 Urgehal – одна из наименее известных и признанных банд из Норвегии, исполняющая чёрный металл. Тем не менее, на мой взгляд, Urgehal является на сегодняшний день одной из наиболее выдающихся команд норвежского подполья. Urgehal существует с 1995 года и имеет в своём активе четыре полноформатные работы: «Arma Christi» 1997 года и «Massive Terrestial Strike» 1998 года, выпущенных No Colours Records; рассматриваемый релиз 2001года, изданный норвежским лейблом Flesh for Beast Records; и, наконец, работу 2003 года «Through Thick Fog Till Death», вышедшую на Agonia Records. По андерграунду упорно витает неподтверждённая информация а том, что участники Urgehal были задействованы в великолепном проекте Kvist до его распада в 1995. Тяжело сказать так это на самом деле или нет, слухи есть слухи. Музыка же Urgehal абсолютно ничем не схожа с музыкой Kvist. Urgehal исполняет яростный, ненавистный и богохульный чёрный металл без какой-либо романтики и использования клавишных. Когда слушаешь этот релиз, то создаётся впечатление, что на дворе середина девяностых прошлого века, а не начало третьего тысячелетия. На слушателя обрушивается смертоносный шквал северного чёрного металла, которым некогда так прославилась Норвегия. Музыка напоминает адскую смесь из лучших моментов зрелого Gorgoroth, позднего Tulus и отличной финской команды Horna. Трое музыкантов Trondr Nefas, Messiah, Uruz записали эту работу в малоизвестной Mehlum Studio, но создаётся впечатление, что всё было записано в старой доброй Grieghallen Studio: невольно встают призраки того же Gorgoroth, Mayhem и т.д. Вывод: нечестивый северный чёрный металл в своём первозданном виде. |
Gazing towards the sky
Hundreds and hundreds
Standing in some kind of trance
It's the atomkinder dance
Some of them are grown together
Like siamese twins
With brownish liquid dripping
From boils in their skin
Primitive in structure
primitive in mind
One thing to live for
Destroy mankind
Stripped for feelings
Stripped for fear
Must have revenge
It's the children born of the atombomb
The children of mankind
2. Nocturnal Revelation
[lyrics by Ravenloft]
Not a star did shine that night
Only the fullmoon erupted the jetblack sky
As we stood and watched from the top of the hill
It's light guided us through the valley of death
And the mirror in the lake
As wolfs at night we howled at the fullmoon
Our bodies stretched to touch it's glance
Out of reach from our mortal grasp we cry our pain
And pray for release of our earthly confinement
And haunted voices chilled our skin
As eagles we flew over the vast plains
The nocturnal landscape laid spread beneath us
Our eyes flashed through the eerie of the dark
The frost laid like layers around our souls
And forever we shall rule the world
There has always been a night such as this
I wield my blade with pride
Our souls at one with the dark
My will is the law
And before none we kneel
I know now who I am
It's clear written in the stars
I know now and I have always been
A whore to demonic works
3. Through The Grace Of Hell
[lyrics by T Nefas 2000]
The dance of the swaying trees
In the holocaust winds
The morning song of the swans
Their wings covered with oil
The flowers that used to grow
Has withered into toxic mud
The rain that pounds to the ground
Are angels tears for our world who died
The snow falls silent from the clouds
The nuclear winter has arrived
Humanity lies sunbathing in cancer rays
Just like children lying rotten in the street
Through the grace of Hell
A voyage through a desert landscape
Through the grace of Hell
The shreds of mankind
Through the grace of Hell
A planet of death
Through the grace of Hell
Pure satanic holocaust
Welcome to the dead zoo
The museum of time
Behold the rise of the sulphur desert
4. Nyx
[lyrics by T.L. Messiah '97]
You were not jesus neither god
You were the crucifer not the crucified
Oh you showed me the right pain
When I was in despair
Ghastly night of hate and horror
Fortify me and feed my desperation
Oh Nyx mother of death
Sister of darkness
Spread your black wings
And drown Heimera
Oh Luna you're the black night's eye
Who fills us with hunger
Feel my power
Feel my craft
I'm no longer me
I'm blasphemy
Come on haunt me you endless night
So we can become one forever
5. Ripping Corpse
[lyrics by Mille Petrozza '86]
He came from the east with weapons full of blood from newborn children
Now he's here in your town to kill you, die at once
Until today you've lived your live without any sorrow
At home you've got your child and wife, but what will come tomorrow
Await the death by the blade
Run before it's too late
Await the axe in your back
As the Ripping Corpse attack
You begin to sweat, you begin to cry
As you watch this scene
At first you see your children die
You wish it was a dream
He eats the heart of your wife
And rips her cunt inside
You know now it's your turn
The others have already died
Now he's close to you
His eyes are cold and cruel
Fear is in your heart
His might will rip you apart
Eternal horror, eternal horror
Eternal wickedness, eternal death
Life taking bloodrain neverending death-pain
No one will care when you die
6. Antichrist
[lyrics by Max Cavalera, '85]
Born from Hell
The supreme force of evil
To destroy the altar
And slaughter the christian's born
Churches will be destroyed
Crosses will be brocken
He's laughing in blasphemy
Like a domination of death
The war is started
Heavens on fire
From the deep of Hell
Leaving words of hate
The terror is declared
The final fight started
The Antichrist and Lucifer
Fighting with angels and God
7. Bleed Suffer Die
[lyrics by T Nefas]