 По какому-то странному стечению обстоятельств ни одной рецензии на альбомы замечательной голландской прог-металлической группы Sun Caged на дарксайде нет. Что ж, будем исправлять это недоразумение. Вообще, о творчестве этих музыкантов я узнал совершенно случайно, услышав их бывшего клавишника (Joost Van Den Broek) на одном из альбомов Арьена Люкассена. И мне захотелось услышать, что он делает в пределах своей основной (на тот момент) группы. Как в последствии оказалось, из под пера этих музыкантов выходит добротный прогрессивный металл в духе раннего творчества Dream Theater. И даже голос вокалиста Sun Caged очень сильно схож с голосом первого вокалиста Dream Theater Чарли Доминичи.
Одна из первых вещей, которую замечаешь при прослушивании данного альбома – это отличное качество записи, которое, в принципе, нетипично для молодых групп. Здесь, видимо, все дело в том, что лидером, автором музыки и текстов, а по совместительству еще и гитаристом группы является уже видавший виды Marcel Coenen, до Sun Caged игравший в группе Lemur Voice и получивший там некоторой опыт (и, естественно, деньги) для создания своего собственного проекта. Но, не гитаристом единым живут эти голландцы. Каждый из музыкантов на очень высоком уровне владеет своим инструментом и выдает очень внушительные сольные партии. Более менее удачно вписывается в общую композицию и вокалист, который может и не особо выделяется из череды других вокалистов прогрессивных команд, но общей картины тоже не портит.
Всего на альбоме 9 песен, каждая из которых отлично запоминается и не вызывает желания переключиться на следующую. Не смотря на то, что практически все песни имеют довольно внушительную протяженность и насыщены сложными и продолжительными соло-партиями, они абсолютно не наскучивают и время, потраченное на прослушивание альбома, пролетает как одно мгновение. Выделять какие-то отдельные песни сложно, но на моем плеере сразу же получили прописку "Sedation", "Hollow", "Closing In" и "Secrets Of Flight". В целом, альбом должен понравится всем любителям прогрессивного металла. Хотя Sun Caged и не привнесли ничего нового в развитие прога, тем не менее они оставляют только приятные впечатления. |
Lies on the other side
Whispering unfocused unaware memories
Stays with me
Singing its powerful sedative song to me
Silent witness set aside
Let all beauty pass me by
This solid liquid-live display
Surrounds me everywhere
Sedation keeping me at bay
Keeping me unaware...
Into this spiral descent, it is pulling me in
Lies on the other side
Whispering unfocused unaware memories
Stays with me
Singing its powerful sedative song to me
Space and time all fall behind
Strange machines to soothe my mind
2. Sun Caged
Once the weight is lifted off
No burden clouds my mind
Shattered lies this broken chain
I put it out of sight
Eyes to the sun [2x]
Random and blind directions we run
Eyes to the sun [2x]
Caged from this one regret I have done
Sifted through the hands of time
One question still remains
Stated like a memory
And all that it contains
Eyes to the sun [2x]
Random and blind directions we run
Eyes to the sun [2x]
Caged from this one regret I have done
Forced into sleep,
These secrets that I keep from myself.
...from myself
Decide, I must remain to hide
All these lies so dear to me
Twice the weight is lifted off
One burden hurts my mind
Shattered still this broken chain
But not so hard to find
Eyes to the sun [2x]
Random and blind directions we run
Eyes to the sun [2x]
Caged from this one regret I have done
3. Home
Yesterday I saw the sun go down
And feast his rest
Without light I saw his touch the ground
And sleep at last
Together now we take this alone,
Never ever really leaving home
The speed we go amazes me,
Still slow the silent land
The distances we go to
Still spin circles in the end
Together now we take this alone,
Never ever really leaving home
It seems this hurt will never heal
Blessed and cursed the time we steal
Reason seems to hide deep inside of me
Questions never far behind,
Plague my mind
They say you hear, just don't reply
They grasp at straws and so do I
It seems this hurt will never heal
Blessed and cursed the time we steal
Reason seems to hide deep inside of me
Questions never far behind,
Plague my mind
The speed we go amazes me,
Still slow the silent land
The distances we go to
Still spin circles in the end
Together now we take this trip alone,
Never ever really leaving home
4. Soil
(Among the blind we need to see again
Rise from the ground.
The need to feel again
Faces paled as we begin to run
Outside this cage
That has kept us from the sun
Follow me road to infinity
The journey strange, imaginate
Slow the pace into reality
Shake the soil which you care) [2x]
Among the blind we need to see again
Rise from the ground.
The need to feel again
Faces paled as we begin to run
Outside this cage
That has kept us from the sun
Follow me road to infinity
The journey strange, imaginate
Slow the pace into reality
Shake the soil which you care
5. Hollow
Whispered like a breeze,
Rote the sound relieves my pain.
Midst the machine.
Feed upon his stain.
Casted like a spell,
The need to feel has fled my will,
Still I can't tell
The emptiness to fill
Wasted lies to deny
This hollow space inside
Wasted time passes me by
Many times I've tried
Wasted lies to deny
This hollow space inside
Wasted time passes me by
Many times I've tried
Let light come in to taste
The glass evasive stare.
Like shifting tides the picture
Bands the many sides this story has.
Wasted lies to deny
This hollow space inside
Wasted time passes me by
Many times I've tried
Redefine, Redesign...
6. Closing In
Silent stars build this place
Sonic bars surrounded stage
Painted smiles the puny bait
Moving limbs to fascinate
Begin the dream I wake instead
On gold lined silver plates their heads
A smothering embrace
This tiny breathing space
I see our distance closing in
Speak to me your hunger
But reach for me no longer
Painted smiles the puny bait
Moving limbs to fascinate
Begin the dream I wake instead
On gold lined silver plates their heads
A smothering embrace
This tiny breathing space
I see our distance closing in
Awaited fall from grace
With drowned and netted face
I feel our limbs are growing thin
A smothering embrace
This tiny breathing space
I see our distance closing in
7. The Eighth Day
Mourn the death you celebrate
Love the ones you used to hate
Place of sorrow, guide our hand
Murdering the innocent
Break down to me
If all is wasted endlessly
Your loss and gain
Your smiles and pain
Among with all that will remain
Won't be long don't be afraid
To feel is just a passing state
Break down to me
If all is wasted endlessly
Your loss and gain
Your smiles and pain
Among with all that will remain
Throw your stones
Your sins all known
I'll take back that what I gave
Don't mind possessions that they save
(And)Until then in little waves
Deliver me the food I crave
Regardless of what they say,
Don't just let us drift away
Loneliness our smiles of gray,
Our solitude on the eighth day
Break down to me
If all is wasted endlessly
Your loss and gain
Your smiles and pain
Among with all that will remain
Nothing I'm afraid....
8. Secrets Of Flight
Nothing to slow down the ride
Tripping down this illusive climb
Force fed for most of my life
Wings I had disappeared overnight
We slide down, to each his sin
Allowed, wasted everything
Amongst the waves to disappear
Beneath the surface we appear to be
So we've tried once again
Bleeding dry faith at end
Static remains. Dead at first sight
Never explained the secrets of flight
Nothing to slow down the ride
Tripping down this illusive climb
Still slide down, to each his sin
Allowed, wasted everything
So we've tried once again
Bleeding dry faith at end
Static remains. Dead at first sight
Never explained the secrets of...
So if we ray seek shelter from the pour
This acid rain that bleeds all our dreams
So if we stay a while to decrease the pain
Need this relieve to take the time to breath
Should I speak with no one to disagree
No one to reach, no one to see
Should I cling to nothing we hold so dear
Should I try to break this common fear
I play dead high upon my stage
Abandon you to disengage
Being here is more then I can bear
More then I can feel,
More then I can spare
I drink the water in which I drown
About to meet the sky
I taste the ground...
So we've tried once again
Bleeding dry faith at end
Static remains. Dead at first sight
Never explained the secrets of flight
9. Unchanging
Today has just begun, another
Cycle to be spun, no further
I seem to freeze in time, unbending
Seem to be stuck in rhyme, unending
The way to go unclear, uncertain
No way to tell from here, disturbing
I seem to freeze in time, unbending
Seem to be stuck in rhyme, unending
Facing my unchanging time
Facing my unchanging mind
Unchanging memory
An image unrevised
And everywhere I look
A change is still denied
(I seem to freeze in time, unbending
Seem to be stuck in rhyme, unending) [2x]