Avenged Sevenfold
« Waking the Fallen »
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1 | Waking The Fallen
 | 2 | Unholy Confessions
 | 3 | Chapter Four
 | 4 | Remenissions
 | 5 | Desecrate Through Reverance
 | 6 | Eternal Rest
 | 7 | Second Heartbeat
 | 8 | Radiant Eclipse
 | 9 | I Won't See You Tonight (Part
 | 10 | I Won't See You Tonight (Part
 | 11 | Clairvoyant Disease
 | 12 | And All Things Will End |
   M. Shadows - vocals
Zacky Vengeance - guitars
Synyster Gates - guitars
Johnny Christ - bass
The Reverend - drums |
 | 1. Waking The Fallen
Wake the ones and rise tonight
Fallen souls we shine so bright
Rise now and ever
forgotten memories
No one can touch us
2. Unholy Confessions
"I'll try," she said as he walked away.
"Try not to lose you."
Two vibrant hearts could change.
Nothing tears the being |
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 Группа образовалась летом 1999 года в Хантингтон-Бич (Калифорния), когда участники Avenged Sevenfold еще учились в средней школе. Название команды базируется на библейской истории о Каине, убившем своего брата Авеля: «И сказал Господь: поэтому, кто бы ни убил Каина, будет отмщен (avenged) семикратно (sevenfold)». Первый полноформатный альбом «Sounding the Seventh Trumpet» группа выпустила, когда ее участникам едва исполнилось по 18 лет. До этого вышла EP «Warmness on the Soul». Музыка группы прогрессировала от достаточно простых двух-трехминутных композиций до шести-семиминутных эпиков.
Альбом «Waking The Fallen» являет собой мелодичный металкор с элементами хэви, дета, треша, панка, хардкора и поп-рока. Общий композиционный уровень высок, присутствуют множество смещений ритма и частая смена мелодий. Вокал варьируется от чистоголосого пения до скриминга и гроулинга. Поначалу кажется, что играет утяжеленный The Offspring, но после пары композиций такое ощущение отпадает. Звук достаточно типичен для американских альтернативных групп. Инструменты прописаны хорошо, да и музыканты тоже постарались на славу. Музыка варьируется от достаточно жестких боевиков до балладоподобных вещей, иногда уходя в панковские дебри.
Вердикт: еще одна интересная группа из стана металкорщиков, рекомендую. |
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Этот молодой металкоровый коллектив стремительно ворвался в мир тяжёлой музыки. Их дебютник («Sounding the Seventh Trumpet» 2001) представлял собой довольно неплохую смесь металкора, хардкора и панка. С тех пор случилось несколько важных событий: группа перебралась на другой лейбл (Hopeless Records), приняла в свои ряды нового гитариста Синистера Гейтса (настоящее имя — Брайан Хэнер-младший) и басиста Джонни Крайста (настоящее имя — Джонатан Сьюард). Разумеется, появление двух новых людей в команде значительно повлияло на музыку, и она стала намного мелодичнее. Вообще, стиль группы теперь сильно приблизился к обычному металкору, безо всяких приставок в названии стиля. Характерные мелодии, многочисленные гитарные соло, разрушающая барабанная работа и разнообразный вокал, который варьируется от чистого напевного голоса до раздирающего горло крика, — всё это явно указывает на усиление концентрации металкора в музыке группы. Видимо, новый лейбл не пожалел финансов на запись в студии, и поэтому саунд на «Waking the Fallen» гораздо плотнее, мощнее и серьёзнее, нежели на «Sounding the Seventh Trumpet», что доказывает движение группы в лучшую сторону. Видно улучшение также и в написании песен, теперь они уже не так схожи, как на прошлом альбоме, и каждая из них с лёгкостью запоминается. В особенности, удались такие композиции, как абсолютный хит на все времена «Unholy Confessions», очень мелодичные вещи «Chapter Four» и «Remenissions», безбашенный «Eternal Rest», красивая песня «Second Heartbeat» и две части «I Won’t See You Tonight». Кстати, на акустической гитаре в «Remenissions» нарезает отец соло-гитариста Синистера Гейтса — Брайан Хэнер-старший. Он всегда помогает сыну и его группе, и поэтому когда нужно сыграть чувственную акустическую партию, Хэнер-старший приходит на помощь команде. Общее настроение альбома, как мне показалось, какое-то задумчивое и меланхоличное, печальные нотки проскальзывают на протяжении всего альбома. Этот альбом последний перед переходом на лейбл Warner Bros Records. Приятного прослушивания! |
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Отличный альбом!!! Команда решила играть свою музыку, создав свой стиль, который окончательно сформируется к альбому "City of Evil". Добавив к металкору долю хэви-метала, группа выпустила мощный альбом, где граничат драйв и мелодика, любовь и ненависть.
В каждой песне запоминающийся мотив и своя изюминка, всё слушается на одном дыхании, начиная с нарастающего интро "Waking the Fallen", заканчивая искажённым замедлением "And All Things Will End". Гитарная работа Синистра Гейтса потрясает, чего только стоят соляки в "Eternal Rest" или "Second Heartbeat", а ведь парню был всего-то 21 год на тот момент! Романтичная, но мрачная "I Won't See You Tonight Part 1" достойна называться украшением альбома; хороша идея написать вторую часть этой песни, уже агрессивную, тяжёлую, но с тем же мелодичным припевом. Достойна особого внимания хард-роковая "Clairvoyant Disease", да так и все песни можно перечислить...
Мастхэв для всех металюг, один из самых разнообразных металкор-альбомов, не давящий на мозг сплошным криком, его хочется слушать ещё и ещё. |
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Отнести этот альбом к какому-либо одному музыкальному направлению, как мне кажется, не представляется возможным. Здесь можно услышать элементы трэша, металкора, мелодик дета, панк-рока, готики... Но в основе своей - это всё же смесь мелодик дета и панка.
Структура песен разнообразна... Здесь легко можно услышать как довольно агрессивные куплеты, где участвует скриминг, сменяются почти балладными припевами с "чистым" голосом. Довольно часто проскакивают вокальные партии, где участвуют два голоса, что звучит очень красиво.
Каждая песня обладает своим особым шармом, включая интро - "Waking The Fallen". И, несмотря на то, что некоторые песни длятся по 6-7 минут, надоесть они не успевают и не кажутся однообразными.
Следующий за этим альбом "City Of Evil" понравился меньше, т.к. он получился более драйвовым, но менее мелодичным. А здесь парням удалось совместить красивые запоминающиеся мелодии с бесшабашным задором, что в свою очередь дало очень хороший результат! |
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просмотров: 34540 |
unmasked fear.
"I'll be here waiting" tested but secure.
Nothing hurts my world,
just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood,
you'll be the one to fall.
"I wish I could be the one,
the one who won't care at all
But being the one on the stand,
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
I know it's hard to fall.
Confined in me was your heart
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."
Nothing will last in this life,
our time is spent constructing,
now you're perfecting a world... meant to sin.
Constrict your hands around me,
squeeze till I cannot breathe,
this air tastes dead inside me,
contribute to our plague.
Break all your promises,
tear down this steadfast wall,
restraints are useless here,
tasting salvation's near.
3. Chapter Four
(give me your hand,
blood is spilt and man will follow
infernal man, punishment too great to bear)
Conceived and born was one of light
Rain and dark, the other born black night
Raise your head and taste the courage
(the one of light)
Fall from grace, unholy night
I've come here to kill you,
won't leave until you've died
Murder born of vengeance,
I closed my brothers eyes tonight...
Its cold tonight as the clouds turn grey
and from my hands to my brothers grave
You took his side, you took his gift,
feel the power of a fallen man, crestfallen man...
Far away in this land I must go,
out of the site of the One.
A punishment sent from his hand
a hardship no one should know
Now go out of the site of the One,
away in this land you must go.
Where has he gone? What have you done?
A voice commands from high above this earth.
From the soil I hear his blood cry out to me
Murder, liar, vengeance, deceit.
4. Remenissions
With this ink in our skin we've sealed our fate,
and the axe comes early
(only naturally) So what does that matter?
There's a bed of skeletons waiting for me,
on the other side
They're waiting for my next move (next fatal breath)
Human lives to me seem so unreal, can't see through the fog
(nothing past a grey wall) see past the stereotype
Belief, structure built up in you.
I'll tear you down and the one who created you
If they didn't have One how would they act?
If we didn't have hope how would we behave?
Would they still feel remorse
if they slaughtered innocent beings?
Or is hope the only thing that keeps you sane?
A good friend once told me you are our memory
without them we equal nothing
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
Suddenly my life was so free
Leaves at my feet, blown to the ground
their echoes are reaching my ears
Nights coming fast, suns going down
But keep away from me... keep away from me
(it's hard, to keep me in this place, keep away from me)
We may have created the beginning, mentally
We may have created the beginning, physically
To the end of our human existence...
I see through you
The fear that's in your eyes
A good friend once told me we are our memory
Without it we equal nothing
And all I can see is the place I wanna be
Timeless my life was so free
Leaves at my feet, blown to the ground
their echoes are reaching my ears
Nights coming fast, suns going down - confused
I don't know the answers but neither do you
5. Desecrate Through Reverance
Hard news, taken harder, don't look to me
Disappointed, we don't agree, I don't need your praise...
(don't look my way for help,
from the beginning you came to me)
Never asked you to like me,
I don't want your praise (we won't play your games)
Look down on me, spit in my face,
you're nothing to me:not to me
Darkened eyes you'll see,
there is no hope, no savior in me
(don't look this way, don't breathe this way,
don't stare this way, anymore)
Learned from years gone by, no one will care,
what happens to me
(don't look this way, don't breathe this way,
don't stare this way, anymore)
My presence won't be ignored, no not today
Don't walk in my direction, turn the other way
(don't look my way for help,
from the beginning you came to me)
Asking questions, predetermined answers,
you won't find them here (we don't want your opinion)
And I don't want you, I won't let you think,
compromise is near. 'Cause it's not near.
I'm alone in here
No more feelings
Killed my fears
Don't ask
you'll never know
you're left behind and I'll be exposed
Far away, you keep on trying...
Holding me down, breaking away,
trying to distance my life.
Not one in the crowd, but one with the answer
the one that could change your mind
But it's not true, I don't need you
Don't waste your time, and don't waste mine
I'm not your friend, I won't soothe your soul
And in the end you're all dead to me....
6. Eternal Rest
Black enchanting eyes,
cut through my heart
with no regret or sign of life
They tear apart my pride
and cold runs through my veins
I feel their stare from miles
haunting every step
and they won't stop hunting me down
I know the time will come,
when all around me's burned
and you'll still see me there
Asking where you went too
and what person brought you here
And why you left the burning children
cold out in the night
and calling for you all alone...
Dark in their hearts,
I can feel it burn inside of me
Tormented young with no souls, haunting me
Pain in their lives all they know is misery
Take these chains away that are holding me down
They'll find you alone
and your desperate and villainous ways
Turning their hearts into stone
they seek more then vengeance
Look in their eyes your pain is their satisfaction
Look in their eyes and see the darkness take hold
Burn for the rest of time
Hear the haunting words
lost children with no heart are crying
and your the lost mother their calling
I hear them crying at night
outside when the planets are falling
They want to feel and know you hear them
Go now / Run and hide
Eternal Rest / In time
7. Second Heartbeat
We keep writing, talking and planning, but everything's changing.
We all know what to do but know one does it.
Now this time has passed and full of regret.
Two in my heart have left me a while, I stand alone.
When they get back, it won't be the same.
My life, you've always been there.
Now you're gone and my heads spinning.
Left the childhood, left the memories, left the good times in the past.
Moving on your time has run out.
Wishing the clock would stand still, the world can wait.
Wasting away once again, once lived as friends.
As time passes by, regrets for the rest of my life.
The ones who I confide were gone in the black of the night.
Never will I forget you, and all the memories past.
So rarely I get to see your face.
Growing I looked to you in guidance.
We knew that time would kill us, but you're still so close to me.
To me you were my life.
To me you were my soul companion.
Now you are so far away.
Nothing can take away the time and the memories we had.
Come back - to the days when we were young
Come back - to the days when nothing mattered.
8. Radiant Eclipse
Two nights ago I was shot
A bullet sunk straight through my skull
A friend pulled the trigger that silenced me
No pain as I awoke, but dead
Seeing the face of the man
The time as he lays down his gun
I knew this was going to take place
White silence, so peaceful, so numb
No one knows the time they're changing
No one will see through:
You're all gone to me, (gone to me)
I've been pulled out to watch from my eternal sleep
Intuition and a warning to believe (I will believe)
Something was wrong and though I felt I had to stay
Moving on seemed to be somber bliss
Without one goodbye
I watch my Mother shed tears
(and taste the blood she cries
and taste the blood she cries)
No:This gun has stopped time in its tracks
Has altered the course of my fate
Destiny is shattered and timeless
Closed eyes feel the cold winds embrace
I'll watch you call, calling for me,
you can't bring back time...
Close your eyes or look away,
fate exposed and won't let me stay
Hope will fall tonight with broken wings,
descending entity in me
My voice has been taken from me.
The more I listen, the more I have to say
9. I Won't See You Tonight Part 1
Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight
Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me,
I cared for and loved
Building up, inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don't mourn for me, you're not the one to place the blame
As bottles called my name, I won't see you tonight
Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me,
I cared for and most of all I loved
but I can't see myself that way
please don't forget me or cry while I'm away
Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight
So far away, I'm gone. Please don't follow me tonight.
And while I'm gone, everything will be alright.
No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight
10. I Won't See You Tonight Part 2
Come back to me, this is unconceivable
Breaking apart the ones you love
Hate runs deep for what you've done to us
Left alone through suicide...suicide
I just want to die, take away my life
lay by your side, please:.
Look at my face you pierce with a blank stare
No dream could prepare a heart for a lifeless friend.
He's gone. Nothing will take back time.
I need him back, but nothing will take back time.
(take back time)
I can see just fine, you in my life,
there by my side as it starts to fade
I know this can't be right, stuck in a dream
a nightmare full of sorrow
Nightmare - full of pain
I look back and see the twisted road
Best friends and despair took its toll
Take away
You can't be replaced
I'm left alone with you
in spirit and the words
you wrote to me
Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me, I cared for
and most of all I loved
but I can't see myself that way
please don't forget me
or cry while I'm away
11. Clairvoyant Disease
Dust begins to fall, to the ground
The air is cold and thin
Thoughts are haunting me as I look around
This will never end and I'll bleed forever
Don't acknowledge right, just dwell on wrong
This spot in hell's where I belong
I've come so far - it's been so long
Don't know why it started or where it came from
Outside shell is strong - confident
But slowly eats away
Like a man plagued with disease, I try to fight
Through my pores it seems to seep...
I'll bleed forever
And you sit there and do nothing
You're content with doing nothing
There's nowhere to run and hide
when you're living to die
Stuck alone inside your head,
better off dead
The phone would ring in the empty house,
no one's around.
But in my life, I wanted more, I needed more
I taste more
12. And All Things Will End
Lived through you,
safe with how we lived our lives,
with how it all turned out.
(But things are bound to change)
Uncovered lies, surfaced throughout,
will make you change your mind
Sometimes life is altered
Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right
When I see you, I can read it in your eyes,
fate misunderstood.
(But things are bound to change)
Swallowed the lies, can't blame you for,
thinking with your heart.
Sometimes life is altered.
Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
Uneasy with confrontation.
Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right
I see my world crumble and fall, before my eyes
I know, I know.
Dark will turn to light, in time I'll be alright
I know, I know
(I never imagined my life could turn out this way
So cold so black so alone)
Living goes by fast, catch your breath
and it will pass you by.
And it won't last, to sulk with the memories you hold.
Sometimes life is altered.
Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
Uneasy with confrontation.
Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right