 Третий альбом немецкого гитариста-виртуоза Акселя Руди Пелла был записан в устоявшемся составе в виде четырёх человек: самого Пелла, «парня нарасхват» - ударника Йорга Михаэля и басиста Волкера Кравчака, за клавиши был в ответе Кай Раглевски, а вот на месте вокалиста Роба Рока оказался Джефф Скотт Сото (ex-Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Humanimal, Talisman, Takara) – личность на метал сцене весьма заметная и активная. В момент записи этого альбома Джефф уже прилично владел своим вокалом и справился отлично, составив Робу Року немалую конкуренцию. А что уж говорить об оригинальности его голоса, который также хорошо подошёл музыке группы! Как видно из обложки альбома – скелета наглухо заморозили, что нашло своё отражение и в музыкальном плане: то есть очень быстрое, чуть ли не пауэр металическое начало, далее резкий сброс скорости до среднего темпа, и в последствии размеренный ход, иногда сменяющийся на баллады – такая схема построения и стала решающим выбором Акселя. Динамичное начало в лице «Streets Of Fire», хоть и не отличается цепляемостью, но заряд бодрости даёт неплохой, выливаясь в добротный хардовый номер «Long Time», за которым следует величественный заглавный эпик «Eternal Prisoner». Новая баллада «Your Life (Not Close To Paradise)» произвела очень яркие и позитивные впечатления, вокал Сото в ней звучит просто потрясающе выразительно и эмоционально. Аксель же со своей стороны подготовил ещё одну балладу, но теперь уже без вокала – это инструментальный номер «Dreams Of Passion», который точно должен прийтись по вкусу всем любителям подобной музыки. Больше всего на альбоме мне понравился напористый и драйвовый боевик «Shoot Her To The Moon», с которым ничто не сравниться на пластинке по своей цепляемости. Подводя итоги, нужно сказать что «Eternal Prisoner» всё же уступает предыдущим двум альбомам, хотя пластинка ровная и крепкая, и даже нехватка яркости и хитовости, компенсируется благодаря великолепному вокальному таланту Джеффа Скотта Сото и мастерству Акселя Руди Пелла. |
The hammer is coming down in your direction
You life's on the line once again
Streets of fire - you're under the gun
Streets of fire - out on the run
Streets of fire - you're out for blood tonight
On streets of fire
Stranger in town, a victim in sight
Out on the streets again
So hide all the children
Armed and ready
Hearts beating fast, wind blowing cold
Finger holds the trigger's end
Yours for the killing
Nice and steady
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
There's no looking back
The hammer is coming down in your direction
You life's on the line once again
Streets of fire - you're under the gun
Streets of fire - out on the run
Streets of fire - you're out for blood tonight
On streets of fire
Long time
Take your spell away like you did it before
'Cause I don't need it anymore
For a summertime we were living a lie
But who knew love was gonna die?
No more fooling
'Cause you're driving me insane
You'd better stop moving
Or you're gonna feel the pain
It's been a long time
It was a long time ago
It's been a long time
It was a long time ago
We tried everything, yeah, we tried it all
But still our love would take a fall
Another sleepless night, another endless day
And the memories just fade away
No more fooling
'Cause you're driving me insane
You'd better stop moving
Or you're gonna feel the pain
It's been a long time
It was a long time ago
It's been a long time
It was a long time ago
Eternal prisoner
I saw the shadow rising
From a hill up down below
There was no place for hiding
Still I didn't know where to go
I'd better be aware
Of the place of no return
All I could hear
Was someone saying: Burn!
Eternal prisoner
Forever lost in space
Eternal prisoner
Forever locked in a cage
In the light of day
You can hear the wizard pray
And in the dark of night
There was a rainbow shining bright
I'd better be aware
Of the place of no return
All I could hear
Was someone saying: Burn!
Eternal prisoner
Forever lost in space
Eternal prisoner
Forever locked in a cage
They never saw the light of day
All they could do was wish and pray
They were tortured to the bones
With swords and glowing stones
Eternal prisoner
Forever lost in space
Eternal prisoner
Forever locked in a cage
Your life (not close enough to paradise)
I remember that the rain falls down
And it was cold in the heart of the town
I'm still searching for the meaning of life
In a world of starry eyes
I want you back, back where you belong
I never felt love growing up so strong
Can you feel it? Feel it in your heart
That nothing can tear us apart
Your life
Your life not close enough to paradise
Your life
And your heart's still cold as ice
Your life
Your life not close enough to paradise
Your life
And your heart's still cold as ice
I feel so lonely, so lonely and cold
With nothing, nothing in this world to hold
I'd tried to stop crying, crying all day
All I want is you to stay
Your life
Your life not close enough to paradise
Your life
And your heart's still cold as ice
Your life
Your life not close enough to paradise
Your life
And your heart's still cold as ice
Love is on my mind
But love's so hard to find
We built a mountain of love
High enough to touch the sky above
Wheels rolling on
'Round and 'round
Wheels are turning
All your life
You been fighting for the day
To take the spotlight
And steal the thunder
And no one's gonna take
This time away
It's all part of the passion
Going all the way
Wheels rolling on
And they keep on turning
Wheels rolling on
It's an everlasting road that's here to stay
It's your time
It's your destination
Though you know
That your back's against the wall
But the lights are calling
The night is screaming
And now it's all for one
And one for all
This night will last forever
Don't let it get away
Wheels rolling on
And they keep on turning
Wheels rolling on
And the night is burning
Wheels rolling on
Your heart is yearning
Wheels rolling on
It's an everlasting road that's here to stay
Sweet lil' Suzie
She's young and fine like a sip of good wine
She plays like she's dying to meet you
If you take her home, once you get her alone
That's when her innocence beats you
Same old story for a small town girl
She's gonna play you like a fool, yeah
She'll take you up, then bring you down
Have a drowning in your own little pool, yeah
Oh, sweet little Suzie
Well, who's your victim tonight?
Oh, sweet little Suzie
Won't you turn out the lights?
Give it to me now!
Well, I played along, thought I'd know the game
Took a chance with a true emotion
Gave her heaven more than anyone could give
Sweared on my devotion
She took it all in stride, just another ride
You know I must've been a blind, yeah
'Cause now she's feeding off another lost soul
She's got your heart on the line, yeah
Oh, sweet little Suzie
Well, who's your victim tonight?
Oh, sweet little Suzie
Won't you turn out the lights?
Let's get down tonight!
Dreams of passion
Instrumental track
Shoot her to the moon
She was born down in uptown, baby
And everything she wants
She's got with big daddy's money
Kept up with the lastest fashions
But when it came to love
She didn't know jack about it, funny
'Cause she's telling me:
Maybe we could just be friends?
I've got another plan
If my love, she's gonna end
Shoot, shoot, shoot
Shoot her to the moon
Shoot, shoot, shoot
Nothing more to lose
Shoot, shoot, shoot
Shoot her to the moon
Shoot, shoot, shoot
So what ya gonna do?
Caviar with a silver spoon
Designer everything more
As long as she can buy it
That's not the way to treat a true emotion
Can't put a price on love
But I know if she could, she would try it
Now she's telling me:
Maybe we could just be friends?
I've got another plan
If my love, she's gonna end
Shoot, shoot, shoot
Shoot her to the moon
Shoot, shoot, shoot
Nothing more to lose
Shoot, shoot, shoot
Shoot her to the moon
Shoot, shoot, shoot
So what ya gonna do?
Ride the bullet
Gonna take you down, down to the floor
Gonna make you wanna scream for more
Take a look, a look in my direction
Touch your body as you're feeling my erection
As I burn in your desire
I can feel you taking me higher
Up and down, fill you up with my love
Hey! Hey! Do you wanna ride the bullet?
In out 'til' you can't get enough
Hey! Hey! Do you wanna ride the bullet?
I'll be the best, the best you ever had
Do it so good, I swear, I'll drive you mad
Lick your body like a cat with a bowl of cream
When you're coming up, ooh, it's so obscene
Yeah, you pump me to the wire
Like a burning wheel of fire
Up and down, fill you up with my love
Hey! Hey! Do you wanna ride the bullet?
In out 'til' you can't get enough
Hey! Hey! Do you wanna ride the bullet?
Grind you down 'till you're begging for reason
Hey! Hey! Do you wanna ride the bullet?
Taste my skin, it's that time of the season
Hey! Hey! Do you wanna ride the bullet?