 На этом альбоме шведские black-деятели представляют нам очередной этап развития своего творчества. Флейта, бывшая оригинальной изюминкой группы, бесследно исчезла, однако это не означает, что группа заиграла нечто в духе "true". Атмосфера альбома нетипична не только для Lord Belial, но для стиля в целом: мелодичные, спокойные и меланхоличные песни ассоциируются скорее с думом, нежели с агрессией и злобой блэка. Есть, конечно, и маршевые боевики, как например четвертый трэк, но в целом музыка представляет собой размеренный многостилевой материал. Томный настрой композиций подчеркнут неторопливым темпом, а местами вниманием слушателя завладевают гитарные соляки, не уступающие в технике исполнения иным грандам хэви. Вообще же гитара на этом диске (как, впрочем, и на предыдущих альбомах) проявила себя в полной мере, ее обладатель сумел показать себя как интеллектуальный и профессиональный музыкант со склонностью к экспериментам. Место нашлось и для black-, и для death-, и для doom-рифов, и для упомянутых выше хэви-соло. Барабаны успешно выполнили свою работу, разве что однообразные бочки иногда давят на сознание своей монотонностью. Мужской вокал не претерпел видимых изменений, хриплый скриминг и утробный гроул звучат по-прежнему интересно, а совсем редкий женский бэк-вокал добавляет приятного разнообразия. Запись очень неплоха, каждый инструмент звучит четко и не в ущерб другим, но на мой субъективный взгляд низов могло быть и поменьше. В плане визуального оформления своих работ группа продвинулась далеко вперед, оставив позади смешные и по-детски наивные обложки с зомби и розовыми козликами. Теперь обладатель лицензионного издания альбома может увидеть приятную глазу графику и вполне приличные фотографии музыкантов. В отношении текстов группа по-прежнему верна себе: каждая песня – гимн Сатане в лучших традициях блэка. В целом же – интересный, стилистически разнообразный и мастерски исполненный альбом, своеобразный сплав идей, объединенный общей мрачной концепцией. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
All who lives by the faith of the light... who believes that they are
righteous, without sin
Shall soon feel the wrath of the rising darkness and taste it's fury as it
covers the dying sun
If there is peace
- Hate shall engulf it all!!!
If there is light
-There will come greater darkness"
2. Sons Of Belial
Black circles move randomly
Cosmic void of endless darkness
Aeon is near, yet far away
Cold death and vivid nothingness
Stranger aeons and death did die
Ill-natured beasts of time haunts
Uncertain moment of death
Unveiled is the fear of dying
[Lead: Fredrik]
Sons of Belial chants in tongues of the ancient
The symbol within the circles takes form
Black edition of the seal sacred to the wicked
North is hailed and so is the earth and all filth
[Lead: Thomas]
Touch the black seal of Belial
Feel the dark enlightment
Immense wickedness gather
Light of christ is no longer bright
Black circles move randomly
Cosmic void of endless darkness
Aeon is near, yet far away
Cold death and vivid nothingness
Stranger aeons and death did die
Ill-natured beasts of time haunts
Uncertain moment of death
Unveiled is the fear of dying
3. Chariot Of Fire
Infernal, eternal
Belial- Lord of the North
Hear my call for utter pleasure
I call for thee and thy wisdom
Bestow unto me my will and my lust
Grant me the power of thine seal
King of all wickedness, desire and lust
Belial- Majestic Lord of the earth
[Lead: Fredrik]
Chariot of fire pulled by the dead
The throne of Belial- my master!
The seal of the north paints the sky
Every star once litened now fades away
King of all wickedness, desire and lust
Belial- Majestic Lord of the earth
Bestow unto me my will and my lust
Grant me the power of thine seal
Chariot of fire pulled by the dead
The throne of Belial- my master
The seal of the north paints the sky
Every star slowly fades away
Chariot of fire pulled by the dead
The throne of Belial- my master
The seal of the north paints the sky
Every star slowly fades away
Fades away
Fades away
Fades away
Fades away
4. Abysmal Hate
[Lead: Thomas]
Endless and dark, cold winds of death
Misty shadows lurk in the night
Burning the sacred plains of christ
Destroying the churches with pure hate
Deathriders from the abyss rise and destroy
Ride the dark and cold winds of death
Armed with hate and unrelenting fury
Souls of once fallen warriors are rising
[Lead: Fredrik]
Apocalyptic chanting
Demonic possession
The Unholy Cult of Belial gathers for attack
Destroying all in their way and crushing all the weak
Feeble creeps of christ are ripped and torn to pieces
Churches are flaming high by the flames of satan
Deathriders from the abyss rise and destroy
Ride the dark and cold winds of death
Armed with abysmal hate
5. Legio Inferi
I gather all wicked souls of the north
I summon the infernal legions of hell
From the depths of my soul I scream
I call for thee, hear my chanting cries
Dark is the time for the human kind
All that is shall be mine and mine alone
Wicked souls
Come forth
Infernal legions
Come forth
Evil demons
Come forth
Black angels
Come forth
Dark spirits follow my chants
Gather around me- hear me
The evil seed shall be spread
Demon growth shall increase
[Lead: Hjalmar]
Dark spirits
Come forth
Evil seed
Come forth
Dark spirits follow my chants
Gather around me- hear me
The evil seed shall be spread
Demon growth shall increase
I've gathered all wicked souls of the north
I've summoned all infernal legions of hell
From the depths of my soul I screamed
I called for them and my chanting cries was heard
Dark is the time for the human kind
All that exists is now mine and mine alone
6. Mark Of The Beast
Under the blackened skies at night
Souls are gathering around the sacrifice
Legion of evil, destruction and malice
Innocent virgins of youth are soon to die
Behold the mark of the beast - 666
Behold the mark of the beast below
Behold the mark of the beast - 666
Behold the mark of the beast below
Tear the flesh, consume their souls
Teach them the meaning of pain
Blood rains as life is torn apart
Lifeless bodies over the plain
Behold the mark
Behold the mark of the beast
Behold the mark
Behold the mark of the beast
Tear the flesh, consume their souls
Teach them the meaning of pain
Blood rains as life is torn apart
Lifeless bodies over the plain
Under the blackened skies at night
Souls are gathering around the sacrifice
Legion of evil, destruction and malice
Innocent virgins of youth are soon to die
Behold the mark of the beast - 666
Behold the mark of the beast below
Behold the mark of the beast - 666
Behold the mark of the beast below
Tear the flesh, consume their souls
Teach them the meaning of pain
Blood rains as life is torn apart
Lifeless bodies over the plain
Behold the mark
Behold the mark of the beast
Behold the mark
Behold the mark of the beast
Behold the mark
Behold the mark of the beast
Behold the mark
Behold the mark of the beast
7. Armageddon Revelation
Destruction of the light
Manic depression gather
[Lead: Thomas]
Surroundings closes in
Panic spreads like plague
War between fellow man
Massive flood of tears
No lord of salvation
No either love nor solace
Emptiness is supreme
Fear consumes all hope
Surroundings closes in
Panic spreads like plague
War between fellow man
Massive flood of tears and blood
Destruction, Depression, Panic, War
Emptiness, Fear, Armageddon Revelation
[Lead: Andy]
Destruction, Depression, Panic, War
Every lie is a dying hope
Every hope is a dying lie
Salvation is far from near
The only truth is Armageddon
No lord of salvation
No either love nor solace
Emptiness is supreme
Fear consumes all hope
Surroundings closes in
Panic spreads like plague
[Lead: Thomas]
[Lead: Fredrik]
Emptiness, Fear, Armageddon Revelation
8. Scythe Of Death
[Re-recorded. Originally recorded for the MCD "Scythe of death"]
[Lead: Thomas]
He lurks and waits for his time to harvest innocent souls
Far beyond the horizons without reach of human eyes
Never seen by man, destined never to be seen by mortals
Waiting to attack with neither mercy nor sanity
Grim mist comes with the night
No light- beautiful darkness to be stalked
Darkness unfolds, in the mist only death awaits
Strange sounds in the night, haunting growls
[Lead: Andy]
Grim mist comes with the night
No light- beautiful darkness to be stalked
Darkness unfolds, in the mist only death awaits
Strange sounds in the night, haunting growls
As the scythe of Death falls, you will hear no more
Uncovered might - Infernal power
As the scythe of Death falls, you will never see again
Uncovered might - Infernal power
"As you dream your beautiful dreams
He is the one who turns them to nightmares:
Shadow of his minatory being
Haunts you like a never-ending fear of dying
He is all there ever will be in the end
He is pain yet still desirable
As you dream your beautiful dreams
He is the one who turns them to nightmares:
He is all there ever will be in the end
He is pain yet still desirable"
[Lead: Fredrik]
He travels with cold winds - he rides the fiery storms
Speaks with the tongues of the dead (dead, dead)
His laughter sounds as the thunder roars (roars, roars)
Your heart will beat no more as he lets his scythe fall upon you
Grim mist comes with the night
No light- beautiful darkness to be stalked
Darkness unfolds, in the mist only death awaits
Strange sounds in the night, haunting growls
As the scythe of Death falls, you will hear no more
Uncovered might - Infernal power
As the scythe of Death falls, you will never see again
Uncovered might - Infernal power
As the scythe of Death falls, you will speak no more
Uncovered might - Infernal power
As the scythe of Death falls, you will never feel again
Uncovered might - Infernal power