 Юбилейная, пятая по счету работа этих сердитых немецких дядек - классиков во плоти - являет нам поистине шедевральное творение. Да-да, здесь присутствует все, что должно присутствовать на классическом альбоме death metal: гламурно-трупное оформление, стандартные тексты, даже не смотря в которые, можно с достаточной долей уверенности прикинуть удельный вес слов "death", "pain", "corpse" и "kill", музыка... А вот как раз-таки музыка, уважаемые, здесь и стандартная и нет. С одной стороны, до боли знакомые жесткие, временами пиленые риффы, вызывающие легкие ассоциации с Benediction и Avulsed в light-версии, характерный гроулинг, с другой - замечательные мелодичные гитарные партии, щедро разбавляющие ритм-секцию, привносящие в песни свежесть и неординарное звучание; в высшей степени техничная игра ударника, создающего вместе с ритм-гитаристом и вокалистом костяк любой из композиций альбома, который обволакивается вышеупомянутыми мелодичными партиями и насыщается мягким урчащим басом. Имей сия работа чуточку побольше мелодизма - и ваш покорный слуга призадумался бы, не стоит ли добавить к характеристике стиля приставку "melodic". Вообще, надо отдать должное отличному качеству записи и сведения, что тоже внесло свою положительную лепту. Откровенно говоря, альбом достойно звучит в наши дни; можно себе представить, как он был принят тогда, в 2000 году. Эта работа хороша тем, что в ней, как это ни странно звучит в рамках стиля death metal конца 90-х, есть изюминка, та самая, что заставляет, навострив уши, прослушать альбом на одном дыхании, а потом, повертев его в руках, спросить себя недоуменно: "А что это было?" Именно вот такие, с виду стандартные, избитые и непритязательные работы крепко берут за душу своим индивидуальным стилем игры. Что до особо запомнившихся треков, то их тут нет, поскольку весь альбом - хитовый, весь без остатка. Ни одной скучной "чтобы было" композиции, все выглядит зажигательно, ноги начинают выстукивать ритм где-то с третьего трека, а тело призывает послэмовать со вкусом уже с четвертого (не вздумайте только играть в стэйдж-дайвера в пустой квартире). В общем, материал искрометный, добротный и интересный, придраться не к чему и за группу по состоянию на 2000 год можно только порадоваться. (Диск предоставлен компанией ФОНО) |
Seas of red, I crossed before
Born dead, I take your soul, I come to life
Memories, still haunting me
Involving madness feeds my kill throughout the night
Path of endless fire, in my mind, I see the demons dance
They watch my body suffer, feast upon, my blood soaked misery
Afterlife confessions, buried lies, death inflicted murder
Spirit stained by blackened cries,
The future holds what death decides
Path of endless fire
Path of endless fire
Path of endless fire
Path of endless fire
3. Under The Banner Of Death
[Music: Mike, Tobias / Lyrics: Bastian]
Blacken the day, the sky above is dark
Massive decay, I feed the demon's heart
With lies - All I hear is lies
Contradiction overseen - Only fuckin' lies
I raise the dead - Revive the ensanguined past - No life will last
Under the banner of death
Death worship nation, punishment we'll face
Longing for the final day, we receive the dark embrace
Set out to die, perishment so far away
Crushed upon the truth of time
Each day we live to see the same
Let's go fuckin' die
Death beyond redemption, we suffer piece by piece
Rapidly changing pace of life, what god should we please?
Eternal eclipse, let darkness reign this world
Soulless to the core we spill, the blood of centuries
Let's go fuckin' die
Under the banner of death
4. As Blood Rains From The Sky
[Music: Bastian & Solo: Stefan, Tobias / Lyrics: Bastian]
As blood rains from the sky
Kill the fuckin' bastards - Spill their goddamn blood
The war machine is raging hard, the horror never stops
Killing on adrenaline - The devil's in my back
Unleashed hate defeats my fear, I shred to live
As blood rains from the sky
Marching to die, hell on earth, external extinction applies
As blood rains from the sky
Bringer of pain, monger of death, the human race gone insane
Screams throughout the firestorm - The enemy draws near
I get myself up out into, the battlefield of fear
I see the mangled bodies - Victimized by war
I join the madness to stay alive, as the bullets cut me down
Hit by hostile fire - My warhead's still alive
I crawl my flesh into the trench, destruction in my mind
I'm lying here like helpless - Bleeding fuckin' wounds
Conflict of my inner senses, unconsciousness comes soon
Mass annihilation - Redolence of death
Prepare myself for the attack
To kill the innocent ones ahead
5. Embraced By Evil
[Music: Mike / Lyrics: Bastian, Stefan]
Await your final prayer, at midnight on the stake
Eternal fire burns your flesh, your soul is what I take
That's my proof that I don't care about your weak opinion
You had your choice of life or death, now enter my dominion
Apparently evil, destructive and mean
I rise from the coffin, to spread hate supreme
When darkness sets in and night comes to town
My sweet reign of terror, in your blood I drown
Embraced by evil - When night sets in
They wake my sleeping memories -Haunting nightmare
Pain extreme - The souls of night inside my dreams to see
Apparently evil, vicious and bad - I'm sipping your blood, until the last drop
No life left to save, no heaven to praise - No dreams left to chase, just brutal embraced
Embraced by evil - You're destined to see
The glance of my deceiving eyes - Extrication from the chains unseen
Devitalized - Embraced by evil minds
Cold eyes, delirious mind, the evil messiah in me
Afterlife, I cross your soul, deep down to set you free
Cry out, purged from your sins, beyond retrieval
Lay down, feel the relief, embraced by evil
Pale skin and severed nerves, forever no pain I will feel
Undead life, no heart to beat, enemies forced to kneel
Lay down and feel my touch, there's no retrieval
Give up, I grip your soul, embraced by evil
6. The Dark Side Of My Soul
[Music & Solo: Tobias / Lyrics: Bastian]
Speaking throught my mind
Staring through my eyes
My inner freedom dies
The dark side of my soul - No longer to control
Dark to the core - Echoing voices
The dead are calling my name - I'm dying inside
Just to break free - They leave me lying in pain
Visions to explore - What I was living for - I'm dead forever more
Yet to be born - My future is torn
I'm lying deep in misery - Life is no more
Death is for sure - I'm facing darkness endlessly
Enter the other side - Drifting through the night - I feel the dead arrive
The dark side of my soul - Ragin uncontrolled
The dark side of my soul - The dark side of my soul
7. Swords Of Darkness
[Music: Allan Johnson / Lyrics: Dan Beehler]
[Original by Exciter]
Scorching through the icy skies, filled with manic rage
Battle of the Titans, tonight they will invade
Sorcerers around us behold the demon fire
The Swords of Darkness at their side, veild and awesome power
As the battle rages on, the heavens are destroyed
Darkness falls around, you're lost within a void
Damned are the defiant, cursed are their souls
Those who've felt the wrath of god, many lives they've stole
Will they ever forget the wicked war they fought
Metal mutants feed upon the corpses as they rot
All you hear are battle cries & blood that pours like rain
Swords of Darkness rule at last & send you to your grave
Now the time is running out you know the end is near
The entity in black has come to feed upon your fears
The wizards cast their final blows to ashes fall the gods
Destruction of another world, the light is all but gone
As the battle rages on the heavens are destroyed
Darkness falls around you, you're lost within a void
Scorching through the icy skies, filled with manic rage
Battle of the Titans, tonight they will invade
Sorcerers around us behold the demon fire
The Swords of Darkness at their side, veild and awesome power
As the battle rages on, the heavens are destroyed
Darkness falls around, you're lost within a void
8. Impure Massacre Of Bloody Souls
[Music: Mike, Tobias / Lyrics: Bastian]
Buried deep into the tomb
Still alive with bleeding wounds
In agony I suffocate - I will return to seal your fate
I will be back to take revenge - To slay the bastard I will commence
To nail your body to the cross - And watch you die without remorse
COld suicide nation - Born to kill itself
Emptiness is burning me - Too blind to find ourselves
Impure massacre of bloody souls - The masterkiller reigns, the truth unfolds
Cause human life doesn't bother me - I kill and kill again to set my spirit free
Impure massacre of bloody souls - I can't remind, I can't control
Impure massacre of bloody souls - Unleash the beast to start the bloody ritual
Till death do us part
Sons of hell in torment - Slaves of torture rise - Suffer from eternal pain - I'm the enemy of life
Sons of hell in torment - Slaves of torture rise - Suffer from eternal pain - As I stare into your eyes
Set the corpse on fire - And Watch it with delight - Listen to the silent voice - I'm the enemy of life
9. Creation Of Wrath
[Music: Mike / Lyrics: Bastian]
Dark and cold as my body awakes
Deep in the tomb of the night
Woke by the call of the undead I rise
Revenging their souls before the light
Prepare the absymal path - Beware the creation of wrath
Out on frozen blood - Out to kill in wrath
Sent from hell as the creature of the night - The light I must not see
Twisted and burned I'm a slave to black art - The forces of death I will lead
Out in the night - Hunting and haunting
Revenging the lost tortured souls I won't find no rest
Till I'm ending this quest - Before I return to my grave
Messenger of the dead and the lost - Destined to bring out their wrath
Protecting the unholy caverns of hell - Witchery's demonic spell
Hacking and killing, and strangling to death - The victim is now sacrificed
Nothing is sacred, but evil is real - Feasting a dead carnal meal
Death is all I see - My immortality
Out on frozen blood - To teat their souls apart
Beware the creation of wrath
As I kill
10. Graves Of The Tortured
[Music: Mike, Stefan / Lyrics: Bastian]
Graves of the tortured - Burning in pain
Night of the living dead - Twisted, insane
Rise of the haunted - Visions in black
I am the chosen one to desecrate
Visions from the past
In blood and gore I last
Creatures from beneath, rising from the deep
Rotting in decay, Hell is the place I will stay
Kill you to survive - Burning your skill and your eyes
Sucking your blood from your heart - Soon your life falls apart
Rush of blood drives me on - Cutting the flesh from your bones
Take out your guts - Disembowel
Visions in black of your soul
Creatures from beneath, rising from the deep
Rotting in decay, Hell is the place I will stay
11. Feed The Demon's Heart
[Music: Mike, Tobias, Stefan & Solo: Tobias / Lyrics: Bastian, Tobias, Sven]
In the night, the demon's heart
The spawn of hell is born
Creatures of the dead alive
Awakened by his call
Demons out of hell arise
To feast upon my soul
My master, my demon
Feed the demon's heart - Let him take my soul
Let me feel the touch of evil - Flesh and blood so cold
Shadow of my soul - Forever stand by me
Guardian of my darkest hour decides my destiny
Forever drowned in pain, as my vital essence is gone
My soul drifts into beyond - Devoured by the demon's heart
In the night, the demon's heart, the creatures of evil arise
Fallen ones, the dead alive, possessed by the demon's command
Souls of night, banned from the light, searching retreat from the dawn
In the night, the demon's heart, obsessed by the unholy spawn
12. The Day Man Lost
[Original by Carnage]