Molly Hatchet
« Lighting Strikes Twice »
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1 | Take Miss Lucy Home
 | 2 | There Goes the Neighborhood
 | 3 | No Room on the Crew
 | 4 | Find Somebody New
 | 5 | The Big Payback
 | 6 | I Can't Be Watching You
 | 7 | Goodbye to Love
 | 8 | Hide Your Heart
 | 9 | What's the Story, Old Glory
 | 10 | Heart of My Soul |
   Danny Joe Brown - vocals, harmonica
Bobby Ingram - lead, acoustic and rhythm guitars, backing vocals
Duane Roland - lead, acoustic and rhythm guitars, backing vocals, assistant producer
John Galvin - keyboards, synthesizer, backing vocals
Riff West - bass, backing vocals
Bruce Crump - drums, backing vocals
Additional musicians:
Amy Martin, Carol Becker Rizzo, Randy Nichols, Sara Moore - backing vocals
Park Studios, Orlando, Florida
Pat Armstrong - producer
Andy DeGanahl - producer, engineer, mixing
Bill Smith, Jeff Heisey, Mike Chadbourne, Scott Taylor, Wayne Cloughley - assistant engineers
George Marino - mastering
 | "Take Miss Lucy Home"
(Ronald Perry, Frank Wildhorn)
Was drivin' in my car long about Saturday night,
I met a guy in a silver Trans-Am at a traffic light,
He said "Hey, you want to make some dough?",
Before I had a chance to say "No",
He said "All you gotta do is take Miss Lucy home"
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 На этом альбоме Molly Hatchet достигли дна своей музыкальной карьеры. Фактически рассматриваемый релиз и прикончил «хэтчет». Разочарованный неудачами, группу покидает ее основатель Дэйв Хлабек. Помимо разочарований, Дэйву надо было разбираться со своими «зависимостями». Все-таки рок-н-рольный образ жизни порой бесследно не проходит. Вместо Хлабека в группу приходит Бобби Ингрэм – протеже вокалиста Дэнни Джо Брауна, для которого Ингрэм был своим парнем. Дело в том, что после ухода из Molly Hatchet в 1980 году Браун успел замутить сольный проект The Danny Joe Brown Band, в состав которого входил Ингрэм. Поначалу Бобби себя никак не проявил – вел себя скромно, не высовываясь и слушая своих более авторитетных товарищей. Но запомните это имя, ибо именно стараниями Ингрэма группа вернется из небытия в 90-х, выдав ряд сильнейших работ.
Ну а пока вернемся к “Lighting Strikes Twice”. Поскольку предыдущий альбом “The Deed Is Done” «не выстрелил», было решено в очередной раз сменить музыкальный курс. Но если целесообразность коммерческого АОР прошлого альбома еще можно было как-то обосновать, то чем руководствовались музыканты, записывая материал “Lighting Strikes Twice”, сказать крайне сложно, поскольку представленная на альбоме смесь архаичного рок-н-ролла и поп-рока смотрелась в 1989 году по меньшей мере странно. И если отдельные песни с прошлой работы еще как-то мелькали в хит-парадах, то новая запись провалилась с оглушительным треском и оказалась никому не нужной, несмотря на то, что на ней все же присутствует ряд чрезвычайно приятных уху поп-рок песен – The Big Payback, I Can’t Be Watching You и Hide Your Heart, исполненных в духе предыдущего альбома. Тем не менее, все это было похоже на агонию. Вновь напичкав альбом чужими песнями, Molly Hatchet окончательно утратили собственное лицо и превратились в кавер-бэнд. Та же слащавая Hide Your Heart, на которую наверняка была сделана ставка, оказалась песней… Бонни Тайлер (!!!) Кстати, в том же 1989 году свою версию этой вещи представили Kiss (альбом “Hot In The Shade”). Их версия получилась намного лучше. Тем более, что оригинальный вариант песни был написан Полом Стэнли в соавторстве со знаменитым хитмейкером и продюсером 80-х Дэзмондом Чайлдом.
Уж не знаю, кого Molly Hatchet хотели привлечь этим альбомом, но в итоге распугали последних лояльных фэнов. В 1989 году группа напоминала нарумяненную молодящуюся старуху, и как творческая единица вконец выдохлась. Усталость чувствовалась во всем – в аранжировках, в звучании, в заметно подсевшем, безжизненном голосе вокалиста, в отсутствии собственных идей. Тот драйв, который отличал более ранние альбомы группы ушел безвозвратно. Осталась только красивая обложка и некогда легендарное название… |
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просмотров: 7785 |
He told me his name was Lou, he took me aside,
He said "I really gotta go, but my baby, she needs a ride",
Well I thought it sounds kinda strange,
But he gave me twenty bucks and some change,
And said "All you gotta do is take Miss Lucy home"
Take Miss Lucy home, take Miss Lucy home,
All I gotta do is take Miss Lucy home,
(I don't know)
Lou took off and left me with this drunk chick,
She had purple hair and a mouthful of green lipstick,
She said "I used to live with Lou,
But he's catchin' the next train to Kathmandu,
He left me here so I I'll stay with you"
Well, now I'm in a mess cause I tried to be a hell of a guy,
When he said "Take her home",
How could I know he meant to take her to her to mine?
Not mine!
Drivin' home in my car late last Saturday night,
I met a guy in a red corvette at a traffic light,
I said "Hey, you want to make some dough",
Before he had a chance to say "No",
I said "All you got to do is take Miss Lucy home"
Take Miss Lucy home, take Miss Lucy home,
All you gotta do is take Miss Lucy home
Take Miss Lucy home, take Miss Lucy home,
you gotta take Miss Lucy home,
All you gotta do is take Miss Lucy home,
(Get her out of here!),
"There Goes The Neighborhood"
(Trent A Miller, Ricky Burnette)
It was a rock and roll wedding,
Held down at a rock and roll shack,
Well the groom wore boots and leather,
Let me tell you that the bride she wore black,
Electric guitars cranked up real loud and good,
And the people next door said,
"There goes the neighborhood"
Black and white cars parked all the way around the block,
They had the music, it was crakin',
Man, I did not think it would stop,
Rockin' and rollin' like everybody knows they should,
And the people next door said,
"There goes the neighborhood"
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood
Well the preacher drove up in a Harley all dressed in
And the bride and groom said "Welcome to our happy
You know the vows were said and everybody kissed the
And the people next door were lookin' for a place to hide
Then the party really started and it lasted throughout the
A lot of people got it right and the others just wanted to
Got as hot as the flames across a hot rod hood,
And the people next door said,
"There goes the neighborhood"
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Rockin' and rollin' like everybody knows they should
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Oh, no, there goes the neighborhood,
Rockin' and rollin' like everybody knows they should
"No Room On The Crew"
(William Little, Ed Raetzloff, J.B. Smith)
Cut my teeth in Kentucky, dynamitin' coal,
Turned sixteen on a tanker, haulin' crude from Mexico,
Worked my way up to Washington, made the timber fall,
Had a card in every union and I never missed a call,
Put me on the time clock, there ain't nothin' I can't do,
How can you tell me there's no room on the crew
There's no room on the crew,
Hell , I've heard that line before, yeah, I've heard it before,
Tell you what I'm gonna do to prove you can use one
Put your five best men together and if they fill my shoes,
Then you can tell me there's no room on the crew
Picked Tennessee tobacco till the hard times ran me out,
Rolled steel up in Gary, they closed that big mill down,
I did my best in Detroit city, they cut production back,
Worked hard on the seaboard, for the railroad laying track,
I gotta feed my family, there ain't nothin' I wont do,
How can you tell me there's no room on the crew
There's no room on the crew,
I've heard that line before, I've heard it before,
Tell you what I'm gonna do to prove you can use one
Put your five best men together and if they fill my shoes,
Then you can tell me there's no room on the crew
There's no room on the crew,
I've heard that line before, oh before,
Tell you what I'm gonna do to prove you can use one
Put your five best men together and if they fill my shoes,
Then you can tell me there's no room on the crew,
Then you can tell me... there's no room on the crew
"Find Somebody New"
(Riff West, Danny Joe Brown, Bruce Crump, John Galvin,
Bobby Ingram, Duane Roland)
Well the pretty women, easy livin' were always on my
Back home dreamin', I was schemin' 'bout the things I
knew I'd find,
I've been unlucky in love, when I'm low its just said so
hard to take it,
But when I'm right, anything goes, you know I just can't
fake it
Cause I can't wait forever,
I can't wait for you,
Baby it's now or never,
Gonna find somebody new,
Gonna find somebody new
Well the past is gone, time goes on, while we are apart,
Took a toss with the dice, my luck was down, I had to
pawn my heart
Cause I can't wait forever,
I can't wait for you,
Baby it's now or never,
Gonna find somebody new,
Gonna find somebody new
Well it was the women, the easy livin', that finally made
me blue,
But baby, don't you worry, don't stop the show,
Cause I'm not comin' home to you
Cause I can't wait forever,
I can't wait for you,
Baby it's now or never,
Gonna find somebody new,
Cause I can't wait forever,
I can't wait for you,
Baby it's now or never,
Gonna find somebody new,
I'm gonna find somebody new
"The Big Payback"
(Mike Causey, Rob Walker)
Out all night, till the break of dawn,
Once again you know you've done somebody wrong, yeah
you did, babe,
And you know you're gonna get what's due,
One of these days it will all catch up to you
When it comes, its the big payback,
Don't you know its the big payback
Broken hearts, you know you've made quite a few, yeah
you did, babe,
Runnin' around is all you want to do,
Livin' fast, you say you never gonna stop runnin',
One of these days, Mama, you'll get whats comin'
When it comes, its the big payback,
Don't you know its the big payback
Time will come for the big payback,
Don't you know, its the big payback,
I tell you time's gonna come for the big payback,
Don't you know its the big payback
Big payback,
Big back,
Big payback,
Big payback
"I Can't Be Watchin' You"
(J. Galvin, B. Ingram, D.J. Brown, D Roland, B. Crump, R.
Your slippn' out the back door, slidin' down the lane,
Whatcha doin' that for, baby, whatcha got to gain,
I can't be watchin' you, I can't be watchin' you,
I don't know what you're up to, but it must be no good,
Now I hear your runnin' with some local city hood,
I can't be watchin' you, I can't be watchin' you
'i ain't wasting all my time trying to keep you in line,
I can't be watchin' you
Well you leave the house at seven, you say you'll be right
Then I see you climbin' in some big black cadillac,
I can't be watchin' you, oh,
Your friends came up and told me, just the other day,
They saw you where you know you got no business
I can't be watchin' you, I can't be watchin' you
I ain't waistin' all my time tryin' to keep you in line,
I can't be watchin' you
I've done all I can do,
I've said all I can say,
I've heard enough and seen enough,
I won't be watchin' you, I wont' be watchin' you, babe
I ain't waistin' no ore time tryin' to keep your ass in line,
I won't be watchin' you
"Goodbye To Love"
(J. Galvin, B. Ingram, D. Roland, B. Crump, R. West, D.J.
Goodbye, to you girl, we really had some good times,
Then you loosened your hold on me, took away what I
thought was mine,
Now you've got your wings, girl, and you can fly like a
When I'm lying awake in bed at night, honey, it's you I'm
thinkin' of
No conversation, ... no alibis,
No explanation, just a glimpse of your far away eyes,
Now you've got your freedom, have fun while you can,
Cause one day you're gonna to find yourself in the arms of
another man
Goodbye to love, goodbye to pain,
Goodbye promises that get broken time and time again
I know there's nothing I can say to make you change your
I guess that's the price I have to pay,
Seems like such a waste to leave it all behind,
As I stand here in the distance and watch your cold heart
slip today
You just go on now and follow the sky,
Cause now that you're gone from me there won't be no
reason to lie
Goodbye to love, goodbye to pain,
Goodbye promises that get broken time and time again
Goodbye to love, goodbye to pain,
Goodbye to those promises that get broken time and time
and time again
Goodbye to love, goodbye to pain,
Goodbye to those promises that get broken time and time
and time and time again
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye love
"Hide Your Heart"
(Desmond Child, Paul Stanley, Holly Knight)
Johnny saw her ridin' on a streetcar named "desire"
His fate was sealed
She could see him comin' like a hundred other liars
It was no big deal
Rosa had a lover on the shady side of town
Tito, he was king of the streets
She was his possession like a jewel on his crown
Johnny better run, better run....
Better hide your heart
Better hold on tight
Say your prayers
Cause there's trouble tonight
When pride and love battle with desire
better hide your heart
Cause you're playin' with fire
The ride was over but the story doesn't end
He took her heart
She looked him in the eye
And said they couldn't meet again
You could see the trouble start
The word went out that Rosa's messin' with someone
It was on the street
Tito looked for Johnny with a vengeance and a gun
Johnny better run, better run...
Johnny's holdin' Rosa on a rooftop in the night
As time stood still
They couldn't hear him comin'
Till he had them both in sight
You could feel the chill
A shot rang out like thunder
And the blood was on her hands
With noting won
When someone lies there dyin'
Lovers finally understand....
"What's The Story, Old Glory"
(Steve Carlisle, Dave Ivory, Kurt Palomaki, J. Galvin, R. West, D. Roland, B. Crump, B. Ingram, D.J. Brown)
Ain't it kinda funny that there's always been money,
Changin' hands all over the world,
I always thought the best things in life were free,
Now, I may be square, but it don't seem fair,
What there pickin' in this pocket of mine,
And a dollar for a donut ain't to far down the line
What's the story, old glory?,
How come your turning green?,
In the land of milk and honey, you've got to have money,
I bet you know what I mean
Even though we're willin, we can't have any children
Cause there ain't nobody home night or day,
Working eighty hours and still too many bills to pay,
Well, I got my car but I can't get far,
On a dollar's worth of gasoline,
I even give up my subscription to Rolling Stone magazine
So, what's the story, old glory,
How come your turning green?,
In the land of milk and honey, you've got to have money,
I bet you know what I mean
What's the story, old glory?,
How come your turning green?,
In the land of milk and honey, you've got to have money,
I bet you know what I mean
Now ain't it a sin how the Japanese yen,
Had driven down our dollar bill,
It'd gettin' harder to find somethin' made in the U. S. of A.,
So ride your Kawasaki and eat your teriyaki,
I'll tell you what they're gonna do,
It won't be long till they're buying me up and you
So, what's the story, old glory,
How come your turning green?,
In the land of milk and honey, you've got to have money,
I bet you know what I mean
What's the story, old glory?,
How come your turning green?,
In the land of milk and honey, you've got to have money,
I bet you know what I,
I bet you know what I,
I bet you know what I mean
"Heart Of My Soul"
(J. Galvin, B. Ingram, R. West, B. Crump, D.J. Brown, D. Roland)
Remember how we used to play, laughed and fought the
days away,
But now those days are gone and I still fightin',
For the heart of my soul,
Summers never seem to last, childhood days are in the
But memories of you are still reflected,
In the heart of my soul
Heart of my soul, no hearts were breakin',
Heart of my soul, no lives were taken,
Our pockets are all lined with silver and gold,
In the heart of my soul
The old oak tree we used to climb has barely stood the
test of time,
But I can still see our initials carved forever,
In the heart of my soul
Heart of my soul, no hearts were breakin',
Heart of my soul, no lives were taken,
Our pockets are all lined with silver and gold,
In the heart of my soul
We were times and times were tough,
The dreams we shared will last forever,
Even though the stakes were high,
We both reached out and touched the sky together, yeah
Now I've heard your time has gone past, guess we knew it
wouldn't last,
But they say that at the end of every rainbow there's
treasure untold,
Even though you're far away, I'll see you again someday,
But till then we'll always be together,
In the heart of my soul
Heart of my soul, no hearts were breakin',
Heart of my soul, no lives were taken,
Heart of my soul, we'll be together,
Heart of my soul, you'll live forever,
Our pockets are all lined with silver and gold,
In the heart of my soul,
Heart of my soul,
Heart of my soul,
You're the heart of my soul,
Heart of my soul