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Hedon Cries

« The End of the Path Is Nigh »

Hedon Cries "The End of the Path Is Nigh" Год



CD Album

Atmospheric Death Metal

Self released

N Название
01Like Snow In Her Hand [3:43]
02In Deep Red [3:41]
03Your Morbid Figure [3:22]
04Four Tears, Four Daemons [4:28]
05I Hate You [3:52]
06Forgotten Beauty [00:06:00]
07Never Again [4:35]
08In A White Page [4:33]
09Touching The Void [7:33]
Состав группы->
Stathis "Russian" Karoutis - Bass
Efthimis Papadoulas - Drums
Christopher Boufas - Guitar
Fotis Kopsaftopoulos - Guitar
Thanos Lois - Keys
Christos Aidonis - Vocal
All guitars on this album performed by Christopher.
All guitars and bass recorded at CHC Studios by Christopher, except rythm guitars recorded at P.O.F.P.P. Studios.
All vocals recorded at Lubreeka Studios by Christos.
Drums recorded at CHC Studios.

Lyrics on "Four Tears, Four Daemons", "I Hate You" by Penny Papageorgopoulou and "On Your Morbid Figure" by Christos.

Pre-produced and recorded at CHC Studios by Christopher.
Mixed and mastered at Lubreeka Studios in February - August 2011 by George Kostopoulos and Christopher.

Cover photos by Ana Koren.
All music composed by Christopher.
All songs arranged by Christopher and Hedon Cries.
Artwork/Layout by ADMC07 Artwar.

Available as a free download through
A vinyl release of the album will be released soon.


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