« Universal Migrator I - The Dream Sequencer »
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1 | The Dream Sequencer
 | 2 | My House On Mars
 | 3 | 2084
 | 4 | One small step
 | 5 | The Shooting Company Of Captain Frans B.Cocq
 | 6 | Dragon Of The Sea
 | 7 | Temple Of The Cat
 | 8 | Carried By The Wind
 | 9 | And The Druids Turn To Stone
 | 10 | The First Man On Earth
 | 11 | The Dream Sequencer Reprise |
Johan Edlund
Floor Jansen
Lana Lane
Edward Reekers
Jacqueline Govaert
Arjen Lucassen
Damian Wilson
Neal Morse
Mark McCrite
Arjen Anthony Lucassen
Rob Snijders
Erik Norlander
Clive Nolan |
All songs written by A.A. Lucassen except:
"My House On Mars" - vocal melody by J. Edlund,
"Dragon Of The Sea" - lyrics by E. Norlander,
"The First Man On Earth" - lyrics by N. Morse/E.
Norlander/A.A. Lucassen.
Recorded at the 'Electric Castle1, Holland.
Produced by Arjen Lucassen.
Mixed at R529 by Oscar Holleman and A.A.Lucassen.
Assisting engineer: Stephen van Haestregt.
Drums recorded at RS 29.
Neal Morse, Lana Lane, Erik Norlander and Mark
McCrite at
The Walden West Recorder, aus Ulm, eh… USA.
Clive Nolan at The Thin Ice Studio, England.
Layout by Jacques Marcoux.
Electronic paste-up by Alain Chouinard.
Technical assistance by Nathalie Cote.
Cover painting by Jef Bertels.
Inside photo of Arjen by Stefan Schipper.
Mastered by Peter van't Riet at Sound Factory. |
 | 1. The Dream Sequencer
"It is the 22nd century. I am the last of the Mars Colonists. The air
supply has almost run out on this desolate Mars colony, and the food
supplies from Earth have stopped arriving since the final war of 2084. I
am walking through the tunnel towards our recreation machin |
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 Да, действительно это стоит послушать. Космогонная опера, если хотите, сдобренная кучей электроники и прекрасными мелодиями. Да, в проекте задействовано много музыкантов, но Эдлунд тут не супер, как многие писали - кроме него хватает прекрасных вокалистов. Очень понравился трек "One Small Step" - вокал и музыка очень напомнила Dream Theater "Falling Into Infinity". Вообще, альбом полон прекрасной музыки, начиная от дума, арт-рока, и заканчивая прогрессивом и некоторой попсовостью (в хорошем смысле этого слова). Естественно, все это крутится вокруг основной темы - футуристических картин космоса. Для меня это альбом года в прогрессиве (и около него) - даже Dream Thеater последний отдыхает =) |
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Очередной концептуальный шедевр Арьена Люкассена. На этот раз проникнутый футуризмом и космосом.
Если сравнивать с "The Final Experiment", то здесь музыка более напичкана электронными фишками (хотя, казалось бы, куда уж больше ;).
Опять на вокале собрана куча разнообразного народа, среди которого мне все же наиболее понравился Эдланд (да и по музыке песнь "My House Of Mars" - явный Тиамат).
В музыке наличествует целая куча реально симфонических фишек, отличная атмосфера, куча идей (правда, Пинк Флойдом немного всё же отдает - куда ж без этого ;).
Но релиз замечательный. Отлично вписалась в концептуальную канву нового альбома последняя ария из "The Final Experiment".
Даже несуразные бэк-вокальные бабские хоры, проявляющиеся довольно часто, не портят впечатления. Музыка будущего. |
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Во ! Дошло наконец до нас творение Арйена Лукасена, часть первая. Вторая часть - это та, где отметились все выдающиеся вокалисты и музыканты 90-х. Первая часть была предусмотрена атмосферной, поэтому тут прогрессив очень близок к арт-року, спасибо Клайву Нолану. Примечательно то, что в составе кучи народа, что учавствовала в записи, засветился и Йохан Эдлунд, и еще пара думовых музыкантов и вокалисток. Музыка, как обычно, идеальна. |
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Странно, зачем здесь разделилии альбом на две части - он давно продается в одном флаконе. Ну да ладно. Отличный альбом от признанных мастеров жанра по руководством талантливого голландца. Совершенно не понимаю, почему Ayreon относят к прогрессиву. На мой взгляд, это очень красивый, в меру помпезный и весьма атмосферный хэви, с очень заметным влиянием хард-рока а-ля Rainbow. Для прогрессива же музыка группы слишком прямолинейна. Слушается все это великолепие просто прекрасно, песни очень насыщены, концепция, как говорится, так и прет, при этом все это абсолютно не грузит, как часто бывает с монументальными произведениями, короче говоря, одно удовольствие. |
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просмотров: 29844 |
Dream Sequencer. I hope it will sweeten my final days..."
[Lana Lane (voice)]
(Dream sequencer system online)
Good morning colonist. You have selected the Universal Migrator program.
Please lie down in the energy tank and place the electrodes on your temples.
Think of your designation number and drink the fluid from the vessel at the left
(Program loaded, commencing U.M. preincarnation protocol)
Now focus on the music as I take you back to your chilhood......and beyond.....
2. My House On Mars
"It is the end of the 21st Century. I have returned to my own childhood. I remember it
all as the Dream Sequencer images mix with my own recollections. This is the day my
sister and I realised that we would never see the planet Earth."
[Johan Edlund, Floor Jansen]
Daddy where are you now
Forgot about your vow?
You promised you'd return and take me to Earth
Did you have to fight that war
What was it all for?
The honor of one's name, what is it worth?
I'm all alone - we're all alone
My future's unknown - our future's unknown
I reach out to the stars out here in my house on Mars
Mother did you hear me cry?
You never told me why
You put me in this world of rock and dust
No friends for playing games
No foes who scorn my name
Computerized machines of steel and rust
Is this my home? - this is our home
This desolate dome - this desolate dome
I call out to the stars: I'm alone in my house on Mars
I'll never smell the ocean breeze
I'll never climb the highest trees
I'll never feel the burning sun
I'll never meet my chosen one... in my house
Daddy I forgive you now
You could not keep your vow
You will never return, I'll never see Earth
My time has come - our time has come
I'm emotionally numb - emotionally numb
I'm headed for the stars, I'm leaving my house on Mars
No friends in my house on Mars
No foes in my house on Mars
I was born in my house on Mars
I will die in my house on Mars
3. 2084
"It is the 21st century. The Final Experiment has failed. The final devastating war that
was foretold by the blind minstrel Ayreon has indeed come to pass. The war has destroyed
all life on Earth, making it completely uninhabitable. I hover above my own dead body..."
[Lana Lane]
Silence fills the air
Echoes fade away
Of sadness and despair
On that cruel and fateful day
My body lies motionless
Upon the kitchen floor
The Earth has died, the world's at rest
Many centuries ago
In a dark enchanted land
Our fate had been foretold
By a poor misguided man
We carried on down the road we chose
The path of nevermore
The journey ends, the book is closed
And now I have to leave, my work on earth is done
I'm heading for the planet known as Mars
To the last of its race, the final newborn son
Before I start my voyage to the stars
4. One Small Step
"It is the 20th century. I am a little boy peacefully asleep. My father comes to wake me
so that I can witness an historic event in the finite story of mankind."
[Edward Reekers, Lana Lane]
On an early summer morning, July '69
As I dream of the planets
I hear a voice softly whisper: 'son, it is time
It's happening soon'
It's a quarter to four now and he carries me down
To our place by the telly
I see lights on in houses all over town
For the man on the Moon
One small step for man
But a giant leap for mankind
The mighty Apollo prevailed
The Eagle has landed
I go back to my warm bed, back to my dreams
But not the one of the planets
I decided this morning I don't want to be
The man on the Moon
As I lie here in this cold tank, living a dream
I'm the last on the planets
I decided this morning I don't want to be
The man on Mars
5. The Shooting Company Of Captain Frans B. Coco
"It is the 17th century. I am a noble ensign-bearer posing with my guild for the Dutch
master painter, Rembrandt van Rijn, in Amsterdam."
[Mouse, Lana Lane]
I'm standing proud
In this noble crowd
My banner raised high the coat of arms of Amsterdam
To the mystic sky a magic light enchants the land
We're marching on
The shooting company of Captain Frans B. Cocq
My uniform shines the livery of a high-born man
The Claw-guild signs immortalized by the master's hand
Light and shade with colors rich and brushwork bold
Night and day with shadows black and amours gold
We're marching on
The shooting company of Captain Frans B. Cocq
I'm standing proud
In this noble crowd
In our golden age eternalized by the artist's hand
A glorious page in the history of our tiny land
We're marching on
Up to the battlefield to where the spirits walk
The shooting company of Captain Frans B. Cocq
6. Dragon On The Sea
"It is the 16th century. I am Queen Elizabeth sending out the brave Sir Francis Drake to
defend the English realm against the invading armada."
[Lana Lane]
Times are dark now, our empire's gone astray
Forces from down south, armada on the way
So we call our greatest men to run the barricade
Shine your light where shadows fall and wash the night away
Sail on for your queen
Sail into history
You will never be the same
Sail on for country
Into our memory
Time will remember your name
Dragon on the sea
Fires burn now in once our tranquil bays
Tall ships that rain down thunderbolts and flames
Go and raise your pirate flag, cast the lines away
Take your fleet where darkness falls and turn the night to day
The sun never sets on the empire won
But wise men say never say never
It slips through our hands just like sand in sun
We thought it would go on forever
Dragon ships they keep on sailing, on to Nova Albion
While the waking world is sleeping, dragon ships are sailing on
7. Temple Of The Cat
"It is the 8th century. I am a Mayan girl heading for the Jaguar Temple in Tikal on the
central American continent."
[Jacqueline Govaert]
Shine down on me, Sun of the Underworld
Set me free, chase away the night
Proud Jaguar, king of the Mayan Gods
Shining star, light up the sky
And guide me to the Temple of the Cat
Heart-of-Sky, Maker and Hurricane
Mighty eye, harvester of life
We were born solely to speak your name
Bring the dawn, we'll praise the sky
Here inside the Temple of the Cat
Upon his throne the High priest addressed the crowd
Now carved in stone his holy name
Beads of jade adorn his cotton shroud
His silvery blade on a golden chain
He lies here in the Temple of the Cat, dead
He will rise again from the Temple of the Cat
8. Carried By The Wind
"It is the 6th century. This is where it all began. My tired body has passed away, but my
once-tortured spirit is finally free now. My name is ... Ayreon."
[Arjen Lucassen]
I've crossed the edge where time disappears
My life has been taken by the charm of the seer
My conscience is clear, I committed no sin
My spirit roams free now, carried by the wind
My mission has failed, the spell has been cast
I wasn't the first one and I won't be the last
This can't be the end, so let it begin
My message will reach you, carried by the wind
Out here on Mars I now realize
Mankind has vanished, tears fill my eyes
There must be a world I can live in
My spirit will find it, carried by the wind
9. And The Druids Turn To Stone
"It is 2800 B.C. I quietly witness the astounding secret behind the creation of a
mysterious monument in Wiltshire, England."
[Damian Wilson]
The moon sheds no light on Salisbury plain
The day turns to night and the bonfires cease burning
The druids gather round and the chants fill the air
Their echoes resound and the living world stops turning
The magic words are spoken
As we leave the plain in silence
Now the circle stands alone
And the druids turn to stone
The dawn shines its light on Salisbury plain
The day floods the night with gilded rays of sunshine
The magic words were spoken
As we left the plain in silence
Then the circle stood alone
And the druids turned to stone
The rising sun is dancing on the edges of the stones
Casting shadows, creeping down the Avenue
Into the heart of the sarsen trilithons
I marvel at this mystery, beholder of the stars
A holy temple, a sacred burial ground
Guarding well its secrets from us all
10. The First Man On Earth
"It is 50000 B.C. The world is almost empty; nature is still untouched by man. Off in the
distance, a clan of ape-like creatures gather near a cliff side. But I am the first to
stand. I must be..."
[Neil Morse, Mark McCrite]
In fields of green, vast as the oceans
Is this a dream, is it evermore?
A million years, fast as a notion
I stand alone here on the silent shore
I'm after prey in the fields
Shelter in a cave from the cold and lonely nights
And now it all seems so real
Warming at the fireside beneath the pale moonlight
This is the dawn of time
I am the first to stand
Looking through the eyes of the primal man
This is the dawn of time
Witnessing the birth
I am the first man on earth
The skies of blue reach to the heavens
They go on and on forevermore
No avenues, no city sidewalks
Planet Mars is but ancient lore
This place has all that I need
No computers glowing screens, no industrial machines
Somehow it all seems surreal
Memories of days gone by, a slowly fading scene
No one here to blame me
No one here to hurt
So much space here to occupy my mind
I can breathe the breath of virgin land
The firefly at nighttime
The sounds of nothing known
And I belong here like I never have before
The wandering child returning home
When twilight falls, red is the sunset
Planets appear across the colored sky
No prison walls, no war, no bloodshed
Hard to believe this new world will die
I wish that I could stay for a while
In the dream world that the sequencer creates
And though it all seems so real
Now I fear the time is gone, I feel its heavy weight
Hold on to this moment in time
Savor a life how it used to be
Hold on to the world in its prime
Breathe in the air, feel the energy
11. The Dream Sequencer Reprise