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 Эта брутальнейшая формация в очередной раз представляет нам материал, который можно назвать интеллектуальным грайндом. Мощнейший плотный саунд с зубодробительной «долбой» способен размазать по стенке неподготовленного слушателя. Яростный звук барабанов обрушивается на голову подобно увесистым булыжникам, безумствующая экспрессивная гитара цепляет своей энергетикой, а утробнейший, булькающий и совершенно неразборчивый вокал напоминает довольное покряхтывание маньяка-убийцы из дешевых ужастиков. В общем, налицо все «методы экзекуции», в полном соответствии с названием альбома. Музыкальное полотно представляет собой сплошной брутал без каких-либо лирических отступлений, но одиннадцатый трек резко выделяется из общего ряда. На нем записаны некие индустриальные шумы и голоса, лишь на четвертой минуте звучания к ним добавляются гитары и барабаны. Получилось довольно приятное outro. На альбоме есть даже некоторое количество мелодий, но они совершенно теряются где-то между напористыми ударными и яростной гитарой. Тем не менее при вдумчивом прослушивании можно отметить про себя и мелодии, и отличный уровень владения инструментами. Все это получасовое безумие неплохо записано, однако звук все-таки несколько сыроват. Хотя, в данном случае, это скорее достоинство, чем недостаток. Про визуальное оформление диска я лучше промолчу, поскольку даже не поняла, что конкретно изображено на обложке: нечто темное и с размытыми очертаниями. Но интуиция мне подсказывает, что вряд ли эти предметы служат добру и миру во всем мире. Отличный альбом для любителей умного брутала. |
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To send this slave into the spirit world to accompany her master and celebrate with the
Glorious dead
Her last days spent feasting drinking and having sex with her master's friends
Volunteering for a heathen death hail the gods who bring up the winds making the flames
More intense decreasing the time for crossing over lowered and restrained strangled with a
Rope overwhelmed and struggling to breathe a ritual dagger plunged into the chest
Warm blood floods the lungs an unbroken gaze upon the face quiet and peaceful as the body
Is consumed by flames.
2. The Gridiron
Searing the flesh as fat spills onto the ground coals crackle and spark whilst the flames
Grow higher
Preparing your soul for the eternal fires awaiting your arrival gridiron glowing
Red hot the skin burning away turning muscles black
A candle lit by god's grace that shall never be extinguished using fire
To exercise their ire
The remains of morality branded on the frame the punishment of infidels marked
In the holy name abolishing the wide spread disease of heresy
3. The Red Theatre
Low thunder of the widow's blade rattles deep within the bones of those gathered
To witness the performance
Straps tightened under the arms and head placed within a perfect circle
Preventing movement in any way roars of revenge devour the squires of mercy
Stumbling across the platform intoxicated from a heartening draught screaming in
Support of the decree the crowd awaits in the shadow of the guillotine
An assistant pulls the ears to keep the skin on the neck taught sun glistens
On the edge feverishly awaiting the drop
Blade quickly released administering justice to keep the peace save your...
The last words uttered just before the head severed falls into a basket of iron
A fountain of blood soaks the assistant as the body is pushed into a leather
Lined basket final breath of life expelled from the lungs state sanctioned
Depravity upholding the laws of liberty equality and fraternity
4. Pressing To Plead
Taken back to the cell confined to a low dungeon which no light can enter laid
Upon your back strapped down spread eagle that there will be iron set upon your
Body as great as you can bear and greater
Fed three morsels of barley on the first day of questioning weights added on pressing
To plead still no crimes admitted or denied three drinks if water to sustain life
Through the day weights piling high upon the chest respirations becoming quick
And shallow pressure too intense for the body to sustain
Mind failing under the pain the plate of iron collapses into the lungs and heart
Ending the trial from which neither side has won
5. Tyburn Field
A voice of foul festivity hangs in the air devouring the squires of mercy
Trembling near the gibbet gathering in the shadow of the gallows a stifling
Silence overcomes the crowd as the deadman makes his first appearance on the scene
Roars of support for the king demanding revenge on the traitor death is what
They need to satisfy their hunger noose placed slowly around the throat a final
Gaze moves across the crowd
Forty thousand strong all anxious for the drop rows of corpses fill the elm
Trees where they will remain for months
6. Durance Vile
The dying's clothing alive and in motion with vermin all chained together no need
For a warden disease chokes and deprives air resting in puddles of infectious pus
Unstoppable shaking consumes the mind and body staring into the faces if the dead
As they are drug around the room flaying off strips of skin and placing it on them
Welcoming the infections disease hastening final release
7. Lingering Existence
Sadistic inclinations left unchecked by an absolute power interested in obtaining
The truth traditional methods fail to provide the desired effect
Torture a penalty in itself as a prelude to execution
Small cuts and stab wounds help ensure a lingering end importance falls on
The note that the victim shall fell himself die
Hung upside down legs spread wide saw slides between the thighs struggling and screaming
Fills the merciless executioner's eyes choking and vomiting on your blood
Flowing like Caligula's wine
8. Cast Into Torment
Placed in a large iron hop hinged in two halves hands bound behind the back
Forced to kneel on the lower half with the executioner straddling the victim
Turning and tightening the screw clamping down the other section immovable agonizing
Pain begins anew
Pressing the body evercloser sweat and tears fill the eyes a slow swelling
Of the throat muffling the cries chest against the knees stomach against the thighs
Spine slowly dislocated breastbone and ribs obliterated
9. Verdrinken
Restrained fastened to a plank outside world cutoff from witnessing the judgement
Set forth upon thee cloth placed over the mouth eyes roll back blood rushes to the
Head consciousness fading continuous stream of water poured in forcing the material down
The throat cloth removed and set to start again while uncontrollably choking
Head dropped downward with a struggling force swallowing up the breath from all screaming
And pleading clamping the lips together verdrinken mouth reopened with an iron and
Set in place then sensation of drowning being a suffocating pain water reingorging
Itself quickly flows choking the groans for help
From the rapid expansion body distorted and swollen
From the rapid expansion body distorted and swollen
10. Punishment Without Mercy
Blades open up the flesh cutting deep into the jaw and cheek forced to drink
Large quantities of wine members tied with a lute string
Slicing the throats of the victims wife and children before him so he knows
His seed also dies with a sadistic twist hot embers replace their eyes
Pleasing the congregation members intense pressure is applied so the victim
Can slowly feel himself die
A confession extracted by force death glazes over the eyes turns and stares
Toward the sky as blood floods the throat torment with death not quick enough
Cursing the killers with his final breath
11. Methods Of Execution