Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force
« Unleash the Fury »
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1 | Locked & Loaded 03:48
 | 2 | Revolution 04:19
 | 3 | Winds Of War (Invasion) 05:07
 | 4 | Crown Of Thorns 04:26
 | 5 | The Bogeyman 03:59
 | 6 | Beauty And A Beast 03:20
 | 7 | Cracking The Whip 03:52
 | 8 | Fuguetta 01:03
 | 9 | Cherokee Warrior 05:31
 | 10 | Guardian Angel 03:22
 | 11 | Let The Good Times Roll 04:05
 | 12 | Revelation (Drinking With The Devil) 05:40
 | 13 | Magic And Mayhem (instrumental) 04:41
 | 14 | Exile 03:54
 | 15 | The Hunt 04:22
 | 16 | Russian Roulette 04:12
 | 17 | Unleash The Fury 05:44
 | 18 | Paraphrase (instrumental) 01:16
 | | Total playing time: 72:16 |
   Doogie White - lead vocals
Yngwie Malmsteen - acoustic & electric guitars, bass, sitar, keyboards, lead vocals on tracks 3, 9
Joakim Svalberg - keyboards
Patrick Johansson - drums |
 | 1. Locked & Loaded
You're a hypocrite.
What you say and do are not the same.
Now you're to blame.
And you're paranoid.
To live will cost you.
But to die is free.
Oh yes, indeed.
You've got a head full of lead.
Yeah that's what I said.
You've got a head full of lead.
And now you're dea |
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 Новый альбом легендарного мастера-виртуоза гитары представляет собой логическое продолжение его предыдущего альбома "Attack!!". Для тех, кто не в курсе, поясню: хард-рок (иногда на стыке с power), с соответствующим вокалом и неизменными неоклассическими композиционными элементами, которыми славится господин Malmsteen. Быстрые песни чередуются со среднетемповыми, в это все ненавязчиво вкрапливаются инструментальные пьесы (их на альбоме целых 4). К недостаткам альбома (по моему субъективному мнению) можно отнести традиционную проблему Мальмстина второй половины 90-х со звуком: излишне громыхающие и объемные ударные. Из песен особо хочется отметить "Crown of Thorns", "Revolution" и "Paraphrase". |
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Что нового можно ждать от свежего студийного альбома величайшего мучителя электрогитары всех времен и народов - Ингви Мальмстина? Кто сказал ничего? Садись, пять! Ведь действительно, где то с конца 90-ых годов прошлого столетия, лидер и основатель неоклассического хэви метала медленно, но верно превратился в пародию на самого себя. Теперь поиздеваться над количеством "Ролексов" на руках Ингви, его коллекцией "Фендеров", а также над его фирменным стилем игры стало чем-то вроде хорошего тона. Но впрочем, самому маэстро на это, похоже, глубоко наплевать. Возродив шесть лет назад свою старую группу Rising Force, он выпустил под этоим логотипом вот уже четвертый (и восьмой в общем командном зачете) абсолютно стандартный альбом, который язык не поворачивается порекомендовать кому-либо кроме преданных фэнов (которых, правда, до сих пор весьма и весьма немало). Как обычно, несмотря на наличие множества талантливых музыкантов, Ингви предпочитает делать большинство дел сам. На "Unleash The Fury" он прописал все гитары, весь бас, ситар, большинство клавишных инструментов, и даже лично исполнил партии лид вокала в двух песнях! Ну а основная нагрузка по части пения по-прежнему во владении Дуги Уайта, который справился с ней очень и очень достойно. Его красивый и мощный голос может стать отличным поводом еще раз послушать этот диск. Правда, как я уже сказал, наклейка "For Fans Only" таким работам просто необходима. Ну, скажите мне, кто кроме них сможет выдержать 72 минуты звучания и аж 18 треков, отличия между которыми довольно минимальны? А уж если сравнить "Unleash The Fury" с любым из последних трех студийников маэстро, то и вовсе выяснится что звук опять какой-то грязноватый, клавиш опять почти не слышно, и весь упор делается на повсеместное выделение узнаваемых с первого аккорда воздушных гитарных гармоний и ультраскоростных соло Ингви. Из большого числа композиций мне запомнились ударный открывающий боевик "Locked And Loaded", парочка весьма приятных мелодичных номеров "Crown Of Thorns" и "Russian Roulette", ураганный трек "Beauty And A Beast", и, наконец, единственная необычная песня на диске - мощный и тяжелый хоррор-качум "The Bogeyman", редкое проявление оригинальности в музыке этого шведского музыканта, ведь эта вещь чуть ли не целиком построена на низкой и давящей на мозги партии бас гитары! Также в наличии четыре инструментала (причем два из них - опять обработки Баха), которые придутся по вкусу всем любителям виртуозной техники маэстро. Да и в целом, фанаты не будут обижены. Музыка, конечно, качественная, но только для них она и предназначена. Тем не менее, диск однозначно – самый удачный в новейшей истории Rising Force, хотя до уровня работ 80-ых годов ему еще ой как далеко! (Диск предоставлен компанией Soyuz Music) |
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Вот он – новый альбом основателя neo classic metal’a, самого титулованного гитариста, музыканта который не меняет звучание и стиль на протяжение долгих лет и просто одного из моих любимых исполнителей, Ингви Мальмстина.
Как всегда техника игры поражает воображение. Жесткая ритм-секция, виртуозные и искромётные соло маэстро, игра Мальмстина на куче разных инструментов, замечательный вокал Дуги Вайта, рок-интерпритации классических произведений Баха, CD-ROM секция с показательным выступлением Величайшего Мучителя Гитары… Короче, гитаристу или фанату Мальмстина есть на что посмотреть. Особенно бросаются в глаза песни, где Ингви сам записал вокал.
Качество записи как всегда на должном уровне. В общем, в этом можно было и не сомневаться. Очевидных ляпов я не заметил, песни записаны «как надо».
С самого начала прослушивания альбома понимаешь одну мысль, что Мальмстин нам Америки не откроет и будет играть так же как играл 10, а то и больше, лет назад. Но разве это так плохо? Metallica вон на альбомах начиная с "Load" такого наворотила, что некоторых чуть инфаркт не хватил. Лично мне этот альбом понравился, несмотря на его затянутость.
Хоть Мальмстина и пинают за то что он не меняет свой стиль и якобы каждый раз записывает одно и тоже, любая работа чем-то похожая на работы маэстро признаётся грубым плагиатом. Отсюда следует, что Мальмстин создал свой уникальный стиль и поэтому не надо трогать Ингви из-за его неповторимости.
Как уже писалось выше, из песен можно выделить классику в рок обработке, песни с вокалом Мальмстина и так же мои любимые песни с этого альбома "Cracking The Whip" и "Unleash The Fury".
Теперь подведём итог. Если вы гитарист и поклонник Мальмстина однозначно must have.
Если же вы таковым не являетесь можете просто купить и послушать. Может быть понравится. |
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Восьмой альбом Rising Force. Радует, что на него есть рецензии, значит, народу нравится. И не может не нравиться, ведь альбом очень крепкий! Касаемо состава, то тут практически без изменений, только клавишники сменились – вместо звёздного Дерека Шериньяна пришёл Йоаким Свалберг. Особой разницы я не заметил, поэтому ничего плохого или хорошего о новом музыканте сказать не могу. Звук тоже слегка погрубел, стал более громким, что ли… Но зато Ингви написал огромную гору песен, среди которых также немало классных. Например, открывающая «Locked аnd Loaded», победная «Revolution», тяжёленные «Cracking the Whip» и «The Bogeyman», фирменные боевики «Crown of Thorns» и «Beauty аnd а Beast», оптимистичный номер «Let the Good Times Roll», шикарная инструменталка «Magic аnd Mayhem», среднетемповый трек «The Hunt» и финальная инструменталка «Paraphrase», от которой мне почему-то сразу вспоминается какой-нибудь средневековый бал и много людей в различных костюмах :) Рецензия получилась маленькой, потому что уже, в общем-то, всё сказали выше. Скоро должен выйти новый альбом, на котором будет абсолютно новый состав, и одним из его участников будет звёздный вокалист Тим Оуэнс (Judas Priest, Iced Earth). Будем ждать и оценивать! |
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просмотров: 17203 |
Cause I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
It's not acceptable.
You have no excuse for what you did.
Now you must surrender.
And it's impossible.
You can't comprehend the greatest sin.
You must remember.
You've got a head full of lead.
Yeah that's what I said.
You've got a head full of lead.
And now you're dead.
'Cause I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
[guitar solo]
Don't hold your breath.
Just throw the dice.
And will claim my prize.
Oh yes indeed.
You've got a head full of lead.
Yeah that's what I said.
You've got a head full of lead.
And now you're dead.
'Cause I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
I'm locked & loaded.
2. Revolution
And now the end begins.
The world is dying from within.
But the game is still the same.
Just different players.
To fuel the flames.
Now is the time to shed our skin.
And we must repent our sins.
It's a revolution.
It's been brewing much too long.
As a new age dawns.
It's a phenomenon.
In the calm before the storm.
Our spirits must be free to roam.
Out of chaos we will rise.
There's no time for compromise, No!
It's a revolution.
In this relentless quest.
There's no time to lose.
We must pass the test.
We will weld this power.
And win this battle.
In our finest hour.
Then your death will be glorious.
As we stand victorious.
It's a revolution.
[guitar solo]
It's a revolution.
3. Cracking The Whip
Well, you have always been too slow.
And you have always been too late.
You should have known oh so long ago.
That your life is at stake.
'Cause you never could keep up.
And you never read the signs.
Now you are turning dust to dust.
You are running out of time.
Cracking the whip.
It's a new kind of pain.
Cracking the whip.
Don't try in vain.
Well, you were always in despair.
And it seems like you were born to lose.
Now you are dying but no one cares.
You're just a cannon on the loose.
Look's like you missed the boat.
And you didn't catch that train.
Now you're crying and trying, in vain.
You just can't take the pain.
Cracking the whip.
It's a new kind of pain.
Cracking the whip.
Don't try in vain.
Cracking the whip.
It's a new kind of pain.
Cracking the whip.
Don't try in vain.
[guitar solo]
Cracking the whip.
Cracking the whip.
Cracking the whip.
It's a new kind of pain.
Cracking the whip.
Don't try in vain
4. Winds Of War (Invasion)
I can feel them, they're here.
The howling winds of war.
You can sense them.
They are bad omens.
You can see the death dealing hordes.
And for eons now.
Since the dawn of time.
Round and round it goes.
Since long before us.
The winds of war.
The winds of war.
There's no reason.
There's no rhyme.
They will bring eternal night.
Oh no!
It's too late to turn back now.
A soldier lives to die.
And now for all to behold.
It's the moment of truth.
Here are the sons of Babylon's whore.
The winds of war.
The winds of war.
[guitar solo]
The winds of war.
The winds of war.
The winds of war.
The winds of war.
5. Crown Of Thorns
You've always shared the light.
Although you could clearly see the sacrifice.
Preaching wrong from right.
Prosecution was the story of your life.
The blood money paid.
A kiss betrayed.
To be crucified.
And for thirty silver pieces.
For our sins he died.
To wear the crown of thorns.
It was his destiny.
And now the curtain is drawn.
And I can see the moment of some kind of truth.
They nailed you to the cross.
Although you walked the righteous path since your birth.
The blood money paid.
A kiss betrayed.
In this final hour.
To be crucified.
And for thirty silver pieces.
For our sins he died.
To wear the crown of thorns.
It was his destiny.
[guitar solo]
To be crucified.
And for thirty silver pieces.
For our sins he died.
To wear the crown of thorns.
It was his destiny.
To be crucified.
It was his destiny
6. The Bogeyman
Late at night I like to hide.
I dwell inside the shadows.
But I wasn't always this alive.
Since you hung me from the gallows.
You know I love the night.
And I love the darkness.
As I cruise along the highway.
Now there is no more light.
And there is no more sweetness.
I will always have it my way.
Well, I am the ghost inside your head.
And I will rock your world from dusk to dawn.
Don't you cry for those who bled.
Cause I will rock your world from dusk to dawn.
I am the bogeyman.
Well don't believe in what you see.
And don't believe in what you hear.
Don't you worry, it's only me.
And I am the sum of all your fears.
Well, I am the ghost inside your head.
And I will rock your world from dusk to dawn.
Don't you cry for those who bled.
Cause I will rock your world from dusk to dawn.
I am the bogeyman, And I'm no holyman.
I am the bogeyman.
I am the bogeyman.
[guitar solo]
I am the bogeyman.
I am the bogeyman.
And I'm no holyman.
I am the bogeyman
7. Beauty And A Beast
She takes my breath away.
My lady in red.
And I know the game she plays.
Always lining the red.
She's got curves.
To make a grown man cry.
She blows my mind.
I will make her mine.
I will never cease.
She's a beauty and a beast.
Oh lord she looks so fine.
My one and only queen.
And I love the way she shines.
My mean machine.
Wind in my hair.
We'll fly without a care.
It's liquid speed.
This royal steed will never cease.
She's a beauty and a beast.
She's got curves.
To make a grown man cry.
She blows my mind.
I will make her mine.
I will never cease.
She's a beauty and a beast.
[guitar solo]
And now she is unleashed.
This metal horse.
We're burning down the street.
A true tour de force.
She's got curves.
To make a grown man cry.
She blows my mind.
I will make her mine.
I will never cease.
She's a beauty and a beast
8. Fuguetta
9. Cherokee Warrior
You know what I'm talking about.
Yeah that's right.
Well, many years ago.
There was a man.
He was doing things.
That no one could seem to understand.
But those times were strained.
Some things went bad, I can't explain no.
All I know for sure is.
His spirit still remains.
Cherokee warrior.
You lost the battle, that's for sure oh no!
But what you left behind.
Let me tell you, is still shining.
Cherokee warrior.
You lost the battle, that's for sure oh no!
But what you left behind.
But what you left behind.
It's still shining.
When you came out of nowhere.
You set the world ablaze.
But you didn't belong here.
So you left us all amazed.
In our hearts your still alive.
Though you tasted all the forbidden fruit.
Now it's so hard to describe.
Why in the end you had to lose.
Cherokee warrior.
You lost the battle, that's for sure oh no!
But what you left behind.
Let me tell you, is still shining.
Cherokee warrior.
You lost the battle, that's for sure oh no!
But what you left behind.
But what you left behind.
It's still shining.
[guitar solo]
Cherokee warrior.
You lost the battle, that's for sure oh no!
But what you left behind.
Let me tell you, is still shining.
Cherokee warrior.
You lost the battle, that's for sure oh no!
But what you left behind.
But what you left behind.
It's still shining.
Still shining
10. Guardian Angel
11. Let The Good Times Roll
I'm casting pearls before the swine.
I think I must be losing my mind.
You tried to leave me high and dry.
Yes you nearly left me to die.
Sticks and stones may break my bones.
But your words, they never hit home.
Time to say good-bye to all the pain.
And chase away the rain.
Now there is wind in my sails.
And I cannot fail.
Let the good times roll.
Let the good times roll.
I'm a soldier and I will fight.
On through the darkness and into the light.
Now the ace is up my sleeve.
It's so good it's hard to believe.
I will take the journey to the end.
Until there is nothing left for you to defend.
Now the tables are being turned.
And it's time for you to burn.
Now there is wind in my sails.
And I cannot fail.
Let the good times roll.
Let the good times roll.
[guitar solo]
Let the good times roll.
Let the good times roll.
Let the good times roll
12. Revelation (Drinking With The Devil)
You always hypnotized.
But now I realize.
That I have been drinking with the devil.
Well, I must lift this curse.
It went from bad to worse.
My over flowing cup is filled again.
It's so hard to tell you no.
"My friend let's have another".
Why do you tempt me so?
Be gone you bottled demon.
Be gone!!
I've seen the darkness visions.
Inside my lonely prison.
You show no mercy, you're my nemesis.
Well, I'll take the consequence.
My bleeding soul will mend.
Now I have saved myself from myself.
I'm never giving in.
I'm delivered from this evil.
You'll lose and I will win.
So say my revelation.
[guitar solo]
Because you lied.
I almost died.
But I know you well.
So go back to hell
13. Magic And Mayhem
14. Exile
No longer I roam on the shores that I love.
The ship that I am sailing is lost at sea.
Lord knows I long for the blue skies above.
You know, home is where the heart is.
Why can't you see?
But now there are asking questions.
So be careful for what you say.
"Step into room sixteen, sir".
Please come right this way.
Because you are in exile.
Exile no!!
I cannot believe they are wasting my time.
Please tell me what is happening.
Cause I don't have a clue.
It's so hard to conceive that I'm still standing in line.
I'm feeling so lonely, I could cry the blues.
But then there is a ray of hope somewhere.
At least that's what they always say.
Again "step into room sixteen, sir".
Because you are in exile.
Exile no!!
[guitar solo]
15. The Hunt
Now you look away.
Onto the horizon.
Kneel and pray.
You better pray for your life.
Piece by piece.
It all becomes clearer.
Now the chains are off.
And the demons are here.
See no evil.
Hear no evil.
Speak no evil.
Oh no.
The structure falls.
As the spell has been broken.
Now the hunt begins.
The tempest is near.
Now there is no doubt.
You will fall their prey.
There's no way out.
Your soul can't be saved.
See no evil.
Hear no evil.
Speak no evil.
Oh no.
[guitar solo]
It will all turn to ashes.
As they are burning it down.
It will all come to pass.
And they will be taking you down.
So now the hunters ride.
And soon they will be upon you.
The wall will rise again.
You better pray for your soul.
See no evil.
Hear no evil.
Speak no evil.
Oh no
16. Russian Roulette
Well, beggars can't be choosers.
But winners can be losers.
Now you're all dressed up.
With nowhere to go.
Just let the good times roll.
As the night unfolds.
You're like a loaded gun.
You're on the run.
You are all alone.
And there's no more bets.
You're in the danger zone.
This is Russian roulette.
Eye for an eye.
Life on the street.
I've got some humble pie.
For you to eat.
Try it again.
It's no sweat.
Try it my friend.
It's Russian roulette.
It's Russian roulette.
I can see you laughing now.
But you'll cry much later.
Cause I hold the power of your fate.
The bullet is in the chamber.
But now you are feeling strange.
You can't be very wise.
Cause this is suicide.
You are all alone.
And there's no more bets.
You're in the danger zone.
This is Russian roulette.
Eye for an eye.
Life on the street.
I've got some humble pie.
For you to eat.
Try it again.
It's no sweat.
Try it my friend.
It's Russian roulette.
It's Russian roulette.
[guitar solo]
You are all alone.
And there's no more bets.
You're in the danger zone.
This is Russian roulette.
Eye for an eye.
Life on the street.
I've got some humble pie.
For you to eat.
Try it again.
It's no sweat.
Try it my friend.
It's Russian roulette.
It's Russian roulette
17. Unleash The Fury
Once upon a time.
So many centuries ago.
The blind would lead the blind.
To sell their souls.
To be worshiping the dark.
And to burn for eternity.
With sacrifice of blood.
The fools will bleed.
Unleash the fury.
Free the beast.
You must heed the story.
Told by the priests.
Ring the doomsday bells.
Raising hell.
For this world I sing.
Oh so sad a requiem.
Now there is nothing that can bring.
Bring it back again.
Unleash the fury.
Free the beast.
You must heed the story.
Told by the priests.
Ring the doomsday bells.
Raising hell.
[guitar solo]
Unleash the fury.
Free the beast.
You must heed the story.
Told by the priests.
Ring the doomsday bells.
Raising hell.
[guitar solo]
18. Paraphrase