Cannibal Corpse
« Hammer Smashed Face »
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1 | Hammer Smashed Face 04:04
 | 2 | The Exorcist (Possessed cover) 04:38
 | 3 | Zero The Hero (Black Sabbath cover) 06:36
 | | Total playing time: 15:18 |
   Chris Barnes - vocals
Jack Owen - guitars
Rob Barrett - guitars
Alex Webster - bass
Paul Mazurkiewicz - drums |
Produced by Cannibal Corpse and Dennis Fura
Recorded at Morrisound Studio, Tampa, Florida
Recorded & mixed at Border City Recording, Niagara Falls, New York
Mastered at Fullersound, Miami, Florida
Cover Artwork by Vincent Locke
Design by Brian JAmes |
 | 01.Hammer Smashed Face
There's something inside me
It's, it's coming out
I feel like killing you
Let loose the anger, held back too long
My blood runs cold
Through my anatomy, dwells another being
Rooted in my cortex, a servant to its bidding
Brutality now becomes my appetite
Violence |
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 Эта компиляция в виде EP вполне может оказаться достойной внимания. Сюда входит визитная карточка CC - “Hammer Smashed Face” – довольно разнообразная в рамках творчества группы песня (а главное – здесь есть как гротескно низкий гроулинг, так и скрим Барнса на пару-тройку секунд). Когда звучит “The Exorcist”, начинаешь понимать, что ребята играют с задором и… что это не их песня. Хотя фирменного долбизма группы хватает везде. Чудом лишилась его только следующая песня. На “Zero the Hero” группа еще более преображается и принимает эстафетную палочку у самих Black Sabbath (действительно трудно разобраться, кто звучит более БлэкСэббатовски: брутальная компания Криса Барнса или Айомми-сотоварищи). Выскажу свое соображение: Black Sabbath и Каннибалы – вообще родственные в плане саунда группы. Далее идет ужас (в оценочном смысле слова) под названием “Meat Hook Sodomy” с традиционным обширным нойзовым вступлением. В этой песне я могу слушать медленную часть. “Shredded Humans” – совсем другое дело; здесь различимо движение, отсутствие статичной долбежки.
Любопытно, что на данный EP попали открывающие треки всех трех выпущенных на тот момент альбомов группы – “Shredded Humans”, “Meat Hook Sodomy”, “Hammer Smashed Face”.
Позитивные сдвиги, замеченные уже на этом альбоме, в 1994 году образуют целую картину, состоящую исключительно из позитивных моментов, а пока… |
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Приятно осознавать, что лицензионный рынок в России окреп до такой степени, что компании лицензиаты могут позволить выпустить даже 15 минутные ЕР – все равно товар найдет своего благодарного слушателя. Постепенно закрывая прорехи в дискографии группы Cannibal Corpse, всем фанатам коллектива предлагается шикарно изданный в дигипаке миньон 1993 года, куда попала заглавная песня с альбома Tomb Of Mutilated и два отличных кавера на творчество Possessed & Black Sabbath соответственно. Ранее эти вещи выходили в качестве японских бонусов к уже упомянутому альбому – их ценность для фанатов трудно переоценить. И все же я рискну порекомендовать его тем, кто имеет смутное представление о творчестве американцев. Мастерски сыгранная Zero The Hero от Black Sabbath с альбома Born Again найдет отклик в душе большинства металхэдов: брутальный вокал Криса Барнса добавил весомости этой вещи с не самого лучшего альбома Саббат, а качественная работа музыкантов только усиливают сомнения какой вариант лучше – оригинальный с Гиланом или экстремальный с Барнсом. Чашу весов в пользу второго может склонить и замечательный плакатик размером 20х40, вложенный в дигипак. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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Это самый первый сингл Каннибалов. Достаточно интересный релиз от известных мясников. Первая песня - это, собственно, Hammer Smashed Face. Это медленный брутальный дэт с очень низким гроулингом Барнса. О чём песня думаю пояснять не надо - из названия всё ясно. Далее 2 кавера - The Exorcist, песня одних из родоночальников дэта - Possessed и Zero the Hero - оригинал принадлежит Black Sabbath. Исполнено в фирменном для Каннибалов стиле, но заметно, что попрофессиональнее 1-ой, 5-ой и 6-ой песен с этого сингла, так как всё-таки оригинал был писан не Каннибалами, а судя по такой разнице, намного более лучшими музыкантами. Хорошо что на следующем релизе Каннибалы поумнеют и станут играть проффесиональный брутал дэт. А за непроффесионализм и отсутствие своих новых песен поставлю 4. |
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просмотров: 20949 |
The sledge my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead
Eyes bulging from their sockets
With every swing of my mallet
I smash your fucking head in, until brains seep in
through the cracks, blood does leak
distorted beauty, catastrophe
Steaming slop, splattered all over me
Lifeless body, slouching dead
Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head
Avoiding the prophecy of my new found lust
You will never live again, soon your life will end
I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face
facial bones collapse as I crack your skull in half
Crushing, cranial, contents
Draining the snot, I rip out the eyes
Squeezing them in my hands nerves are incised
Peeling the flesh off the bottom of my weapon
Involuntarily pulpifying facial regions
Suffer, and then you die
Torture, pulverized
At one with my sixth sense, I feel free
To kill as I please, no one can stop me
Created to kill, the carnage continues
Violently reshaping human facial tissue
Brutality becomes my appetite
Violence is now a way of life
The sledge my tool to torture
As it pounds down on your forehead
02.The Exorcist
(Originally performed by The Possessed)
Possessed By Evil Force
Satan's Wrath will kill
He will take your soul
Cast you to hell
Demons dog domain
Keeping me insane
Evil curse my soul
Burning away
Satan's hell will burn
Terrored cries are heard
Ever lasting eternity
Warriors of hell
Unleashed men of sin
Hatred hell within
Sinners hate will die
The Exorcist
I can see the light
I don't want to burn
Help me save my soul
Let me live
Your curse is not my fear
Demons within me hear
I will escape your wrath
This is not my way
doom, sorrow for eternity
Lights shine below in hell
Forever burning
Words of insanity scream out
The final plea
Evil voices scream out
Help me
Demons in my body gone
Sicken thoughts left beyond
Haunted by evil memories
Nightmares and sin
My mind is burnt and black
Shadowed no way back
Fear of living in hell
Axed my mind
Memories held within
Satan's gone in sin
Grasping to relieve the pain
Scared for life
Exorcism takes control
Beneath my body help my soul
Save my soul from evil hell
Your spell is lost
03.Zero The Hero
(Originally performeded By Black Sabbath)
Accept the fact that you're second rate, life is easy for you
It's all served up on a gold plated plate
And we don't even have to talk to you
Your face is normal, that's the way you're bred
And that's the way you're going to stay
Your head is firmly nailed to your TV channel
But someone else's finger's on the control panel
What you gonna be, what you gonna be brother
Zero the Hero
Don't you wanna be, don't you wanna be brother
Zero the Hero
When you gonna be, when you gonna be brother
Zero the Hero
Impossibility impissibolity mother
Really a Hero
You sit there watch it all burn down
It's easy and breezy for you
You play your life to a different sound
No edge no edge you got no knife have you
Your life is a six-lane highway to nowhere
You're going so fast you're never ever gonna get down there
Where the heroes sit by the river
With a magic in their music as they eat raw liver
What you gonna be, what you gonna be brother
Zero the Hero
Don't you wanna be, don't you wanna be brother
Zero the Hero
When you gonna be, when you gonna be brother
Zero the Hero
Impossibility impissibolity mother
Really a Hero
You stand there captain we all look, you really are mediocre
You are the champion in the Acme form book
But I think you're just a joker
Your facedown life ain't so much of a pity
But the luv-a-duckin' way you're walkin' around the city
With your balls and your head full of nothing
It's easy for you sucker but you really need stuffing
What you gonna be, what you gonna be brother
Zero the Hero
Don't you wanna be, don't you wanna be brother
Zero the Hero
When you gonna be, when you gonna be brother
Zero the Hero
Impossibility impissibolity mother
Really a Hero
04.Meat Hook Sodomy (Bonus)
Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat
Hung upside down, holes punctured through half chewed
Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green
Upheaveal of human entrails
Deterioration of grated genitals, dangling from the hooks
Obscene feelings deep inside me
Dislocating, separating a blood
Drenched body
Begin the anal grounting
Awaiting insertion, to rip out intestine
Bodily destruction
Vulgar molestation
Treachery never ending soul ripping
Lifeless Bodies not, petrified
Cloggins veins
Presure building
Scabbing clotted sores dehydrate
Condemned to life of obscurity
Dismal dimensions of my being, I explore my thoughts through murder
Devoting my life to mutilation
Screams of blood saturate, grubs feed on dilapidated
Stumps, darkness overshadowing the killing
Eyes now dialate
Bodies disintegrate
Razor sharp hooks implanted in your rectum
Splitting bodies, spilling guts on the ground
Sodomizing living beings with my utensils
Stabbing on your life stripped of all your skin
Disgusting to the world
Beauty to my eyes
The body lying naked, discharging my infection
Invigorating while I kill, intoxicating
Invoking suffering on human beings
Grinding orifices my only therapy
Sculpting gore
Muscle tissue
Mounds of flesh, deformation
Skulls of victims stacked like trophies
Bleeding from your arse sudden blood ejection
05.Shredded Humans (Bonus)
Early hours, open road, family of five on their
way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their
encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right,
now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane, he
steers his car into the other lane
Both of them collide, expressions horrified
Head on at full speed, the vultures will soon feed
The father of three was impaled on the wheel,
as his skull became part of the dash
His eyeballs ejected his sight unaffected, he
saw his own organs collapse
His seatbelt was useless for holding him back,
it simply cut him in two
Legs were crushed, out leaked puss as his
spinal cord took off and flew
The mother took a flight through the glass, and
ended up impaled on a sign
Her intestines stretched from the car down the
road for a quarter of mile
Fourth child on the way, won't live another day
Fetus on the road, with mangled little bones
Little children fly, not a chance to wonder why
Smashed against the ceiling, all their skin
burning and peeling
Shards of glass explode, chest and skull now implode
Corpses they've become, and graves will have to be dug
Underneath the wheels, burning rubber on your face
Bleeding from your eyes, the slaughtered victim lies
Knowing what he's done, he just backs up one more time
Laughing at the mess, a pile of meat on the street
One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun
Early hours, open road, family of five on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their
encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right,
now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane, he
steers his car into the other lane
The look of death in my eye
Surely no-one survive
Just a pile of mush
Left to dry in the sun
I see my fresh kill
Left in the road
Remains of your body
Mangled and torn
One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun