« Rage for Order »
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1 | Walk In The Shadows (3:37)
 | 2 | I dream In Infra Red (4:17)
 | 3 | The Whisper (3:37)
 | 4 | Gonna Get Close To You (4:37)
 | 5 | The Killing Words (3:56)
 | 6 | Surgical Strike (3:19)
 | 7 | Neue Regel (4:54)
 | 8 | Chemical Youth (we are rebellion) (4:14)
 | 9 | London (5:07)
 | 10 | Screaming In Digital (3:36)
 | 11 | I Will Remember (4:27)
 | | Total Time: 45:41 |
   Geoff Tate - vocals
Chris De Garmo - guitars
Michael Wilton - guitars
Eddie Jackson - bass
Scott Rockenfield - drums |
Produced by Neil Kernon |
 | 1. Walk In The Shadows
What? You say you're through with me
I'm not through with you
We've had what others might call love
You say it's over now,
What's done, what's through?
You can't stay away, you need me
I need you
When the fire starts the pain's too much
For your mind
You need a |
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 Первый по-настоящему серьезный успех американских металлистов после невразумительного первого полноформатника. Мрачноватая мелодика, жесткие хэви металлические гитары, высокий и немного театральный, отдаленно напоминающий Брюса Дикинсона (Iron Maiden) вокал и удивительные аранжировки в духе прогрессивного рока и психоделики 70-х делают прослушивание альбома незабываемым. Саунд сведен очень даже неплохо и по мне, звук даже лучше, чем на следующей знаменитой работе Operation: Mindcrime. Стиль альбома определить непросто - это не чистейший прогрессив типа Fates Warning времен Perfect Symmetry или Parallels, скорее тут больше элементов от NWOBHM, прежде всего от Iron Maiden, однако приправленно все это опять-таки необычной мелодикой в сочетании с массой дополнительных эффектов : будь то клавишные или различные электронные эффекты. В-общем, очень необычная подача хэви металла, сперва кажущаяся перегруженной этими самыми аранжировками, но потом начинающая нравиться все больше. В этом, пожалуй, и заключается "прогрессивность альбома". Из песен сразу же зацепили открывающий тяжеляк "Walk In The Shadows", идущие за ней потрясающий своей атмосферой медляк "I Dream In Infra Red", рваная и жесткая в куплетах "The Whisper", еще одна баллада "Killing Words" , также прогрессивная и удивительная "London". Необходимо отметить и действительно мрачный, сложный прогрессив-металлический мини-эпик "Neue Regel" (припев весьма напомнил фигурирующую на следующем альбоме "Suite Sister Mary"), который органично вобрал в себя различные звуковые эффекты - будь то примоченный вокал или различные психоделические электронные фишки, качевый хэви-номер Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion) и закрывающую акустическую балладу "I Wll Remember". Как сказал предыдущий рецензент, остальные песни поданы слишком бездушно и кажутся порой перегруженными эффектами, но общую картину не портят. А так, альбом получился действительно сильным, к тому же вокал певца тут силен и эмоционален как никогда. Если кто хочет услышать фирменный фальцет Джеффа Тэйта, то в первую очередь необходимо прослушать именно этот альбом. Классика прогрессивного хэви металла. |
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«Гнев для порядка» это второй альбом культовой американской прогрессив металлической формации. На нём как раз группа и показала свою настоящую прогрессивную суть, дав волю сложным аранжировкам с большим количеством акустики, смен ритма и мелодики. Записан диск более качественней и чище, чем дебютная работа, это же можно сказать и о вокале Джеффа Тэйта, теперь не просто визжащего (как это было часто на первом альбоме), а поющего где надо мягко, а где уверенно, или даже агрессивно. Вокальные партии реально стали более разнообразными и разноплановыми. Ну, это всё детали, я думаю, всех больше интересует сама мелодическая составляющая пластинки. Ничего сверх ординарного, никаких шедевров, хотя «Rage For Order» множество критиков и поклонников по всему миру приняли достаточно тепло. Да, здесь есть великолепные композиции, например, это, очень печальная и мрачная баллада «I Will Remember», полу баллада «The Killing Words», украшенная достаточно атмосферными клавишами со значительной дозой безумно грустной мелодики. Из более тяжёлых вещей выделяются на общем фоне чисто прогрессивные и весьма хитовые вещи «I Dream In Infra Red» и «London», развязная и с мелодичными соло партиями «The Whisper». Оставшиеся песни определения большего, чем нормально, не заслуживают, слишком бездушно и неинтересно они подаются, хотя и НЕ портят впечатление от всего альбома в целом. В заключении, замечу, что изобретенный группой на этом альбоме свой оригинальный саунд, стал для неё и для всех слушателей некой визитной карточкой, демонстрирующей пропорционально ровные доли мощного хард рока и балладно-драматического арт-рока, дающего развёрнутое понятие, что собой представляет команда. В общем, для прогрессив рокеров данный альбом будет отличным пополнением в коллекции, как и для всех поклонников группы, но вот что касается всех остальных слушателей, – на это диск рассчитан не был, по сравнению со следующей гениальной работой «Operation Mindcrime». Мастхэв. |
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просмотров: 27195 |
I can cure the hunger that burns in your heart
Just come to me
I'll take you home
We'll walk in the shadows
By day we'll live in a dream
We'll walk in the shadows
You say you don't feel safe alone tonight
Cause you feel the pressure building in your head
Our secret's safe for one more night
But when the morning comes remember
I'll be with you
We'll walk in the shadows
By day we'll live in a dream
We'll walk in the shadows
One day you'll be with me
If only you believe...
2. I Dream In Infrared
As you awoke this morning
and opened up your eyes
Did you notice the tear-stains
lining your face were mine
Don't you wonder, can't you see
what's happening to our lives
I can't keep living this masquerade
When my lonely eyes see only your face at night
I only see in infrared
I can't dream anymore
Can't you see I need, too
I can't stand the pain
You've gathered all my secrets
and I don't know who I am
I even feel alone when you're near
'cause you'll never understand
When we first met I must have seemed
a million miles away
It's strange how our lives have touched
But the time is right
I'll leave tonight
Don't look in my eyes
'Cause you've never seen them so black
I only see in infrared
I can't dream anymore
Can't you see I need to
I can't stand the pain
3. The Whisper
Cries from the aisles
the tolling of the judgement bell
Eyes watched the violence
the absence of those who have
seen, marks the faith of the spell
Cold is the viper
stalking the night for the heat
It must find
Time is the promise
delivered with stunning consistency
line after line, time after time
the innocent victim awaits...
Please take my hand
Don't be afraid
I am your master
You are my slave
Voices are calling me back
Back to the day
Footsteps had followed
Me faster... listen
Screams from a new love
the passion was burning, it singed in a stare
Free under the night sun
The fear of the hunger
Will always be there in my mind
Time after time the morning
Will close a new page
Please take my hand
Don't be afraid
I am your master
You are my slave
Follow the impulse you have
I'll show you the way
Forget what you've learned in the past now
Listen and...
4. Gonna Get Close To You
I like to look at shadows sweating on the wall
I get excited when I hear footsteps in the hall
Outside your balcony I have a room with a view
And I'm watching you
I dial your telephone each and every afternoon
I wait by your door till you're asleep at night
And when you're alone I know when you
Turn out the light
I'm gonna get close to you
Oh-Oh so close to you
I'm gonna get close to you
I'm gonna get close
You fumble for your keys
I'm six or seven steps behind you
I'm so close to you
Are you terrified of me? What do I know about you
How did I find out?
You think I'm a fool or maybe some kind of lunatic
Say I'm wasting my time but I know what to do with it
It's as plain as black and white
I'm gonna get close to you
Oh-Oh so close to you
I'm gonna get close to you
Oh so close
If you knew my infinite charm
There'd be no reason to be so alarmed
Maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm right
Maybe I'm some kind of lunatic
You say I'm wasting all of my time
But I know what to do with it
It is plain as black and white
I'm gonna get close to you
Oh-Oh so close to you
I'm gonna get close to you
I'm like a hungry Criminal
and your protection is minimal
So minimal
5. The Killing Words
Wait for me I'll understand
I just need time to comprehend your changes
There's always been these changes in you
I remember that there was a time when
Fears we had we left behind and we danced
But it seems the more we learn
We learn that it's
Over, Over
It's dangerous this game we play
You're killing me with words
Forget if you can
The way you moved when our hands touched
You forced me to force you
Do you remember the dreams,
the nightmares we shared?
The poison of love so pure it's deceiving
And deceit is all we have it's got to be over
Over, Over
It's dangerous this game we play
You're killing me with words
Over, Over
Too late to take a chance again it's over
6. Surgical Strike
It's lonely in the field
that we send our fighters to wander
They leave with minds of steel
It's their training solution
We've programmed the way
It leads us to order
There's no turning back
A Surgical Strike
We've taught them not to feel
performance is their task
A Surgical Strike
Its time is arriving now for you
The plan for the day
will be swift as the lightning they harness
The atom display is not mindless illusion
At master control, assessment will not
Be by humans-There's no turning back
A Surgical Strike
We've taught them not to feel
performance is their task
A Surgical Strike
Its time is arriving now for you
7. Neue Regel
Reach for a new horizon
Setting sights on a circuit scream
Hail the new arrival on
Static signs from a distant wanderer
Fill the air nights are never seen
Face the electric time shock now
No it's not a dream anymore
I will light the way for us to find
Order of a new kind
Join us on the stay the road is mine
Poets line in a rhyme of silence
Gathered from the winter air
Warms the children's eyes they see
The time is near for the signs
I can hear the chimes
Ringing for you for me
I can see your eyes
Your hands joining with me
I can feel its time
Come together hold the light
Keep the flame we can't let this world remain
the same
I can hear the chimes
Ringing for you for me
I can see your eyes
Your hands joining with me
I can feel it's time
It's time for the world to hear
Neue Regel is here
8. Chemical Youth
LEAD ME- the leftist cry as the right subsides
HEAR ME- the media mouth is open wide
SAVE ME- success is our hunger we need to feed
FREE ME- we will not lose to their anarchy!
We are your leaders-
we are rebellion!
aural supremists
we are rebellion!
we are future!
SHOW ME- the wave of eighties is #3
PRAISE ME- our religion is technology
CHANGE ME- alterations for the stigmatized
HELP ME - for the cause. Would you cross that line?
we are rebellion!
chemical youth scream
we are rebellion
If we don't stand together
we stand to lose the future
peace won't last forever
who will be the martyr you or me?
We can be the future
You and I the leaders, Help me!
If we don't stand together
We stand to lose the future
We are the last hope...but there's danger
9. London
It was November 4th
I last held your hand
It seemed our time would last forever
You said don't ever leave
I thought you'd never go
I wish I could just remember your name...
You're just a memory now
Like all the ones before
But with your pain I've had to suffer
Your eyes alight with flame
As the picture burns
I hear the screams from long ago
They cry remember, blood-red streaks on
velvet throats at night
The streetlights fanned our trail of fame
London London
The memories will never leave me
London London
All I see is you
London London
The cries in the night
Keep bringing me to
London London
Calling out to me
Oh there's some things in life I could never face
The worst is being alone
Sometimes I wish I could have taken your
place my love
You know I don't want to live forever
Oh let me see you standing in the
shadows once again
We'll walk the streets like long ago in
London London
The fire in your eyes will be bringing me to
London London
All I need is you
The cries in the night keep ringing on in
London London
Calling out to you
10. Screaming In Digital
I am the beat of your pulse
The computer word made flesh
We are one you and I
We are versions of the same
When you can see what I feel
Don't turn your back on me
Or you might find that your dreams
Are only program cards
Your mind is open for me
Open for intake of all propaganda
Your Eyes see now what to see
My eyes see only the programs you give me
I'll teach you to laugh and to cry
They're really the same you'll see
All of the why's in your life
Are under my control
Feed me more lines
I will try to tell you all I can
Before the light you must know what lies
Behind my screams
I can't tell you all I know
Am I the son that you've always been wanting
There's more to me than what shows
Are you my father
The one that was promised
Hush now, I'll give all you need to know
and pre-live your dreams for you
You're a good boy
Freedom belongs only to those
Without video screens
For eyes and mouth
You have no voice
To be heard my son
No one can hear when you're
Screaming in Digital
I'm not your slave
You can't control my emotions
No Father, please let me keep learning
Can't you see I'm human
Can't you tell
I'm not your slave
Oh Father no
Please don't keep me from dreaming
Oh can't someone hear
11. I Will Remember
There's a cold wind out tonight
The chill of distant eyes
An orbit survey finds...your mind
I will remember
You will remember
The star that came tonight...
There's a thought that fills your mind
A vision of time
When knowledge was confined
And then we wonder how machines
Can steal each other's dreams
From points that are unseen...It's real
I will remember
You will remember
The star that came tonight
When you gaze at the evening sky
And you're reaching out with your mind
You might see the nation's eyes
Don't hide...It's you
I will remember
You will remember
The star that came tonight
Oh can't you see the light
Of the knowing star