 Сравнительно недавно мне удалось познакомиться с ранними работами американской дэтовой легенды Malevolent Creation, и признаться, я подходил к ним с некоторой опаской, несмотря на то, что коллектив является одними из классиков экстремальной музыки. Дело в том, что последние альбомы, которые я слушал не раз и не два, большого впечатления не произвели - эдакий стандартный брутальный дэт, пусть и очень техничный, но заезженный в наше время донельзя как самими Malevolent Creation, так и их многочисленными группами-земляками. И каково же было мое удивление, когда, услышав их второй по счету альбом «Retribution», я услышал вовсе не простецкий американский дэт с элементами трэша а-ля Cancer, Possessed и Obituary, а по-настоящему мощный и структурированный death metal с мрачной, давящей атмосферой. На самом деле, это творение можно по праву считать одним из первых в брутальном дэт-метале. По скорости и тяжести этот альбом ничуть не уступает альбомам-конкурентам из Suffocation, Broken Hope, Cannibal Corpse и Immolation, а по технике и атмосферности превосходят многих из них. Превосходно записанные, очень низко настроенные гитары, выдающие зубодробительные риффы и мелодичные соло, техничный и громкий бас и мощнейшие ударные, которые порой срываются в безумный бластбит, усиливают общее впечатление от альбома. Вокал представляет собой ядовитый скримогроул, напоминающий об Obituary и о классическом трэш-дэте конца 80-х, но на этом сходство заканчивается. Мелодий здесь, конечно, в привычном понимании немного, но тяжесть, мрачная атмосфера, техника и искренняя агрессивность подачи материала делают свое дело - альбом слушается с интересом. Выделять что-либо из песен нет особого смысла - все хороши по-своему, но особенно ярко, на мой взгляд, выглядят сверхскоростные «Slaughter of Innocence» и «Monster» и мрачный, качающий трэк «Coronation of Our Domain». Этот альбом не зря называют одним из лучших у Malevolent Creation, если не лучшим. «Retribtion» по тяжести и плотности нисколько не уступает современным альбомам в экстремальном дэте и по сравнению со многими из нынешних выгодно отличается искренностью подачи и большим количеством интересных идей. Если вы предпочитаете чистый, первородный brutal death metal (да-да, именно так!), корни которого в классическом дэте, а не в грайндкоре и не слышали этот альбом - то без тени сомнения могу его посоветовать. Однозначно один из лучших дэтовых релизов начала 90-х. |
rightful heir, the time has come.
Religion has died.
All shall melt under one sign.
Relinquish your life.
A new lease of power has been sent forth.
The weak can only cry.
Lost amongst the dust of a crumbling world.
Last breath fails, time to move on, evolution calls.
Worlds collide, the weak step aside.
Our callings heard, no mercy will come.
The path is cleared, paid for with your blood.
This time has been anticipated, since the dawn of man.
Hatred silently brewing, awaiting it's final stand.
Our rule, our... RULE!
The advantage is ours,
gathering the powers of the past.
Tensed forth to aggress,
deal a strike with precision crass.
Worlds collide, the weak step aside.
Our callings heard, no mercy will come.
The path is cleared, paid for with your blood.
Now that the time has dawned upon us,
allocate your inner soul.
Seize now, this opportunity.
Retribute your malevolence handed down.
2. Systematic Execution
Rounded up, herded in, innocence served.
Tortured, various phases, in witness of family you die.
Hot steel prods into your eyes.
Executioner nods, optics spew.
Tanks roll foreword claiming lives.
Focus of death, nothing new.
Innocent families left to die.
Soldiers murder, God defied.
Iron fist falls heavy with lust.
Systematic execution.
Playing God with his thoughts.
No retribution.
Forever the souls will haunt.
Systematic execution.
Military machines, steel warped with hate.
Death from above, precision bombing translates final acts.
Engines whine, tear through the night.
Weary low morale, caught up in the sights.
Soldiers march, take your land.
Resistance end in slaughter.
Dying screams clutter the sands.
Echoing sounds, chaotic laughter.
The sun is killed, behind a blackened sky.
The son is killed, a father watches him die.
Systematic execution.
Playing God with his thoughts.
No retribution.
Forever the souls will haunt.
Wings of death carry your carcass into the realms of terror.
Crushed beneath the wheels of war.
Doctrine of greed violently implored.
3. Slaughter Of Innocence
Mind of the tormented, twisted arcane.
Born from the black bowels of hate.
Psychotic cringe, from any light of good.
The sight of blood is only understood.
Piercing the body to release the life.
Another soul to steal, stalking in the night.
Feel the wrath of a soul wired to the core of pure power.
Power sent to crush, mean to destroy and dismantle.
Wielding tools of demise set to conquer lives,
Total retribution.
No lives are spared, his goal, his hate.
His hate, this hates, his hate.
The seething feeling writhes from inside.
Now you taste the corners of it's mind.
It's acrid bile clutches at your throat.
Rips you open, achieving attack mode.
Your body is not your own, subconscious overthrown.
Corpse still warm lying still.
Another body bag to fill.
Slaughter of innocence.
Die motherfucker!
Blood upon his blade, set fourth to annihilate.
Crushing life and limb to dust.
Never enough to fulfill his bloodlust.
Random kill of chance, victim of innocence.
Can not be silenced. Instinct to murder.
Tasting the power to destroy.
Any means of deceasement, stand employed.
Contact of steel into warm flesh.
Crimes of the mind to fully infest.
Take full credit for the kill.
Urge again burns inside, result is homicidal.
The entity must slay to survive.
Feel no remorse, has no conscious for it's crimes.
Legacy to kill until the end of time!
4. Coronation Of Our Domain
Coronation of this our domain.
Only the strong and dominant shall remain.
Ancestral power granted, this our night.
Inheritance never relinquished, endure the plight.
Fools fall backwards.
Passion for victory, never in sight.
The feeble falling victim to the aggressive.
To the aggressive this night.
To lose a life or take a life.
Your just cause rewarded.
Hindered on the battlefield by nothing or no one.
Death exploited.
Taste the blood, smell the victory in the air.
Yellowed eyes take in the dead stare.
The rule shall govern under one allegiance.
Our realm, our dominion.
The authority that has been bestowed.
Will flourish when it's ripe.
All empires that stand around us.
Will decay and fade from sight.
Coronation of this our domain.
Coronation of this dominion.
This coronation.
Intrepid preservation!
Self realization.
Feel the supremacy all around you.
Granted powers to survive.
Your soul forever immortal.
Regain strength of all past lives.
The throne allocated upon us.
The key to sovereign rule.
No more are we looked upon as common.
The reign of power is true.
Never to give in, bred from the start to always win.
Waiting for this day to come, always within our grasp.
Faltering and the weak lay gathered at our feet.
Decimating fools, genocide is our link.
Fools fall backwards.
Passion for victory, never in sight.
The feeble falling victim to the aggressive.
To the aggressive this night.
Crowning of this sovereign can wait no longer.
Inner hostilities force the surfacing.
Violent traditions altered beyond fate.
Your crumbling society denied, ESCAPE!
5. No Flesh Shall Be Spared
Humor is found, body hits the ground.
Bullet finds it's path, television contracts.
Contagious, the art of violence.
Relinquish society's doctrine.
The blood spills, smeared on the walls of life.
Humanity ignoring these calls.
Murder so popular in these turbulent times.
Spectator sport, anticipation of the crime.
The masses hinged on the stroke of a knife.
It's not if they died but how they lost their life.
Killing heart is now put aglow.
Now the murder's right, it shakes off the cold.
The next victim up shall be privileged to go!
New age of death distinctly understood.
Era of violence in heavy demand.
Every mind is set in a blood - frenzied mood.
Past state of violence now in reprimand.
Witness of the crime, an audience refined.
Death dealt with glamour - making headlines.
Assault was never sweeter, applauded by the crowd.
Condoned decimation, serial killer stands proud.
Contagious, the art of violence.
No flesh, no flesh shall be spared.
Slicing of the flesh, adrenaline, scared to die.
Take in your last breath, bidding your time.
Movies, news and tabloids, money making crime.
Murder's exploitation, selfish greed inclined.
When we're done laughing at this violence.
Violent carnage will be laughing back.
This entertainment that we seek.
Is the power poised to attack.
Blood is the trophy carried in your hands.
Carnage is the prize, weighs heavy in demand.
Who is the mightiest killer in this land?
He who takes first place and acquires the most fans.
Contagious, the art of violence.
No flesh, no flesh shall be spared.
6. The Coldest Survive
Pain and suffering fall on the mortal world.
The life you're given is your living hell.
Brought up on tumultuous times.
Accumulation of this the killing crime.
Gunsmoke blazes, glochs crack.
Casket encases, bodies stack.
Kill for the stature of this game.
Yearn to kill or learn to die lame.
Drugs or money, not always the main cause.
It's how many lives snuffed outside of the law.
To not take a life is your life lost.
Load in the rounds, take a victim down,
claiming his ground.
Never doubt your gun, just get the deed done,
claim your trophy in blood.
For drugs or for war, or the lust of the sport,
attention to the poor.
Spray of the shot, lead lands hot.
Ending the game on the coroner's cot.
Taking of lives, ignoring the cries.
Only the coldest survive!
Fear of a world turned dark with despair.
Any way out other than violence is all too rare.
Only way to win is take the other one out first.
The unbridled violence is this modern day curse.
Gunsmoke blazes, glochs crack.
Casket encases, bodies stack.
Kill for the stature of this game.
Yearn to kill or learn to die lame.
Spray of the shot, lead lands hot.
Ending the game on the coroner's cot.
Taking of lives, ignoring the cries.
Only the coldest SURVIVE!
7. Monster
Seize the pipe, offer your life, inhale this obsession.
Filling the lungs of minorities youth, coincidental connection?
The sickness spreading, into their lives, free-base infecting.
Who will pay for their lives?
The gullible one grabs his gun, sticks it to your head.
For a piece of smoking disease,\squeeze the trigger until tour dead.
Mind is thrown in disarray, for a vice, unconscious slay.
Governmentally induced, no one except yourself to blame.
No one to blame, suicide this game.
Shell of a man left to wither and die.
Deteriorating waste, ignoring his mind's cry.
Addiction continues, more population to abuse.
Expanding into your lungs, banish your right of thought.
Tasting your foul sorrow, sickening trend of this plot.
Is this what your soul commands? How much rock can you smoke?
Easy prey for government plans, take this genocidal toke.
Monster!, Monster!, Monster!
8. Mindlock
One gesture and his bidding is done.
Lost souls in search of a man to be delivered into his hands.
Ordering his flock to murder on command.
These the twisted thoughts of one single man.
Now that you have become one with his mind.
Death inclined, can't escape the mindlock.
One word falls from his lips.
Blood adorns their knives.
Taste the innocence as it drips.
Taking control of the unknown.
His word is their law, never to be broken.
Vow of silence is taken on.
Captured in this trance of his mind - lock.
Experiencing life through the finality of death.
All tongues lash at the air.
Tasting your last breath.
The command once more set forth.
To conquer all of the living world.
His way of murder will always endure.
Population exposed to hatred.
Body count rapidly advancing.
Violence rises from decay.
Rampant bidding, well entranced.
Rid the world of all the LIVING!
9. Iced
Life marked for the hit, before a man that's sworn to hate,
to plan his kill, premeditate.
Contracts are signed, victim dies, tools of the trade,
build to slay, no detail left to careless thought.
Relentless pursuit of accuracy,
the touch of death, addicted needs.
Whatever it takes to make you bleed, gunning for you now.
Heed the call of his brain, self taught and killing trained,
can never lose the game.
Excitement and adrenaline instilled,
living for the thrill to kill.
Embrace the chase and the stalking.
Cold polished steel, tight in his fist. With vigor,
looking over the victims on his list.
The power possessed keeps his life sustained,
the power invested is to power to slay.
Plead for your life.
This makes his smile wide.
Please don't take my life.
Enjoy your begging now you... DIE!
Can never feel repent, can never feel remorse,
just set to fulfill his violent course
Excitement and adrenaline instilled,
living for the thrill to kill.
Embrace the chase and the stalking.
Play again and again, play as much as he can,
play until the very end.
Feel no pain, never loss, only gain.
A killer who's quite sane.
I've done it always...
as far as you've known or heard...
There isn't too many things I haven't tried...
no matter has it was done, I mean I've known guys
that went to sleep and never woke up again,
I mean, you know...