« Consign to Oblivion »
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1 | Hunab K'u (a new age dawns pro
 | 2 | Dance of fate
 | 3 | The last crusade (a new age da
 | 4 | Solitary ground
 | 5 | Blank infinity
 | 6 | Force of the shore
 | 7 | Quietus
 | 8 | Mother of light (a new age daw
 | 9 | Trois vierges
 | 10 | Another me "in lack'ech"
 | 11 | Consign to oblivion |
   Simone Simons - vocals
Mark Jansen - vocals, guitars
Ad Sluijter - guitars
Coen Janssen - keyboards
Yves Huts - bass
Jeroen Simons - drums
Guest musicians:
Roy S. Khan - vocals on "Trois Vierges" |
 | Hunab K'U "A New Age Dawns" Prologue
Numquam Remotiores ab origine
Media parte mundi
Funditus aberramus
Ultimum excidium sui
Dance Of Fate
When Darkness will reign and blind us all
Allegiance will blind us if we do not fall
We cannot tell when morning comes
Is there a choice  |
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 А вот Эпика начинает разочаровывать меня. Причем до такой степени, что нет никакого желания слушать их дальнейшие работы. Просто абсолютно неинтересно. Уж слишком скучная и серая эта работа, отбивающая всю охоту.
После дебютника голландцев под названием «Призрак агонии», я было обрадовалась новой, оригинальной команде работающей в стиле симфо-пауэр, но не тут то было. «Consign to Oblivion» мигом спустил с небес на землю.
Музыкальные идеи просто отсутствуют. Вместо них я слышу пафосные, оркестровые навороты, наверное, с целью показать «вот, посмотрите, какие у нас хоралы, какой оркестр, а у вас такого не будет», и на этом все. Гитары просто убожество какое-то. Нет даже простеньких гитарных соло, лишь элементарные ритм-партии. Даже тяжесть толком обеспечить не могут. Хуже в этом плане только Within Temptation. Ну блин, именуетесь вы металом, так оправдывайте это звание!
Голос Симоны перестал радовать плотной, классической насыщенностью, и стал... более слащавым, что-ли. Помните ужасные метаморфозы с вокалом Тарьи Турунен на альбоме Nightwish «Century Child»? Здесь примерно то же.
Уже упомянутые хоры добивают эффект. Зачем впихивать их куда надо и куда не надо? Если в «The Last Crusade» они только ласкают слух, то в «Blank infinity», «Force of the Shore», «Another Me “in lack'ech”» рука сама тянется к кнопке «стоп». Перегруз...
Из всех песен я смогла выделить для себя более-менее сносные «Quietus», «Mother of Light», «Trois Vierges». Все остальное просто пролетело мимо ушей, не зацепив ничем. При всем уважении к мастерству музыкантов, больше «5» я им поставить не могу. И то с натяжкой. |
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Только что послушал новое творение Эпики Consign to oblivion. Видно и слышно что ребята старались. Альбом самодостаточен. Откровением его назвать все же нельзя. Все тоже самое. Местами по-детски и совершенно не убедительно. Отсутствие изобретательности музыкантов подменено присутствием изобретательности звукорежисера и продюсера. Но.... слушать можно (для эстетического разнообразия). Вообще подобные песнопения как у Rhapsody и т.п. групп послужили бы отличным саундтреком к фильму "Неуловимые Мстители". |
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Послушав первый альбом Эпики (The phantom agony) я был удивлен, насколько тот был разнообразен и силен. Для меня конечно гроул и скрим не являются любимыми манерами "пения", но когда это к месту...Так вот у Эпики все всегда к месту!
Новый альбом не особо меня поразил, то что я хотел, то я и услышал, в том то и проблема. Кстати гроулинга и скриминга здесь мало (только в трех песнях), что меня лично порадовало.
Из наиболее удачных и оригинальных композиций хотелось бы выделить Solitary ground и Mother of light, где на припеве Симона поет вместе с Марковским скримом - это круто, несомненно! Также хороша Dance of fate, но она слишком простая - быстро запоминается и так же быстро вылетает из головы. Стоит отметить дуэт Симоны с Роем Ханом (Kamelot )-Trois vergies. Чем хороша Эпика - это тем, что у них просто нет по-настоящему плохих песен. Однако самой худшей здесь считаю заглавную Consign to oblivion, не зацепила она меня как-то.
В целом, мне альбом понравился, но он безусловно похуже первого, хотя кто знает, может через пару недель я буду думать совсем по-другому... |
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Потрясающий альбом. Точнее: потрясающий оперный вокал. И именно он вытягивает весь альбом. Причём не столько сам вокал, сколько то, как он подан: то музыка затихает, то отступает, то становится громче, образуя с голосом «стену» звука. Гроул и скрим в некоторых песнях настолько в тему, насколько это возможно. Переход от них к женскому вокалу и обратно просто вырывает душу. Симфонизм, к сожалению, прячется на заднем плане, правда в некоторых песнях вырывается наружу.
Музыка ... хм, достаточно слабая сторона альбома. Примитивной её назвать нельзя. Она скорее неинтересная, хотя бывают просто потрясающие моменты. Но вокал спасает все!
В общем, если вы тащитесь от оперы так же, как я - слушайте, не пожалеете (10 баллов). Если на неё вам плевать – всё-таки 7 баллов. Уж слишком музыка неинтересная. |
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просмотров: 27802 |
It's hard to find a new direction in your fragile life
The precious time of your existence is now to come
Don't throw your life away by cheating time
Sugared Placebos only fool your mind
Now I want the water to wash away all my sins
The wind to blow away my thoughts without meaning
The fire to burn away my thickened skin
Novas portas pandimus
What is the space, the type of dance?
I cannot tell which steps I have to take
I'd like to leave, just run away
My feet are tangled up
So hard to face the pace of the clock
What do you think; will it ever stop?
So, will I fall and not get up?
I take it all in stride
Everything has a reason for its happening
Can't you tell it's your own spell and
Everyone has to dance his dance like anyone
Can't break free of destiny
We should open new doors
And close the ones that we've left behind
Novas portas pandimus, et post nos occludimus
Novas portas pandimus et post nos occludimus
The Last Crusade "A New Age Dawns" # 1
Magna culpa nostra
Poena danda nobis erit
Usque ad finem dierum
Ad finem temporum
You can't force yourself upon me
And you never will
You can't keep digging in
Desecrated graves
No more innocence left to spill
Don't be afraid, participate and
Just give us all your trust
Your soul will be saved
Just honour me, I'll set you free so
Get ready to join the
Very last crusade
You can't get away with your crimes
And you never will
For you'll have to pay the price
And this time is near
No more innocent left to kill
Get ready to taste the
Final victory
Solitary Ground
Living at different places
Evading into various spaces
My compass has broken
I'm losing the way
An ongoing madness has led me astray
My past breathes down my neck
And it seems now that all I can do is
Go back to beginnings when all lay ahead
A fading illusion now plagues me instead
In me there's still a place that fulfils me
A sanctity here that I call home, I run to
When winter descends
If I try, can I find solid ground
I follow elusive paths
Oh, it seems they've been written in stone
And the door to a new life is closing so fast
Burning the bridges will not bring me back
I know that in me there's still a place that fulfils me
A sanctity here that I call home, I run to
When winter descends
If I try, can I find solid ground
Or am I just wasting time?
Blank Infinity
Trying to keep myself afloat upon this stream
But a thought is pulling me down
Pulling me all the way down
We are wandering towards a blank infinity
And extinguishing will now be the only way
to diminish your sins
This vortex can't be filled up again
A hole in space and time
Do you cry to the heaven's high
when you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder
why these leaden tears will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows in my mind
High in the sky, all of the clouds are passing by
Wait for this storm, wait for the rain,
and wait for the tears to fall down on me
Do you cry to the heaven's high
when you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder
why these leaden tears will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows
Living in me, living in all the memories in my life
Do you wonder why
These tears never dry
Time forced into life
Living in my mind
Can we ever find a way in t his labyrinth without end?
Labyrinth has no end
Which turn should I take?
Left or right?
Should I stay?
Should I be the one?
Lost inside blank infinity
Force Of The Shore
Appearance is deceptive
So perfect in disguise
There's more than what you see
A semblance is protective
A blinder for the eyes
A place to hide and flee
Flee and you'll never see
What you're going to be
If you throw away the key
The truth from the past you can't make it last
Flee and walk away
From what you are this day
If you are afraid to stay
Beyond the shore the sea is filled up
with sentiment and strength
Here lie the thoughts imprisoned
A field of forces and laments
How can we hide here
We need to change our ways
How can we tell lies here
We turn our eyes away
From the truth
From the past
You cannot
Make it last
If you do not cease to run away from truth
You will never see the shadow
of your dying youth
A fa?ade is what we all possess
But on the inside it stays a mess
Superficial changes won't recall the past
Don't deny the clock is ticking
and it's racing fast
Fading tokens of our latter days
Make us think we need to change our ways
Deep, the feelings hide
They're wasted from within
And my shell will never break
Appearance is deceptive
So perfect in disguise
A place to flee and hide and run away
Lift the shadow
The culprit, you act before thinking
Caught in your ignorant sin
And lying to your own reflection,
you thought you could hide
Deprived of my own innocence, denied
The infinity of recurring torment, your comeuppance
See, hear the torture inside
Devouring what was left of my pride
You thought it's not going to happen to you,
thought you could hide
The infinity of recurring torment, your comeuppance
Dwelling in a mind, mixed up and
Your regret has spread over the sea
Mother Of Light "A New Age Dawns" #2
It always put me on the edge,
To think of all the spoilt lives
Today I'm one step further
Not sure if I've survived myself
Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction
Whatever happens in my dreams
I know it can't be worse than this
So I prefer to sleep
I am searching
~ without vision ~
For the answers in the dirt
I am waiting
~ just for nothing ~
For the day that I'll be heard
You're the sea in which I'm floating
And I lose myself in you
I am feeling these sensations
I communicate with you
I am looking
~ without vision ~
For a different kind of way
I am thinking
~ just for nothing ~
About that specific day
You're the night so you're the dark side
Of the day you'll never see
You're the past but everlasting
Can you share one day with me?
You're the hand that I rejected
But I can't forgive myself
I am selfish and not worthy
To think of, even to die for
Tomorrow, don't know where I'll be
I need some place to go now
So do you know the way I feel
Or shall I give up my belief?
You're the lock I've never opened
'Cause I threw away the key
I'm enclosed within my own thoughts
That will never set me free
You're the question to the answer
And without there'll never be
Any thought in this direction
You've created this in me
Serenity is taking over all I am, it gives me peace
And all I see are visions of my destiny
Why should I bleed and pay for the others' greed?
We consciously sign our own sentence of death
How can you go on, did you forget
What we have learnt from the past?
We can't go on killing ourselves
And with us all the rest
Why can't you see, don't you regret?
I am alone with all my thoughts
Alone without a hope and
I lost the thing I needed most
I feel I can't survive this fall
Trois Vierges
Memory, fading out
Its presence still lingers in my mind
Listen to your inner voice
There's no escape, there's no other choice
A foolish fate that came about
Death could not leave without
Don't try to scour your inane soul
It would be labour lost
Deep inside hides a lie
Where can we try to seek
A way so this will die
Innocence died when they took his mind
And they tried to leave him behind
Not even a cascade of tears will save you
And keep you away from harm
Concinnity of destiny
Is not what you wished it to be
Blinded by love
Between lust and hate
You scarred your fate
There's no time to waste
Ride for your own ruin
Odium became your opium
Please don't let me bleed for all eternity
Please leave me be in my own misery
Another Me "In Lack'Ech"
If you search for enrichment
And injure others
Earning more that you can spend
You'll pass the borders
When you think you've succeeded
But something's missing
Means you have been defeated
By greed, your weakness
This fantasy is not enough for me
I want it, I'll take it away from you
Your misery that softly incites me
All I do is using, abusing you
Life is often miserable
In the search for happiness
The power so desirable
They bring so much distress
Life is often pitiful
In the search for blessedness
If we weren't so insatiable
There would be much more than less
I cannot see why you'd be another me
I just take care of myself and no-one else
Life is often cynical
In the search for hopefulness
We're only wanting more and more,
So we got into this mess
All that you've taken from others
Will be taken from you
All that your dissonance smothers
Will then come back to you
Whatever happens tomorrow, and whatever you do
Just keep in mind, that se source and end is you
In Lack'ech
Never finding fulfilment, the source and end is you
Consign To Oblivion "A New Age Dawns" #3
How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
The only thing that counts is the prosperity of today
Most important to us is that our bills get paid
Our good intentions have always been delayed
How can we let this happen and
Just keep our eyes closed 'till the end
When we will stand in front of heaven's gate
It will be too late!
Try to unlearn all that you've learnt,
try to listen to your heart
No, we can't understand the universe
by just using our mind
We are so afraid of all the things unknown
A must we appease is the lust to get laid
Nothing really matters, just devouring our prey
Our good intentions have always been delayed so
Our generous acts have always come too late
We are so afraid of all the things unknown
We just flee into a dream that never comes true
Low to the ground we feel safe
Low to the ground we feel brave
Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti
Open your eyes; we're not in paradise
How can't you see, this stress is killing me
Fulfil your dreams; life is not what is seems
We have captured time
so time made us all hostages without mercy
Seemingly generous fooling ourselves,
Selfishly venomous time tells
Too much thinking goes at the cost of all our intuition
Our thoughts create reality
But we neglect to be!
So we're already slaves of our artificial world
We shouldn't try to control life
but listen to the laws of nature
We all think we're generous
But we only fool ourselves
The only thing that matters is
Our way and our vision
Selfishly we're venomous
But you know the time tells us
There is more to life than our
Higher positions, race for perfection
Better, faster
We must return to the laws of the nature
Free ourselves from madness