« Dysfunctional »
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1 | Inside Looking Out 04:08
 | 2 | Hole In My Head 04:33
 | 3 | The Maze 04:50
 | 4 | Too High To Fly 07:10
 | 5 | Nothing Left To Say 04:30
 | 6 | Shadows Of Life 04:32
 | 7 | Long Way Home 05:12
 | 8 | Sweet Chains 05:46
 | 9 | Lesser Of Two Evils 04:03
 | 10 | What Price 05:45
 | 11 | From The Beginning 04:12
 | | Total playing time: 55:01 |
   Don Dokken - vocals
George Lynch - guitars
Jeff Pilson - bass
Mick Brown - drums |
 | Inside Looking Out
(Dokken, Pilson)
Let go of your mind
And see what there is to see
It can be real
Not just a fantasy
Open your eyes
And leave the world behind
Open your mind
Come along for the ride
Do what you want to do
Be what you want to be
Do what you want to do
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 Событие 1994 года, а именно воссоединение великих и неподрожаемых Dokken поначалу было воспринято с большим энтузиазмом, который спустя некоторое время сменился разочарованием. На то у поклонников были резкие причины; это и нехарактерное звучание музыки, превратившейся по своей сути в альтерантивный рок или даже грандж, что звучит для группы в свое время собиравшей стадионы именно фанатов хард-рока, не иначе, как унижение. Стиль, внешний вид, имидж музыкантов - все веяло новые перемены. Тексты, да и те притерпели коренные изменения. Темы любви в основном были заменены другими более пространственными размышлениями, не лишенными смысла, но не очень интересными по своей сути. "Too High To Fly" - песня в основе которой лежит тема наркомании, прекрасно исполненная, это одно из лучших творений на альбоме, близкое по духу к композициям из 80-х. "The Maze" - лабиринт... Тоже далеко неплохая песня, но на мой взгляд быстро надоедает. "Nothing Left To Say" - единственная сентиментальная баллада на «Dysfunctional», песня которая заслуживает особого внимания. "Hole In My Head" - странное творение про "Дыру В Голове" и все мысли, которые сквозь нее исчезают, в принципе, олицетворяет ту популярность, которая уплывала в то время от музыкантов. Так же присутствует кавер группы Emerson, Lake & Palmer под названием "From The Beginning", исполненный в акустике, лишенный всякого драйва. Все это повлияло на итоги продаж. Если в свое время Dokken продавали миллионы пластинок, то «Dysfunctional» разошелся тиражем всего в 250 000 копий. Но надо констатировать, что релиз получился качественным и профессиональным. Не знаю раскрою ли я тайну или это всем давно известно, но весь альбом, как и все последующие, был придуман исключительно Доном Доккеном. Но именно в случае «Dysfunctional» это произошло странным образом. Джордж Линч и Джефф Пилсон явились только под самый конец записи пластинки и просто сыграли свою часть, таким образом к самому процессу сочинения они не имеют абсолютно никакого отношения. Сам Дон заявляет, что вначале он вообще собирался выпустить «Dysfunctional» (если конечно он имел бы такое странное название, впрочем, сходное со смыслом всех песен) под логотипом Don Dokken, так как все песни были целиком и полностью написаны им самим, но рекорд-компания убедила его собрать старых "собратьев по оружию" и назваться Dokken. Разумеется с целью дальнейшей раскрутки и увеличения количества продаж. От себя лишь добавлю, что альбом получился достаточно хорошим, но вот для возвращения такой группы, как Dokken он явно не годится... |
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У восходящего солнца больше поклонников, чем у заходящего…В 1995 году вышел альбом-возвращение Доккена на мировую хард рок сцену. Взошли ли они снова? Посмотрим…Дон Доккен после распада группы в 1988 занялся сольной деятельностью и выпустил альбом «Up From The Ashes», с участием достаточно именитых музыкантов: ударника Микки Ди (King Diamond), гитариста Джона Норума (Europe), гитариста Билли Уайта (ex-Watchtower), басиста Питера Балтеса (Accept). А другая часть Доккена - Джордж Линч и Мик Браун основали Lynch Mob. Басист Доккена Джефф Пилсон тоже собрал свой коллектив под названием War And Peace, и выпустил альбом «Time Capsule», кроме того он участвовал в записи некоторых альбомов маэстро ДИО и немецких хард рокеров MSG (Михаэль Шенкер – экс-гитарист Скорпионс). И вот начало девяностых годов громыхнуло искрами первых сольных работ бывших участников Доккена и вдруг появляется некоторая надежда на воскрешение группы, которая нашла реальное отображение в одной песне, где Дон спел для Линча, а дальше пошло поехало…В 1994 году банда всё-таки собралась и дала свой первый концерт разогревая ДИО. Далее был заключен контракт с Columbia Records и встреча со старым знакомым - продюсером Майклом Вагнером, который и помог при записи пятого альбома коллектива. Диск, разумеется, сначала вышел в Японии и вот он дошёл и до нас…Напомню 1994-й год и дальше - это было время, когда хард рок и хэви металл был в глубочайшем застое, резко набрали популярность грандж и альтернатива, многие звёзды старого доброго рока выпустили самые отстойные свои диски, многие пошли на утяжеление (самый яркий пример - тот же ДИО), многие же заиграли хард перемешанный с альтернативой и гранджем. Вот последняя чума как раз и поразила товарищей хард рокеров поголовно – Axxis «Matters Of Survival», Pink Cream 69 «Change», Queensryche «Promised Land», Motley Crue «Motley Crue» и наконец-то Dokken «Dysfunctional» – все эти творения вышли в один период времени и характеризовались модерновым и современным звучанием, утяжелившимися гитарами и ударными, а также полнейшим отсутствием тех характерных черт, что всегда отличали эти группы. Поклонники разделились соответственно на два лагеря – положительный и отрицательный, (а ещё наверное был параллельный). Тяжёлый и альтернативный Доккен – я никогда такого не пойму и слушать не буду, потому что слушать здесь нечего. Просто полнейшее разочарование! Идти в ногу со временем - это значит выпускать тотальный отстой?! Возможно диск заслуживает хотя бы трёх баллов за качество звучания и старания музыкантов. |
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просмотров: 13172 |
I'm on the inside
Looking outside
I'm on the inside looking out
I'm going somewhere
Feeling nowhere
I'm on the inside looking out
I can't be free
Till I know what free is
I can't be me
Till I know who I am
Do you believe
There's more than what you see
All that we need
Is some free association
Painted pictures in a room of glass
Looking throught the floor above
Don't know what has brought me to this place
Ectasy confused by love
Chorus 2
I'm on the inside
(In the dark so long
What's been going on
Come and look inside my mind)
Looking outside
It's up to you
You can make the changes
You make your dreams come true
What will you do if you don't start
Rearranging the things that you do
It's all up to you
Chorus 3
Hole In My Head
(Dokken, Pilson, Brown)
I feel - something's not right in my head
I know - must have been something I said
What could be drawing me in
Closer and closer again
All of the visions escape from the holes in my head
Can you - see what I'm trying to say
All my - feelings are turning to gray
The light in the tunnel grows dim
My silver lining has left all these clouds in my head
Watching the thoughts grow in rows in the fields of my mind
Into an ocean of words that I cannot define
I see - must have been something I said
Suddenly everythings clear
All my experience left me with nothing to fear
Won't be long
Won't be long
The Maze
(Dokken, Pilson, Lynch)
Down these halls with many doors
Around each corner, right back where I started
Deep inside my mind it seems
I try to find an open door to go through
So they can see
I'm all right
Wanderin' round inside without a key
Watching with these open eyes
Locked inside the place that no one sees
Talking with eternity, trying to explain
Why I'm stuck inside the maze
All the corners look the same
Thought I'd finally found the way
But I'm right back where I started
Now I'm stuck inside the maze
All the corners look the same
Thought I'd finally found the way
Another door, an empty room
No one seems to have been here for some time
Where have they gone
An endless world of corridors
Searching for the one that finds the way
They look the same
I remain
Wanderin' round inside without a key
Watching with these open eyes
Locked inside the place that no one sees
Talking to eternity, trying to explain
Chorus 2
Down these halls with many doors
Around each corner, right back where I started
Deep inside my mind it seems
I try to find an open door to go through
So they can see
I'm all right
Chorus 3
Now I'm stuck inside the maze
All the corners look the same
Now I'm right back where I started
Another door, anorther room
I've been this way before
All the corners look the same
(Now I'm stuck inside the maze)
Now I'm stuck inside the maze
(All the corners look the same)
All the corners look the same
Now I'm stuck inside the maze
All the corners look the same
Too High To Fly
(Dokken, Lynch)
We sold our sons and we sold our daughters
Pretty soon we'll sell our brothers
We took the gold, but the gold was water
I tried to save the world, but I failed her
She cries the tears that I never left her
I left them all behind
You were sitting in your darkest hour
Summer's gone
We tried to make the world so much better
We send our words in a pretty perfumed letter
You sit alone in your ivory towers
I'm just one person, I don't matter
You tap the needle, and you went to heaven
You left it all behind
Now you're feeling oh so better
Too high to fly
You should've seen me there (Yeah)
Too high to fly, my baby
But you were almost there
The sun shines down on my face
But you don't feel a thing (no, no, no)
The lines on the street, and the some rises
You looked too long for heaven, now you're blinded, baby
Another morning sun
Another day gone by
The storm's coming
With the pouring rain
Chorus 2
The storm comes with the pouring rain (Salvation)
The lines in the street, and the smoke rises
Wanderin' round for forty days, hope you find it
Chorus 3
Nothing Left To Say
(Dokken, Pilson)
There were days when we were closer
You were all I had
Lost a soul, but not forgotten
Had to give it back
Lost, feeling so lost
No more tears can we shed
And time slipping through our minds
Wishing I could forget
Guess there's nothing left to say
Guess there's nothing left to say
(Nothing left to say)
When there's nothing left
Memories of the days now passing
Still they come and go
Visions of a word we tried to say
We didn't know, we were
Lost, feeling so lost
No more tears can we shed
And time, slipping through our minds
Wishing I could forget
Guess there's nothing left to say
Guess there's nothing left to say
(Nothing left to say)
Guess there's nothing left to say
(Nothing left to say)
When there's nothing left
There were other days
When I believed we'd make it through
I was such a fool
For the way it used to be
Now it's time to set you free
Guess there's nothing left to say
Guess there's nothing left to say
When there's nothing left
Shadows of Life
(Dokken, Pilson)
Tale of woe open up my eyes
Keeping me from the other side
Satisfy what my soul believes
If it could only see
On a red sky
In a green sea
On a black night
I fell to my knees
Save it for the innocent
Save it for the cruel
And leave it in the shadows of life
On a ship full of hopes and dreams
Took a trip down to misery
Realized that I'd been before
I found it hard to believe
On a red sky
In a green sea
On a black night
I fell to my knees
Save it for the innocent
Save it for the cruel
And leave it in the shadows of life
Read between the lines
These are angry times
Save it for the innocent
Save it for the cruel
And leave it in the shadows of life
Long Way Home
(Dokken, Pilson, Lynch)
Sitting in the crossfire all alone
Waiting for a world to show the way
Tried to find a rose without a thorn
Such a foolish notion fades away
[If it's all] in my mind
Then why does it feel
Like there isn't any time
Walk the road [Follow the madness]
Of someone's path
Search for self [Well it doesn't mean you're wrong]
If you can
'Cause it's gonna be ['Cause it's gonna be]
A long way home
Wandering through the maze of all the fears
In the mind it makes no sense at all
Tell me not what I'm supposed to do
Crucify you christ without my cross
If it's all in my mind
Then why does it feel
Like I'm running out of time
Walk the road [Follow the madness]
Of someone's path
Search for self [Well it doesn't mean you're wrong]
If you can
'Cause it's gonna be ['Cause it's gonna be]
A long way home
Mythical past
Future behind me, shattered
I could not be
Someone beside
Take back my soul, my soul
Walk the road [Follow the madness]
Of someone's path
Search for self [Well it doesn't mean you're wrong]
If you can
'Cause it's gonna be
A long way home
Sweet Chains
Sun shine on me
You were my sunflower, yeah
Been a long cold winter
Summer's come and gone
Your words were so bitter
My resurrection's just begun
Dead of winter
No pain only borrowed
You drink from my soul
You'll taste bitter sorrow
They say the sun won't shine
Where I'm going
It's too late to change my mind
It's over
[Sweet chains]
[Sweet chains]
You were the one that took me there
All the king's horses
And all the king's men
Never gonna put my love
Back into your arms again
They say the sun won't shine
Where I'm going
The bitter sorrow chimes
[Sweet chains]
[Sweet chains]
[Sweet chains]
[Sweet chains]
You were the one that took me there
Tears of joy for a soul that had died
A soul, kept for so long in fear of it's passing
So would he or at least, so would he have believed
Revelation came late and unexpected
The soul dies only to be reborn a birth of pain and peace
The pain of knowing the hurt it had brought to so many
The peace of life unfolding through eyes anew
A chance of finding the truth
Or at least, so would we have believed
Lesser Of Two Evils
(Dokken, Pilson, Lynch)
Too many days come and go
Can't find a reason to go outside
Too many things running through my mind
Brings me down for the hundredth time
Has it all been said and done
I try to find some piece of mind
Searching everywhere
For all the answers taht I can't find
Doesn't really matter
It's hard to rise above
You might find me
In a downward spin
My wings are all aflame
Saw the world beneath me
Wonder where I'm gonna hit
I try to embrace the sun
But it's hard to fly
When you just wanna die
Thought I knew where I was going
(It's hard to see)
Thought I knew where I'd been
(it should have been so simple)
Caught in a world unforgiven
(it could have been me)
Caught in between the lesser of two evils
Sail the sea of indecision
Tried to find a reason why
Just like staring at a picture
I watched the world go by
I hear whispers in the darkness
From the voices that I locked away
Chorus 2
I tried to touch the sun, yeah
But it just kept getting colder
I tried to find my soul, yeah
But he said, son you ain't getting any closer
Chorus 3
What Price
(Dokken, Brown, Pilson)
Picture yourself in a river drowning inside your heart
Finding there is no tomorrow only this place that you are
That you are alone in your darkness let your spirit go
When judgement comes it'll lay by the side of the road
By the road
Leaving all the worlds behind it seems so vain to me
Think' bout the past I only see my broken youth
Locked inside a world where only liars seem to live
Not a chance for happiness
His mother's checkered past
Psychologically induced by all the things he'd seen
What the hell is going on inside
Thou shall not give unto life without love
What price for life
For ye shall open the scar of the wound
What price for truth
Thou shall not take from the weaker mankind
What price for youth
Fate begets sorrow the trail of doom
I can see the visions it's emitting from you mind
Dig another grave so I can bury you alive
You're a poison ocean that's been running through the rye
What the hell is going on inside
What price for life
What price for truth
What price for youth
Schizophrenic symptoms of a problem in your past
Handed down to newborn generations to be cast
Take your friend's emotions and dissolve it with a lie
Put your plague to rest when you fall down and fucking die
And the mother cried
And the child cried
And the father replied
I guess I went to far
I guess I went to far
I guess I went to far
Then he heard a voice and it said
"Now it's time to go, your soul is getting cold
I'm gonna leave your spirit dead by the side of the road"
Still the child cried on and on
From The Beginning
(Greg Lake)
It might have been things I missed
But don't be unkind
It don't mean I'm lying
When I think a thing or two
I think of lying in bed
I shouldn't have said
But there it is
You see it's all clear
You were meant to be here
>From the beginning
Maybe I might have changed
And not been so cruel
Not been such a fool
Whatever is done is done
I just can't recall
It doesn't matter at all
You see it's all clear
You were meant to be here
From the beginning
From the beginning
From the beginning