 Свой первый полноформатный альбом группа Death SS — одни из отцов horror-metal — смогли выпустить лишь в 1988 году, то есть спустя 11 лет с момента создания коллектива. В течении вышеназванного срока банда успела выпустить всего один официальный релиз (ЕР "Evil Metal" -1983). Однако в целом материала, созданного в период «1977-1984» (с 1984-го по 1987-й год группа приостанавливает свою деятельность), было сочинено столько, что композиции раннего периода творчества встречаются аж на трех первых пластинках коллектива, вышедших уже на рубеже 80-х/90-х годов минувшего столетия.
Да, состав, считающийся для Death SS классическим, включающий в себя легенду дум-металла, да и андеграундной музыки вообще, Пола Чейна, к 1988-му году канул в лету. Частые перестановки кадров преследуют коллектив, возглавляемый Стивом Сильвестром (настоящее имя Стефано Сильвестри), по сути, на протяжении всего существования. Однако этот факт не повлиял на качество записи и культовый статус рецензируемого альбома.
Как было сказано выше, группа Death SS играет horror-metal. Учитывая неоднозначность данного стиля, чтобы было более понятно, можно сказать так — это, в музыкальном плане, heavy metal, временами разгоняющийся до speed metal, а местами замедляющийся до темпа doom metal a-la Candlemass.
Как ни странно, но в том, что итальянцы более десяти лет вынашивали материал, есть и плюс. Каждая композиция выверена донельзя — при, казалось бы, вполне стандартной структуре, песни воспринимаются как мини-пьесы в жанре horror. Стандартные для стиля спецэффекты звучат к месту, хотя похожие «страшные» звуки, типа криков совы и воплей похороненного заживо человека, можно услышать на альбомах многих коллег по жанру.
К владению инструментами никаких претензий нет — все сыграно, как принято говорить в подобных случаях, «с чувством, тактом, расстановкой». Да и, в конце концов, не прогрессив это, чтобы техническими выкрутасами заниматься. Отдельно стоит отметить вокал «главаря» команды Стива Сильвестра. Его голос больше всего похож на пение Элиса Купера. Также вокал Стива можно сравнить с голосом Wednesday 13. Однако, учитывая, разницу в возрасте, о подражании Джозефу Пулу не может быть и речи.
Пластинка, несмотря на небольшой бюджет, записана более чем качественно. Здесь и сочные гитары, и четкие барабаны с молотящими двумя бочками. По качеству записи данная работа мало чем уступает свои одногодкам: второй части тыквенного «кипера» и "металликовскому" "Правосудию".
Тексты альбома посвящены классическим ужастикам: тут и зомби, и оборотни с вампирами, и погребенные заживо. Наиболее запоминающимися композициями, на мой взгляд, являются среднетемповая "Black Mummy" (с мрачными фоновыми клавишными в припеве), почти думовая "Terror" и завершающий альбом отличный спид-металльный боевик "Murder Angels".
"...in Death of Steve Sylvester" может понравиться не только любителям хоррор-метала, но и просто тяжеляка 80-х (ближайшие аналоги — Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Venom, Deliverance (UK)). А как экспонат исторический, авторства группы, безусловно внесшей свою лепту в черное искусство, данный альбом будет неплохо прослушать для расширения кругозора. |
The hot sign of my kiss of death!
You common mortals
Can’t fight against my curse
And of your lives
I become the only master
Until you will be bleeding.
From a long time I’m immortal
By centuries I am the king
But cross and garlic excite my fear!
Yes, I’m the vampire!
The king of the night!
Yes, I’m the devil
I am the master of your nightmare!
I am the vampire
The prince of darkness!
I am the devil
Who asks the blood of human race!
“...Come with me in the reign of blood
taste the flavour of red hot!
Enjoy yourself in makin’ evil
and sit with me at the left of the devil!
Leave your life from all your troubles
to suck men’s lynph you must be able
And when the night restored your living
you’re an immortal fly and your fury’s screaming!”
2. Death
Where am I?
I must have slept for a long time
I’m feeling very weak
I’ve got a void in my head.
I cannot bring to mind anything
What do I feel?
I can move so hardly.
It’s so tight here
I can’t see nothing!
How dark it’s here!
It’s all black around me.
I want to get out, but I cannot move me
I dont know where I am!
I’m feeling very badly here
Now I begin to remember
Something to focus an image
Yes, here it is! I see myself!
I’m motionless in my bed
And there are so many people
People that look at me and cry
But why do they cry? Why? Why? Why?
Then arrived two men to move my body with brutality.
And carry me away, my body away, but where do they carry me?
And then the dark and the sound of a far bell
Yes, the latest thing that I could hear when I’ve arrived here
Here, in the coffin, yes this is death!
3. Black Mummy
And black dry tears rolled down my empty orbits
While you remember with sorrow your ancient splendour
The colossal pomps of this whitered remote times
And yor regret impotent your depressing existence
You oh pharaon, you oh so great and lofty king
You without peace are now obliged to be derided
Exposed into a museum for the pleasure of masses of courious
They don’t understand the tragedy of your poor remains.
To be a black mummy!
And now you return to that fatal cursed day
First you had power and shortly afterwards were dead!
Bonded at those ragges bandages for arcane doom
You hear again the strange words of the nile’s priest
That you consacrated immortal as your ancestral will
With holy bandages, the oils and unknown baptisms
And at last this strange state that you’ve never forecast
Dead among the living and alive among the dead!
4. Zombie
And I finally see the light again
The light of a return day
After too much time of darkness
It’s enough that I’m underground
By this time it’s all over
Abandoned from memory
And from the heart of the living
My sepulchre is become decrepit
Decaying as my mortal remains
They are corroded by the time
By vice and by the worms
Too long years now are passed
From the latest hour
That someone have cried
Or even prayed for me...
Oooh zombie, what do you want from us?
Oooh zombie, why are you come back in life?
The men don’t care about their dead
Don’t know that they’ve come back
Come back for them to kill!
Don’t believe that’s all become exhausted
At the moment of the burial
There is something more important
That push us to come back
The alive cry the dead but the dead kill the alive
That is the greatest day for me
The day of resurrection
I don’t know who I was
I don’t remember my ancient name
But now I feel a new reason
I have no fear to kill!!!
Oooh zombie, what do you want from us?
Oooh zombie, it’s your the realy life?
5. Werewolf
This night I’m feeling so strange
I feel a strange sensation
A dark unwell in my brain
Tell me baby what is happening?
The moon is higher tonight
It’s full and red as blood
Her light makes me blind
Makes me feel all more badly.
The moon’s ring is glowing always so much
The night becomes all so bloody
And a growing fury makes one’s way on me.
Now yeah now I realize!
I read the terror that’s born in you!
It’s him who wants this happen
It’s him who now’s the master of me!
I see my body covered by hair
Teeth and ears are prolonging more!
I’m changed I’m no more a man!
I’m become a Werewolf!
Now my view strikes terror into you
Your frightened eyes are waiting death
You know that he’s now inside of me
So you’re the victim of my new being!
This night I’ll tear you into pieces!
My claws will caress your corpse
And your blood will satiate my thirst
’Cause today I’m a Werewolf!
6. Terror 08:10 Hide lyrics
I’m caught in a thunderstorm
and I’ve missed my train
There aren’t shelters in this place
I’m obliged to take refuge
into that old cemetery
that seems abandoned.
I hope I won’t remain for long time
besides it’s getting more and more dark
But just a moment what is happening?
At the flash lightning I think to see
something removing over there
May be born from my imagination
But I think to be lost
In this cursed cemetery!
Choked noises now frighten me
seem to rise from graves
Now I feel a dark presence
and bells tollings here
seem to come from nowhere
My God, what is it?
It cannot be true it’s an horror!
The dead are leaving their coffins now
And they approach to me in a slow pace
With their corroded hands and feet
Now I realise what time it is
It’s midnight the time of the terror
And it’s coming my last hour!
It’s the time of the terror
I only have to die now!
7. I Love the Dead (Alice Cooper cover)
“Finally alone! — I want you so much!
The sweetest bride!”...
You’re pale as the moon
Mysterious as the night
Your beauty’s like a statue
You’re cold as ice!
You’re motionless in your grave
Silent like death
You’re rigid in your limbs
You are so dead!
I love the dead before they’re cold
Their bluing flesh for met to hold
Cadaver eyes upon me see — nothing!
I love the dead before they rise
No farewells — no goodbyes
I never even knew your rotting face
While friends and lovers mourn your silly grave!
I have other uses for you, darling!
I love the dead! — I love the dead!
You’ve finished your existence
Don’t shout for your madness
Don’t tremble for your fear
Bleed for the desease!
Now you’re free to believe
Don’t ask me to remain
You’re ready to realize
How I love the dead!
I love the dead before they’re cold
Their bluing flesh for me to hold
Cadaver eyes upon me see — nothing!
8. The Hanged Ballad
Human brothers that alive still you are
Don’t have for us frozen heart
That if mercy of us we wretched you have
God will grant you larger his flavour.
Hanging five, six here you can see us
Our flash is once time too fatten
And by the time is devoured and ruined
Our bones turn in ashes and dust.
No one laughted for the unwell that ravages us
But now pray god us to be absolved!
If we call you we don’t have to disdain
’Though we’re been killed in justice
But still you know about good sense
Many are lacking in this world.
As we’re dead for us you can get
From the son of celestial virgin
Who dried up the grace that doesn’t remain
And that saves us from the hurrible flash!
Dead we are, no one molests us
But now pray god us to be absolved!
The shower has washed and cleaned us
And now the sun turns us black and dry
Magpied and ravens our eyes have dug up
And birds and eyelashes snathed with the beaks.
We can’t have peace for just a moment
Here and there as the wind changes.
Without pauses as his pleasure we turn
Bored more by bird than by thimbles.
So with us you’ve never been equal
But now pray god s to be absolved!
Oh god who upon all you rule!
Don’t let us feel the hellish hot!
’Cause debts here don’t have to be absolved!
Men here don’t show mercy or irony
But now pray God us to be absolved!
9. Murder Angels
“Here they are! I feel them! they’ve arrived here to destroy us!
They’re the murder angels!”...
Earth has finished her resources
Water’s at the end air’s goin’ away
And now the murder angels!
Terrestrial men are going to be decimated
For an useless and uncommon war
Vegetation and animals die since a long time
Cosmic radiations stay for stifling us!
Yeah welcome murder angels!
Welcome curse-heartlying angels!
You who come from long away to be destroyers!
Man is exhausting his normal being
It is the right price for the evolution
By the time it’s all over!
The master has reached the latest stage
Now it’s all once created and built!
Mental energy choked every substance
Now we are all too about to god!
Yeah welcome murder angels!
Welcome curse-heartlying angels!
You who come from long away to be destroyers!
Abition has wide opened all her doors
the greediness advances into the human heart
Machine’s become religion!
Feelings are now changed in radiations
Love becomes plastic iced
Human bodies smell of putrefation
Cosmic radiations stay for stifling us!
Yeah welcome murder angels!
Welcome curse-heartlying angels!
You who come from long away to be destroyers!