 Нормальный концертник, надо сказать.
Из семнадцати вещей пять взяты с дебюта, как это не странно, всего одна с "Legion", пять – с “Once Upon The Cross” и шесть – с последнего “Serpents Of The Light”. Таким образом, основу диска составляет новый материал, что само собой не может особо радовать… Звук просто отличный, очень качественная запись, все отчетливо слышно.
Правда, вокал Бентона в это время был уже не тот… Звучит он сухо и черство, а это есть большой недостаток – старые хиты, наподобие “Dead By Dawn” и “Sacrificial Suicide”, звучат значительно менее эмоционально, чем в студийном варианте и такого мощного впечатления не производят. Очевидно, если бы они были записаны в 90-м году именно так (с поправкой на студийную работу, само собой), то группа не стала бы мега звездой. Кроме того, в концертном варианте отсутствует наложение гроула на скриминг (почему-то никто кроме Бентона в группе не поет), так что там, где в студийном варранте идет наложение, здесь Глен просто переходит на скриминг и все. Да и то не всегда… В итоге все как-то сдержанно, бедно и совсем не злобно. Играют все очень слажено, но композиции взятые со всех четырех альбомов, исполняются без малейшей импровизации. То есть ничего такого, что отличает концерт от студийника, здесь нет. А потому и ценность данной работы, на мой взгляд, довольно скромная. |
Хороший концертный альбом, записанный, если я не ошибаюсь, в Чикаго.На нём собраны все хиты Deicide, начиная от Sacraficial Suicide и кончая Bastards of Christ.Стоит отметить, что в живую играют они очень сильно(ээххх как бы мне хотелось попасть на их концерт...).Вобщем рекомендую этот концертник всем фанатам Deicide, и вообще всем любителям Death Metal-а. |
Door to door soliciting war
Feeble man with salvation as sword
Disturb and see you will die
For I am of Him in his world you're confined
Why try? World dies, christ hides
When Satan rules his world
Disease, run free, killing
When Satan rules his world
Religion, infliction, obscene
When Satan rules his world
Witness, dismissed, executed
When Satan rules his world
Blame It On God
God is the reason we live in dismay
It is his will that this world's suffering
If we do not believe what you foretell
We can expect afterlife will be hell
You are the one who killed his own son
We are the ones you're blaming it on
Lust was created beginning with hymn
When we indulge we are guilty of sin
Torture our lives with confusion and lies
Mass contradiction, religious facades
BLAME IT ON GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIAR
Lord of salvation keep looking away
It is your will that this world goes astray
Take us each day from this place you unworthed
Unfulfilled promise of heaven on earth
You are the one who killed your own son
We are the ones your hatred is on
Children are dying and this you're content
Where is your profit in what you have left
No intervention from angels above
god is the reason that Satan lives on
Bastard Of Christ
Bastard of the cross relentlessly
Strike fear preaching of his coming here
Scriptures, twisted words to provocate
Rapture from the lord your god so great
He fucked himself to save you – put to death, masochist
For this his word berate truth – agonized, prophecized
Revive the book of fiction – blasphemy, gluttony, to deceive you and me
In battled disposition – hang the bitch on the cross
Entitle his convictions – blasphemous, lunatic
your heart is full of hatred – BASTARDS DIE,
KILL YOURSELF........DIE!!!!!!!!!!
Bastard, for your god you compromise
Do without, search the truth you'll never find
Scriptures offer little to relate
Laughter from the lord into your face
You think your god will save who – I will see, just believe
You fool, not true, no thank you – enemy of the cross
His word installs deception – pray to god, not for me,
for yourself, soon you'll see
You'll die for your religion – holy shit, pacifist
Untrue with choices given – nothing won, you are dead
NOTHINGNESS, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Childern Of The Underworld
In the creation of Anu were spawned
Born of the Earth before they're known
Evade destruction in their world below
Their hands reach for our place outside
Bestow their suffering on human life
Nothing will stop them from re-entering
Return to hatred in the heart of man
They are the children of the underworld
Before the heavens they were on the Earth
To desolation and were never heard
"Cry rebirth"
Lords of the plague, seven are they
Born in the mountain of Mashu's magic
Spirits of hate, they have no name
Withered and wicked, the liars in wait
In the creation of Anu were spawned
With deadly vengeance from the ancient gods
Their place on Earth, their race unknown
Beyond the knowledge of the elder ones
Provoking with our blood to rise
The seven offspring for the sacrifice
Reclaim the power of the crown of death
Enter the body from the temple dead
Serpents Of The Light
Free of their god, intelligence won
Go with your instinct to live as you want
No longer begging for mercy from thieves
They can't come near you, through them you can see
Keep to the outside the teachings of christ
Denounce the father, undo his disguise
You are at one, the serpent now gone
Harness the power to refuse the son
Under the bible inherit deceit
Above it enlighten to what you can be
Savor the pleasure once known in your life
Heaven's compassion you know is a lie
Serpents of the light, return to where you hide
Serpents of the light, revolting parasite
Serpents of the light, expelled from human life
Dead But Dreaming
Out of my mind into a world between
In search of the ancient artistry
Lord Kur, before your sword I see
The house of death is opening
Hanging from their primal sleep
Forbidden to be seen
Spirit of the elder gods
Are dead but must live on
Still to life and yet they breathe
Dead but dreaming.....
Lords of the world within the space between
Wandering receivers of a sacrifice
Lord Kur, beyond your throne you sleep
Beneath the seven cities dead
Encased in silent tombs
Immortally exhumed
Spirit of the elder gods
Are dead but must live on
Still to life and yet they breathe
Dead but dreaming.....
As I smear my blood on thy sword
Through the gates into lands I know not
On the road where none have returned
Come to life, Oh lords of black earth
Screaming ancient incantations
Sleep unbinded by my sight
Dead but dreaming, darkloads waking
From the house of death set free
Sixty demons, bow before thy
Ancient catatonia
Elder vengeance, Lord Kur take me
Darklords hear me, hung dead bleeding
Slave To The Cross
Killing, blood spilling for faith in your god
Spreading the message defending his fraud
Murder unheard of until their belief
Rape of the willing is blessed by the priest
Travel to new worlds enslaved under god
Destroy their cultures then leave them to rot
Purification, consent to concede
Killing the ones who will never believe
Annihilation, convert to the cross
Civilization all under one god
Splitting masses indivision
Genocidal inquisition
Unified through their religion
Wreck this world with heaven's wisdom
Reign of the cross, the aggressor
Has killed more people than cancer
Slave to the cross of deception
When will we stop his infection
Terrify into religion
Recify the church ambition
Crucify who will not listen
Wreck this world with heaven's wisdom
Lunatic Of God's Creation
Servants of death, enchanter of pain
From the land of no return, you'll kill again
Smear the blood on the naked corpse Manson.
Lunatic of God's creation
No resist
Hear the voices of devastation
There is darkness in his eyes
And you won't see it, before you die
Feel the knife of the Lord Divine's Creation.
Lunatic of God's creation
No resist
Hear the voices of devastation
Oblivious To Evil
Join us
Evil night of an evil death
Epitome of illusion
Sacrifice of the unborn child
Enter the kingdom of darkness
Sodomized for the ritual
For there is nowhere to run
Open the gates to the manifestation
And grant me the powers of darkness
Infernal majesty, take this dead offering
Feeding the demon seed, evil bestowed on me
Exorice the power of dead
Invert my cross of time
The retaim of Satan anarchy
Inside my scared sign
Lucifer bring me the legions of deaths
Abbadon kill until nothing is left
Oblivious to evil
Death of defiled the rituals
Of dreams and disillusion
Unlock the box and gimp in pain
Summon the demons of darkness
Evil Gods that fast with flesh
Prepare me for the dead
Release me from the angels so righteous
For your God is dead
Once Upon The Cross
Once upon the cross
Fear him, fear him, fear him... Satan
Nazarene in the valley of persuasion
To receive last temptations from Lord Satan
"Take a bite" said the serpent "eat of it"
Without no choice to do so, you cannot resist
Impaled crucifixion
Compassion forgot
Eternal damnation
Once upon a cross
Blasphemy laughs at thee
Jesus you've been deceived
Struggling on the cross
Gagging to breathe
Despite your god, question why
You were retrieved by the angel of light
Kill him, kill him, kill him... Satan
Nazarene screaming on his crucifixion
Prophecy in its final contradiction
When you die is when the lie will be believed
Upon the cross, before the world to see
Once upon the cross
Believe The Lie
Time you died for your religion
Hypnotized by his infliction
Go to him, he is your savior
Leave this place, do us a favor
Believe the lie of a god you'll never know
Prepare to die when you least expect to go
A desperate mind will ignore reality
The word of christ has you lost in fantasy
Believe the lie to reside with him in death
Conserve to buy into what he's promising
Don't be so blind not to mind hypocrisy
You just might find what you want can never be
Take your life, be a true christian
For the lies of his existence
Sacrifice rendered unable
Book of god, it is a fable
Believe the lie to return from which we came
The serpent's light has you mesmerized again
When faith decides suicide at heaven's whim
Believe the lie, you are saved from all your sins
When is life worth a religion
Ease your mind, make the incision
Prey to him, incoming stranger
Son of god dead in the manger
Trick Or Betrayed
They will say that he loves you, he don't
From their bible they're controlled
His descent they expect in our life
They'll be waiting till they die
Disembark from their path of belief
If in turn will set you free
Cannot live with the fact that they're wrong
That there is no truth in god
Trick or betrayed
Their faith ends in pain
Rip up their bible before is(its?) too late
Time we undo unity
For it is for fools
In this world we don't need
Trick or betrayed
I think you should know
They know it's true
That their book is a hoax
Join us to see through the light
Christ is a scheme and will ruin your life
Trick or betrayed
Why insist on the cross died for us
His infliction never was
They assume that his death brought them life
To be dead will change their minds
When you see what you feel is not real
Disappointment is revealed
Cannot live with the fact that they;re wrong
There is no such thing as god
Behind The Light Thou Shall Rise
Disemboweled on the altar jesus christ
Entrails in the pentagram circle
Spill his blood and reversing catholic humn
Invocate the onslaught of Satan
Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Drink ourselves as you feed
His offering of purity
Bible bleed, hell on Earth has been achieved
Thou will fail before Lord Satan
Casting sin, pissing on their crucifix
Stepping forth into his creation
Master Lord lucifer
From behind the light thou shall rise
Walk His Earth, invade in pain
His christians become the enslaved
What was once is never more
Infernal Lord Father restored
Blinding priest in disbelief
Revenge onto god he has sworn
No lord shall stand before myself
I can strike the light and see through the truth
For I'm the Deicide, Dominus, what could you do
Thou has falled you now, one again and always will
On the cross, forgotten son, a sacrifice it had to be done
Died for me, well that's too bad I don't believe
Killed my sins of the evil what I am
Your destruction, reasons of a world in pain
Blind desciple (discipte?), you will never live again
Wage of death, course of life
Unsematic birth of the Deicide
Eyes of pain, pleads of death
As you're put to rest
Three days to rise
If he lives again he is sure to die
I killed jesus
Just to see him bleed on his pulpis throne
I am evil
I'm the Deicide and I killed the lord
No more reasons
I will kill the world in another form
I rule this world
I can strike the light and see through the truth
For I'm the Deicide, Dominus, what could you do
Thou has falled you now, one again and always will
On the cross, forgotten son, a sacrifice it had to be done
Father Baker's
There exists a place of agony
Where children are held captive
Belt across the back, the nuns attack
Believe in god or be beaten to death
Work to earn your keep, no time to sleep
You better know the bible verse
Or go without and die of thirst
Resent your birth – thanks to god!!!!!!!!!!!
At Father Baker's the pain is divine
If you are lucky you'll get out alive
Welcome to terror, you're where you belong
Father is waiting to show you your wrong
Learn early on to behave or you'll die
Live with his torture, no one to confide
Innocence lost by the rage he inflicts
Repent to god or the pain will persist
Kept inside a cage, humiliate
Till Father takes confession
Whipped unmercifully and left to bleed
And by the end to be one with god
Fast you into place, the final phase
Before you meet his maker
Do as you are told or you will go
And then you'll know what is suffering
Dead By Dawn
Book of the dead, pages bound in human flesh
Feasting the beast, from the blood the words were said
I am unseen, dreamt the sacred passage aloud
Trapped in a dream of the necronomicon
Seven lords of an evil and fatal force
Levitate through the secret and ancient doors
Unbegun, premenating bizarre
Swept away to the castle of Cantar
Seeking the tomb, tried to possess
Immortal sleep, visions of death
Drank of the blood, water of life
Splendorous son, show me the sign
You are dead
Blanketing fear, unknown to man
Demons appear, death they command
(Dead by dawn, dead by dawn, dead by dawn DEAD, BY, DAWN)
Blasphermate me
We are what wars, and shall rule again
Dead by dawn, chanting death thee ancient hymm
This is not real, I am not the chosen one
Trapped in a spell of necronomicon
Torted pain, in the palace of dead
Recitate, through the passages I dreamt
Dead, dead by dawn
Dead, dead by dawn
Sacrificial Suicide
Satanized, crucified, feel the wrath of suicide
Incus fear of the sphere, angel darkness disappears
Covenant, blasphemous, open up unholiness
Father Satan, let me just unholy sins
Suicide sacrifice
Destruction of holy life
Blood of unholy knife
Satan I sacrifice
Behold the crucifix, symbol of sterility I am crucifix
Satan Suicide sacrifice, profeasting evil night
Lust into reality -
Satan Angel of the black abyss,
Satan lord I hail
Insane blasphemous – Satan
Sacrifical suicide,
Ritual to end my life
Behemoth incess my fate – Satan
Damned to tell, end of my life
Wrath of God – Satan
Sin my soul, blesses with fire
Throne of stone – Satan
I must die, in my wake
Seventh gate – Satan
Suicide, end my life
I must die – Satan
Suicide sacrifice, thrust of evil deep inside
Lucifer never lies, take away thee mortal life
Demigod, Satan son, commend to body to the ground
Father Satan, I'll find peace when I am God
Suicide sacrifice
Destruction of holy life
Blood of unholy knife
Satan I sacrifice
Behold the crucifix, symbol of sterility I am crucifix
Satan Suicide sacrifice, profeasting evil night