Skeleton of God
« Urine Garden / Bleached in the Sun »
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1 | Urine Garden 04:54
 | 2 | 10 Second Infinity 04:50
 | 3 | Spiritual Schizophilia 03:52
 | 4 | Withered Humans 04:28
 | 5 | Smog ( Bach re-mix ) 00:37
 | 6 | Bleached in the Sun 05:20
 | 7 | Laughing at the Rape of the Dead 00:48
 | 8 | Drinking Blood & Eating Children 01:10
 | 9 | Rervous Tic Magic 06:25
 | 10 | Unicornhole 04:34
 | 11 | Tigers & Palms & Rattlesnakes 04:55
 | 12 | Blum Luminescense 04:48
 | 13 | Smog (mongo - mix) 00:18
 | | Total playing time: 46:59 |
   Jeff Kahn - vocals, guitars
Joel DiPietro - bass
Erik Stenflo - drums
Tim Fouch - guitars
 | 1. Urine Garden
I'm burying the body
of my playmate ebeneezer, stabbed to death
I'm smashing the bugs that crawl on his face
I reach into the lifeless former living friend of mine
Buried in the garden
Out far past the corn
It seems to be unreal
I long to touch the flesh
Return to the |
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 Про современность группы написал, почему бы и истоки не осветить, тем более, что они едва ли менее упоротые, чем поздний психоделик- или стоунер-дэт. Колорадские дэтстеры предлагают свою, укуренную версию, дэт-грайнда, это нелегкое путешествие по темным коридорам их извращенного воображения. Возьмем первую ипишку "Urine Garden": степенные и вязкие, тяготеющие немного к сладжу, оды перверсиям и затуманенные разгоны в форме бластинга. Но не все так просто, чтобы просто долбило и утробно рычало. Осложняют звериную инерцию декламационные вставки (см. также Wicked Innocence) и галлюциногенные солячки. Да и вообще тривиальности не место в репертуаре этих парней, визгливый риффинг успешно развлекает вариациями, особенно вкусны сокрушительные брейкдаунистые отрезки. Skeleton Of God травят байки о некрофилии и пользе ее для взращивания новой жизни, пускаются в философские рассуждения о трепетных секундах, пока жизнь еще не покидает отрубленную голову, в каждой песне фигурирует тема сексуального желания... Бонг и дэт-грайнд – воистину вместе веселей!
"Bleached in the Sun", первые его трэки – это совсем другая песня и совсем маргинальный коленкор. Поражает, как музыканты могут тратить львиную долю времени на записанное на диктофон рычалово/гудение, которое претендует на звание худшей по звуку демки раннего Carcass, которую они никогда не выпустили. Этого прикола я не понял. Зато остальное время забито осложненными жанровыми формами, где постоянно уйма событий. Следом по тексту тоже наркомания, но уже куда музыкальней. Мрачный симфонический трип с завываниями "Drinking Blood & Eating Children" – реальное интро к альбому. Фарш начинается аж с 4-го номера – "Nervous Tic Magic". Это угрюмый дэт из некоей Сумрачной зоны, разрывающийся между известными полюсами – грайндкоровой молотилкой и атмосферным дэт-думом. Появляется и стоунер, мозги прокуривались не зря. "Glum Luminescence" с вальяжно напеваемым текстом – вполне себе прототип 2-ого альбома Skeleton Of God, хотя тоже частями. Да, эта группа, как я и говорил, является предтечей использования "неуместного" чистого вокала, принято считать его гранджевым. "Bleached in the Sun" в целом звучит поздоровее и потрадиционней: напористый темп, ровные бласты, красивые воздушные соло...
Skeleton Of God – безусловно, существенная креативная единица в системе эксцентричного дэт-метала нач. 90-х, немало вещей они придумали и освоили прежде других, и только разорванность, непоследовательность их наследия может помешать им получить должное признание. Фанатам же дэта и грайнда категории B ознакомиться обязательно. |
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просмотров: 6677 |
Penis pointed at unburied head
Stalks are growing from the grave
I piss into his mouth
Stench is getting stronger
as my playmate rests
At night I dream of the body lying dead
Thinking of ebeneezer, how could I be so mean?
It made my penis hard, semen flowed
as I hacked into his flesh
Another day arrives, I quietly slip away
I return to my friend's corpse
I gaze upon a mutant
Growing in my garden
Seemingly a spawn from hell
A grotesque figure grows before me
I seems to keep growing and spreading
as I watch close by
Unveil the spawn of blasphemy
Spawned though my defecation
Feed it with my urine
My semen produces new life
Today my mutant spoke to me without words
Instructed me to fetch my playmates
from their homes:
"Bring them to me
Get in line
For my feeding"
"I thank you for the gift
You've done so much for me
You must leave
For it is time to eat now
Bodies of children
Breed life
in my weak branches boy"
"Return tomorrow to cum on me
Ensure the re-birth of the young - now dead
Create with my mutant body
A new breed of sickness
God of disease"
I lay awake as I think of the missing kids
I was promised power in light of my deep regret
I feel urge again
My body's filled with sickness
Again I journey to the Garden
Repent as I will exist in shame
Feed the beast with urine
I ignite the blooming ground
"Why do you burn my branches?"
I must kill what frightens me!!!
2. 10 Second Infinity
Free from life, victim writhes
Wisdom attained through separation
Head falls to the ground
Read the anguish
Infinite intelligence
Eyes gaze upon the decapitation
Thoughts revealed, transported through glassy eyes
Probes analyze the beating pulse
To observe the limp body, headless now
10 second sight
Brain functions until life's blood drains away
Scientific mockery
I laugh for I'm ingenious
Undocumented Advances
Bodies adorn my table
Murder for clinical mastery
Hypocratic oath denied
Conformity stifles discovery
Surgical Replacement to occupy
What are a few deaths for a perfect life
Pain and suffering, head hits the floor
Anxiety complicated surgery
I play the role of entity
Repent when the reborn breathe again
Moral degeneration, no pity felt for you
Pre-ejaculatory fluid drips in my slacks
Removal of my victim's heads, I do this just for fun
Pre-fabricated results are yet to come
The walking dead mutation
Product of my discovery
A masturbating invalid
Born through experiment
Flesh white and cold
Paralyzed frozen stare
Reveal to me
The helpless sensation
10 second infinity
Departure of the soul
10 seconds of enlightenment
Head rolls beside me
10 seconds of life
Convey your discovery
Converse with the dismembered
Knowledge of sights unseen
Moral complications exist behind me
Discover a body in transition
Reconnect the head deprived of torso
Conceive new life through my seed
Life's been monitored from birth of creation
A spiritual connection to Earth and time
To reveal unanswered questions
To sacrifice my own life
to experience the sensation of immortality
To see my carcass from this point of view
Reveals how feeble it is to be mortal
(Repeat first three verses)
3. Spiritual Schizophilia
Subconscious beckoning me
A stress conceived hallucination
Enduring a time of peace
Relinquish my soul to the timeless void
I walk a path, a path I've learned to accept
There is no equilibrium, I can't and wont be redeemed
An image of Christ appears, soon only to fade away
The confusion is overwhelming
I wonder if others suffer my indignity
Reborn - cessation, my mind's my enemy
Observe yourself, commit the act of self-induced sodomy
All I see are corpses, molestation and my flesh bleeds
Humiliation - You can't deny what your conscious sees
I'm walking down the same path the normal walk
Tormented, possibly falling prey again to my sex addiction
Why do I choose to copulate unto myself?
Why do I choose to rape my helpless sleeping body?
Smell the burning bodies
Taste the sperm of angels forcibly
Vomit semen into the hands of the weak
Reach to grasp my hand, alive
Mirror image soul burns
Into the portal I see Gomorrah
Rape observed by angels, lord?
Raping me
Sickening ecstasy
I'm cumming now
Into my own body
Wake from this horrible dream
Spitting cum
Why does my anus bleed?
Was it a dream?
Trapped in my own mind
The rape I fear I'm cursed to suffer
A demon perhaps infiltrating me
I'm forced to ejaculate into my own mouth
The mind is strange, or are spirits real?
Discharge, drowning me
The stench of immorality burning
There's only one way to suppress this image
Become one with myself in the spirit world
lead - Tim
lead- Jeff
I'm walking down the same path the normal walk
Tormented, possibly falling prey again to my sex addiction
Why do I choose to copulate unto myself?
Why do I choose to rape my dead body?
See the light
Save my soul
Expose my penis
Expelled from paradise
4. Withered Humans
I woke up at 7
I couldn't find the plane
My grandchildren are in Kansas
Which way back to my home?
Help me
Help me
Bring me to my grandson please
Help me
Help me
I love your pretty shirt
My husband called
Bring me the phone
My children are dead
They must be with George
The freezing cold
The sunny sky
Please give me a smoke
Where are the pets?
Trapped in my crib
Since the dawn of creation
The bombs are all leaking
The enemy's fun
See my mom, my dad is a fisherman
The fish are so tasty, the Davenport's green
I hate maize
The oil is greasy
Please put on the bib
For mama please
Brain slowly decays
Body's slow de-evolution
Bring me water
Bring me eggs
Bring me prunes
Suck on my nipples, boy
Lick out my armpit, Honey
Can you please lend me your key
Read my book you insolent little fool
The wisdom attained through the aged, the old
My way's the way, the way of the lord
Please stop the pain, boy
Help me - will you?
Help me - will you?
Help me - will you?
Help me - will you?
I took my necklace I found it before
The same old cook that picked at my bedsore
The same man's waiting at - the - door
Fuzzy channels are caused by spaceships
A piece of hair is clouding my eye
Arts and crafts confronting me
Bingo is my god now
Take me to my dining room you fucking cunt
To consume the splendid morsels I love
I wait for it all day
I eat my husband's jello now
Bring me to the bathroom, nurse
I'm going to piss my pants
Please touch my vagina
I haven't been fucked in years
Death by suffocation
Covers pulled over my eyes
Someones poisoned my coffee, Mom
A man is following granny
Steal my coat
Take my hand
Rejuvenate my body
Incinerate when dead
I can't take the pain anymore
It hurts so bad to grow old
I think I want to be cremated
I don't want to be a burden
I woke up at 7
I couldn't find the plane
My grandchildren are in Kansas
Which way back to my home