Judas Priest
« Unleashed in the East »
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1 | Exciter 05:38
 | 2 | Running Wild 02:52
 | 3 | Sinner 07:33
 | 4 | The Ripper 02:41
 | 5 | The Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown) 03:18
 | 6 | Diamonds and Rust 03:34
 | 7 | Victim of Changes 07:11
 | 8 | Genocide 07:21
 | 9 | Tyrant 04:41 |
   Rob Halford - vocals
K K Downing - guitars
Glenn Tipton - guitars
Ian Hill - bass
Les Binks - drums |
Produced by Tom Allom |
 | 1. Exciter
Racing' cross the heavens
Straight into the dawn
Looking like a comet
Slicing through the morn
Scorching the horizon
Blazing to the land
Now he's here amongst us
The age of fire's at hand
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
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 После выпуска пяти студийных альбомов самое время подарить всем поклонникам концертник, где бы "в живую" исполнялись самые замечательные песни из творческого багажа группы. Наверное, именно так размышляли и музыканты Judas Priest, по завершению триумфального мирового турне в поддержку диска "Killing Machine". Долго спорить о месте записи столь важного артефакта не пришлось, выбор пал на самую помешанную на почве тяжелого рока страну - Японию. Несколько аншлаговых концертов в стране восходящего солнца были тщательно задокументированы, и в конце 1979 года долгожданный концертник "Unleashed In The East" лег на полки музыкальных магазинов мира. Надо заметить, что сразу после выхода этого диска среди пытливых журналистов, а также простых поклонников группы, разгорелись нешуточные споры. Яблоко раздора скрылось в неподражаемо чистой и безошибочной игре ребят. Действительно, при внимательном прослушивании не раз создается впечатление - ну просто невозможно ТАК слаженно исполнять материал, наверняка имела место частичная перезапись в студии! Но поскольку тайна все еще не раскрыта, я буду надеяться на честность Пристов, и заявлю - практически любая песня с этого концертника звучит в разы энергичней и мощнее студийных оригиналов. Особенно это относится к голосу Роба, который "в живую" устраивает ТАКИЕ скриминги, что все современные "певцы" просто отдыхают! Ну и в качестве само собой разумеющегося факта добавлю, что в сэт лист вошли все самые знаменитые хиты с четырех альбомов Judas Priest периода 1976-1978 ("Rocka Rolla" осталась не у дел). Итог - совершенно великолепный и во всем образцовый концертник. Выбросьте из головы мысли об удивительной "непогрешимости" записи и все будет отлично! |
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По какой-то неведомой причине "Иудейского Священника" всё время тянет на восток - в Японию. Два из пяти самых известных концертников группы сняты и записаны в стране восходящего солнца (помимо данного диска это ещё и недавно вышедший "Rising In The East"). Объяснить это можно многими причинами, но ключевая из них - это огромная любовь японцев к тяжёлой музыке. При всей своей любви к металлу, потомки самураев почти не имеют собственных групп достойного уровня, играющих тяжёлый рок. Потому каждый приезд "тяжёлой группы" из Европы и Америки просто "обречён" на успех.
Обречены на успех были и бирмингемские парни из группы Judas Priest. Они дали несколько аншлаговых концертов в Стране Восходящего Солнца и по окончании турне издали сей замечательный диск. Подборка песен на этом концертнике очень достойная - почти все хиты JP на тот момент + ранее не издававшаяся песня "The Green Manalishi" (она вообще не вошла не в один из номерных альбомов группы, но присутствует в сет-листе почти всех концертов группы). Радует и то, что песни присутствующие на концертнике значительно "потяжелели" по сравнению с оригиналом. К минусам можно отнести малый объём музыкального материала (всего 9 песен) и отсутствие таких мегахитов как "Beyond The Realms Of Death" и "Hell Bent for Leather" которые я вообще считаю лучшими песнями ранних "пристов".
А теперь по поводу главной загвоздки альбома. Многие говорят, что диск слишком отшлифован и, что это вообще никакой не концертник, а студийная запись. Лично у меня таких мыслей никогда не возникало, да тут всё очень удачно сыграно, да Хэлфорд вообще нигде не фальшивит. Но такой идеальности можно найти объективные причины.
1) Тут присутствуют записи с нескольких концертов и на мой взгляд с нескольких выступлений вполне возможно собрать 8 песен исполненных наиболее приближенно к оригиналу. А 9-я песня в исполнении пристов и вовсе записывалась впервые на этом концертнике ("Green Manalishi").
2) Хэлфорд тогда был в расцвете своих сил и обладая таким вокальным диапазоном и таким поставленным голосом, он мог не фальшивить на протяжении хоть всего турне.
Так, что все эти обвинения не обоснованы, а концертник получился на славу. Могу посоветовать его всем фэнам Judas Priest в несколько утяжелённом варианте. |
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Этот альбом до сих пор вызывает массу вопросов у любителей тяжелой музыки. Многие из них считают, что "Priest in the East", на самом деле, хорошо законспирированный студийный альбом. Найти доказательства не составляет особого труда, достаточно прослушать бутлег "Beast in the East - Live in Japen". Присты же до сих пор доказывают всем, что это живой альбом, и мне очень хочется в это верить. Не вижу особой причины для создания столь масштабной мистификации. В тот момент Judas Priest были самой мощной концертной группой планеты. Если этот альбом действительно концертный, то в своём классе он самый лучший. |
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просмотров: 31512 |
Everything he touches
Fries into a crisp,
Let him get close to you
So you're in his trip,
First you'll smoke and smoulder
Blister up and singe
When ignition hits you
the very soul of your being will cringe.
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Here he comes now
Fall to your knees and repent if you please
[SOLO (Glenn)]
Who is this man?
Where is he from?
Exciter comes
For everyone.
You'll never see him
But you will taste the fire upon your tongue
He's come to make you snap out
Of the state that you are in
Looks around and make you
See the light again
So much self-indulgence
Results in shattered eyes
Predominant complacency
Leads to beguiling lies.
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation bids to ask
When he leaps amidst us
With combustive dance
All shall bear the branding
Of his thermal lance,
Cauterizing masses
Melting into one
Only when there's order
Will his job be done.
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Here he comes now
Fall to your knees and repent if you please
[SOLO (both)]
Who is this man?
Where is he from?
Exciter comes
For everyone
You'll never see him
But you will taste the fire upon your tongue
Racing past the heavens
Straight into the dawn
Looking like a comet
Slicing through the morn
Scorching the horizon
Blazing to the land
Now he's here amongst us
The age of fire's at hand
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
2. Running Wild
I move as fast as I can
I like to get around
I'm crazy like a madman
My feet don't touch the ground
I move amongst the night life
And they just step aside
Cause when they see me coming
They know I'm running wild
Dead or alive there's nothing
That bothers me at all
I take on all comers
They back off or they fall
They raise their hands to stop me
I laugh and I defy
Cause what's the point in living
Unless you're living wild
No chains can hold me down
I always break away
I never hear society
Tell me what to do or say
I taste the life that pleases me
And raise a storm for all the world to see I never stumble, never fall
Never stop for rest
I rebell but I walk tall
And I demand respect
I move amongst the nightlife
And they just step aside
Cause when they see me coming
They know I'm running wild
I'm running wild
I'm running wild
Get outta my way
I'm running wild
I'm running wild
You better believe it
3. Sinner
Sinner rider, rides in with the storm
The devil rides beside him
The devil is his god, God help you mourn
Do you, do you hear it, do you hear the thunder
Deafen every living thing about
Can you, can you see it, can you
See the mountains darken yonder
Black sun rising, time is running out
Sacrifice to vice or die by the hand of the
His steed of fury,
Eyes of fire and mane ablaze
Demonic vultures stalking
Drawn by the smell of war and pain
He roams the starways
Searching for the carcasses of war
But if it's hungry then its very presence
Disrupts the calm into the storm
Curse and damn you all you'll fall by the hand of the
God of the Devils, God of the Devils
Won't you help them pray
God of the Devils, God of the Devils
Is there no other way
Can't you hear their souls calling out in their plight
Can't you see their blood is boiling setting them alight
[SOLO (Glenn/K.K.)]
Thirty years now sleeping, so sound
War raises its head, and looks slowly around
The Sinner is near, sensing the fear
And the beast will start movin' around
Can't you see their souls calling out in their brain
Can't you hear their blood is boiling setting them alight
[SOLO (Glenn/both)]
...Sinner, Sinner, Sinner, Sinner!
Sacrifice to vice or die by the hand of the
Curse and damn you all you fall by the hand of the
4. The Ripper
You're in for surprise
You're in for a shock
In London town streets
When there's darkness and fog
When you least expect me
And you turn your back
I'll attack
I smile when I'm sneaking
Through shadows by the wall
I laugh when I'm creeping
But you won't hear me at all
All hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper
You'll soon shake with fear
Never knowing if I'm near
I'm sly and I'm shameless
Nocturnal and nameless
Except for "The Ripper"
Or if you like "Jack The Knife"
[SOLO (Glenn)]
Any back alley street
Is where we'll probably meet
Underneath a gas lamp
Where the air's cold and damp
I'm a nasty surprise
I'm a devil in disguise
I'm a footstep at night
I'm a scream of the fright
All hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper...the ripper....the ripper
5. The Green Manalishi
[With The Two-Pronged Crown]
[Peter Green]
Now when the day goes to sleep and the full moon looks
And the night is so black that the darkness cooks
And you come sneaking around, making me do things I don't want to do
I can't believe that she needs my love so bad
Always creeping around, trying to drive me mad
Busting in all my dreams, making me see things I don't want to see
'Cause you're the Green Manalishi with the two-pronged crown
All night dragging us up, or you're bringing us down
Just taking my love, and slip away
Leaving me here, just trying to keep from following you
6. Diamonds And Rust
[Joan Baez]
I'll be damned, here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you decided to call
And here I sit, hand on the telephone
Hearing the voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Headed straight for a fall
But we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Now I see you standing with brown leaves all around and snow in your hair
Now we're smiling out the window of the crummy hotel over Washington Square
Our breath comes in white clouds, mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me we both could've died then and there
Now you're telling me you're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You were so good with words
And at keeping things vague
Cause I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly, yes, I love you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust, I've already paid
But we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
7. Victim Of Changes
[Downing - Halford - Tipton - Atkins]
Whiskey woman don't you know that you are drivin' me insane
The liquor you give stems your will to live and gets right to my brain
Don't you know you're driving me insane
You're tryin' to find your way through life
You're tryin' to get some new direction
Another woman got her man
She won't find no new connection
Takes another drink or two, things look better when she's through
Takes another look around, you're not goin' anywhere
You've realized you're gettin' old and no one seems to care
You're tryin' to find your way again
You're tryin' to find some new...
Another woman's got her man
But she won't find a new...
Takes another drink or two, things look better when she's through
You 'bin foolin' with some hot guy
I want to know why is it why
Get up get out you know you really blew it
I've had enough, I've had enough, good God pluck me
[SOLO (K.K./Glenn)]
Once she was wonderful
Once she was fine
Once she was beautiful
Once she was mine...she was mine
Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore
Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore
Changes, changes, changes, changes
Victim of changes
[SOLO (K.K./both)]
8. Genocide
[Tipton - Halford - Downing]
Mercenary batalions
Are poised to strike us down
Terminations conquest
Upon us now full grown
Save me, my heart's open wide
Help me, no question of pride
Save me, my people have died
Total genocide
Devastation hungers
She waits to leap to earth
Imminent liquidation
Before the grand rebirth
Save me, my heart's open wide
Help me, no question of pride
Save me, my people have died
Total genocide
Sin after sin I have endured
Yet the wounds I bear are the wounds of love
Frantic mindless zombies
Grab at fleeting time
Lost in cold perplexion
Waiting for the sign
Generations tremble
Clinging face to face
Helpless situation
To end the perfect race
Flashing senseless sabers
Cut us to the ground
Eager for the life blood
Of all who can be found
Save me, my heart's open wide
Help me, no question of pride
Save me, my people have died
Total genocide
Slice to the left, slice to the right
None to retaliate, none will fight
Chopping at the hearts, snuffing out the lives
This race departs, no one will survive
Heads to the feet, feet to the air
Souls in the soil, heavy in despair
End of all ends, body into dust
To greet death friends, extinction is a must
9. Tyrant
[Tipton - Halford]
Behold 'tis I the commander
Whose grip controls you all
Resist me not, surrender
I'll no compassion call
(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall
Your very lives are held within my fingers
I snap them and you cower down in fear
You spineless things who belly down to slither
To the end of the world you follow to be near
(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall
Mourn for us oppressed in fear
Chained and shackled we are bound
Freedom choked in dread we live
Since Tyrant was enthroned
I listen not to sympathy
Whilst ruler of this land
Withdraw your feeble aches and moans
Or suffer smite from this my hand
(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall
Mourn for us oppressed in fear
Chained and shackled we are bound
Freedom choked in dread we live
Since Tyrant was enthroned
My legions faithful unto death
I'll summon to my court
And as you perish each of you
Shall scream as you are sought
(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall