Adorned Brood
« Asgard »
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1 | Intro 01:26 instrumental
 | 2 | A God Ruled Time 04:51
 | 3 | Asgard 06:18
 | 4 | Black Beasts 09:21
 | 5 | Twilight in Midgard 01:55 instrumental
 | 6 | Pride Was My Desire 04:37
 | 7 | The Ambush 06:31
 | 8 | Magic Nights 04:37
 | 9 | Mighty Swords 04:39
 | 10 | Arrival 00:50 instrumental
 | 11 | Die Wiederkehr 04:32 |
   Markus Frost - vocals, bass
Ingeborg Anna Seide - flute, vocals
Benjamin Ulkan - guitars
Thorsten Derks - guitars
Tim Baumgartel - drums |
Label: Moonstorm
Recorded at Soundstation Studios. |
 | 2. A God Ruled Time
In a time,
where magic spells and gods ruled.
In a time,
where Wotan held his hand above us.
Welcome in a time,
in which we can live as once.
Spread your wings...
Spread your wings and fly.
Life in the dark you open the wrong door.
Life in our Asgard we know |
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 Музыкальная направленность Adorned Brood переносит слушателя в эпические ландшафты немецкого средневековья и погружает в ауру темного меланхолического спокойствия, используя в своем творчестве живое звучание фолковых инструментов, музыкантам удается тонко передать особенности того времени и его величественный дух. "Asgard" являет собой уникальное произведение тяжелого фольклорного направления и относится к категории альбомов, которые вписаны золотыми буквами в историю мировой музыки. Данная работа, выполнена с наибольшим уклоном в фольклорную линию, и преимущественно оттеняет драйвовую направленность в ее музыкальной картине, на второстепенный рубеж. Лидирующая музыкальная партия, через всю творческую линию релиза, принадлежит хрупкому и изящному духовому инструменту – флейте, который и является одним из основополагающих элементов уникальности всего материала. Вокальная сторона работы, включает в себя обилие тембральных вариаций: начиная от скримящего пения Markus'а Frost'а и сопровождающего все композиции мужского хорового многоголосия с использованием открытого вокала фронтмена, выполняющих отдельную роль во всем произведении, до божественного струящегося голоса, которым утонченно оперирует Anna Ingeborg. Интонации ее голосовых форм, создают удивительную атмосферу и свойственную флейте теплоту дыхания образности, они планомерно дополняют друг – друга под прозрачные переборы струнных инструментов. Все эти голосовые и инструментальные обороты, гармонично сочетаются с достаточно жесткими картинными зарисовками фундаментального саунда цельного произведения. Очертания плотного звукового обрамления, подчеркивают выделяющуюся фольклорную составляющую всей работы и дают полную реализацию способностям музыкантов коллектива, раскрывающих свой технический и творческий потенциал, как идейных созидателей искусства. Это воистину величественная музыка, потрясающая своей чувственностью, масштабностью, изысканной гармонией и эпической красотой. |
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Очень мощный фолк-блек-викинг, такая себе гремучая смесь. Очень приятный и мелодичный метал с прекрасной, просто великолепной флейтой. Быстрые моменты чем-то очень отдаленно напоминает Ensiferum, медленные эпические - Haggard. Единственный минус - хотелось бы чуточку больше драйва, веселья что ли....Любители средневековщины - это для вас!
Ну и для меня, конечно. |
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просмотров: 9634 |
I - I don't tell you lies.
Close - Close your eyes and hear.
Follow me into a time,
where father and son go on journey.
To teach to fight.
To learn to kill.
Three trials must be passed
Fight, kill without fear.
When the son would be pass (as a warrior)
Fight, kill without fear.
In a time,
where magic spells and gods ruled.
In a time where Wotan held his hand above us.
Welcome into a time, ruled by Wotan.
Sooner or later you must understand.
3. Asgard
Magic is in the air. As many miracles,
as many gods there in this land.
- Asgard, land of the gods -
I saw the path to him, there's no turning back.
My entrance in this world was beautiful.
Walhalla the holy land.
Hall of the proud warriors.
Place of Wotan's throne.
Am I good enough?
Ruled by the one-eyed, old man.
Murderers and scum will go to hel.
A woman who rules her reich by herself.
As the loneliest majesty.
Her face, half woman half beast.
Helheim the unholy land.
A hall of pain.
Far away from light.
No turning back.
Where ever lasting darkness rules.
Asgard, the land of the gods.
Hall of the proud warrior.
Place of Wotan's home
Am I good enough?
Ruled by the one-eyed old man.
My power becomes bigger and bigger.
Magic lives in me.
- Forever and ever -
Don't you ever forget what's been told,
or die...
- Die by my hand -
4. Black Beasts
The journey takes now many days and nights.
Near the mountains, which stand majestic before them,
they realise the wolvescry.
"Listen my son, the first trial is near." [Narog]
An old majestic oak protects them for the crawling dusk.
The cries come nearer and nearer.
Pulsating blood is what the wolves are scenting.
Raging desire drives them forward.
A black wolf jumps out of the thicket.
As fast as he can, Narog shots an arrow.
Which smashes the wolves heart.
Encouraged Tyrael takes a dagger.
Side by side they fight against the beasts.
Side by side a fight over life and death.
Screams run through the dark, cold night.
Blood splashed - swords splatter the bodies of the beasts.
The moon let their claws glitter like steel.
Their desire for fresh flesh was finished by a bloody fight.
Side by side they defeat the beasts.
Side by side they sow the ground with death.
"Once my son will become a great warrior."
"Protect me from the beast.
Give me power to defeat.
This night and all nights which will come.
Oh, my Master in Asgard, give me power for this run."
5. Twilight In Midgard
6. Pride Was My Desire
"I killed the beasts on my fathers side.
My dagger sled into the black hearts.
Courage and power I felt.
Power killed the greed.
Pride was my desire.
Fear I defeat." [Tyrael]
Blood spread in this night.
The ground soaked from the blood.
- Death - shining so bright. -
Blood on the hands
In this night.
"There was might, I feel might.
Might - about life and death
Might - to extinguish the life of the beasts
Might - to kill with my hands
Might - to crush my enemies
Might - about life and death
Pride was my desire.
Blood I feel on my hands." [Tyrael]
7. The Ambush
The journey went on, through a black
forest of misfortune.
Woods of murderers and scum.
Far away they heard laughter.
Many eyes followed them.
Narog scented their were being watched.
"The second trial is awaiting you."
"In the battle I will be on your side.
My sword will kill for you."
The scum attacked from the ambush.
A violent battle began.
The bodies of the scum were torn into pieces by the swords.
The blades were drilled deeply into the scum's bodies.
The silence turned into beastly screams.
8. Magic Nights
Exhausted and near death,
Tyrael percieves a light in the dark.
A few steps in front of a little house
he drowns in deep unconsciousness.
Dagaz, a nice young demigoddess,
owner of this house,
picks him up and cares for him
until he arouses.
Whenb he looked into her eyes
both fell in deep love,
it's clear! They'll spend some magic nights.
And hope they'll stay together so long.
Attracted by her smile,
Tyrael knows that he found the one,
the one to stay near by,
the one to live with side by side.
Dagaz is now sad and worried,
she knows that she'll get a child,
but it's not the baby, it's not Tyrael
it's the premonition of war that makes her wild.
When they looked into their eyes
both fell in deep love.
Now as they spent some magic nights
Their luck is over.
9. Mighty Swords
The battle begins, Side by side
A battle of life and death.
The battle starts.
Mighty men with might swords
Kill their enemies.
Screams can be heard
All over the land,
carried by the wind.
Screams can be heard all over the land.
Screams, full of pain and despair.
This bloody battle takes a very long time,
but the enemies fought until the bitter end,
in this bloody inferno.
Raise your mighty swords and fight.
Raise your mighty swords and do as Wotan pleases.
Tyrael, the mighty warrior was exhausted.
"Dein Sohn braucht Dich." [Dagaz]
He longed for his father and his wife.
"Ich begehre Dich.
Verlass uns bitte nicht." [Dagaz]
- Raise your mighty swords and fight -
A battle to the blood, day by day.
A battle to the flesh, day by day.
Hit by an enemies sword through the heart,
- He lay dying on the bloody ground -
and saw his life full of pride passing by.
- carried by the wind -
The last being he thought of, as Dagaz,
then the virgins led him to his master.
10. Arrival
11. Die Wiederkehr
Am Himmel stand die Sonne tief.
Das rot des Himmels trankte den Wald.
Die Erde bebte bei der Wiederkehr.
Ihre Bestimmung war es zu sterben.
Nach einer langen Schlacht,
in welcher viele Krieger starben.
Legte man sich zur Ruh.
Keine Rache war zu erwarten.
Die Erde ist getränkt von Blut.
Wer wohl jetzt in Frieden ruht?