 Узнав название последнего на сегодняшний день альбома Death SS — "Resurrection", — я задался вопросом: «Что именно Стефано Сильвестри собрался воскрешать?». Вариантов ответа было всего два. Либо Стив вновь объединил усилия с Полом Чейном (с которым, собственно, и основал Death SS в далеком 1977 году), либо убрал из музыки всю модерновость, появившуюся в 1997 году, и «воскресил» олдскульное звучание первых трех пластинок.
Однако все мои версии оказались далеки от истины. "Resurrection" — это просто заглавная композиция альбома, в которой Сильвестр поет от лица эдакого инфернального злодея, коий вот-вот возродится после некого забытья и начнет творить людишкам зло и прочие гадости.
Главной особенностью альбома является то, что темы, по большому счету, можно поделить на две категории: модерновые thrash-heavy боевики и... gothic metal/rock композиции, напоминающие творчество поздних Lacrimas Profundere и подобных коллективов, только в несколько утяжеленном варианте. Причем песни, относящиеся к первой категории, как правило идут нечетными, а более мягкие и мелодичные вещи — четными.
На первой половине альбома слушателя так и бросает от «рубилова» с текстами о пожирателях плоти, зомби и маньяках к романтичным атмосферным композициям. Как ни странно, такой «винегрет» воспринимается с трудом только во время первого/второго прослушивания, а потом в таком подходе к тасованию тем начинаешь ловить своеобразную изюминку.
Особняком на альбоме "Resurrection" стоят композиции "Ogre’s Lullaby" и "Bad Luck". Первая — это, прямо-таки, самая настоящая зловещая колыбельная, при прослушивании которой в памяти всплывает иная колыбельная — "The Spider’s Lullabye" Кинга Даймонда. "Bad Luck" же является почти рок-рольной, очень заводной темой.
Звук на альбоме, как в принципе у Death SS было всегда, современный и качественный. Разве что, по сравнению с предыдущим альбомом, он заметно потяжелел. Гитары стали более компрессированными и резкими, добавилось и двухбочечного молотилова. В целом, этот диск, несмотря на наличие в нем тех самых композиций a-la gothic metal, можно назвать самым тяжелым и агрессивным в дискографии Death SS.
Удачными на 100% являются первые пять композиций альбома и, конечно же, "Ogre’s Lullaby".
Добавим, что на пять тем из 12-ти представленных на диске сняты видеоклипы. Причем это не какой-то отстой в виде нарезки кадров с концертов под звук, взятый с CD. Речь идет о постановочных клипах, которые довольно интересно смотреть. Так, в видео на "The Darkest Night" главную роль играет Азия Ардженто — дочь культового итальянского режиссера фильмов в жанрах «ужасы» и «джалло» Дарио Ардженто. А клип "Eaters" снят по мотивам одноименного ужастика режиссера Люки Бони.
В результате имеем отличный horror-metal альбом, в музыкальном плане представляющий индустриально-модерновый хэви-металл (при желании можно сравнить с "Brutal Planet" и "Dragon Town" от Alice Cooper, только у Death SS в музыке присутствует и довольно большое влияние thrash-metal).
Единственный «минус» — это дурацкая обложка. Да, главное, безусловно — это содержание, то есть музыка. Но настолько убого оформить альбом, тем более в таком театрализованном жанре, как хоррор-метал, является преступлением. Музыка же, думаю, придется по вкусу не только ценителям жанра, но и фэнам других направлений традиционного металла, которые не страдают узостью кругозора и не плюются от легкого налета модерновости. |
The cold hand of death
still digs inside me
I was killed for my sins
but now my soul is free.
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Nothing to forgive
No one to trust.
Now i’m here again
in need of ressurection
Now i want to change
and find a new direction.
I died to forget
The pain I felt inside
my fight goes on again
but still I know I’ll have to die
I’ll die!
I know I have to die
but then I’ll be revived!
All of my life
has gone in a flash
All of my dreams
were turned into ash.
Walking the path
of my last existance
I can shed my thoughts
maintaining a distance.
I’m coming back!
I’m coming back!
I’m coming back
and I’ll fight to survive!
2. The Crimson Shrine 04:16
Light, drive out my night
Thrills — of a loosing life
Screaming aloud at the moon of the woods
I’m running free throgh the fields and
the groves
I am awake in the grip of the snake
strong as a lion and sharp as an
asp — to reach
the Crimson Shrine
Come — over the sea
Come, with hoofs of steel
Roaming as Bacchus, with faims and with pards
With vergins and demons as lovers and guards
I’m here to wait for the sign of your eye
ready to ride in the might of god Pan — to reach
the Crimson Shrine
Thrill with lissome lust of the light
O man! My man!
Come with Apollo in bridal dress
Come with Artemis, silken shod
And wash thy white thigh,beutiful God
Dip the purple of passionate prayer
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare
In the might of god Pan
Trembling with ardour in the lust of the light
I hurry forward in the heat of the night
I’m seeking your love to perfect my life
you’ll be my goddess, you’ll be my bride
We, united in the Crimson Shrine
3. The Darkest Night 03:50
There’s something you should never have seen
There’s something you should never have known
You shouldn’t have been in that place
Tonight you should have stayed at home
Now it’s too late to beg for mercy
and it’s too late for turning back
There’s no one here now that can save you
You only have to run away
Now you’re in his view
He’ll start hunting you
You better run
You better hide
Can you survive
The darkest night?
You can’t escape
You cannot hide
Can you survive
The darkest night?
There’s no place where you can find shelter
and there’s no one that you can trust
The killer now will come to catch you
you’ll feel his fury and all his lust
The slayer now is getting closer
and all your hopes will fade away
you’re left alone in the blind darkness
you only have to scream and prey
4. Dionysus 05:10
You bring the wine of love from the gold barrels of the sun
You spread all pleasures of this life and joy to everyone
We will dance with you through enchanted hills and moonlight woods
Our joyful chants will praise aloud your name all along the route
The rocks and trees are yours and everything that’s on the hill
You lead us all forever with the power of your will
We’ll light the stars and burn the ground with the red flames of hell
You’ll guide us through the night to your party and never dwell
With you we’ll finally lift the mask of matter and start to see
So we can free our senses in delight and ecstasy
We’ll be free to run into the
night from star to star
so we will see the things
of life for what they
really are
Dionysus ...
No limits and no boundries
Dionysus ...
We’re wed, we’re strong, we’re rebels, we are one
Dionysus ...
A life with no apologies
Dionysus ...
We’re wild, we’re free, we’ll never be, we’ll never be alone!
5. Eaters 04:18
Sinners, pigs, miscreants,
thiefs and impures
This is the plague spreader
who’s speaking to you
Join the holy family
of the new cult of blood
Die and be revived
in the name of the Lord
Once you used to be
only grubs without soul
Now your heart is clean
for the kingdom of God
Wash away your sins
and thank god for his love
He will arm your hands
with the fire that glows
We’re the plague spreaders
The new church bad preachers
The hunters, the seekrs
The killers, the human eaters
Worship the new Lord
who is waiting for you
And this wicked world
will be saved from hell
Spread the holy plague
with your blood and your bite
And life will return
from the dead of the night
And the futher said to his son
“life will generate from death”
and he gave his son the weapon to distribute life
“Here you are, oh son, kill for life!”
We’re the blood dreankers
The ultimate beaters
The purificators
The avengers, the human eaters
6. Star in Sight 04:58
Your head in darkness,
Your foots into the mud
Yo’re full of questions,
Your body is racked with pain
Your wretched fate has killed all your hopes
You are enslaved, you’re crawling in the dark
You’re just confused, you wondering in dream
You’re scared to die and you can’t find a way
You’ve left behind the science and the false gods
And now you falling, and now you falling down
If life is just turturing you
If hope of love has gone
If you have lost the strength to fight
You search your Star in Sight
Your agony is unnecessary
The empty sky will spread in vain your sod
A feeble fog of thoughts and humn flesh
Will celebrate your insatiable wish
Do what thou wilt because we all are stars
Lions of light, the beasts whose law is love
Pan is alive and will break all the bounds
It’s time to change, it’s time to change your life
So spread your wings and fly away
Fly high and touch the sun
All what began will never end
You search your Star in Sight
7. Ogre’s Lullaby 04:40
Sleep pretty baby don’t cry
Sleep baby of mine, close your eyes
Sleep and stop screaming all night
Surrender to slumber don’t fight
Nowhere to run to, and no place to hide
Try to calm down, ’cause now you are mine
There is nothing to do, so cease with your whine
Close your wet eyes, sweet baby, goodnight
Trust in me if you don’t want to die
Try to love me and you’ll see the sky
The days of sadness will soon pass by
Now I’ll sing for you this lullaby
Stifle your tantrum, don’t kick and don’t bite
Stop with your screams, little baby, be quet
There is nothing to do, so cease with your whine
Close your wet eyes, sweet baby, goodnight
8. Santa Muerte 05:17
You’ll protect my life and my soul.
You’ll give me the strength to fight.
You will bless my hand and my gun.
You’ll help me to kill my foes.
Deth, dear to my heart, please.
Save me from all this desease.
You’ll make me overcome my fears.
No more troubles, pains and tears.
Sweet lady of the night, wish me a Buena Suerte.
Grant me your grace, I beg you, Santa Muerte.
Listen to my prayer because mi fe es Fuerte.
My life is for you. I invoke you, Santa Muerte.
White daughter, my Holy Death.
Keep evil away from my path.
Dark lady I want to ask you.
To make all my dreams come true.
I’ll be the blessed — I’ll have a Buena Suerte.
Under your spell — Santa Muerte.
I have no fear — My faith Es Fuerte.
Give me your love — Santa Muerte.
9. The Devil’s Graal 04:16
In the silence of deserted hills
In the whisper of the winter night
From the darkness of the empty time
To the early shafts of morning light
You where out to pass another pleasant night
But soon you realized you’re just the chosen one
Love turns to pain, tears turns to blood
The hunt is on, you start to run
I’m the bloody hand
Of an ancient rite
And this is your last goodbye
There’s a voice that screams
In my twisted mind
It won’t live me until you die
Don’t stop your run, don’t turn around
Don’t cry, don’t scream, don’t make a sound
Fight for your life with all your might
Cause Satan’s wanting you tonight
It’s your blood that I’ll drink
From the Devil’s Graal
I watch the sacred fluid spilling
From your wounds
I gave you a night of joy before I
Let you fall
It is too late to change the wicked
Hands of doom
You only have to obey to the reaper’s
I’m the boogie-man of this ruthless night
And I’ll tear your soul apart
I’ll carve my mark in your trembling flesh
Then you’ll feel my deadly bite
Don’t stop your run, don’t turn around
Don’t cry, don’t scream, don’t make a sound
Fight for your life with all your might
Cause Satan’s wanting you tonight
It’s your flesh that I’ll eat — from
The Devil’s Graal
10. The Song of Adoration 09:02
I am the lord of thebes
The harbringer of the god of war
I can see throgh the veiled sky
I invoke the words of Truth
For thouse who are living in the light
To reach the place where the stars shine
I great your presence, God
Show me the power of your breath
Open the ways of my true Will
My other spirit runs through
To stir me or soothe me in your might
So that your flame can
Burn me inside
Oh, Lord
Your light is mine
Its rays consume my soul
I am the one, the prophet of your Law
I beat my chest, I weave my spell
Show me the splendour of your love
I’ve made a secret door
To reach the house between the stars
So that your sheen may live in me
Recieve my adoration
Oh, winged snake who made the Sun
Your rays will shine upon your throne
11. Precognition 05:37
I stay awake all night
I can’t sleep, I can’t fight
The hell in my mind
My obsession
Is it nightmare or dream
It’s not what it seems
I steel hear a scream
In my mind
I’m caught in a state of deep frustration
I hear a voice like a dark oration
Inside my mind like a premonition
A scary sound that comes from
The depth of Hell!
Reality is deforming,
I’ve lost my time cognition
All I see is distorted,
I’m in a wrong dimension
I have a bad precognition
In my mind
Something evil that comes out
I have like a premonition
That drives me mad
Something I can’t control
Something that sucks my soul
A state of alteration.
I still hear the scream
I’m clouded, I’m ill
The hell that I fill
Is growing
There’s nothing I can do
I don’t know what is true
It’s like passing through
A mirror!
My time is running backwards
Fragments of other lives
I have to cross the last door
I’m ready for my rebirth.
12. Bad Luck 03:22
“It’s true! I bring Bad Luck to the idiots who deserve it!”
I was born on friday thirteen
In the darkest night ever seen
I’ve got a bad, bad reputation
I have a nasty desposition
I’m son of a seventh son
So you think i’m the cursed one
Black cats fear to cross my path
Superstitions make me laugh
If you don’t like all the things that I do
I don’t care, to hell I’ll send you
If you believe I bring you Bad Luck
Stay away from me and shut up
If misfortune on you struck
I don’t give a fuck
’Cause you losers suck
And deserve your Bad Luck
You’re always scratchin’ at the eight ball
While you’re heading for a fall
Just another crack in the mirror
Seven year jinx gettin’ nearer
Take a step under the ladder
And your future will look sadder
It’s not because you spilled the salt
’Cause your Bad Luck is all your fault
You deserve my hate
So you deserve your fate