Scar Symmetry
« Symmetric in Design »
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1 | Chaosweaver 03:40
 | 2 | 2012 - The Demise of the 5th Sun 03:51
 | 3 | Dominion 03:26
 | 4 | Underneath the Surface 03:50
 | 5 | Reborn 03:58
 | 6 | Veil of Illusions 05:06
 | 7 | Obscure Alliance 03:42
 | 8 | Hybrid Cult 05:00
 | 9 | Orchestrate the Infinite 04:07
 | 10 | Detach from the Outcome 03:25
 | 11 | Seeds of Rebellion 03:12
 | 12 | The Eleventh Sphere 05:20
 | | Total playing time: 48:37 |
   Christian Alvestam - vocals
Jonas Kjellgren - guitars
Per Nilsson - guitars
Kenneth Seil - bass
Henrik Ohlsson - drums |
Recorded between the 5th of July and the 19th of September 2004 at The black Lounge Studios
Produced by Scar Symmetry
Mixed & engineered by Jonas Kjellgren
Mastered by Thomas Johansson at Criteria Mastering in September 2004
Per’s solos and additional keyboards recorded at Studio Kabyss
All keyboards on this recording by Jonas Kjellgren and Per Nilsson
All vocal lines by Christian Alvestam & Per Nilsson
Artwork, layout & logo by Per Johansson
Photo by John Allan |
 | 1. Chaosweaver
I gain energy from your attack
Feed on the venom you spew
I find destiny in the certainty of death
Turning what you say against you
The beginning, found within the end
Triumph bringing a sense of loss
From the shadows you hide
In defiance
You are hollow ins |
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 Количество групп в 2005 году, готовящих с своем творчестве смеси одна ядреней другой, уже перестало поддаваться исчислению и отображению в разумных числах, посему остается просто констатировать, что Scar Symmetry еще один такой представитель. На их дебютной пластинке есть все: и мелодик дэт с гроулингом и чистым вокалом, и элементы трэша по отдельности и вместе, не остались в стороне и модные фишки ню метала и металкора, активно используемого всеми кому не лень, ну и куда же без вездесущих атмосферных клавишных партий… Нет только одного – свого собственного лица. 12 песен – это как своеобразный слепок с современной модной около-дэтовой сцены, интересный лишь начинающим, ничего не слышавшим в данном стиле людям, но совершенно бесполезный тем, кто знаком хотя бы с десятком последних работ стиля. Название же альбома по своему пророческое – главное, это симметрия, симметрия в первую очередь в оформлении (к слову, диск издан в симпатичном дигипаке), которое работает как и в случае с конфетами, как красивый фантик, на который покупается доверчивый посетитель музыкальной лавки, узнающий, что начинка этой “конфетки” горька и вязнет на зубах только дома, когда за товар все уплачено, и цена изделия оправдывает любые расходы на его упаковку… (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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Группа Scar Symmetry была образована в 2004 году отнюдь не новичками, как могло бы показаться, а довольно-таки именитыми музыкантами. В ее состав вошли: Jonas Kjellgren (Carnal Forge, Centinex, World Below), Henrik Ohlsson (Theory In Practice, Mutant, Altered Aeon), Per Nilsson (Altered Aeon), Christian Älvestam (Unmoored, Incapacity, Torchbearer) и Kenneth Seil. Музыка достаточно мелодичная, как и приличествует стилю. Судя по всему, на творчество и сочинительство композиций оказали большое влияние парни из Soilwork: некоторые композиции имеют большие заимствования из альбомов этой группы. Стилистически это мелодик-дет/треш-дет приличного уровня. Все бы хорошо, да вот только ничего нового участники Scar Symmetry в стиль не привнесли. Вокал в наличии - чистый (неплохой, честно говоря) и рычащий (местами со скримингом). Владение инструментами на высоте, это и неудивительно. Приятная ритм-секция, с интересными ритмическими рисунками местами. Гитары периодически выдают забористые соло, риффовка же достаточно стандартна. И приправлено все это синтезаторными подложками. Если выразить все это в одном предложении, то будет примерно так: "мелодичный ненапрягающий треш-дет с красивым чистым вокалом". Любители стиля будут, скорее всего, довольны, а вот люди искушенные, как мне кажется, заметят клишированность материала, хотя от этого альбом хуже не становится. |
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Творчество данной команды - очень современный мелодик-дэт, демонстрирующий, на что способны умные и профессиональные музыканты. Все обвинения в копировании всех, кого ни попадя, я считаю отчасти действительными, но отнюдь не справедливыми. Ведь нет ничего плохого в том, что группа грамотно использует некоторые фишки коллег. Фактор Страха ведь сдирает с Soilwork, и ничего, всё спускают с рук, оправдывая их наглость российским происхождением группы. Здесь же буквально в нескольких песнях промелькнули слегка похожие на Soilwork (“2012 – The Demise Of The Fifth Sun”, “Reborn”, “Seeds Of Rebellion”) и Hypocrisy (“The Eleventh Sphere”) моменты, и всё – хуже команды и в мире нет! А вот оценить собственный потенциал группы никто не хочет, хотя великих вещей самих Scar Symmetry здесь полным полно. Своими фаворитами я считаю открывашку “Chaosweaver”, стремительный боевик “2012 – The Demise Of The Fifth Sun”, красивую вещицу “Dominion”, победный гимн с привкусом хэви “Obscure Alliance”, абсолютный сногсшибательный хит “Detach From The Outcome” и заключительный трек “The Eleventh Sphere” в ключе вышеупомянутого Hypocrisy. Надо отдать должное вокалисту Кристиану Альвестаму – его смесь утробного гроула и великолепнейшего, в какой-то мере даже нежного, чистого голоса очень сильно украшает музыку этих товарищей, добавляя в неё приличную дозу чувств. Также невозможно не отметить звук – приятный, сочный саунд идеально подходит для частого прослушивания данного диска, он не раздражает и не режет ухо. В общем, отличный дебютник, практически лишённый недостатков, и я рад, что следующий альбом группы получился ещё более интересным и тяжёлым. |
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Несмотря на то, что музыка не содержит никаких принципиально новых фишек и примочек, альбом звучит достаточно свежо. Забойные дэз-трэшевые рифы и гроул вокалиста разбавляют мелодичные бэк-вокал и ненавязчивые клавиши, придавая композициям лёгкий оттенок грусти. В таких местах музыка, обычно напоминающая Арч энеми, становится больше похожей на Аморфис 99,2001 гг., и, несмотря на некотрую попсовость и отсутствие ярких выделяющихся композиций, альбом цепляет за душу и его хочется слушать. |
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С таким материалом на стыке мелодичного дэта и модерн-метала этой команде вряд ли удастся выбиться из толпы себе подобных. Да, альбом сделан на добротном уровне, с клавишными подкладочками и хорошей гитарной работой, но сегодня данный сегмент "тяжелого" рынка настолько перенасыщен, что для успеха нужно обладать хоть какой-то индивидуальностью. Искать ее Scar Symmetry по-видимому пытаются в мелодичных припевах, но действительно внятных экземпляров, за исключением "Dominion", сочинить им не удалось. |
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просмотров: 15594 |
In your assault I find nourishment
Your verbal weapons inspire me
All that you throw at me gives comfort
In this continual dance of eternity
The beginning, found within the end
Triumph bringing a sense of loss
From the shadows you hide
In defiance
You are hollow inside
You're the poisonous wine
Words of venom
Casting pearls before swine
Weave the end of time
It's slipping away from you
Away from your soul
In your last abide, awaken inside
And realize
From the shadows you hide
In defiance
You are hollow inside
You're the poisonous wine
Words of venom
Casting pearls before swine
From the shadows you hide
In defiance
You are hollow inside
2. 2012 - The Demise Of The 5th Sun
Pinnacle of evolution
The end of linear time
Progress or termination
Cosmic ray mutation
It's the question that burns inside
Will we perish or rise with the tide
When the waters of consequence
Comes rushing forth
For the lines on the fractal wave
Fits the course of history
They're created to work as one 'til the end
A dimensional shift
Leap in consciousness
Or a dire destiny
Asteroid fatality
It's the question that burns inside
Will we perish or rise with the tide
When the waters of consequence
Comes rushing forth
For the lines on the fractal wave
Fits the course of history
They're created to work as one 'til the end
At a time when terrestrial
And galactic grids align
The demise in 2012 realized
Pinnacle of evolution, the end of linear time
Progress or termination
Cosmic ray mutation
A dimensional shift, leap in consciousness
Or a dire destiny, asteroid fatality
For the lines on the fractal wave
Fits the course of history
They're created to work as one 'til the end
When the winter solstice comes
Actualizing the prophecy
The demise in 2012 realized
3. Dominion
The scars form a pattern
Symmetric in design
For each and every conflict
A mark you will find
Wounds have opened bleeding
From the magic of your words
But now this phase is over
I'm done with all this hurt
I shall walk alone
I will hide, keep the pain inside
I shall not return
To the outside world again
I will leave, crawl into the depths
Facing this world no more
The scars upon my body
A testament of abuse
Withdrawn into my dominion
Another life I choose
Inside my realm of comfort
I feed upon the pain
I drink the liquid cancer
That keeps the mind insane
I shall walk alone
I will hide, keep the pain inside
I shall not return
To the outside world again
I will leave, crawl into the depths
Facing this world no more
That phase is through, it's over now
No one can reach my dominion
Inside my mind I make the rules
Abandon sanity and discover truth
I will hide, keep the pain inside
I shall not return
To the outside world again
I will leave, crawl into the depths
Facing this world no more
4. Underneath The Surface
Judging by the outside
No one sees the inner plague
Managing to spread your infestation
Through what you do and say
Underneath your surface
Hides another face
Underneath that false smile
Contempt lies buried
Close your eyes
And enter another state of mind
An internal center awaits inside
Murder your desire by escaping time
In the dying embers, resurrect the fire
Every word you utter, calculated hate
From within you're withering
In your own contempt
Judging by the outside
No one sees the inner plague
Managing to spread your infestation
Through what you do and say
Close your eyes
And enter another state of mind
An internal center awaits inside
Murder your desire by escaping time
In the dying embers, resurrect the fire
Close your eyes
And enter another state of mind
An internal center awaits inside
Murder your desire by escaping time
In the dying embers, resurrect the fire
5. Reborn
The path before you
Never coming to a halt
It stretches endlessly
From here into the unknown
Looking back
You barely see through the fog
What you were once, you are no more
Each moment unique
None exactly the same
Defied, denied to live
And exist like this again
Now you will see you are reborn
Arrive, arise to your new world
As this one dies
Forever death will embrace everything
At dusk arrives
The dark night of the soul
Waiting to crush
Every stone left unturned
As you enter
Go at least with this certainty
You will emerge at dawn transformed
Each moment unique
None exactly the same
Defied, denied to live
And exist like this again
Now you will see you are reborn
Arrive, arise to your new world
As this one dies
Forever death will embrace everything
All things end, none survives
Every form must fade away
All things end, changing shape
Waking to life again
Each moment unique
None exactly the same
Defied, denied to live
And exist like this again
Now you will see you are reborn
Arrive, arise to your new world
As this one dies
Forever death will embrace everything
6. Veil Of Illusions
I focus upon this
Considered real and true
Within time, fixed it seems in form and space
The dream is so real, as I participate
From experienced reality there is no escape
I interact in illusive reflections
Internal mind perceptions
Embracing illusions
Believing what I am shown
The veil of illusions
Pretending to be what is real
Slowly I realize, my eyes deceive me
Nothing is what it seems to be
The eyes perform a complex trickery
Decoding numbers into imagery
Embracing illusions
Believing what I am shown
The veil of illusions
Pretending to be what is real
I touch only shadows, what I see is not real
Lost in mere appearance, what I hear is false
I can feel the sorrow blinding all of this world
Tear the veil to pieces
And slip through the shreds
Should I close my eyes and depart
End the beating of the heart
Would I not wake from a lifelong dream
Exposing the grandest of schemes
Embracing illusions
Believing what I am shown
The veil of illusions
Pretending to be what is real
I touch only shadows, what I see is not real
Lost in mere appearance, what I hear is false
I can feel the sorrow blinding all of this world
Tear the veil to pieces
And slip through the shreds
Embracing illusions
The veil of illusions
I touch only shadows, what I see is not real
Lost in mere appearance, what I hear is false
7. Obscure Alliance
I am the conscious soul
Supreme awareness
The serpent rising, following the spine
Nothing has really changed
No nothing's really new
Everything is still the same
But I see in different ways
Flesh and spirit
Obscure alliance pass unseen
Soul in zenith
Unharmed it stares into the sun
With death as guiding star
I am transcendence
Within the rising I see the fall
Nothing has really changed
No nothing's really new
Everything is still the same
But I see in different ways
Flesh and spirit
Obscure alliance pass unseen
Soul in zenith
Unharmed it stares into the sun
The empire within swirls and changes
Never stagnant, ever morphing
Aligned with the unseen
Flesh and spirit
Obscure alliance pass unseen
Soul in zenith
Unharmed it stares into the sun
Worlds in hiding
Obscure alliance of the planes
Still abiding
Unbound in every phase
8. Hybrid Cult
Follow the bloodline throughout the past
Seek and you will find a hidden ancestry
At night the circle gathers
When the world is shedding skin
The earth now stands to shatter
The ritual begins
let the ritual begin
A maelstrom of energy
Turns the air electric
Starting a synergy
The patterns all symmetric
Masks are covering their faces
Hiding the alteration
Shapeshifting in phases
Behold illumination
The silence screaming as light turns dark
Altering what's real
Awake they're dreaming
The lucid nightmares opening the gates
A light is gleaming, the blackened rain
Summoned forth this night
By the hybrid cult
Follow the bloodline throughout the past
Seek and you will find a hidden ancestry
At night the circle gathers
When the world is shedding skin
The earth now stands to shatter
Erupting from within
The silence screaming as light turns dark
Altering what's real
Awake they're dreaming
The lucid nightmares opening the gates
A light is gleaming, the blackened rain
Summoned forth this night
By the hybrid cult
Not entirely human
DNA strings anomalous
Blood of god and man
in synergy blasphemous
The silence screaming as light turns dark
Altering what's real
Awake they're dreaming
The lucid nightmares opening the gates
A light is gleaming, the blackened rain
Summoned forth this night
By the hybrid cult
9. Orchestrate The Infinite
Affecting all of universe with my mind
Through my will
Solar systems live and die
Omnipotence in a world of limits
Omniscient, stars will fall
On my command
But those who live within this world
Find ways to label me
Godhood or devilry
Collision as a spark of me entered flesh
Still I keep the ability to form
Until the day I leave my cage
I design this world in my image
What I create I can destroy
Stars fall on my command
Tomorrow's in my hand
I'm the grand orchestrator
In finite form and the infinite design
Beyond wings and horns I am
In wordless thought
Orchestrate the infinite
With focus on the things
Certain to face death
My essence will elude you 'til you die
Omnipotence has no beginning
Omniscience has no end
It can't be grasped
But those who live within this world
Find ways to label me
Godhood or devilry
I'm the grand orchestrator
In finite form and the infinite design
Beyond wings and horns I am
In wordless thought
Orchestrate the infinite
No horns and no crown of thorns
Will fit on me
On a field where the judgment
And all the pain you feel
Can no longer reach you
In the silence existing
Between your every thoughts
That is where I'll meet you
But those who live within this world
Find ways to label me
Godhood or devilry
I'm the grand orchestrator
In finite form and the infinite design
Beyond wings and horns I am
In wordless thought
Orchestrate the infinite
No horns and no crown of thorns
Will fit on me
10. Detach From The Outcome
The drug is in, invades within
The third eye is opening
Dimethyltryptamine and harmine
Natural secretions of the mind
Ingestion, convulsion
Enlightenment, bliss
Awake I dream this joyous scene
Immersed in the sacred plant
It speaks the word I haven't heard
Since before my birth
Everything comes alive
I hear the voice of the stars
You must detach from the outcome
I hear the voice of the earth
I reflect, just imitate
The one inside the mirror
A gentle touch, then a rush
When I step inside the glass
Colliding, dissolving
Remembering, bliss
Everything comes alive
I hear the voice of the stars
You must detach from the outcome
I hear a voice everywhere
Colliding, dissolving
Enlightenment, bliss
I hear the voice of the sun
I hear the voice of the stars
I hear the voice of the earth
I hear a voice everywhere
11. Seeds Of Rebellion
War seeks revenge upon all peace
A turning of the tide again
Turmoil rising
Unleash the boiling chaos
Once veiled by mists of lies
Turmoil slowly kills the calm
Uncertain paths are entered now
Certainty shattered
Passive ways abandoned
Bring to life the seeds of rebellion
One more page is turned
Chapters of rage, all that remains
Opening the eye of destruction
Sowing now the seeds of war
The has come for deconstruction
Let the boiling chaos soar
Passive ways abandoned
Bring to life the seeds of rebellion
One more page is turned
Chapters of rage, all that remains
Opening the eye of destruction
Sowing now the seeds of war
The has come for deconstruction
Let the boiling chaos soar
12. The Eleventh Sphere
Through portals of silvery bliss
Exit the flesh, leaving all of this
I travel within, my eyes remain closed
To this body I am but a host
Disconnecting from the body
Behold creation reversed
Internal eyes are opening
The material sphere bursts
Nothing is, nothing becomes
End and beginning unites
Nothing was, nothing will be
Time and space collides
In the eleventh sphere
Awaiting to find it all
I begin an abstract communication
In this eerie civilization
Those who guard these doors
Lie in wait for the aeon of whores
Rejected aspects of our beings
Shunned to this obscure dimension
I am all that I hate
I am everything in this place
Nothing is, nothing becomes
End and beginning unites
Nothing was, nothing will be
Time and space collides
Nothing is, nothing becomes
Nothing was, nothing will be
In the eleventh sphere
Inside this void
A continuum beyond time
Here's no truth, here's no lies
Its darkness brings light
To all those led astray
Now I go, now I leave
Returning to the flesh
Nothing is, nothing becomes
End and beginning unites
Nothing was, nothing will be
Time and space collides
Nothing is, nothing becomes
Nothing was, nothing will be
In the eleventh sphere
Awaiting to find it all