 Третья работа God Dethroned «Bloody Blasphemy» представляет собой разнотемповый, достаточно эмоциональный и злющий death/black metal, но при этом абсолютно не лишенный мелодичности. И этой самой мелодичности и эмоциональности, по сравнению с предыдущим альбомом «The Grand Grimoire», здесь стало на порядок больше. Чего только стоит длиннющая композиция «Soul Capture 1562», за время звучания которой я слышу и melodic death, и продолжительные красивые сэмплы, и печальный женский «войс»... Но на что в первую очередь обращает эта запись, так это более-менее зрелое и, главное, ровное качество звука. Не знаю, возможно, что на «The Grand Grimoire» парням еще просто элементарно не хватало мастерства техники исполнения, или же это действительно было очень неровное качество записи, но порой звук на предыдущей работе становится каким-то размытым, а местами и скомканным. Но на «Bloody Blasphemy» уже нет таких недочетов. Хотя в целом все равно не могу отметить эту запись высоким качеством звука. Но что касаемо музыкального содержания, то альбом, очевидно, не даст вам заскучать, так как переполнен разнообразными и, еще раз повторюсь, эмоциональными мелодиями. И если кто еще не заценил сей метал-продукт, настоятельно рекомендую. |
Странно, что никто не рецензировал этот диск. Эти голландцы выпустили очередной опус, доверху наполненный мелодичным дэтом. Но это вам не какой-то In Flames. Это в первую очередь дэт, а мелодичные соло и клавишные вставки придают альбому оригинальности. Что интересно - парни, несмотря на довольно мелодичну музыку пытаются показать себя сильно сатанинскими и богохульными, что видно даже на обложке (монстры срывают с креста перепуганного Иисуса). Всем советую. |
am the serpent king.
You're coughing up blood. But that's only temporary. As soon as it stops.
You're free to be a part of me. Feel my presence every second. But my body
travels undetected. Now. I'm gonna shoot you from from real close. I'm the
serpent king. From the heavens I once came. It's your soul that I will take
from you. For I am the serpent king.
I'm the serpent king. From the heavens I once came. And I choose your soul. To
have and hold forever. Feel my presence every second. But my body travels
undetected. Now. I'm gonna shoot you from real close. I'm the serpent king.
From the heavens I once came. It's your soul that I will take from you.
For I am the serpent king.
2. Nocturnal
There's movement in the night. Shades are dancing in a pale moonlight.
Nocturnal occurrencies. Imagination no the night is real. I'm looking for the
truth. But never can I find a trace. Of bloody witches rituals. In the night I
hear them howl. A sound so low it must be real. Or is it my fantasy. As
sunlight fades into a twilight. The moon contrasts against a darkening sky.
Temperature of the air is going down. A veil of fog is forming low above the
ground. There's movement in the night. Shades are dancing in a pale moonlight.
Nocturnal occurrencies. Imagination no the night is real. I'm looking for the
truth. But never can I find a trace. Of bloody witches rituals. In the night I
hear them howl. A sound so low it must be real. Or is it my fantasy. Before
the night is turning into dawn. The morning fog is coming on to me. Suddenly a
choking hand grabs me around my neck. And drags me into death for eternity.
There's movement in the night. Shades are dancing in a pale moonlight.
Nocturnal occurrencies. I magination no the night is real. I'm looking for the
truth. But never can I find a trace. Of bloody witches rituals. In the night I
hear them howl. A sound so low it must be real.
Or is it my fantasy...
3. The Execution Protocol
Death breathes down my neck. The sword will soon decide. Who was right and who
was wrong. Jesus saves, but death prevails. The execution protocol. The
inquisitions deatch call. The execution protocol. Is it God's decision after
all? I look at you, you're my saviour. Bow my head as I kneel. You're the one
I fear most. You're the one who wields the sword. The execution protocol. The
inquisitions deatch call. The execution protocol. Is it God's decision after
all? Persecution mania of heretics. I climb the stairs to the scaffold. Blind
my eyes so I can't see. The grin on your disgusting face. You're a tool of
God's inferior race. The inquisitions deatch call. The execution protocol. Is
it God's decision after all?
[lead - Jens]
4. Boiling Blood
Bastard, bastard, a purple haze is all is see. Boiling blood. Foam at your
mouth, your eyes turn away. Boiling blood. I'm a voodoo child and I just
finished this little puppet. The spitting image of you. I'm gonna torture this
little creature. Pathetic lookalike of a loser that's you. Stick needles and
pins in it's spine now you're lame. Saw off your legs and suck out your
brains. Bastard, bastard, a purple haze is all is see. Boiling blood. Foam at
your mouth, your eyes turn away. Boiling blood. In my veins, boiling blood.
Through my brains, boiling blood. Stabbing victims, boiling blood. Draining
bodies, boiling blood. Boiling blood.
[lead - Jens]
[lead - Henri]
Bastard, bastard, a purple haze is all is see. Boiling blood. Foam at your
mouth, your eyes turn away. Boiling blood.
5. A View of Ages
Visions. Cryptic writings protect my life. Clairvoyance is equal to evil.
Visions of the antichrist flash through my mind. A great global fire.
Nostradamus, has a view of ages. Nostradamus, knows when we'll die.
6. Soul Capture 1562
They're never silent, the seas, on which we sail. Longing for distant shores
we cannot find. The weather's bad and we need shelter. But our captain sails
on and on. I dare you God to challenge me. On these wild and stormy seas. I
challenge you to shink this ship. But your powers weak and I will win. And
then a spirit appears on deck. The captain he commands 'Leave this ship'. The
spirit remains frozen, the captain shoots. But his gun explodes in his hands.
The spirit laughs. I curse thee captain. And your ship to wander the earth.
And all the souls you'll ever engage. Won't live long enough to tell the tale.
[lead - Jens]
From the ivory coast to the West indies I've sailed. And I was there to ship
the slaves to their destiny. The seas have never been too rough for me. But
this time I must admit it's beyond insanity. I dare you God to challenge me.
On these wild and stormy seas. A spirit spoke, a spirit cursed this ship. To
dwell eternaly. THe spirits of the universe have gathered to watch me bleed.
And when this curse will ever leave I don't know. I never believed in demons
or in witchery. Well they are here they've taken my soul.
I dare you God to challenge me. On these wild and stormy seas. A spirit spoke,
a spirit cursed this ship. To dwell eternaly. Across the seven seas, she
dwells eternally. Acros the seven seas, she dwells eternaly. Help me, join me.
On my endless voyage.
Soul capture. 1562.
7. Under the Golden Wings of Death
Shrouded in a cold dark mist, my mind is urging me to kill, forced, by an
unseen hand. I cross the boundary between good and evil time and time again.
As I watch you die. While the blood runs down to earth. Your screaming warms
my body. Like the sun on a cold winters day. I'm the captor of your soul.
Stole you from this earth. Never to be seen again. Unaware in that night.
Under the golden wings of death.
Shrouded in a cold dark mist, my mind is urging me to kill, forced, by an
unseen hand. I cross the boundary between good and evil time and time again.
Under the golden wings of death. Shrouded in a cold dark mist, my mind is
urging me to kill, forced, by an unseen hand. I cross the boundary between
good and evil time and time again. I'm the captor of your soul. I stole your
body from the earth. Unaware in that night. Of the horror that was coming your
Under the golden wings of death.
8. Firebreath
Firebreathing through your unseigable fortress. I'm the devil and Michael De
Ruyter's my name. I ride on the waves, right through your chains. You are my
prey and you'll never forget my name. A firebreath, a crimson sky, in a lake
of fire you will die. The English pride, consumed by flames, you'll never
forget my name.
Firebreath, spritting forks of fire. Firebreath, attacking a crumbling empire.
Firebreath, the Dutchman's anger. Firebreath, a fire's breath. The voyage to
Chatham. in 1667. The three day wat, never equalled again. Capture the Royal
Charles, the English flagship.
The river Thames, the bleeding English heart. A firebreath, a crimson sky, in
a lake of fire you will die. The English pride, consumed by flames, you'll
never forget my name. A thousand cannonballs, rain down on my deck. Of the
Seven Provincies, the republic's battleship number one. But they do no harm,
cause Satan's wings protect. His servant's life, from the English last
[lead - Henri]
A firebreath, a crimson sky, in a lake of fire you will die. The English
pride, consumed by flames, you'll never forget my name. Firebreath, spritting
forks of fire. Firebreath, attacking a crumbling empire. Firebreath, the
Dutchman's anger. Firebreath, a fire's breath.
9. Bloody Blasphemy
On the day you died, they just left you there. Did you think that I didn't
care? I just hated the idea of having no share. My stomach ached for some
juicy flesh. That night on the hill. After the golgotha kill. You thought I
would help, but I'm sorry. Jesus Christ. They nailed you alive. I tore you
off, it hurt I'm sorry. I was waiting, then disappearing with you, for you to
shine before God. Holding you in my arms with love. To eat you with love, with
[lead - Jens]
Bloody blasphemy.
10. The Christhunt
[bonus track on digipack]
I know thy name
From the book of shadows
The curse to uncreate
Thy kingdom will fall
Speak out his name, backwards
And eternity will rot
I am the one begotten son
My heart is forged by blackest coal
I am he who maketh whole
The glorious goal of satan's unborn soul
Terrorize the living
On the unexpected hour
When the last day comes
The hunt on christ begins
For centuries, milleniums
Banished to the ninth ring
Storm howl through the small passengers
As he moves his wings
I know the name
From the book of shadows
The curse to uncreate
Thy kingdom will fall
Speak out his name, backwards
And eternity will rot
A spiral down the freezing point
There were lucifer reighns
Captured by the fallen angel
Locking their souls inside ice
[lead - Oscar]
A flow of frozen tears
Like bolts tightening their eyes
Losing their human forms bit by bit
Causing endless pain
I know thy name
From the book of shadows
The curse to uncreate