through, and a new day starts
And I feel a change in my life
I sailed into dark and endless nights
And made it alive...
Everybody's got a reason to live, baby
Everybody's got a dream and a hunger inside
Everybody's got a reason to live, but it can't be your love
Out of touch
With myself for so long
Now a feelin' so strong comin' over me
Down the line
There's a lesson I've learned
You can love and get burned, if it has to be
And I see a change in my life
And I'm not alone when I'm strong inside
And I realize...
And I feel a change in my life
And I'm not alone when I'm strong inside
And I realize...
[Chorus] X2
No it can't be your love
No it can't be your love
No it can't be your love
GOOD GIRL GONE BAD - Gene Simmons, Davitt Sigerson, Peter Diggins
It ain't love, but it ain't so bad
She ain't nothin' like you ever had
Face of a woman, hands of a child, yeah
Been a long time comin', now she's goin' wild
Well I know she ain't the girl next door
She ain't the girl she was before
She's a good girl gone bad
One kiss can drive me mad
Good girl - come on - show me the way
The girl can't help it, she's out of control
I gotta have her, she's so hot to hold, yeah
She's gettin' her way, but I'm havin' my fun
Steamin' up the window with the radio on
She ain't searchin', she knows the score
It ain't love she's lookin' for
But now she's gone too far
She found love in the back of my car
She's a good girl gone bad
The best love I ever had
Good girl - come on - take me away (oh, take me away, take me away)
She ain't searchin', she knows the score
It ain't love she's lookin' for
But now she's gone too far, I know
She's a good girl gone bad
One kiss can drive me mad
Good girl, come on, show me the way
She's a good girl gone bad, the best love I ever had
Good girl, come on, take me away
TURN ON THE NIGHT - Paul Stanley, Diane Warren
Everyone's thinkin' they're so hot tonite
But there's a fire in your eyes
Everybody wants you girl
But I want you more than any other guy
You got what I want, I got what you need, fire below
So if you know it, show it, don't let me go, whooah
Turn on the night - I can't wait, can't wait any longer
Turn on the night - yeah, I wanna feel this feeling get stronger
Take me in your arms, I'll take you into my heart
Let's bring this love to life
C'mon baby put your finger on the switch, let's make some sparks ignite
Show me what you want, show me what you need, fire below
C'mon and take me, shake me, don't let me go, whooah
Turn on the night - I can't wait, can't wait any longer
Turn on the night - yeah, I wanna feel this feeling get stronger
Turn on the night - I can't wait, can't wait any longer
Turn on the night - yeah, you know this feeling keeps getting stronger
Hey babe - you got what I want, I got what you need, fire below
So if you know it, show it, don't let me go, whooah
Turn on the night
Turn on the night
Turn on the night
Turn on the night
Turn on the night (repeats out)
THIEF IN THE NIGHT - Gene Simmons, Mitch Weissman
Far off in the distance, a shape in the night, alright
On a mission of mercy, if the price is right
He tries to possess her and she bites
It's a ritual slaying, but the tables are turned, oh no
And now he's prayin', but it's his turn to burn
Like a thief in the night
She breaks into his heart
Like a thief in the night
She never leaves her mark
In a hotel chamber, on a cryptic note
'Cos where there's fire, there's gotta be smoke, oh no
Footsteps in the twilight, and red nails 'round his throat
It's a ritual slaying, without strings attached, oh no
And now he's praying, but there's no turning back
Like a thief in the night - alright, alright
Like a thief in the night
She breaks into his heart
Like a thief in the night (alright, alright)
Like a thief in the night
She never leaves her mark
Like a thief in the night
Like a thief in the night
Like a thief in the night
Like a thief in the night