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Necros Christos

« Trivne Impvrity Rites »

Necros Christos "Trivne Impvrity Rites" Год



CD Album

Death Doom Metal

N Название
1Nekros Kristos (Temple IX.99) 01:30
2Daemonomantic Fog Lay upon the Tombs of Succoth 04:29
3Kischuf (Temple VIII) 00:47 instrumental
4Christ Was Not of Goatborn Blood 03:54
5Nam Ignis Est Umbra Locorum Infernorum (Temple VII) 00:34
6Tormented Flesh on the Mount of Crucifixion 03:35
7Gate I: Das schwarze Wasser der Toten 01:18 instrumental
8Ora pro Nobis (Temple VI) 00:55
9Last Rite of Christ 03:20
10In Love with Ereskigal (Temple V) 00:49 instrumental
11Va Koram do Rex Satan 06:45
12Voragem Mortis (Temple IV) 00:36
13Black Mass Desecration 03:52
14Gate II: Offenbarungen der Mayrim 03:20 instrumental
15Damnation Worship (Temple III) 00:36
16Impure Burials Prevail 03:45
17Necromancing the Ghost (Temple II) 00:54
18Deathless in Spiritual Evil 05:36
19Conquering Tell al-Mutesallim (Temple I) 00:48 instrumental
20Skulldoom of Sumer (Darkness) 04:37
21Nazarethical Ram of Bethlehem (Damnation) 01:31
22Blasphemous Graves Open at the End of Days (Death) 03:49
23Gate III: Im Schatten des Zikkurat 02:35 instrumental
Состав группы->
Luciferus Christhammer Drums, Percussion
Black Shepherd ov Doom Bass
Mors Dalos Ra Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Organ
Label: Sepulchral Voice Records

Full title is "Trivne Impvrity Rites, or The Grand Nine Cvltmysteries of the Templvm Necromantorvm".

1-6: The Three Cultmysteries according to the Torments of the Damned
8-13: The Three Cultmysteries according to the Ceremonies of Goetia
15-22: The Three Cultmysteries according to the Rites of Necro-Demonomancy

Produced from June until October 2006 at Sound From Below Berlin, Germany

Zarya Eleva Photography
Blacksnake Nadasdy Band logo
The Evil N. Engineering, Mixing, Mastering
Black Shepherd ov Doom Artwork


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