« World Demise »
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1 | Don't Care
 | 2 | World Demise
 | 3 | Burned In
 | 4 | Redefine
 | 5 | Paralyzing
 | 6 | Lost
 | 7 | Solid State
 | 8 | Splattered
 | 9 | Final Thoughts
 | 10 | Boiling Point
 | 11 | Set In Stone
 | 12 | Kill For Me |
   John Tardy - vocals
Allen West - guitars
Trevor Peres - guitars
Frank Watkins - bass
Donald Tardy - drums |
 | 1. Don't Care
Go on don't do well.
Where I feed the living hearts.
I got a torch to light.
Feel these melting fires burn.
I don't care what they say.
I don't care.
I'll do what I want.
I am by your side.
Tell me you think what to do.
No way. I don't fear and slow down.
Your followin |
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 Говорить что-то новое об альбоме, на который уже написано тысячи рецензий, довольно сложно. Но всё же попытаюсь.
Итак. "World Demise" - четвёртый студийный альбом одних из отцов-основателей флоридской школы дэт-метала, да и всей стилистики в целом, легендарной команды Obituary. Вышел он во времена, когда жанр смертельного металла уже преодолел юношескую стадию, заматерел, обзавёлся узнаваемыми чертами, отличными от трэша, откуда собственно и появился, и оброс огромной армией фанатов по всему миру.
Соответственно после выпуска двух-трёх альбомов у многих коллективов, стоявших на заре стиля, появился вопрос - куда двигаться дальше? Продолжать в том же духе или предложить что-то новое? Не обошла сия участь и описываемый ансамбль. И на своём четвёртом лонгплее музыканты явно выбрали второй путь развития, решив слегка поэкспериментировать, дополнив своё звучание элементами ...индастриала. Но сразу оговорюсь, обвинения в исковерковании звука не выдерживает никакой критики. Обитуровцы именно привнесли элементы, или даже скорее вкрапление индастриала, которые выражается в техногенных шумах, голосах и отчасти синтетических звуках, в общую музыкальную канву. Самое главное не претерпело никаких радикальных изменений - гитарный саунд остался прежний: тяжёлый, тягучий, придумованный. Да и живые и "очень" вкусные барабаны на месте - никаких электронных ритмов. А вот что действительно стало со знаком минус, так это сократившееся количество гитарных соло, которые к тому же стали по большей части невыразительными.
Заостряя внимания на композициях, следует отметить вступительную вещь и, пожалуй, главный хит альбома, "Don't Care". Идущую за ней следом одноимённую с мелодичной вставкой "World Demise", "Redefine" с мощной речитативной вокальной партией, а также "Final Thoughts", заглавный рифф которой довольно сильно смахивает на первые аккорды риффа одной очень известной песни, вышедшей двумя годами ранее под названием "Симфония Разрушений", одной очень известной американской группы, под управлением одного очень известного амбициозного музыканта, с рыжим цветом волос...
Ну и вкратце, под конец. "World Demise" так и не стал абсолютной классикой, оставаясь при этом противоречивым, до конца непонятным и слегка занудным, уступая таки собственным глыбам и глыбам жанра в целом, как "Slowly We Rot" (1989) и "Cause Of Death" (1990). |
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Этот альбом стал, пожалуй, самым неоднозначным за всю историю этой великой группы. Многие считают, что Obituary сделали сильный уклон к трэшу, но этого я здесь абсолютно не вижу. Довольно брутальный и интересный альбом, со многими запоминающимися вещами. Мне этот альбом очень нравится тем, что помимо тяжелых брутальных риффов, здесь четко прослушивается определенная мелодия (не во всех песнях), которая очень интересно дополняется вокалом. Как раз на этом альбоме вокал очень хорошо вписывается в ритм, что нельзя, например, сказать о предыдущем релизе 92 года. Да…видно Тарди действительно решил войти в динамику музыки. Если же на Cause of Death (моем любимом) главная задача вокала состояла в том, что бы предать альбому наибольшую мрачность, то здесь он выполняет совершенно другую функцию. А именно Тарди пытается нас завести своим рыком, что ему и удается. Здесь много запоминающихся песен, и, пожалуй, именно из этого альбома я чаще всего вспоминаю великие и неотъемлемые опусы американской дэт-школы, хотя Cause of Death все же был лучше. Поэтому оценка - 9. |
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Классический death-metal, классический OBITUARY. Группа продолжает играть в своем фирменном стиле. Играют, в общем, неплохо, слаженно, сразу бросается в уши фирменное тягучее звучание гитар. Все вроде бы то же самое, что и раньше, но почему-то уже не впечатляет. Совсем не впечатляет. Как будто вдохновения куда-то испарилось, а вместе с ним и былая монументальность, мрачность, безисходность… Лучше попытались бы поиграть нечто совсем для себя не свойственное, кто знает, может быть, получилось бы что путное? А так, альбом неизбежно производит впечатление черствости, коммерции и «попсововости». Впрочем, справедливости ради, на этом альбоме можно найти нечто новое – это многочисленные индустриальные штучки (техногенные шумы, голоса), однако это выглядит, как какая-то жалкая попытка добавить музыке хоть какой-то новизны, когда с этой самой новизной очень туго…
Лучшими вещами являются, пожалуй, “Burned In”, с неплохим гитраным вступлением и более или менее энергичная “Redefine”. Эти вещи отличаются отличным гитарными рифами в основе композиций, в совокупности с отличной игрой ударника.
В целом, эта продукция исключительно для поклонников группы и стиля, но не более. |
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просмотров: 36413 |
I don't care what they say.
I don't care.
I'll do what I want.
Your ways I despise.
Your thoughts, "Get with your own kind."
We've got fumes to behold.
Setting, one size of fortune
Farewell to great friends
These will face the burning sun.
Tattooed shadows lifted.
Fear not, light the burning plague.
I don't care what they say.
I don't care.
I'll do what I want.
Bright lights sear his face.
Pitfalls twisting.
Call me far from cause
I survived through all this hell.
I don't care
I don't care.
Don't care.
I don't care.
Don't care.
I really don't care.
2. World Demise
I have found, you have found
Before you, living grown.
Come to pain, for life.
Follow my fear, existing to die.
The coming fall and following in my steps.
Do live out all my life.
Do remain in constant fear.
Going to sigh and hasten to burn.
I'm the one who finds and paid to live in your light
And with the light, a cross between sin.
The fall to two. lies great divide, in silence.
And counting graves lies full.
Go to die.
Come to burn.
World demise.
Go we'll die.
The shocked earth groans.
The world demise.
World demise.
Go to die.
Come to burn.
The world demise
World demise. [x2]
3. Burned In
Come fool we create.
Follow me your life.
Set in world forth died, lots to define.
Follow the bodies, they're living the past.
The sad truth as cold as the wind, cut through life.
Blind fool we overkill. Chopped at the throat.
Set in, burned, and rot away.
Set in, burned in, and killed away.
Burned in life of hell, left to survive.
Without fears of grave. Lives left to die.
"Where to? " , says the mind, your chance to die.
Set in, burned in, and rot away.
Set in, burned in, and killed away.
Time hurting make the change.
Time hurting waste away.
Inferior certain display.
Falls sense to be convincing.
Be strong your alive.
Be strong to see them die. To see them die.
Come fool we created.
Set in, world forth died.
4. Redefine
You're killing for the sacred one
Find the words to go beyond.
Search for the one to find.
Just follow me and redefine.
This will be the constant fear
That goes beyond the nightmare's trail.
Falls into the searching light.
Falls to the bottom of this line.
You kill for the sacred one.
Find the words to go beyond.
Search for the word to find.
Just follow me and redefine.
This will be the constant fear
That goes beyond the nightmare's trail.
Falls into the searching light.
You fall to the bottom of this line.
You fall to the bottom of this line.
It finds me the word. Please be the word.
Seeing as this way.
Wretched torture death dismay.
You feed of the ones that go unto you.
Finding the ones that are sacred to you
And killing the souls and fighting the dead.
We are the ones the coming of dread.
The coming of dread. Seeing as this way.
The temple which will do no good.
The beast before will show you should
Search for the word to find
That penetrates the re-align. Re-align.
This will be the constant fear
That goes beyond the nightmare's trail.
Falls into the searching light.
Falls to the bottom of this line.
Search for the word to find.
Just follow me and redefine.
5. Paralyzing
Up and decide.
Live for the dying need.
Lease for the dead.
They're killing sun to save this land.
Paralyzing, working for it's working to deceive.
Cross analyzing. Finding faults within ones mind.
Apparent you'll stay
Falling in its crawling doorstep.
Chapel's defied
We've been through the darkest deep holes of death.
Pain evolves slow, learns me to suffer for.
It finds me the way, to the scar.
Fate is said. Say what you will.
Fear not to cope in pain.
Testing to fall, down toward secrets grow.
Working towards life.
You're finding out, live despair
Creeping towards pain.
Letting fall in spite.
Calling the dogs.
Calling the dogs.
Working towards life.
You're finding out, live despair
Creeping towards failure.
Letting fall in spite.
Calling the dogs.
6. Lost
Find out, care for them.
Fear the spawn, fear lies dead.
Believe you come with me.
You'll soon know, got destroyed life.
It calls for my future.
In the graves, the souls find rest.
The search through life's front gate.
We find you, find your remains.
Find out, care for them.
Fear the spawn fear lies dead.
You'll suffer here we go.
We're dead the sights we're in for.
Why wage, tortured lives.
Through life's, burning sun.
Torture is, torn hearts.
Death for, death is for the opposed.
Set back, you face pain and fight wolves pack run.
You face pain. You face pain.
Your soul just lost time.
Lost time.
Why wage, tortured lives.
Through life's burning sun.
Torture is, torn hearts.
Death for, death is for the opposed.
Set back, you face pain, and fight bad wolves run.
Death to, all this war of lies.
Watch out your soul just lost time.
Your soul just lost time.
Lost time.
For those butchered hearts.
Take the fears seize fast.
Sign on to read fear.
The touch of your face is sealed.
7. Solid State
Live for the cause pain dies for.
Deems real the shadows of the doors.
Set falls through the halls of time.
There dwells landfill's crime.
You ask how.
You ask how.
Solid state.
Kill for the need sick lives found.
Pigeons falling to the ground.
Buried graves fill beyond lines.
Deep bruise falling to die.
You ask how.
Solid state
You ask how.
You ask how.
Solid state
Rot around and pray they're coming for you
The one to die, your predecessor.
We're taking the souls and trade what we want
The fabric of life we don't know deciding.
Go unto the place of sacrifice
With the jewels preventing access.
Above with land kills battery.
Encircle the weak preparing the souls of life.
Rot around and pray, they're coming for you
The one to die, your predecessor.
We're taking the souls and trade what we want
The fabric of life.
We take your blood or please take your blight and your pain.
You ask how.
You ask how.
Solid state
Live for the pain cause dies for.
Deems real the shadows of the doors.
Set falls through the halls of time.
There dwells landfills crime.
You ask how.
Solid state
You ask how.
You ask how.
Solid state
Live for the cause pain dies for.
Deems real the shadows of the doors.
Solid state
8. Splattered
You pay for me to go.
Live to die, city of graves.
You found that life won't pay
With the intense inferno
What's wrong with your mind.
The kill thoughts set me fine.
I don't care to go.
Just leave me to die.
You face scorn and live for dying.
You face scorn to be as one.
We fall and set for discard.
Do what the members say
To see the ways and forces.
They like to see me cry.
Took you like riches fall.
Step forth to be my lord, to be my lord.
Even need time to spill.
We found you to slay. Behead.
We found the killing bone.
Lives of force scarred.
You Found to expose the waste.
The disrespecting of future change
You face scorn and live for dying.
You face scorn to be as one.
We fall and set for discard
Do what the members say.
9. Final Thoughts
Final thoughts
So long to you
Just lost the blow, so long to you
So long to you my friend.
Fell thoughts of souls descend.
The final thoughts
Final thoughts [X3]
So long to you my friend.
Might be is this the end.
The pain hurts the fear inside.
The kill be the weak to ride.
The countdown to fossil down.
Show me the candles meltdown.
Shallow graves in the architects of life.
Laughing at the years of endless crying.
You fear pain.
Your blood
Fear pain I'll die.
You fear pain I'll die.
Final thoughts.
So long to you my friend.
Might be is this the end.
So long to you
So long to you
Final thoughts.
10. Boiling Point
Boiling point.
What no shame.
Broken dreams.
What no shame.
I have come for you.
Since I was to die.
Boil to unknown sights.
Make believe broken dream.
A broken dream.
A boiling point.
What no shame.
Point of no return.
Fears and dreams disguised.
Life's noose torn apart.
Can I face the dead, face the dead.
Face the dead.
A boiling point.
What no shame.
Falling to darkness
Where the sky turns red.
It turns into stark features.
Letting you wish you would live.
You wish you would live.
A boiling point
What no shame.
A boiling point
Broken dreams.
What no shame.
11. Set In Stone
They're alive, die as I space you. That's where I seize the spell.
The devil loves the pain. Encircle victims, breath the pain.
Buried fears, weak the soul. No more to you, now you're set in stone.
Bowing at your feeds and thoughts. Cold winter freezing
solid, with your fights falling when. He hears voices say," Tall toys gone."
Fell aside with heaps of fear. Dreaded calls springs in year. One attacks
himself from them. Feel your own spirit, a spirit say Say, "Timeout in your
life." What's wrong? You're wrong. We're set in stone.
We're set in stone
Strike of thirst in hell it's sought.
By devil night we bought.
Heaps of pain, tools of war.
Towards my painful ever sore.
Set in stone.
We're set in stone
Over by the trees behind
Set in ourselves we find.
The power builds, why it lasts, come.
12. Kill For Me
You are coming for
You're coming to.
You're killing for me.
Realize, the point is.
The pain comes
The body's fresh.
You're killing for me.
Kill for me.
Kill for me
Because life isn't fair.
Because the chance abound there.
Inside, souls are searching for.
Outside, the pain can't be ignored.
All around lives are the cost.
The fight is yours, terrorized cities lost.
Your world, with permanent thoughts of hate.
With their rights, die.
You are coming for.
You're coming to.
You're killing for me.
Realize the point is.
The pain comes.
The body's fresh.
You're killing for me.
Killing Victims Found
Set fall, you do sight.
Live for desperate spite.
Back is the led, the coming cross.
We're by tears of distant salt.
We find the ways of killing weak.
You die the dogs begin to seek.
The coming out.
We face leading edge.
Pack it first. Test they dredge.
The first one falls, burnt the ground
That the time killing victims found.
The coming out.
Power sought, live to face the past.
Taking over this is what it said
" Past is scarred, future seems to be
Dying off. This beast is living free."
The coming out.
Paralyzing in your head.
Power seize your life
With me kill the rival.
Force of mind it dies.
Your destiny raised out of the graves.
It permits me to insure.
The problem still is history.
Watch those dreams denied.
Mutilated bodies fill, piling brick side.
There piled at the front gates for heaven to we go.
Entering the front gates to end below.
The stairs of torture makes us fall.
Periled in their view.
Immunized, fortified.
Sent the child their due.
Back to no where out of the graves.
Forever they are old.