« The Wild Hunt »
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1 | Night Vision [Instrumental] 03:38
 | 2 | De Profundis 04:33
 | 3 | Black Flames March 06:20
 | 4 | All That May Bleed 04:41
 | 5 | The Child Must Die 06:04
 | 6 | They Rode On 08:43
 | 7 | Sleepless Evil 05:37
 | 8 | The Wild Hunt 06:20
 | 9 | Outlaw 05:07
 | 10 | Ignem Veni Mittere [Instrumental] 04:39
 | 11 | Holocaust Dawn 07:07 |
   Erik Danielsson - Vocals, Bass, Guitars
Pelle Forsberg - Guitars
Håkan Jonsson - Drums |
Release date 14-19 August
A video was made for "Outlaw"
This album is available in several editions:
- Standard jewel case CD
- Limited edition 'mediabook' CD: bonus track: 12. When Stars No More Shine (2013 version)
- 180gr black vinyl (2LP gatefold)
- 180gr black vinyl (limited edition, special pre-release 2LP version, limited to 500 hand numbered copies, North American independent record shops, different cover: black and white only)
- Digital download
- Limited edition box set
- Wolf Wear edition box set |
 | 2. De Profundis
Ye crypt of woe, ye depths of Death.
Where haunts the siren's wail,
Maddening and deafening.
Your heart and you might hear it to.
Pregnant with nightmares,
Beckoning you...
To and fro, the winding darkness,
Deepend gulfs and shallow graves.
Crooked is the |
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просмотров: 13556 |
1997-2025 © Russian Darkside e-Zine. Если вы нашли на этой странице ошибку или есть комментарии и пожелания, то сообщите нам об этом
Left by the Dragon's tail
...And edged by the flesh of heroes
Who tried to slay him.
Only to die like swine at his feet.
Unto the eye of the storm
Where leads the narrow path of damnation,
The pipers dance in wicked ways...
Drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed,
Piercing the skies swollen with flame.
Ever shall they rise from the underground,
The defiant chords of dissonance, to shatter harmony.
Beware; that sound,
That stems from deeps profound.
The mouth of Hell,
Where tousand cunning devils dwell.
Thousand-throated tempter, what musick you make;
Melodies of malady, a spark of gasoline hearts!
And unto our enemy a dagger that ever stabs
The face of sanity and every throat it grabs...
Drawn from the depths of an abyss unclaimed,
Piercing the skies now bathing in flames.
Ever shall they rise from the underground,
The defiant chords of dissonance, to rape the symphony of god.
So loud, that sound,
Rising from under ground.
Each mouth of Hell;
Scream forth that rebel yell!
From atop the oldest bastions of madness and of mutiny,
May their grave blaze ever light our path...
For have they not made us see the burning heavens?
The beacons of rebellion. And the return of angry, angry, angry Gods?
3. Black Flames March
We sing these words of praise to Thee.
Mightiest of Might, Unbound Divinity,
Sung so loud by a Nameless Kin.
Resounding through the halls of the Temple of Ain.
As our deeds of Fire, unto the Last,
Illuminate the Darkest Path.
This war will end when All is Nothing.
With Truth as the only weapon, I am the Will of God
So shine bright
With all your Might.
The Adversarial Fire
Burns High tonight
We march to this symphony
Which resounds from afar,
Yet burns within as cacophony.
And each step that we take leaves but ashes
On the crooked trail behind (and bridges burnt).
No words. No forms. No thoughts.
God (of the other side)
Soveriegn of conquest.
Dark One.
Yet thy Light illuminates my Path.
The Black light of Daath.
By the Powers of the Eleven Heads,
And Through their Gate; Now, Come!
Now, Come!
Heading far beyond the gates of death.
Disembodied Black Flames March
In perfect Unity, burning sublime.
Reaching ecstasy divine.
So burn high
With all our Spirit's Strength.
The Liberated Flames
Mark the end of the blind tyrant's reign
4. All That May Bleed
Come forth! Come hither!
All that may die! All that may bleed!
All that is able to writhe in the punishment of a God.
Woman and child, man and swine.
Warriors and slaves alike.
For alike shall you add to the cup.
And equally shall I spew thee out like worms.
Into the kingdom of the living god!
Now hear me, son of man;
I too have shed tears for thy suffering.
Yet tears of pity, they were not!
They were tears of joy!
So hear me, defeated one;
I too have drunk the blood of Christ.
So sweet upon my lips…
Gushing from the open wounds of man,
Of beast, of woman, of God,
Of all that lives and may bleed.
“Why dost thou loiter?”
Many that have debts to pay.
Shiver, you thy back in line.
Like rats in a maze.
Rats who may suffer.
Yes! Rats who may bleed.
Into hells hungry mouth.
Red and full of spice.
Like the rain to cleanse your paradise.
The salt of Satan in the wounds of Christ.
Come! Let me wash thee.
From the stench of skin let me rid thee.
Yes my hand is pale,
But the heart, my love, is dark as night!
Saints and sinners, white as black,
In guilt revel ye all alike
And all alike shall ye bleed - All who may!
All that may die on that glorious day!
Now harken! This song of wounds.
It’s sung for the sake of your suffering
Yet one of pity it is not, I sing of joy!
Yes hear me, defeated one.
I too have tasted the piss of God
But I spat it back straight into the cunting wounds
Of man, of beast, of woman, of God,
5. The Child Must Die
Though merely a child
Tall has grown thy shadow
For every sun must set
And every child of fire
Must die to be free
Far beyond the grace of god
The tiny tomb's prepared
The silent stone declares
Pluck now the rose, the child must die
Pluck now the rose and leave it on my grave to dry
In sackcloth and ash, so let us mourn
In sackcloth and ash, sleeps the newborn
The fear of change is the fear of Death
That fear is the pain and the pain is the wreath
of thorns now placed upon thy brow
A twisted cross 'neath which burden we all must bow
For you my child, comes the cursed
phantom carriage, alas, the hearse
Follow I must not, this ride is only meant for you
Ever dark lay the lands you're going to
In the belly of Moloch, the child must burn
Into the fires, it must return
Mind not the tears, the child must die
Release the self, Strangle the I
Pluck now the rose, the child must die
Never to know, the reason why
Mad burn the fires, so dies the child
Bittersweet, the fumes shall rise
6. They Rode On
Out of the dark, into the light,
In the dawn of terrestrial birth.
New-born yet older than time,
Conceived in the depths of the earth.
Though strange lay the waters from which they emerged,
They glanced upon the world as their own.
Yet deep in their hearts they knew all the time
That this was not really their home.
So they rode on.
Yes, they rode on.
On hidden roads, through barren wastelands,
Untrodden by both man and beast.
From the distance their fire was gleaming
Like a lamp amidst dark eternity.
A bitter moon hovered above them.
The night lit sole by its glow.
From high in a sky of ominous dye
In which dark clouds drifted slow.
So they rode on.
Yes, they rode on.
They rode with shut eyes as the sun rose.
Regardless of earth's vanity.
But with wide open eyes, they paced the night
And pondered its mysteries.
They sat at the crossroads with high and with low,
Yet neither could alter their course.
Riches were offered unto them,
Yet indifferent and without remorse
They rode on.
Yes, they rode on.
And each lonely vagrant that crossed their path,
Felt how his heart grew cold.
Yet be marvelled at their scarred faces,
So beautiful, distant and old.
Some say they've heard them singing
In strange tongues of melancholy;
Of the gods, of the night, and of glory.
Of the dead, and their memory.
So they rode on.
Yes, they rode on.
Say goodbye to the light.
Come twilight, come dark night.
Say goodbye to the light,
Come twilight, come dark night.
Could you have rode there with them?
Would you have joined their march?
Or would you have them ride on?
Away into the dark?
Would you have been able to let go?
Of illusions of right and of wrong?
And if they came to die;
Would you have rode on?
7. Sleepless Evil
Out hard into the darkness our praise is sung,
on cloven hooves, in cloven tongues, from cloven hearts and from cloven heads;
from the dark past echo the chants...
(Unto the) saints of murder, gods of all, who turned their back towards the world.
In them, the shadows, we commit our deeds.
Nocturnal crimes while calm you sleep.
Secret is their legacy, their horrors violent.
Nameless as their graves, forever silent.
They never sleep. They never rest.
Dwellers in the realms infernal; Sleepless, evil ones.
Emanations of the night eternal. Sleepless evil demons of the old world
Far beneath the world of man, in halls lit by a light owing nothing to that of day.
There they dwell, they who weave the webs.
There it walks, that ought to crawl.
The haunted fields forever they must wander.
In twilight locked, forever to abide.
Until the doors shall open at the crossroads, into the other side...
Smell Vitriol, smell blackest bile.
They're drawing closer to the gate.
The Serpents are about to reconcile.
Worlds are to burn, yes, the hour is late...
Rise now from your realms infernal!
Sleepless, evil ones.
Emanate from night eternal!
Sleepless evil, Satanas, come forth!
8. Wild Hunt
Dawnless - So it seems this sacred night.
Havenless - Beneath black sails with no land in sight.
Fathomless - The depths that lay before us now
Lawless - Before the courts of men we must not bow.
And so it was, when we were young;
We left the path, followed the sun
As it sunk into the netherworld to shine in Darkness.
Thus rose aflame a sacred star.
A God's reply.
And who were we to deny such a splendid design and the answer to our cries?
Thus it rose to wage war.
And its rays, they reached far
To the nights spent hunting,
When the dawn was our sign to tell
It was time to sleep again.
To our fellow hunters,
In whose hearts gleamed the spark
That later became our destiny (and tomb, for some).
If we had only known them.
If we had only known...
We were not meant to know then.
Good we did not know, good we did not bow!
We made it rise from the ash.
We made it rise from the tears.
In likeness to He who brought Fire;
The Fallen's sacred flame.
9. Outlaw
Wild, astride the Devil's thunder.
I ride until the death, cross hell and burning bridge.
Untamed, a scourge The flame, the source;
I am legion, for we are many who approach
At the crumbling skyline.
Outlaw - In the heavens and so alike on earth.
Outlaw - In spirit and so alike in flesh.
Nightmares... beyond the deepest darkness;
Bonded by rebel blood;
Breaking the chains of slavery;
Breaking the chains of god.
Onwards to the other side
On a wild ride...
Sons of Hades, wolves yet men.
Deathlike, silent; forever damned
Your world, a cage. We tear its bars.
Live fast, die hard. Fucking worlds and shooting stars
Outlaw - In the heavens and so alike on earth.
Outlaw - In spirit and so alike in flesh.
Wild Ones! From churning chasms of anarchy
Defiant we proclaim our liberty.
Riding against the tide
Into certain Death!
11. Holocaust Dawn
Can you see the flames glow
At the brooding gates of dawn?
At last, we are nearly there...
Long was the winter
And dark were the stars,
That eclipsed our dying hearts.
And the snow fell
While blind men waltzed with Death,
On tombs of mighty gods.
At war with all,
Though yonderwards, ever our gaze.
Certain, our sight, like the daggers we wield.
Staled by doubt, yet never to yield...
What spoils shall the soil spill forth then?
What buds shall burst?
What crops may our sickles reap?
What beasts shall rise from their sleep?
Eerie shines the light of morning stars.
Eager sound the horns of Holocaust.
Behold, ye angels petrified,
Through tears of woe and awe.
A nameless plague veiled and deformed
Through leaden morning dust now stalks.
Mind not my burden,
Although it is the weight of all sins.
Their harvester awaits at the end of my road.
Mind not my disfigurements,
Although they are the pains of all flesh.
For I run with wolves at night,
And quenchless is their hunger...
How long, the winter.
How cold, the night.
How dark, the hearts...
Shine now ye strange light!
Shine, rampant star!
Pale, at Holocaust Dawn.