 Залихватский мелодик-дэт, представленный на этом альбоме, являет собою вариант альтернативного развития твореческой мысли "фиников" Children of Bodom. Представленная в "Timeless Departure" своеобразная смесь Dark Tranquillity и Stratovarius отличается теми же отрывистыми, многомерными и изобильными гитарными и клавишными соло-партиями, что и музыка Лайхо и компании, однако в мелодическом плане очень сильно от них отличается. От здешних гармонических построений так и веет позитивной энергией! Кавалерийский наскок, бег наперегонки с гепардом, прыжок с парашютом и последующее возвращение в небеса: эти шведы знают, как и чем увлечь слушателя. Совпадение звучания мелодий с моими ожиданиями от метал-группы подобного жанра - почти стопроцентное. Еще больше радует, что их - хороших и разных - абсолютно в каждой песне не менее двух. "By God Forsaken" и вовсе одна из самых замечательных композиций, что когда-либо создавалась в жанре экстремального пауэр-спид-метала, который, по традиции, именуется также "мдм финской школы". Не очень отстали от нее и импульсивная феерия звука "Timeless Departure" и чуточку фольклорная "From Here to Death". Главное - не устать от калейдоскопической смены событий и яростного напора "Небесного Огня". Да, еще, в лучших традициях "раннего" Микаэля Станне, вокал здесь представлен в виде абсолютно истеричного скриминга, шинкующего ушки на мелкие кусочки. И никаких "чистоголосых" распевок в качестве компенсации успеха. Но... Не пугайтесь этих воплей! Слушайте лучше музыку, ведь она на диво хороша! |
It's a battle you just have to win
The spell is not broken, the battle is not won
This ancient foretold story has begun
Fragments of time creating unholy patterns
As reality fades life is moving backwards
Follow the path you believe in
Continue to fight until victory is here
Join us in celebration
Your land is lost and shall forever be
3. The Universe Unveils
[Music: Hanner/Edlund; Lyrics: Bjork]
Fragments of the ancient wisdom
Inside of what you thought was real
An illusion mastered by the gods
The grandeur of the lie. Will the truth ever be revealed?
Beyond your own restricted imagination,
Lies answers of questions you never believed existed
As we're walking through the night
Unaware of our own created existence
Eternal is our final destiny
Illusions fading in my mind
Embrace the force of the unknown
Sink down in silent slumber
A rapturous feeling finds its way to your tainted heart
And feel the power of the absent mighty knowledge
Obsessed by the quest to find the way
Arise from silent slumber
And realise our presence here is without a reason
And feel the power of the lost majestic wisdom
The universe unveils
Your life will be divine
All heavenly will turn pale,
As the universe unveils
Souls will unite
And your life will be divine
All heavenly will turn pale
4. Skyfire
[Music: Edlund/Hanner; Lyrics: Bjork]
A tale long forgotten, fallen into oblivion
Man's reality and dreams was erased,
on this great day of wrath
Mortal man, no one can save you now
Not even your pathetic gods
The day man feared is soon to arrive
Chaos was to rule these lands
All hope was gone and fear was born
Fear for the day of destruction
Great thunder roared the heavens,
as if the sky was on fire
Majestic lightning and neverending rain
Mother Earth has lost her control
This is the final story
To be told from this earth
The rest is silence
5. Timeless Departure
[Music: Edlund/Hanner; Lyrics: Bjork]
This time there is no turning back
Like dust in the wind I will wither away
Deep down I feel this is the only solution
As I face my haunting destiny
I no longer feel the pain I once did
My feelings are different than before
I see everything in black and white
But you are still by my side
Am I to blame, or is it someone else
Emerging from everything that is filled with life
Forced to live here on this planet
But we have a choice between life and death
Not able to comprehend my inner self
One part of me is still not ready to let go
Emotionless I strive towards the silent end
Will I reach it this time?
Preparing for my final departure
As I behold the crescent moon
I am still in control of my life
As I make my timeless departure
6. Breed Through Me, Bleed For Me
[Music: Hanner/Edlund; Lyrics: Hallin]
Lifeless symphonies playing on the last refrain
So malignant and cold
This is music for the dead
and the primitive chords,
embraces me like a cold winter storm
A symphony of destruction, a hymn for hate
Realizing that feelings comes from within,
oh your hatred spirit!
Run through my veins
Come to me
Breed through me
Live through me
Bleed for me
Die for me
The music is about to end, and so is my pain
The hate is running faster inside my skin.
The veins are broken. The hatred is released
Chaos and frustration inside of me
7. Dimensions Unseen
[Music: Hanner/Edlund; Lyrics: Bjork/Wenngren]
Above and between despite what I've seen
In times before the gods
Beyond the dimensions far away from my imagination
I clear my mind and try to understand its might
Let my lifeless body dwell in a land
unknown to many lost souls
Creators of this empty world
What did you really have in mind
Creators of my empty life
What purpose was I ment to fulfil
Dissolving into the unknown
Entering the dimensions unseen
Am I dead or alive
Or is it an illusion
Phantom shadows emerging from the silent fields
My veins are burning for the distant power
I feel grief and joy at the same time
Am I the only one?
Am I the chosen one?
Gaze into the crimson sky
And feel the presence of the great wisdom
I must learn how to master this force
So that I may wander in the long forgotten realm
8. By God Forsaken
[Music: Hanner/Edlund; Lyrics: Hanner]
Face the truth, the truth that we live in
This life is losing its burning flame
I cannot feel, no longer deny it
We are this world's forsaken...breed!
My God, is heaven upon me?
We've spent a lifetime in this deep, cold, daze
One life, one man, this is our God's sacrifice
Look at my life
What do you see?
Where is the light, that used to be?
Can't you see what you're doing to me?
My soul is fading away
Spread your wings, and fly away
From this, prodigal world
Have no fear, you child of mine,
You'll see, your time will come
9. From Here To Death
[Music: Edlund/Hanner; Lyrics: Bjork]
Forever left behind
Behind what was ment to be
Destroying the worlds around me
With powers from inside
My soul is fading away
Yes I have been led astray
By an unknown cosmic force
I'm entombed within myself
With this world as my enemy
Inside the darkest mind
There is no light, there is no hope
Black is the color of our death
From here we are, from here we are
My hatred lives on through the ages
I surely will die with pride in my heart
From here to death, from here to nothingness
The only thing I feel is hate
Abomination for life itself
Dark surrealistic images are surrounding me
Beyond our own unavoidable death