 …из-за отсутствия на планете истинного Добра, способного остановить фальшивое Зло, родилось одержимое и неугомонное «Злобное Создание», олицетворяющее истинное Зло, смертельную машину для убийства фальшивого Добра: фальшивых американских улыбок и фальшивых идей мировых политиков, фальшивую веру священников и фальшивые правила моралистов, ибо тот, кто услышит это, умрет и воскреснет истинным добром, ибо умирает в человеке только фальшь, для которой истина и является истинным Злом.
Вот примерно об этом нам рассказывают музыканты группы «Malevolent Creation» вот уже на протяжении 20 лет, являя миру качественный Death Metal высшей пробы, не идущий на унизительные компромиссы и не подверженный коррозии в отличие от многих других.
Музыкально же группа прибавила заметно в технике и брутальности по сравнению с предыдущими альбомами и заметно отличается от всех последующих какой-то особенной изюминкой и атмосферой. Качество звука немного уступает в звучании ударных, они не такие объемные и сокрушительные, как на предыдущем кристально чистом по звуку «Eternal». Звук ритм-гитары очень плотный, сырой и брутальный, создает незабываемый драйв и стену звука, от которой, слегка утомляется слух. На альбоме также присутствуют низкий гроулинг и эпизодически скриминг. Соло-гитара не так выразительна, как хотелось бы, и присутствует всего в четырех треках из 13, что собственно не особенно портит общую картину, а возникает ощущение, что именно так и задумывалось. В общем, крепкий альбом для ценителей стиля на все времена года.
Return to his land
Born the unholy
Enslaving races
Killing frenzied lust
Consuming humans
encrusted in blood
World domination Darkness will
Mankind has fallen
Hear the dark ones laugh
as your life is drained
Rule of his kingdom....
....of faith
Soldier off to war...
...of hate.
2. Prophecy
Disregard for law and order
Will of God slain
Assailants born to wreck his world
Inhuman rage
Madman gaining profit
Delivering desease
This twisted achievement
Now belongs to me
I will make you bleed
Killing in my game
No mercy don't care
Shred humanity
Don't want to die in shame
Future world condemned
Heartless rulers to blame
Cold blooded killer
Thick skinned and ruthless
Can't prevent his triumph
Boundless hatered will rise
I will make you burn
Take your lives away
Cities laid to waste for eternity
3. Compulsive
Hypocritical views
Everyone that you betrayed
all your words mean nothing
I ignore the things you say
Full of ignorance
Blow out of proportion
King of nothing
compulsive lying trash
Dr. Jeckyl Mr. Hyde
Always talking shit
disregard for others
Living in sin
Two faced backstabber
Running out of tricks
One day they will hit you
Like a tonn of bricks
Freak of nature
Contemplaiting disarray
By manipulation
You get your pathetic way
Two faced......
People you offend
Driven to a frolic state
Hands around your neck
Taste my wrath and feel my hate
Behind your lies
locked inside this private hell
Nothing you regret
Ineer truth will never spin
....tonn of bricks
4. Narcotic Genocide
Living day by day
Don't see what you've become
Your life thrown away
on a stupid drug
Scum of the earth
No consideretion
Taking not giving
Lost in your addiction
A fix, all you need
Time to get some smack
Next thing you know
Now you're smoking crack
Lying to all
Just want to score
Worhless user
craving for more
This is you downfall
Substance abuser
Going nowhere fast
Narcotic user
This is your downfall
Substance abuser
Going nowhere fast
Narcotic loser
Living day by day....
5. Violated
Kidnapped, beaten
Raping technology
Outrage, assault
Tied down and forced to bleed
Drank half the blood he drained
Before she had escaped
Now set free
you should die
For this heinous type crime
Cruelty, sentenced
Due for release
Craving the urge
Drain his victim
...for this heinous crime.
6. Leech
Mindless ignorance
A burden to all
Beyond help
Waiting for your wake up call
Don't know your priorities
Lost in depression
It's too late now
To save you from yourself
Don't want to be a slave
Lern to earn your way
In your face you don't see
Morals you receive
No more dignity
Living off others
Draining all your pride
Talking through your ass
Think you're something you're not
Can't you see you nothing for me
Give an inch, then you take advantage
Don't want to be.......
........earn your way
......no more dignity
Don't know your priorities.....
.......to save you from yourself.
7. In Cold Blood
No chance for survival
spilling innocent blood
Cries of the undead
too deafening to ignore
Craving desire
Into the terror unknown
Never to live again
Life pulled inside out
There's no escape
from this addiction
Acting inhuman
Fierce kisses bruise
Blue lips and white skin
Veins pump with fear
Flow for destruction
Blind stench of death
Warm blood on red hands
Now left to dead
motionless body
Have no remorse
Soulless obsession
Black heart of stone
Cold satisfaction
The hunter and the hunted
Killing for gain
Violence erupts
like sulfur to a flame
Into the heart of hell
Only life even known
Not afraid to die
Battle lines are drawn
There's no escape......
.....cold satisfaction
Allies in this war
have nothing to lose
Take life for game
Slaughter never ends
Allies in this war
their live force divine
Falling to their knees
The end of the line
In cold blod....
8. Visions Of Malace
Frustration ,twisted point of view
Suicide, caused by those who follow
Denial to obey the given rules
Anarchy, proven ways to start a war
Taking atvantage of the weak
Waiting for time that will not heal
Incoherrance comnsumes your mind
Your dreams and nightmares will become alive
Fall to me endlessly
World in hand, take your land
Lunatic, blood line black
Racist pig, you attack [X 2]
........start a war
No control, take your soul
Full of sin, you begin
to lose your faith in God
Fall to me.....
......you attack
Taking advantage......
........will become alive.
9. V II
Some man never
Some live some die
Never discriminate the hunger fed
Searching for yor inner hatred
Demise, plague on earth
released to be weaken, self control is broken
Some man.....
.....some die
Shattered are the lives
around you
Conquer the underworld of your fear
Mountains painted with revulsion decay,
echoes of life become dust
I declare war
Never discriminate.....
......self control is broken
Some man....
.....some die.
10. Preyed Upon
Killing culture
No fear of reprisal
Murder of thousands
Need flesh to survive
Cannibal species
Bring human decay
Carnivorous activity
Unspeakable acts
Impregnated slave
Unborn child beaten
Bred to obey
Mankind now defeated
Garnage littered grounds
Stripped of flesh completely
To feast upon the slain
Cruor need to bleeding
Readiness to consume
The blood of your next kill
Bare hands to break your neck
and smash your fucking skull
Appetite for red
Preyed upon and left for dead
Victims you will be
of this ruthless killing spree
Killing culture....
......mankind now defeated
Readiness to comsume...
......smashed your fucking skull.
11. Millions
Always complaining
Scared by the past
Need someone to blame
You'll never last
Put you in your place
Haunted by your face
Fear of what you are
Guilty by far
Marching for your rights
These forgotten ways
You don't realize
This time no one pays
Society, can't you see
You're no different than me
Betrayed by your own kind
Not just facts but reality
They breed like rats
Standing for one nation
Under a God who laughs
.......you'll never last
Condemned, by what you've become
Criminally infested
Guilty, for all you have done
Surround by millions
12. Condemned
Christianity a silent desease
Blind to a God who lets you suffer
Redemption, begging for forgiveness
Living a life of constant never ending pain
Blinded by your beliefs
Waiting to someone to save you
Brain washed by religion
Using a book to help you pray
Fear the injection
of artifical fluids
Your faith will be your downfall
I guess you 'd rather die
Condemned by primitive ways
Born to suffer
To the power of a cross
Swallowed, your fate
Hypnotized, trapped inside
Convinced you'll live if you pray
Reatily, can't you see
Killed by your mindless way
You say the lord will save you
Religious half breed freak
A curable sickness will end you
Better you than me
13. Seizure
Convulse, twisted
Falling to the ground
Saliva flowing free
tasting, choking
Swallowed your tounge
Eyes roll back in your head
Frantic twiching
Multiple spasms
Legs begin to buckle
Face blue, can't breath
Trying to cry out
Your efforts are useless
Hacking vomit
want to be free
Just don't want to be seen
Consuming your pride
cursed by this desease
Thouse around you panic
Onlookers start to freeze
Living in fear
Tearing your soul
No cure for this pain
This is your hell
Given at birth
Symptoms take course
Seizure taking over