Cryptic Wintermoon
« Of Shadows…and the Dark Things You Fear »
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1 | The Dark Things You Fear
 | 2 | Thrashomatic Overdrive
 | 3 | Portals Of Nightfall
 | 4 | Bonegrinder 1916
 | 5 | Synthetic God
 | 6 | Where The Oceans Meet Eternity
 | 7 | Grave Without A Name
 | 8 | Once In The Windblasted North
 | 9 | War (Without Any Regret)
 | 10 | Heavy Armed Assault
 | 11 | Open Fire
 | 12 | Grim Frost |
   Ronny - vocals
Michael - guitars
Larsen - guitars
Andrea - keyboards
Nikolaj - bass
Andreas - drums |
 | Thrashomatic Overdrive
Addicted to protoplasmic matter
I avail myself od that wide abundance
For I am the creator – they call me god
This na?ve rattle I just cultivated to quench my thirst
In my laboratory lovely named "earth" – your incubator – you grow and wilt
Scrutinized and analyzed
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 Cryptic Wintermoon îñòàëèñü âåðíû ñåáå... Âñå òå æå ôèðìåííûå êëàâèøè, êîòîðûå ïðàâäà ïîÿâëÿþòñÿ íå âåçäå, òå æå ãèòàðû... ×òî æå íîâîãî â äàííîì àëüáîìå? À, õîòÿ ýòî íå ñòîëü î÷åâèäíî, íîâûå ìîìåíòû âñå-òàêè åñòü, õîòü è íå â î÷åíü áîëüøîì êîëè÷åñòâå... Íàïðèìåð âî âòîðîé êîìïîçèöèè Trashomatic Overdrive, ÷òî ëè, ïîÿâëÿåòñÿ òàêîé "ïðåêðàñíûé" ÷èñòûé ìóæñêîé âîêàë, ÷òî âîêàëèñò Macbeth ñ àëüáîìîì Malae Artes îòäûõàåò, íî, òàê êàê ýòîò òåìáð ïîÿâëÿåòñÿ ëèøü â îäíîé ïåñíå (â äðóãèõ òîæå âñòðå÷àåòñÿ ÷èñòûé âîêàë, íî òèïè÷íûé Cryptic Wintermoon-îâñêèé), âñòàâêà ñèÿ äàæå èíòåðåñíî çâó÷èò (ñìåøíî äàæå). Òàêæå ìíå çàïîìíèëèñü åùå äâå êîìïîçèöèè ñ íîìåðàìè 7 - Grave Without Name è îñîáåííî 6 - Where The Oceans Meet Eternity, òàê êàê ýòî ñàìàÿ ðàçíîîáðàçíàÿ êîìïîçèöèÿ ñ àëüáîìà, êàæäûé ìîìåíò èãðàåòñÿ ïî-ñâîåìó, òîëüêî ïðèïåâ ïîâòîðÿåòñÿ... Òåïåðü î ìèíóñàõ: 1) ïî ñðàâíåíèþ ñ A Coming Storm çâóê ñòàë õóæå - êàêîé-òî ïðèãëóøåííûé, êàê áóäòî áîëåå ëåãêèé è íåÿðêèé. 2) Ëþáèòåëÿì èìåííî ÌÅËÎÄÈ×ÍÎÃÎ äåò-áëýêà ñëóøàòü àëüáîì ñòîèò òîëüêî äî 7 èç 12 òðåêîâ, à ïîñëåäíÿÿ èíñòðóìåíòàëüíàÿ òåìà áûëà áû íè÷åãî åñëè áû íå äàâèëà íà ìîçã äåñÿòèêðàòíûì ïîâòîðåíèåì îäíîãî è òîãî æå ïðîèãðûøà....Òåì íå ìåíåå Cryptic Wintermoon ìåíÿ íå ðàçî÷àðîâàëè, êàê, íàïðèìåð, Suidakra ñî ñâîèì àìîðôíûì Command To Charge. Èòîã - 8 èç 10. |
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Ýòà ðàáîòà ñî ñòîëü äëèííûì íàçâàíèåì ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé î÷åíü íåïëîõîé ìåëîäè÷íûé äýò, äîâîëüíî àãðåññèâíûé, ýìîöèîíàëüíûé è òîëêîâî èñïîëíåííûé. Ìåëîäèé çäåñü, áûòü ìîæåò, ìåíüøå ÷åì õîòåëîñü áû, äà è òå ÷òî åñòü, íå ñèëüíî âïå÷àòëÿþò. Êàçàëîñü áû, íåïðîñòèòåëüíûé íåäîñòàòîê äëÿ ñòèëÿ, ñòàâÿùåãî ìåëîäè÷íîñòü âî ãëàâó óãëà. Íî íåò, ýòî îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî íå òàê óæ ñèëüíî ïîðòèò âïå÷àòëåíèå îò àëüáîìà. Âñå äåëî â î÷åíü çëîáíîé, ìîæíî äàæå ñêàçàòü áðóòàëüíîé àòìîñôåðå, êîòîðóþ ìóçûêàíòû ïîñòàðàëèñü äî íàñ äîíåñòè. Âî ìíîãîì ýòîìó ñïîñîáñòâóþò âîêàë, ìóæñêîé ñêðèìèíã/ãðîóëèíã î÷åíü ýêñïðåññèâåí è ïðîáèðàåò äî êîñòåé. Äàæå êëàâèøè, êîòîðûå îáû÷íî ïðèâíîñÿò â ïîäîáíóþ ìóçûêó íåêîòîðóþ äîëþ ñëàùàâîñòè, çäåñü ñîçäàþò ìðà÷íûé íàñòðîé è íå îñòàâëÿþò ìåñòà íè îäíîìó ñâåòëîìó ÷óâñòâó. Ãèòàðû ñ îòíîñèòåëüíî íèçêèì ñòðîåì íå áàëóþò ñëóøàòåëÿ èíñòðóìåíòàëüíûìè èçûñêàìè, íî ðàáîòà áàðàáàíùèêà ýòî ñ ëèõâîé êîìïåíñèðóåò: ñâîå äåëî îí çíàåò íà ïÿòü ñ ïëþñîì! Î÷åíü èíòåðåñíî çâó÷àò ñýìïëû, ñ ïîìîùüþ êîòîðûõ ñïåöèôè÷åñêàÿ àòìîñôåðà àëüáîìà ñòàíîâèòñÿ ïî÷òè îñÿçàåìîé. Çàìå÷àòåëüíîå intro ïîäãîòàâëèâàåò ñëóøàòåëÿ ê ãåðîè÷åñêîé, áûñòðîé è çëîáíîé ìóçûêå, à ïå÷àëüíîå êëàâèøíîå outro ñ ñýìïëàìè âåòðà çâó÷èò ïîäîáíî ïîãðåáàëüíîé ïåñíå ïàâøèì. Ãëàâíûé íåäîñòàòîê äèñêà – çàïèñü. Ïðè îáùåé ãëóõîñòè è íå÷åòêîñòè áàðàáàíû ïî÷òè âñåãäà çâó÷àò íà ïåðåäíåì ïëàíå. Íå ñïîðþ, îíè ïðîñòî âåëèêîëåïíû, íî ê êîíöó àëüáîìà ýòî íåñêîëüêî óòîìëÿåò. Ãèòàðû æå çàäâèíóòû êóäà-òî î÷åíü äàëåêî, äà è ñâåäåíèå ìîãëî áûòü êóäà ëó÷øå… Èç-çà çàïèñè íå âîçíèêàåò ÷óâñòâà «ðîâíîãî» ïðîñëóøèâàíèÿ, ïðèõîäèòñÿ íàïðÿãàòüñÿ è óñèëåííî âíèêàòü â çíàêîìûå, êàçàëîñü áû, âåùè. Âòîðîé íåäîñòàòîê – ñîâåðøåííî íåêóäûøíîå îôîðìëåíèå, äëÿ îïèñàíèÿ ïîäîáíûõ óáîãèõ êàðòèíîê ó ìåíÿ äàæå íå íàõîäèòñÿ ñëîâ. Òàêîå âïå÷àòëåíèå, ÷òî äèçàéí ãðóïïå äåëàëè âðàãè. Íî âñå æå áóêëåò ñòîèò ïîëèñòàòü, ÷òîáû íå îñòàâèòü áåç âíèìàíèÿ òåêñòû: îíè íå îñîáåííî èíòåëëåêòóàëüíû, íî ÷èòàòü èõ ïðèÿòíî. Âîîáùå æå ýòî çàìå÷àòåëüíàÿ ðàáîòà, êîòîðàÿ îñîáåííî ïðèäåòñÿ ïî âêóñó òåì ëþáèòåëÿì ìåëîäè÷íîãî äýòà, êîòîðûì íàäîåë «øâåäñêèé ñòàíäàðò» â ýòîì ñòèëå. (Äèñê ïðåäîñòàâëåí êîìïàíèåé Art Music Group) |
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ïðîñìîòðîâ: 20807 |
And when my work is done I simple pull the plug
I am theory – and practically don't exist
Syntax error – the unknown force of downfall
My name a synonym for terror – my blood the elexier of horror
I sustain all synthetic factors of physical composition
Archieving of all nocturnal phenomenons
The ultimate supervisor of statics – weaver of dimensions
Listen to that voice so mellow – close your eyes and fall asleep
But be on your guard not to go astray in the shades
Back to generation zero – thrashomatic overdrive
Enigmatic origin stain by hidden force
Exinguishing the flame of mortals – systematic termination
Monumental patron of the unhallowed hordes
I sustain all synthetic factors of nocturnal grace
Portals Of Nightfall
And so we meet here again, old friend – welcome back to your journey's end
Here at the keep of all darkest nights – where the source of your sorrow lies
All your nightmares – only worse – have become bitter truth for your infected mind
And nothing could save you from torture and grind – slowly fading – from your world
No more spring will thaw your frozen heart anymore – forever, forever, not anymore
Uncertain stumbling through the haze – thousand eyes staring at your face
A savage unintortured chase – don't expect any help from grace
How that the gleam of your eyes went out – your frightened glance betrays rising doubt
About what soon is to come for you – bad fate, you can rely onto
Guardians of nightfall, lead me behind – the borders I'm loosing for the peace to find
Never meant to be a sinner in religious ways – "why the hell no one hears my prayers"
Portals of nightfall, open your front – and grand me entrance to the world beyond
But please don't forsake my death – yearning soul -...I hear the demons of embers call
Unbearable the burden gradual becomes – drags me down the maw, and deeper down below
My corpse aglowed a long time ago yet – while passing through the chambers of the dead
There are no words to define all this dismay – nothing you have known is destined to remain
When I made you inhale my toxic breath – for I am the everlasting death
Portals of nightfall, open your front – and grand me entrance to the world beyond
But please don't forsake my death – yearning soul -...I hear the demons of embers call
Just take a look around you my son – and be aware of the shades to come
Then you forget what the bible tought – consolation in rain be sought
So this will be your true fate, old friend – welcome back to your journey's end
Here all the keep of all darkest nights – where the source of your sorrow lies
All your nightmares – only worse – have become bitter truth for your infected mind
And nothing could save you from torture and grind – slowly fading – from your world
No more spring will thaw your frozen heart anymore – forever, forever, not anymore
Bonegrinder 1916
The smell of poison gass – fills the air
No need to search for death – he will find you there
Soil drained with blood – cities pulverized
Dead bodies twisted – humans carbonized
Bonegrinder – grinding bones – eathing them alive
Spitting them out dead – noone will survive
Was is the only answer
My gun spreads bullets like cancer
Bombs like rain – day and night – moving out – suicide
Death angels – from the sky – descent from hell – thousands die
Machinegun fire – detonations – rifle rounds – devastation
Grinding bones – artillery shell – draining blood – here is hell
Fire, roaring thunder – will be my coming signs
Planting death and havoc – among the defense lines
Thousand bodies – lay ripped and torn
The sound of cannon fire – roars like thunderstorm
Soil drained with blood – cities pulverized
Dead bodies twisted – humans carbonized
Bonegrinder – grinding bones – eathing them alive
Spitting them out dead – noone will survive
Was is the only answer
My gun spreads bullets like cancer
Synthetic God
I am the antichrist – I am divinity – I am the coming storm – I am the sun that keeps you warm
I am salvation – I am the greatest sin – I am your synthetic god – I am what dwells within
You can run and try to hide – but you will find no shelter
I am the new empire – built upon the ashes of the past
So lustfull with eyes to see – human race a whore to me
Raise some glasses in the sky – and celebrate the effigy
Tell me what you deserve – say what you are longing for
Reveal your inmost dreams to me – playing roles in a real world pirace
I am hate
I am greed
I am the voracious
I am what you are – I am the masterwhore – I am what you want me to be
I make the cities turn to dust and worlds fading into grey
I am the blasting silence in a world full of rust
We live blinded and despised in a pleasure painted paradise
We are the hate we are the greed
We are the voracious breed
Call me punishment and pain I am the prison you are in
My embrace is never ending now be a servant to your pride
Stigmata of this enslavement a world filled with scapegoats
Still trying to reanimate a little bit of self respect
I am the antichrist – I am divinity – I am the coming storm – I am the sun that keeps you warm
I am salvation – I am the greatest sin – I am your synthetic god – I am what dwells within
Am I what you are – am I what you want me to be
Are you what I am – do you laugh at my command
Are you what you are – I am salvation – I am the real you
Am I salvation for you too
Where The Oceans Meet Eternity
Burning sign – in the sky – stroms rise – on the northern side
Thunder roars – lightning strikes – man the ships – to war we ride
Demons from a place unknown – where evil dwells and dark things grow
By the grace of firegods – assault our land if ice and snow
Written in the prophecy ages ago – the war between fire and snow
Demons unleashed from the darklands core – this time it's war
My heart for the lands of winter
And my sword strikes for the light
For my god I will die
And my fate is the shield of mine
Born in the land of north and here I will die
Sail across the seven seas – that is your destiny
Where great evil reigns – and the oceans meet eternity
The fortress of shadows – in the frozen wasteland
The core of darkness – mankinds fate of is at hand
Of mother of north – hold safety your sons
Oh father of storms – bring us north from here
Hold darkness from us – not death only failure we fear
Sail across the seven seas – that is your destiny
Where great evil reigns – and the oceans meet eternity
The fortress of shadows – in the frozen wasteland
The core of darkness – mankinds fate of is at hand
Sail across the seven seas – through the seven gates of hell
To the forbidden place – where great evil dwells
Moving shades of black – shining eyes of fire
Death hiding in the darkness – and it seems that all our gods have left
Approaching the realm of fire – fighting side by side
Fighting day and night – we will win or we all will die
Grave Without A Name
As crimson coloures the sky – where ravens fly
Staring to the sky above – the incoming darkness
And lonely we die
Noone who prays for us – noone who cries
We die – to the place where our dead brothers lie
And now the cold grips my heart
I can see them coming
A heart of ice – and the eyes like winter
Not afraid of the coming night – remember where darkness there is a light
A burning flame forever to remain
Just another grave in the cold without a name
Now dakrness fills the sky – see the valkries fly
A last look to the sky aboe – we are warriors born to die
Once... In The Windblasted North
Inbetween the wastelands of endless ice and snow
Lays the place abandoned from mankindlong ago
Frozen seas of blood – towers built of flesh and bones
And the presence on insanity on the shadows throne
Great evil is dwelling here for ages – high in the lands of frost
Stories turn to legends – and empires fall to dust – the awaking of the ancient is at hand
Spreading the reign of shadows terror – high up in the abandoned land
Moving shadows at the edge of the wood – where twilight found you out there all alone
In the darkness and the freezing cold – and far far away from home
Ages went by in a storm of years – in the wind balsted north
For a time there were rumors to hear – of shadows and the dark things you fear
And beneath a great mountain hidden in darkness a shadow writhed in chains
Eaten by hate to the edge of madness moving figures – playing his games
All figures set – for the final strike leaving me alone against a hundred – this night
So I grab weapon and shield – ready to face my fate – a quick prayer comes over my lips
To those gods up there who left me up there where my brothers a wait
Courage was what my gods honoured – one against hundred
And with all hope lost I engaged into battle
But suddenly wind was rising and turned into a storm – a blizzard of ice and deadly cold
It did me no harm but smashed my enemy and slayed then one by one
And amidst the blizzard I could see moving shadows of my father
And all my brothers I have lost in battle
So my prayers have been heard in this darkest hour my northern gods have returned to me...
Deadly blizzards – beasts of ice – in northern lands – where northmen rise
Blessed by cold – the winteborn – to give your life for your god you've sworn
Your heart for the lands of winter – and your sword strikes for the light
For your god I will die
And my fate is the shield of mine – born in the land of north and here I will die
Ages went by in a storm of years – in the wind blasted north
For a time there wasa legend to hear – of a man who fought shadows and the dark things you fear
Once... in the windblasted north...
Inbetween the wastelands of endless ice and snow
Lays the place abandoned from mankindlong ago
Great evil is dwelling here for ages – high in the lands of frost
Now stories turn to legends – and empires fall to dust
Once... in the windblasted north...
W.A.R. (Without Any Regret)
Atmospheric electric – the hurricane is near
We carry on our soil – to get you all my dear
Heading straight oon forward – buut never out of sight
An egotrip rebellion – heavy armed delight
Hallowed or just hollow – imprisoned be the will
Maximize the coin machine – mass media overkill
Generation zero – sing for the deaf
Ubiquitous mindlock – always looking for the thrill
Feeding oil to the flames – the quest has just begun
Faster, harder, more and more – implicit faith will make you stun
Our trademark, Mr,Misbehaviour – we don't care whats right or wrong
Lack of common sense – now sanity is gone
Sanity is gone – sowing the wind to harvest the storm
Without any regrets – without any respect
More firepower – on all fronts
We take on everyone – we reconcile with everyone
Sowing the wind to harvest the storm – more firepower on all fronts
Manmade mirage – turning the words
Pull down the trigger – without any regrets
It's feeding time for the beasts of prey
Serving them their favourite meal
Reload your weapon systems – onwards without signs of fatigue
In need of mental values – we'rehere to gain control
Heading straight on forwards – we erase your thoughts
With methods oh so dirty – when all sex is sold
When all the sex is sold
Feeding oil to the flames – the quest is on the run
Without any regrets – without any respect – this what we have to do
Come on, follow us – we know we are right – without any regrets – we entertain tonight
We entertain tonight
Heavy Armed Assault
Armies from the gates of hell – creatures breathing ash
Massive roket impact – as the armies clash
Confronting heavy armed assault – fully armored black
Clashing at our boundaries – there is no turning back
Burning skies – as fire begins to rain
Drowning the world in endless pain – as death comes closing in
Bullet impats cracking bones – seeking for your head
Our defense pounded to the ground – leaving them all dead
Wave by wave comes storming in – there is no end to see
Ankledeep in pools of blood – dead bodys lying next to me
Burning skies – as fire begins to rain
Drowning the world in endless pain – as death comes closing in
In the light of the dying sun – your world falls to peaces
In grinding artillery fire – as pain and damage increases
Bomb explosions – knocking gently on your door
Hear roaring cannon fire – that's the drums of war
That's our art of war
You can run – but never hide
Here death will always find you
Kill efficiency – industrialized
Genocide – mechanized
Firewalls – cremating human flesh
Wardemons – grinding them to death
Open Fire
This morning has been born – without light – dim – forlorn
A severe vault of clouds rushed across the open downs
Black gaunt and eerie tree – skeletons danced dreadfully
Tight in the claws of frost – winter showed it's ghostly host
Artillery combat – flashing cannon fire – defeaning sound
Approaching slowly – but unstoppable leaves burned ground
Nervously waiting in wretched ditches laid in ruins
The last instructional orders reached us a few hours ago
Now sepparated ftom allied troops assured to come
But there's no more chance to flee from the superior enemy
Hell racing high speed bullet machine gun monotomy
Relinquishing position means to choose suzerainty
Just like an enormous thunderstorm war rules the entire killing zone
Below the scourge of madness and decay that burdensome commands the way
A sudden detonation to my left – fire screams – a ray of heat
Glowing splinters hailing down – cutting through irressistable flesh
A sweetly scented reek turns the air into a sick
Paralyzed breathing we undertook the last offence
Open fire – breacking through the hostile lines
Ravaging internecine assault
Crawling through the mud – terrified of the ievitable end
Our fate uncertain like that of a cutter in a storm
The nameless victims – whose faces are unknown to thee
Buried deep in the noman's land's mass graves
Open fire – breacking through the hostile lines
Ravaging internecine assault
Below the scourge of madness and decay we horribly passed away
Grim Frost
Instrumental track