Silent Force
« Infatuator »
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1 | Infatuator 04:46
 | 2 | Fall Into Oblivion 05:17
 | 3 | Hear Me Calling (Death by Fascination) 05:28
 | 4 | Promised Land 05:03
 | 5 | We Must Use the Power 06:10
 | 6 | All Guns Blazing (Judas Priest cover) 03:27
 | 7 | Cena Libera (instrumental) 00:26
 | 8 | Gladiator 04:36
 | 9 | The Blade 06:24
 | 10 | Last Time 04:48
 | 11 | World Aflame 05:26
 | 12 | In Your Arms 06:05
 | 13 | Northern Lights (instrumental) 01:48
 | 14 | See Beyond (video) 04:41
 | | Total playing time: 59:50 |
   DC Cooper - vocals
Alexander Beyrodt - guitars
Torsten Rohre - keyboards
Jurgen Steinmetz - bass
Andre Hilgers - drums |
Produced by Alexander Beyrodt
Engineered, Mixed and Mastered by Achim Kohler at House of Music Studios, Winterbach/Germany
Vocals produced by Victor Smolski, Engineered by Ingo Czaikowski at VPS Studios, Hamm/Germany
Female Voice at "In my arms": Inka Auershagen
"Cena Libera" performed by the Belorussian State TV & Radio Orchstra |
 | 1. Infatuator
Slowly as your falling there
Right before my eyes
Seconds till the end
Taking every ounce of energy that's left
Just to make amends
So pathetic as it eats you to oblivion
Many men have been there just like you
Jealousy is here to meet you
To frustration
You're the one tha |
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 Второй альбом Silent Force – это объективно самый слабый диск, который вышел у этой группы. Что именно побудило DC Cooper’a, человека, обладающего прекрасным и самобытным голосом, издеваться не только над собой, но и над слушателями, копируя Роба Хэлфорда – останется тайной. Но эти попытки играть а-ля Judas Priest (кавер на All Guns Blazing добавлен как будто для еще большей издевки) почти убили все то хорошее, что было сделано на первом сольнике после ухода DC из Royal Hunt: вокальные партии стали примитивными, музыка также перестала радовать разнообразием и превратилось в набор штампов. Но самое печальное в этом альбоме то, что при всем качестве записи он пуст как пробка: вспомнить какую-то мелодию или назвать какую-то песню с этого диска после его окончания - задача из ряда сложных вопросов викторины “Что? Где? Когда?”. К счастью, на следующем альбоме заигрывания с пристом DC Cooper прекратил и наконец-то начал делать то, чего от него ждали. Этот же альбом (и лучше всего в переизданном виде, благо он попросту содержит больше материала) – удел коллекционера, причем скорее не поклонника Royal Hunt и их производных, а фаната Judas Priest. (диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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Второй альбом «Infatuator» стал для немцев Silent Force настоящим прорывом, ведь о них теперь вправду заговорили, да что там - о них теперь узнали все! Однако меня несколько удивлял такой расклад планов ДС Купера и Бейродта которые видели будущее группы в том чтобы играть музыку подобную Judas Priest. «Infatuator» не назовёшь никак кроме хорошей копией «Painkiller», однако хорошей. Музыка группы резко поменялась в сторону большей прямолинейности и неоклассичности. Элементы прогрессив и мелодик метала пропали, словно их и не было, а на их место пришли жёсткие гитарные риффы, скоростные партии ударных, мягко говоря, экстремальный вокал для Купера, потому как множество вокальных партий он исполняет в присущем для Роба Халфорда скриминговом стиле, ну и в целом это, конечно же, стафф подобный тому самому классическому Пэйнкиллеру. Вроде бы картина вырисовывается интересная для всех любителей такого метала, однако, есть ещё один не самый приятный факт - весь этот крутой музон, ребята разбавляют помойным ХЭППИ пауэром, при этом мелодии получаются настолько идиотскими, будто музыканты ещё ходят в детский сад! Касаемо инструментальной части тут стоит заметить, что качество записи отличное, а за некоторые моменты альбома группе помогал гитарист Виктор Смольски (Rage), кроме того, в банде поменялся басист, которым теперь стал Юрген Штайментз. Одним из приятных сюрпризов диска стало появление кавера на песню Judas Priest «All Guns Blazing», исполненного в присущей для коллектива манере и с такими же безумными вокальными партиями. Как я уже говорил диск стал неким прорывом для группы, что является, несомненно, правдой, так как на нём можно встретить несколько действительно впечатляющих композиций таких как, например открывающий заглавный номер «Infatuator» - неожиданно агрессивный и отлично цепляющий, не сбавляющий обороты «Fall Into Oblivion», более спокойный боевик «Hear Me Calling» вселяет твёрдую уверенность, что альбом удался на славу, но вот следующая песня «Promised Land» резко сдаёт позиции, а далее идёт уже материал весьма посредственный, прерываясь только на крутейший номер «Time Aflame» в середине пластинки. В общем, чувствуется, что группа развивается, и возможно не так быстро как хотелось бы, однако, и успехи у ребят есть. |
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просмотров: 9223 |
Don't you love to hate her?
Infatuation eats your brain
Don't you love to hate her?
Infatuation, unrestrained
Now you see her there, as your dreaming in blood red
Sweat pours from your mind
Taking all the fear that's seeping from your head
Bleeds you till your blind
2. Fall Into Oblivion
Content with crooked justice
Backs against the wall
Running every way he can, finds a way avoids the fall
Always in the wrong place
Never one that's right
Wonders how he got here , ends up fighting for his life
He must survive
He must stay alive
Fall into oblivion
His life just slips away
Fall into oblivion
He must feel so betrayed
Fall into oblivion
He fights to stay alive
Blood will flows like water
Wiil he survive
Stand beside the one
The one he will betray
Judgement comes with one
Strike that's on its way
Chained and sent to hell
Jail or so it seems
Wonders how he got here
Is this real or in between
He must be wrong
He has to be wrong
Laughing at himself again
Saying there has got to be an end
Thinks of those who shakes their heads
Wonders how it happens
Thinks of those whos sitting there
Judging what will happen to him
In the cold cell
Decides to make his move
Only then he realized
Nothing left to do
Hear him praying
Hear him praying out your name
3. Hear Me Calling
From a distant shadow
I stepped out to the light
Amazed by shapes before me
Tried with all my might
Focus on whets happening
I think I might be dead
Is this what I've wanted
I had a choice instead,
Why is this fascination so real?
Where had it all began
When was the first time that I thought I could feel?
I would give a damn
Hear me calling
Come and take me there
See me falling
Take my life, it's fair
Journey of a lifetime
To die and so its said
Tell me why it's amazing
Have I been mislead?
I've focused on the ending
Always what's ahead?
For seconds I am thinking
Moments lift to dread
Since this fascination is real
Blinded by my plan
No attention to the people who feel
They all give a damn
4. Promised Land
I have but, only one thing to say
Not in the place that I wish to stay
I knew from the time that I seen her face
Nothing was said as I felt her embrace
Ripped apart piece by piece away
Emotion will hide what I want to say
Taste the passion, choking in my throat
With all the motion she has provoked
Take My hand,
Lead me into the Promised Land
It's in her voice
Letting myself become free
Take my hand
Lead me into the Promised Land
From her voice, lets me become free
The dazzling effect she has in her eyes
Fulfilling my strength, this is when I could die
This is the time; she's taking me now
Feeling inside I have earned this somehow
Smile upon my face again
Lifts this weight, Rids my disgrace
Why has this taken so long?
Now is my time, I'm going home
5. We Must Use The Power
In the mouths of Hungry children
Still they have hope in thier minds
Whispering amongst the others
What is left to leave behind
We can feel, like we have been blessed
Lucky to have roofs over our heads
Now, I have seen a light
Now, Let us do what's right,...
We must use our power
We all have inside
We must use the power
Help man to survive
We must use the power
This is something we must do
We must use the power
Someday it might be you
Listen to your heart, to your heart
Ever wonder what will happen
If you would lose, what you have
Will the people come to help you
Or leave you stranded with no plan
That is when you'll find out who true friends are
Thier the ones who'll be there when you're down
Now, I have seen a light
Now, Let us do what's right,...
We must use our power
We all have inside
We must use the power
Help man to survive
We must use the power
This is something we must do
We must use the power
Someday it might be you
Listen to your heart, to your hear
6. All Guns Blazing
[Glenn Tipton, Rob Halford, K. K. Downing]
[from Judas Priest "Painkiller" (1990)]
Twisting the strangle grip
Won't give no mercy
Feeling those tendons rip
Torn up and mean
Blastmaster racks the ground
Bent on survival
Full throttle hammers down
A deadly scream
All guns, all guns blazing
Forced into overdrive
Drawn out of anger
All talons poison dipped
Impaling spike
Heart pounding fever pitch
Blood pumping fury
Two fisted dynamo
Eager to strike
All guns, all guns blazing
Cross cutting thundercharge
Blade of destruction
Flame throwing hurricane
Destroys the cage
Bone crushing alien
God of salvation
Sad wings that heaven sent
Wipes out in rage
All guns, all guns blazing
7. Cena Libera
8. Gladiator
Was a time, in a land, at a place faraway,
In a place we know as Rome
Many years, torn away, fades the distant memory
Try to think, what was life, when you knew one thing,
that was please your king or die
Was a way, as a slave that you could become free,
Masses will bet on his name,
Women lust after his fame
The gladiators face is masked by pain
His wife and child will be slain
Promises someday he'll take revenge
Against the one who's to blame
The one who's to blame
Was a time, that he led, many men through the mud
All in honor of thier king
Counts the days, till he's done, where he wants to go is home
Then he's called to the tent, where he finds he is dead
That was murdered by his son
In his grief, then he turns and announces he is free
There is a price on his head
He then escapes with tears shed
The gladiators face is ripped by pain
His wife and child have been slain
Vows that someday he will take revenge
Against the one who's to blame
The ones who's to blame
We will live if we work as one
He must stay alive to meet them
The gladiators face is ripped by pain
He is well on his way
Falls beside the one, he has revenged
Strength and honor, no shame
Honor No shame
9. The Blade
Chaos is raining tonight
They feel a fight out in the cold
Abused, and not know the truth
Is he the one that will destroy you?
Take-you down-and cut-you with-his knife
The blood flows
Fight-him back-one way-you can survive
Your fate awaits
Flesh-will rip-and bones-will crush tonight
The blood flows
Crowds-will scream-and if-you win this fight
You know, He does not care about you
And many lives he'll change
He'll change
Here in the hands of the Blade
The masses, they're calling him Blade
Cause of the vicious ways he kills
Waits for the gate to explode
Thirsting for victim's blood spills over
Take-you down-and cut-you with-his knife
The blood flows
Fight-him back-one way-you can survive
Your fate awaits
Flesh-will rip-and bones-will crush tonight
The blood flows
Crowds-will scream-and if-you win this fight
He does not care about you
And many lives he'll change
He'll change
Here in the hands of the blade
Deep in the night, where a blind man can see
The blade sitting alone, playing his memories
10. Last Time
One night I thought I saw him walk outside my window
But I know It's in my head
Deepest recess of a mind that warped with memories
Likes to keep things left unsaid
If I ask of you
Try and help me see what's true
I'll Close the book and walk away
Last time I saw him, he was walking out the door
Always think he will return
I am not the only one, I know there is much more
Believe that someday we will see him
When it happens, you wish if there was some more time
Many words you should have said
Breath the breaths I take, I feel that I commit crimes
Because it should have been me dead
And if I ask of you? Tell me if you think its true
The answer might not just be wrong
Last time I saw him, he was walking out the door
Always think he will return
I am not the only one, I know there is much more
Believe that someday we will see him
11. World Aflame
Are you there before me
Placed so hard to find
Or is it just a figment of my mind
Why did you try and destroy me
Is that the way it goes?
I don' think I will ever be the same
Even your eyes-it seems to you is justified
Even I despise-you don't even try to hide
Your face, as you walk, thru the crowd, believing your:
Evil:You set my world aflame
I hope that someday you feel the same
You two you look, perfect in love
Evil:You set my world aflame
I wish that someday you'd feel the same
You two you look, perfect in love
Played me like a fool
Right before my eyes
Took my heart and crushed me till I cried
I feet as though my life
Had been sucked so dry
Crashed around, stumbled till I die
Even in your eyes---but to you it seems all right
Even I despise---you don' even try to hide,
Your face, as you walk, through the crowd, believing your...
12. In Your Arms
I start to count the days
When I walk away
From the place we share, it is our home
The strength you have in me appears from time to time
I know you have to guard your heart and soul
I am asking you
Trust in me to see things through
Please don't ever walk away
In Your Arms
I will always be
Even though I'm far away from home
In your arms
Only place for me
Tell me that you'll stay forever more: Forever more
When I'm Many miles from you
I'm a breath away from your heart
You knew it was this way right from the start
I thank from the depths
Deep within my soul
Hours seem so long when we're apart
Her me asking you
Trust in us to see things though
Please don't ever walk away
When I fall
Into a dreamless state of mind
The only one I think of is you
All I need to know
You're always by my side
I don't think I could live, if that's no so
13. Northern Lights