Molly Hatchet
« Silent Reign of Heroes »
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1 | Mississippi Moon Dog
 | 2 | World of Trouble
 | 3 | Silent Reign of Heroes
 | 4 | Miss Saturday Night
 | 5 | Blue Thunder
 | 6 | Just Remember (You're the Only One)
 | 7 | Junk Yard Dawg
 | 8 | Dead and Gone (Redneck Song)
 | 9 | Saddle Tramp
 | 10 | Fall of the Peacemakers |
   Phil McCormack – lead vocals, harmonica
Bobby Ingram – guitars, acoustic guitar, slide guitar, backing vocals, producer
Bryan Bassett – guitars, acoustic guitar, backing vocals
John Galvin – keyboards, programming
Andy McKinney – bass, backing vocals
Mac Crawford – drums, percussion, backing vocals
Additional musicians:
Tim Donovan - keyboards
Rolf Köhler - backing vocals
Victoria Miles - backing vocals
Karo Studios, Brackel, Germany
Producer - Bobby Ingram
Kalle Trapp – engineer
Charlie Bauerfeind - mixing
Rainer Hänsel - executive producer, mixing
 | "Mississippi Moon Dog"
(Bobby Ingram, Phil McCormack, Andy McKinney)
Crawlin through the swamps and you here me moan
stalkin after midnight I'm all alone
Three ways to Sunday that's how it be
Never take a walk alone comin after me
Oh..Oh..Walk it like you talk it
Oh..Oh.. Watch it wh |
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 Выпустив чрезвычайно удачный “Devil’s Canyon”, группа неожиданно для многих вновь оказалась на коне и продемонстрировала прекрасную творческую форму. Дабы упрочить свое положение, Molly Hatchet вскоре приступили к записи следующего альбома. Учитывая успех предыдущей работы, было решено применить ту же творческую формулу, поэтому можно сказать, что “Silent Reign of Heroes” стал продолжением своего предшественника, его братом-близнецом. Сам подход к записи, композиции, аранжировке и даже структура альбома во многом идентичны “Devil’s Canyon”. Тем не менее, невзирая на столь очевидную схожесть, “Silent Reign of Heroes” получился очень удачным, звучит свежо и ничуть не уступает своему предшественнику. Это как раз тот редкий случай, когда группе удалось если и не вступить в одну реку дважды, то, по крайней мере, с одинаковым успехом дважды проделать один и тот же фокус.
Все же “Silent Reign of Heroes” имеет собственные характерные особенности в первую очередь в плане звука, который стал еще более жестким и металлическим. На этот раз помимо Калле Траппа микшировать запись был приглашен Чарли Бауэрфайнд, наиболее известный по своей работе с Helloween. Пойдя по этому пути, Molly Hatchet явно не прогадали, добившись глубокого, по-настоящему роскошного, сочного звука, который выразительно подчеркнул невероятный драйв и удивительную естественность, до краев наполняющие музыку. Великолепные композиции и классные аранжировки заложили прекрасную основу для всех перечисленных характеристик. Звуча на стыке металла и блюза, обращаясь к лучшим традициям южного рока, на “Silent Reign of Heroes” Molly Hatchet звучат до одури вдохновляюще и надирают задницы большинству металлистов всех мастей.
Как и в прошлый раз, слабых песен на альбоме нет в принципе. Все композиции звучат предельно разнообразно и не дают заскучать. Без какой-либо раскачки, уже на открывающем треке “Mississippi Moon Dog”, который задает тон всему альбому, группа во всем великолепии представила свой обновленный звук. Словно в шутку начав с расслабленного кантри, переходящего в госпелз, очень скоро музыканты взрывают это обманчивое благолепие качевым тяжеляком с обилием визжащих слайдов и прямолинейной, подобно паровому молоту ухающей ритм-секцией. Пробирает до костей! Очень хороша откровенно металлическая, выстроенная вокруг неровного хищного риффа “World of Trouble”. Звучащая основательно и «по-взрослому», чудесная баллада "Just Remember (You're the Only One)" вполне может выдавить скупую мужскую слезу. Нашлось место и для чисто кабацкого номера "Dead and Gone (Redneck Song)" – смесь жесткого буги-рока и кантри, раздираемого пронзительным слайдом Ингрэма. Из этой песни получился бы идеальный саундтрек для лихой драки в салуне, со сломанными об хребет бильярдными киями и кувыркающимися стульями.
Заглавная же композиция “Silent Reign of Heroes” представляет из себя традиционный продолжительный эпик с обилием затяжного солирования. Эта композиция, наряду с “The Journey” с предыдущей записи, также является по своей сути продолжением легендарной “Fall of the Peacemakers”. Кстати, последняя тоже присутствует на альбоме в акустической версии с выразительными штрихами симфонических аранжировок. Получилось вполне удачно. То же самое было проделано с “Dream’s I’ll Never See” на предыдущем альбоме. Как видите, альбом далек от однообразия и слушается на одном дыхании. Обращает внимание, что переливы рояля стали неотъемлемой частью музыки Molly Hatchet и, ненавязчиво звуча на заднем плане, грамотно дополняют музыку и расставляют акценты там, где это действительно нужно.
В плане текстов альбом также продолжает концепцию, заложенную на предшественнике, в отдельных композициях еще больше развивая антимилитаристскую тематику, рассуждая о судьбе мира и рассказывая о не самых лучших вещах, которые происходят в жизни. В данном контексте даже обложку с привычным фэнтезийно-героическим сюжетом можно едва ли не впервые увязать с музыкой, расценив как метафору заглавной темы альбома, которая подобна размышлению о цене побед, которая измеряется человеческими жизнями. На “Silent Reign of Heroes” окончательно сложился авторский тандем Ингрэм-МакКормак, определивший звучание всех альбомов группы после воссоединения. Как соавтор абсолютно всего материала, Бобби Ингрэм вновь проявил себя талантливым композитором, которому есть что сказать. В его стиле сочинения и игры чувствуется некое обожание той атмосферы, которую он творит своими риффами и продолжительными соло, в которых чувствуется вся знойная широта просторов американского юга. Будучи весьма подкованным в плане техники владения инструментом, Ингрэм не забывает о музыке как таковой и о том чувстве, которое наполняет музыку жизнью.
Подводя итог можно сказать, что “Silent Reign of Heroes” получился предельно целостным и сфокусированным альбомом. Не став изобретать велосипед и пойдя по пути развития уже найденного звучания, Molly Hatchet вновь выдали сильнейший альбом, сохранив свежесть и непосредственность предыдущей записи, позволив слушателю в полной мере насладиться своим новым звуком. Этим альбомом группа показала, кто является бесспорным флагманом в жанре южного рока. |
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просмотров: 8929 |
Mama got the voodoo little bones
Daddy got a mojo noody knows
Can't get started till the night
The stars come out and moon is getting bright
Oh..Oh.. watch out what your sippin
Oh.. Oh.. Daddy knows you been messing around
Kept him working - work it hard boy
Mississippi moon dog shakin after midnight
Gonna sweat the devil out of you
Mississippi moon dog voodoo all around now
A rattlesnake a rabbits foot too
All night long your testifying
The truth that your signifying
You ain't slept in half a week
There's no more disciples to listen to you speak
Oh..Oh.. what the hell you sayin?
Oh..Oh.. who you think you portraying now?
Mississippi moon dog sneaking out of Memphis
The rivers in view
Mississippi moon dog reaching through the darkness
Sun never shines through
Mississippi moon dog listen to em howling
Muddy waters singing out the blues
Mississippi moon dog chicken come a scratching at ya
The swamps pointing at you
Mississippi moon dog shakin all around now
Jackson's in view
Mississippi moon dog seven comes eleven now
Snake eyes won't do
Mississippi moon dog, Mississippi mon dog
Mississippi moon dog, Mississippi mon dog
"Silent Reign Of Heroes"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Making my way across dixie, eighteen sixty-five;
I walked all the and halfway to heaven, now believe I'm on
the other side;
Day turns into nightime, nightime's by my side;
I look to he sky, I see shining light, the stars will be my
The smell of gunsmoke in the air;
Lighting fills the sky;
I heard a rebel yell just as loud as hell;
You can hear it 'round the world tonight;
The silent reign of heroes;
is what brings me here today;
What I came to fight for, seems so far away
So far away;
Far away;
Tell me whats the cost of freedom;
Fighting for my life and family name;
The devil's laughing long and hard deep in hell tonight;
My feet are bleeding right through my shoes;
Ground's as cold as ice;
Sing no killer angels;
Can you hear my cry?
It seems like a sin when nobody wins and so many had to
Who is right, and tell me who is wrong;
Old boys come down from here to Virginia;
To sing the battle song;
The silent reign of heroes is what gives me strenght today;
Tell me whats the cost of freedom;
It's so far away, far away;
Fighting for our heritage yeah;
It's so far away, far away;
When I see my home and family;
Then I know I finally paid a debt.
"Miss Saturday Night"
(Mac Crawford, Ingram, McCormack)
A red hot fancy dancer
Came shakin' on up to me
She said honey baby do you have some time
For present company
I said hey there long tall sally
You still sneakin' it through the alley
Or do you want to go up town with me
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
Lil Queenie's out she's ready to fight
She's wearing out her dancing shoes
Tonight she's gonna rock away all her blues
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
She found herself a rich man
To make her dollars all come true
She's gonna dress it up and do it in style
When she's dancing the hoochie coo
On Tuesday night she's raising hell
Everyday's a holiday
She's gonna bump and grind, shake her behind
Baby's got to have her way
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
Lil Queenie's out she's ready to fight
She's wearing out her dancing shoes
Tonight she's gonna rock away all her blues
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
But she's lookin' like hell on Sunday morning
Tonight she's lookin' so fine
Well looky, looky, looky
Here she comes
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
Lil Queenie's out she's ready to fight
She's wearing out her dancing shoes
Tonight she's gonna rock away all her blues
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
But she's lookin' like hell on Sunday morning
I said she's lookin'
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
Lil Queenie's out she's ready to fight
She's wearing out her dancing shoes
Tonight she's gonna rock away all her blues
Lookin' so fine here comes Miss Saturday Night
But she's lookin' like hell on Sunday morning
"Blue Thunder"
(Bryan Bassett, Ingram, McCormack)
You know they come around town the midnight rambler
The night shift gotta go
O'Malley turned and baby got burned
Went the way of the buffalo
To protect and serve their tryin' to keep the peace
The rattler'll tell ya that there ain't no mercy
On the corner of 42nd street
Blue Thunder...The keepers of the street
Blue Thunder...The only number that ya need
Up to no good in the neighborhood
A broken chain of command
O'Hara snapped and got his head bad
With cold beer and a percodan
Shotgun blast mini mac justice
When will the madness end
East side, West side all fired up
No rest for the policeman
The streets are insane
On a night full of danger
Honey don't you get caught
In a city by a stranger
It's a contact sport in the game of life
Hear a shot out your window tonight
You're ready for the hell to end, you're callin'
Blue Thunder...The keepers of the street
Blue Thunder...The only number that ya need
An officers killed he was on the run
A ten year old shot him just for fun
He had two kids and a beautiful wife
One split second blinded by the light
Take a chance on the midnight dance, talk about livin' hell
There's one or twenty losers trapped in the Tropicana
The streets are insane
On a night full of danger
Honey don't you get caught
In a city by a stranger
It's a contact sport in the game of life
Hear a shot out your window tonight
You're ready for the hell to end, you're callin'
Blue Thunder...The keepers of the street
Blue Thunder...The only number that ya need
Blue Thunder...The keepers of the street...callin
Blue Thunder... The only number that ya need
I said she's lookin' like hell
"Just Remember (You're The Only One)"
(John Galvin, Ingram, McCormack)
Thinkin' back, thinkin' way back when
There was only you and me
And time went by so easily
We learned from above and tried to call it love
All the trouble and the good and bad
We were all we ever had
Just remember, just remember... you're the only one
I had a dream one night
I made it to the limelight
Forgot where I came from
Lost sight of all my loved ones
I wasn't long until the fortune was gone
I thought it was the end
And I was hoping for a friend
Everything was gone in a blink of an eye
Without your love life ain't worth a dime... no
When you're sitting there all you've got is time
To remember, just remember... you're the only one
Now it's time that I must say to you
That you're always with me and I'll be true
It's been so long since this very day
That your love felt so strong
It could carry us away
Do you feel it, I remember, cause I can feel it
Do you remember... you're the only one... you're the only
"Junk Yard Dawg"
(Ingram, McCormack)
I heard a voicebox chatter in the neighborhood
They say Slim Jack Willie's gonna get you good
He's round the corner I gotta warn ya
Lock up your window tight
You're in for trouble straight on the double
Lickity-split babe out go the lights
If you keep on messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
Don't jump the fence boy you got no sense
Don't go messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
He's low - down dirty and he's awful mean
Don't get yourself caught somewhere in between
Watch where you're walkin', watch who you're talkin' too
You can run, you can hide but he's gonna get to you
You better watch your step
You keep a messin' gonna learn your lesson
If you keep on messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
Don't jump the fence boy you got no sense
Don't go messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
He can see right where you are, and he'll find you
Doesn't matter near or far
Said he's coming behind you... and whatcha gonna do
You keep a messin' gonna learn your lesson
If you keep messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
Don't jump the fence boy you got no sense
Don't go messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
You keep a messin' gonna learn your lesson
If you keep messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
Don't jump fence boy you got no sense
Don't go messin' with the Junkyard Dawg
"Dead And Gone (Redneck Song)"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Walkin down the railroad tracks
singin an old Hank song
My whole world is on my back
And I gotta keep movin on
Look on out the window
See right thru the pane
It's hard to see the sunshine
When your standin in the rain
Baby's barefoot and pregnant
Hanging round my home
Sent ner mama lookin 'round town for me
But baby I was long gone....singin
Oh boy, better get on home
Oh boy, better get'em on home
45 in hand baby that'll be the end
When I shoot you dead and gone
Redneck riviera, Alabama line
i stepped right across to Panama City
Now I'm back on gator time
A sweet little sassy over Tallahassee, firin' up the grill
Got a gator at the door, hear the Jaguars roar
Honey, back in Jacksonville.....singin'
Oh boy, better get on home
Oh boy, better get'em on home
45 in hand baby that'll be the end
Gonna I shoot you dead and gone
When your dead and gone I'll have the right to sin
When your dead and gone I'll have the right
To move your sister in....right slam down the money
Oh boy, better get on home
Oh boy, better get'em on home
45 in hand baby that'll be the end
When i shoot you dead and gone
Walkin down the railroad tracks
Blue Skies over head
I am what I am and I don't give a damn
Give a damn about what she said
Baby's barefoot and pregnant
Hanging round my home
Sent ner mama lookin 'round town for me
But baby I was long gone....singin
Oh boy, better get on home
Oh boy, better get'em on home
45 in hand baby that'll be the end
When I shoot you dead and gone....singin', singin'
Oh boy, better get on home
Oh boy, better get'em on home
45 in hand baby that'll be the end
Gonna shoot you dead and shoot you dead
Shoot you dead and gone
"Saddle Tramp"
(Ingram, McCormack)
Well, I pulled out of canyon county
Great cradle of the west
My mama and me and one lone dog
Tryin to do our best
Strangers all around me
Said none knew my name
I came to take back this land
I came to stake my claim, yes sir
The farm is all I've ever know
It bears my family name
But, damn, my brother got drunk one night
And lost it all in a poker game
Shots rang through the silence
I heard the angels cry
You never arrive a winner a saint or a sinner
The boy said aces high
Saddletramp you're back in action
Lookin for the man that took my brother
I came to put him down
Saddletramp you spend your whole life
Runnin like the wind....going for the bounty but
Riding for the thrill
Mama died of a broken heart
The way myy brother threw his life away
But when they put him in the ground
It like to kill me just the same
Half past the hour of midnight
I looked into the killers eyes
I pulled my 45 and bullets started flyin
The man he had to die
[Chorus 2x]
Everytime you take a life,
The devils watching you
He'll fill you with a pack of lies
And he'll steal your soul from you......I say
"Fall Of The Peacemakers"
(Dave Hlubek)
A king without a sword
A land without a king
A truth without a voice
One song left to sing
One song to sing
A wise man told me there's something you should know
The way you judge a man is to look into his soul
And you'll soon see everything.
A voice from the past cried "Give peace a chance"
He paid our price now he's free at last
Imagine, we called him a dreamer!
How many times must good men die?
How many tears will the children cry?
'Til they suffer no more sadness
Stop the madness,
Oh, stop the madness.
If ashes are ashes and dust is dust
At our journey's end then return we must
To the sands of the shore
White doves in flight
Peace to all
But tell me why the peacemakers fall
Must we bury anymore?
The hush of the crowd as the horse rode by
A black lace veil hid the tears from her eyes
And we all wept in silence
How many times must good men die?
How many times will the children cry?
'Til they suffer no more sadness
Oh, stop the madness
Oh, stop all the madness.