Malevolent Creation
« Warkult »
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1 | Dead March 02:48
 | 2 | Preemptive Strike 04:07
 | 3 | Supremacy Through Annihilation 03:34
 | 4 | Murder Reigns 02:54
 | 5 | Captured 03:45
 | 6 | Merciless 02:34
 | 7 | Section 8 05:21
 | 8 | On Grounds Of Battle 04:17
 | 9 | Tyranic Oppression 04:25
 | 10 | Ravaged By Conflict 02:10
 | 11 | Shock And Awe 04:25
 | 12 | Jack The Ripper (Hobbs' Angel Of Death Cover) 03:19
 | | Total playing time: 43:39 |
   Kyle Symons - vocals
Phil Fasciana - guitars
Rob Barrett - guitars
Gordon Simms - bass
Dave Culross - drums |
Cover art by M. G. Eftemie of Mnemic.
Re-released July 2009 by Night of the Vinyl Dead, cat.no. NIGHT059, lim.ed. 450
handnumbered copies on heavy vinyl |
 | 1. Dead March
Throughout the history of mankind
Millions have lost their lives
On the fields of combat
For mans quest of supremacy
Countless battles commence
Vicious bloodshed proceeds
Peace will never be attained
Warfare will never cease
Marching on to war
Marching on to fight
Marchi |
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 После во всех отношениях великолепного альбома "The Will to Kill" я стал ждать новый альбом Malevolent Creation с утроенной силой. И вот он, "Warkult".
Не скажу, что ждал я именно этого. Такое ощущение, что команда просто устала от ультра-скоростей предыдущего альбома. Нет, сыграно все мастерски, да и придираться к такой техничной и опытной банде было бы глупо, но материал на диске какой-то вымученный. Все это можно списать на военную тематику альбома, но от этого легче не становится. Релиз отдает монотонностью, и даже в тех моментах где, казалось бы, группа рвется в бой, снова начинается сдерживание темпа. Поэтому выделить какие-то треки очень трудно. Сразу же приходят на ум Morbid Angel (не очень любимая мной группа) с их вязкими, тягучими композициями второй половины 90-ых. В общем, ожидания, которые я возлагал на этот диск, не оправдались, хотя занижать оценку за это я не вправе. Альбом отличает великолепная запись, техничность, атмосфера нескончаемой холодной войны. Поклонникам группы этот альбом нужно иметь обязательно, ну а тем, кто хочет начать знакомиться с группой, лучше обратиться к более ранним работам. |
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Новый альбом заслуженных ветеранов Death Metal вызвал у меня несколько разрозненные чувства. С одной стороны (самая банальная) – группу эту я люблю, а с другой – на этот раз она выдала не совсем то, что я от нее ожидал. На фоне таких, уже ставших культовыми, альбомов как “In Cold Blood” (1997), “Retribution”(1992), “Envenomed”(2000) и предпоследнего “The Will To Kill” новое творение выглядит несколько суховатым. В музыке появились черты творчества американцев Morbid Angel (при всем моем уважении), композиции стали более структуированны и монолитны. Хотя эти качества были присуще их музыке на многих альбомах, но мне все же ближе их дикость и некоторая хаотичность на “The Will To Kill». |
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Отличный диск, я бы даже сказал очень хороший. Я плюну в лицо тем, кто говорит, что смертельный металл умирает или уже давно умер. Ничего подобного! Стена плотного саунда кристальной записи обрушивается буквально с первых же секунд проигрывания диска. И я бы не сказал, что эта работа типичная, абсолютно нет, скорее наоборот какая-то необычная, во всяком случае в своей коллекции что-то похожего на этот альбом я и не вспоминаю, и хотя предыдущий рецензент проводил параллель с Morbid Angel, в этих двух группах на самом деле больше различий, чем сходств. На обложке компакта нарисован танк, действительноб в музыке чувствуется что-то схожее с внешним оформлением. Слушаешь и кажется, что на тебя прёт реальный танк и кажется, что вот-вот он наедет на тебя и всё, что было внутри окажется снаружи. Непередаваемые словами ощущения. Работа гитаристов на высшем уровне, ударник здоровски колотит, вокалист рычит как только может, кстати по-моему без примочек, что достойно похвал. Собственно, чего вы ожидали от команды, которая творит на металической сцене вот уже более 10 лет? Альбом очень хорош и определённо должен быть у всех, кто хоть как-то заинтересован death metal’om! |
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Порадовал меня этот релиз американцев. В меру техничный, в меру брутальный альбом с интересными композициями, который к тому же замечательно переслушивается и не успевает быстро надоесть. Можно, конечно, осуждать подобные группы за то, что они и в новом тысячелетии продолжают играть всё ту же флоридскую трэшо-дэтовую мясорубку, но лично мне этого делать не хочется лишь по той простой причине, что без таких альбомов я бы чего-то недополучил. Чего-то, что не могут дать нынешние модные Бегемоты, Найлы и им подобные. Впрочем, эти группы также заслуживают определённого внимания и своего слушателя. Про "Warkult" же ещё раз хочется сказать, что здесь всего в меру и каких-то слабых мест в альбоме я не усмотрел. Причём сначала я его слушал фоном, а с каждым новым прослушиванием убеждался в том, что от альбома можно не только в общественном транспорте по утрам просыпаться, но и удовольствие получать :)) Короче говоря, диск однозначно рекомендуется поклонникам группы, да и поклонником американского death metal вообще. |
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просмотров: 17837 |
Marching on to die
Marching on to kill
Marching on to strike
2. Preemptive Strike
Suspicions... of their intentions are raised
The choices now became clear
Deterrence... their plans will never evolve
An onslaught many will soon fear... for years
Offensive... vicious assaults will befall
To those that do not agree
Triumphant... united we will prevail
Until the goal is achieved... their defeat
Contended... the methods that are applied
Considered partial to gain
Intentions... some say are fueled by hunger
No one can ever explain... or restrain
Apprehension... the target rapidly seized
Forced upon by vicious intent
Abounding... weapons of warfare are used
The many lives that are spent... no regrets
Strike first, strike fast, abolish their threat
Shackled by loss, pursue their downfall
Artillery annulled, no chance to requite
Subversion complete, winner takes all
Strike first, strike fast, abolish their threat
Shackled by loss, pursue their downfall
Artillery annulled, no chance to requite
Subversion complete, winner takes all
3. Supremacy Through Annihilation
Devastation now soon to be
Abrogation the final decision
Plans of hostility, strategies, with the utmost precision
Decapitation strike, eradication of those in command
Until you all concede, blood will spill across the land
All out attack the objective now in sight
Surrender or become statistic of this depredation
Warheads, released, begging for their lives
Munitions destroyed, no chances for retaliation
Total control, their empire laid to waste
Onward to conquer, supremacy through annihilation
Swift and fierce
Falling from the skies
Bombs are constantly dropping
Abolishing those who will have survived
All out attack the objective now in our sight
Surrender or become statistic of this depredation
Warheads, released, begging for their lives
Munitions destroyed, no chances for retaliation
Total control, their empire laid to waste
Onward to conquer, supremacy through annihilation
Total control, our mission now achieved
Onward to conquer, supremacy through annihilation
4. Murder Reigns
Hunting, the quest for the kill
Taking ones life the ultimate thrill
Voracious, desire so grand
Carnage and victory go hand in hand
Fatality's increasing, countless numbers slain
Survival, afflictions and personal gain
Hostile, malicious onslaught
Compelled to slay, until death or till caught
History will always repeat
Ordained to vanquish will never complete
Fatality's increasing, countless numbers slain
Throughout our history murder has reigned
Victims at hand
Victims at hand
Laid to rest
Instinct to kill
Who is next?
Hunting, the quest for the kill
Taking ones life the ultimate thrill
Voracious, desire so grand
Carnage and victory go hand in hand
Fatality's increasing, countless numbers slain
Survival, afflictions and personal gain
Hostile, malicious onslaught
Compelled to slay, until death or till caught
History will always repeat
Killing and killing until no one is seen
Fatality's increasing, countless numbers slain
Throughout our history murder has reigned
5. Captured
Seized by the opposition
Guns aimed to the head
Lead away in shackles
Unknown to what's ahead
Surrounded by the others
Who were caught before
Bodies defiled by torture
The hell they have endured
Forced into labor
Punished if they don't abide
Staring through the wire
To the other side
Captured, contained, tortured
Prisoners of war
Guarded, detained, slaughtered
Prisoners of war
Abused, distraught, defiled
Prisoners of war
Punished, wounded, diseased
Prisoners of war
Slowly put to death
Now driving all insane
Awaiting reinforcements
To grant them their escape
Hope is slowly fading
Brutality inhumane
None can understand
Horrors that have taken place
6. Merciless
Barbaric and savage, in their own ways
Showing no mercy they will not refrain
A passion for violence never before seen
Longing for bloodshed the highest degree
Committed to kill
The merciless
Chosen prey
Life denied
Severely tortured
Before they die
Barbaric and savage, in their own ways
Showing no mercy they will not refrain
A passion for violence never before seen
Longing for bloodshed the highest degree
Torment before they're slain
Ignoring hallowed cries
Inflicting horrid pain
Body count starts to rise
Cruelty guides their means
Methods rancorous
Unmatched killing spree
Beyond malevolence
Committed to kill
The merciless
Barbaric and savage, in their own ways
Showing no mercy they will not refrain
A passion for violence never before seen
Longing for bloodshed the highest degree
7. Section 8
Subdued by madness reality severe
Pervading my mind, and my actions for years
Flashbacks of combat, now hinder the skills
Once possessed to gain victory through kills
Symptoms increase
Reliving fear, visions will not cease
Conflicts arise
Once on the field, now inside my mind
Lucid no more
Haunted by actions for life I endure
The past invades
Searing within, my soul is now decayed
Deemed unfit to serve and obey
Restraining dementia, through war I obtained
Shell of a man, I have become
Tolls of warfare, sanity has done
Now in sickness my life declines
Lunacy ruling... now ruling my life
Subdued by madness reality severe
Pervading my mind, and my actions for years
Flashbacks of combat, hinder the skills
Once possessed to gain victory through kills
Symptoms increase
Reliving fear, visions will not cease
Conflicts arise
Once on the field, now within my mind
Lucid no more
Haunted by actions for life I endure
The past invades
Searing within, my soul is now decayed
Symptoms increase
Reliving fear, visions will not cease
Conflicts arise
Once on the field, now within my mind
8. On Grounds Of Battle
The troops storm onto the field
Into the darkness of night
War cries heard from the distance
Adversaries now within sight
The objective search and destroy
Both sides begin to contest
Corpses of the defeated
Shrouding the front line with death
Ordered to attack, dethrone and dismantle
Victory draws near, on the grounds of battle
Nothing can destroy their honor or their valor
Even if they die on the grounds of battle
Guns are blazing, forces advancing
Captures subside, death tolls expanding
Marching on opposition abound
Conquest ensuring, until they stand down
Ordered to attack, dethrone and dismantle
Victory draws near, on the grounds of battle
Nothing can destroy their honor or their valor
Even if they die on the grounds of battle
9. Tyranic Oppression
Once form of rule, in command with absolute power
Follow and you live, betray and you will cease to remain
Looked upon as a God, obeying his word, this self made martyr
Take heed to the laws, devotion and fear
Empowers control...
Excess of adherents, who admire and fear
Loyalty enforced with domination
Abide by the orders of this tyrranic oppression
Millions dedicate their lives to survive
Adhere to the sovereign rule
Power to gain, hung are the slain
Those who oppose the tyrants reign
Once form of rule, in command with absolute power
Follow and you live, betray and you will cease to remain
Looked upon as a God, obeying his word, this self made martyr
Take heed to the laws, devotion and fear
Empowers control...
10. Ravaged By Conflict
Smoldering ashes remain
Targets have been attacked
Regions left in ruin
With anger they react
Look upon all the fallen lives
This tragedy unclear
Mass graves fill the ground
Eradication feared
Conflict has now ravaged their land
Conquered by powers the enemy commands
Rising from ruin, to far out of grasp
Smoldering ashes remain
Targets have been attacked
Regions left in ruin
With anger they react
Look upon all the fallen lives
This tragedy unclear
Mass graves fill the ground
Eradication feared
Defeat, sealed by fury
Rampant, famine and disease
Oppressed, hope is crumbling
Survive or become obsolete
Conflict has now ravaged their land
Conquered by powers the enemy commands
Rising from ruin, to far out of grasp
Defeat, sealed by fury
Rampant, famine and disease
Oppressed, new leaders in control
Survive or become obsolete
Conflict has now ravaged their land
Conquered by powers the enemy controls
Rising from ruin, to far out of grasp
11. Shock And Awe
Unknown ruination that await
Colors are changing, levels are raised
Invading our lives, within our minds
Fears now rise
Sense of affliction begins to increase
Contrive against all but nothing is seen
Stricken with panic, living in fear
Shock and awe
Growing hysteria within the masses
Mock civilians, trained assassins
Armed with weapons of mass destruction
Terror strikes
Hostile forces, deadly intentions
Hidden agendas they have spawned
Fueled by their religious madness
Shock and awe
Destruction so extreme
For all the world to see
Retaliation guaranteed to unfold
Systematic devastation of all
Unknown ruination that await
Colors are changing, levels are raised
Invading our lives, within our minds
Fears now rise
Sense of affliction begins to increase
Contrive against all but nothing is seen
Stricken with panic, living in fear
Shock and awe
Destruction so extreme
For all the world to see
Retaliation guaranteed to unfold
Systematic devastation of all
Growing hysteria within the masses
Mock civilians, trained assassins
Armed with weapons of mass destruction
Terror strikes
Hostile forces, deadly intentions
Hidden agendas they have spawned
Fueled by their religious madness
Shock and awe
Destruction so extreme
For all the world to see
Retaliation guaranteed to unfold
Systematic devastation of all
12. Jack The Ripper
[Bonus Track]
Hidden amongst the darkest shadows
The ladies of Whitechapel
Mist surrounds cobble stone paths
The ripper is well disguised
Panting like a hungry dog
Eyes peeled open wide
Razor sharp instruments preparing for attack
Beware ladies of the night
Your life is within his hands
Insert a scalpel into your abdomen
Perform a living autopsy
Disembowelment and butchery
Killing on the brain
Lunatic of the night awaits for his victim
Dwelling for the taste of blood
Act of the macabre
Internal organs he will feast upon
Sluts and harlots of the night
Now your gonna die
Lurking with a demented mind
Is your answer to death
Anni Chapman you tempted fate
He waits in mist for you
To slice your throat and remove your breasts
Lays you down to die
Unconvicted maniac he fled into the night
Sluts and harlots of the night
Now your gonna die
Insert a scalpel into your abdomen
And perform a living autopsy