« Asylum »
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   Paul Stanley - vocals, guitars
Bruce Kulick - guitars
Gene Simmons - vocals, bass
Eric Carr - drums
Guest musicians:
Jean Beauvoir - bass on "Uh! All Night" |
Produced by Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons
Recorded and Mixed at Electric Lady Studios, NYC, NY by Dave Wittman, assisted by Ed Garcia and Ken Steiger in June & July 1985
Additional Recording at Right Track Studios, NYC, NY |
 | KING OF THE MOUNTAIN - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Desmond Child
Come on
I'm gonna climb the mountain
I'm gonna hit the top
I wanna go where nobody's ever been
I'm never gonna stop
I'm gonna  |
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 Для подавляющего большинства слушателей Kiss всегда ассоциировались с гримом, взрывами, фейрверками и прочей мишурой, и бытует мнение, что в музыкальном плане группа ничего из себя не представляет. В опровержение этих необоснованных домыслов можно (и даже нужно) приводить этот альбом, один из моих любимых у Kiss. Все началось с просмотра шедеврального видео ''eXposed'', где три клипа, "Who Wants to Be Lonely", "Tears Are Falling" и "Uh! All Night", были взяты из этого альбома. На неокрепшую подростковую психику, не знакомую до этого ни с чем тяжелее Queen, эти вещи произвели неизгладимое впечатление. Эх, помнится, в классе 8-9-ом я каждое утро вставал и врубал этот альбом.
Эти три трека ("Who Wants to Be Lonely", "Tears Are Falling", "Uh! All Night"), конечно, и являются главными хитами альбома, но и другие от них не отстают. Великолепная скоростная "Any Way You Slice It", тягучая "Secretly Cruel", и заводящая с пол-оборота "I'm Alive" - настоящие глэм-роковые гимны, неподвластные времени. Неудивительно, что альбом мгновенно отхватил платину, чем хвастался Paul Stanley в ''eXposed''. Те, кто говорит, что Kiss - это не музыка, а просто шоу, после этого альбома могут совершить массовое самоубийство, ибо этот альбом интересен именно музыкальным содержанием, да и от грима группа вовремя отказалась (но как показало время, не навсегда). Великолепный релиз, и как мне кажется, последний выдающийся альбом Kiss. |
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В качестве этакой вершины, пика глэмовой карьеры Kiss в 80-ых, обычно рассматривают именно этот диск. И, надо сказать, совершенно заслуженно. Наконец то стабилизировав состав и приняв в ряды коллектива замечательного гитариста Брюса Кулика, Kiss сумели выпустить работу, которая не только утвердила их в роли и бывших и сегодняшних королей глэма, но и показала многим людям что группа и без своих масок дорогого стоит. Может по совпадению, а может быть и намеренно, именно в 1985 году также достиг своего пика сценический эпатаж музыкантов. Такие безумные наряды, какие Kiss носили в турне "Asylum" и (особенно!) в промо клипах того времени, заставят просто чахнуть от зависти самых популярных артистов на Американской рок сцене. Никаким Motley Crue или Poison даже и не снилось выступать в инкрустированных драгоценными камнями сапогах, чуть ли не в женских костюмах с плащами до пят, с драгоценными колье на шее и с висячими золотыми серьгами до плеч. Весь этот цирк (или как раз "психушка") приводили к Kiss толпы все новых и новых поклонников. К счастью, за ширмой великолепного шоу и первоклассных фото сессий, не спрятался серенький и блеклый альбом. "Asylum" просто-таки брызжет во все стороны этой самой атмосферой беззаботных 80-ых, когда глэм метал был на вершине популярности и носить ТАКИЕ костюмы на сцене не считалось признаком дебилизма. На этом диске все сделано на твердую пятерку - все инструменты четко и правильно прописаны, ну а сам материал не дает ни единой слабины и представляет нашему вниманию идеальные глэмовые песни. У Джина Симмонса особенно хорошо получились безумный боевик "Any Way You Slice It" и мелодичная "Trial By Fire". Ну а Пол Стэнли, как обычно, исполняет все главные хиты - помпезный открывающий эпик "King Of The Mountain", мощную и тяжелую композицию "Who Wants To Be Lonely", скоростной трек "I'm Alive", очень грустную и меланхоличную вещь "Tears Are Falling" и, наконец, совершенно великолепный гимн "Uh! All Night". В итоге, можно сказать, что этим диском Kiss окончательно закрепили за собой титул королей глэм метала. И прослушав "Asylum" несколько раз понимаешь - титул отдан не зря. |
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В 80-е годы глэм был в самом расцвете сил, тогда еще слушать Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, ну или как в нашем случае Kiss, было далеко не в диковинку. Все вышеперечисленные группы задавали тон всему глэм-движению. В 90-е годы эти группы поделятся своим местом со Skid Row и Poison, но толку от этого не будет никакого, всепоглощающая волна гранжа сметет на своем пути их всех.
Но вернемся от гранжевых 90-х к глэмовым 80-м. А конкретнее, к альбому Kiss "Asylum". Уволив капризного Винни Винсента ("Lick It Up"), Kiss наняли другого гитариста, Марка Ст. Джона ("Animalize"), которого они тоже выгнали и решили взять к себе гитариста Брюса Кулика, которого они все-таки не уволили. Если сравнить "Asylum" с "Animalize" или "Lick It Up", то можно заметить, что звучание стало более агрессивным, но немного приглушенным, в итоге получаем "золотую середину" между "Lick It Up", где звучание гитар и вокала было уж чересчур заглушено, и "Animalize", где звук был гладким и прилизанным (ковер на обложке не просто так изображен). А если сравнить "Asylum" с двумя предыдущими работами Kiss по качеству материала, то тут альбом делает резкий скачок вперед. Ни одной проходной композиции здесь вы не найдете. Главный хит альбома, "Uh! All Night" - песня, которую можно охарактеризовать, как "грязную", как по звучанию, так и по содержанию. Также стоит отметить композиции "King of the Mountain", "Any Way You Slice It", "I'm Alive" и "Tears Are Falling" - песни, которые тоже могут претендовать на звание хита. Остальные же треки тоже не стоит игнорировать, как я уже говорил, проходного материала здесь вы не найдете.
"Asylum" - один из альбомов Kiss глэм-металлического периода, который наряду с "Crazy Nights", "Revenge" и "Psycho Circus" делает имя Kiss, как одной из групп глэм-метала, на которой и держится жанр. |
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просмотров: 32892 |
I'm gonna hit the ground
I'm gonna shoot through the night like a shotgun
I'm gonna get on down
I wanna get on down
I'm the king of the mountain
I'm the king of the mountain
Don't try to save my soul from destruction
I'm never gonna fall
Don't try to give me no piece of the action
I'm gonna take it all
All the kings horses, all the kings men
We're gettin' crazy again and again
Make up your mind, it's time we get goin'
We're gonna get on down
We're gonna get on down
[Chorus] X2
(Yeah, now)
Ooooooh, (yeah)
King of the mountain
Say it (king of the mountain)
I'm the king of the mountain I'm the king of the mountain (yea-yeah)
I'm the king of the mountain
And the winner takes it all, let's go, let's go, let's go
ANY WAY YOU SLICE IT - Gene Simmons, Howard Rice
I caught the tail of a hurricane
And I've never ever been the same
I went out on a limb, gotcha under my skin (well alright)
You got dirt under your fingernails
What I'm thinkin' can land me in jail
Well, you're caught in this trap and you can never go back
Well, oh no no
I know you wanna cross the border and you know the doctor's orders
Well it's better late than never, can't stay innocent forever
It's alright, it's alright, yeah
Any way you slice it (any way you slice it)
You know you can't deny it (any way you slice it)
You're hot under the collar
Ain't your mother's little daughter anymore
Ooh, ain't no wolf on the corner, can't keep it in any longer
Well if you're lookin' for bliss
What I got you can't miss, well alright
When it works like a charm it'll do you no harm
You'll be in heaven tonight
I know you'll feel alright...
Any way you slice it (any way you slice it)
You know you can't deny it (any way you slice it)
I know what's in your heart, I know what's in your mind (Whoa)
I know you wanna cross the border and you know the doctor's orders
Well it's better late than never, can't stay innocent forever
No, no, no, no
Yeah, alright
Well, if I told you once, I told you twice
Just listen, babe, and take my advice
Why settle for seconds when you can have the best
So let me be your king bee, I want your hornets nest
Any way you slice it (any way you slice it)
You know you can't deny it (any way you slice it)
I know what's in your heart, I know what's in your mind, yeah
You know you ain't your mother's little daughter anymore
Any way, ooh hoo
WHO WANTS TO BE LONELY - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child, Jean Beauvoir
Ooh, you look good tonight
Standing there in your own world
Baby, talk to me with your eyes
Before the moment dies
I want to say to you
Time is just passing us by
You keep waiting for something called love
Wake up in the middle of the night
Nobody's gonna make it alright
Who wants to be lonely
Who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh
Who wants to be lonely
Who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh
Whoo-ooh, yeah
Open yourself to me
Let me show you what it can be like
Baby, giving it all that you've got
Nothing can hold you back
Some things can stand alone
A mountain can feel no desire
But a heart isn't made out of stone
Wake up in the middle of the night
Nobody's gonna make it alright
Who wants to be lonely, ooh
Who wants to be lonely, all by yourself
Who wants to be lonely, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Wake up in the middle of the night
Nobody's gonna make it alright
I want to say to you
Time is just passing us by
You keep waiting for something called love
(Ooh yeah) Who wants to be lonely
(Yeah) Who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh (tell me tonight)
(Yeah) Who wants to be lonely (oh yeah)
Who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh (tell me tonight)
(Tell me tonight) Who wants to be lonely (yeah)
Who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh (Tell me tonight, tell me)
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be with you tonight
TRIAL BY FIRE - Gene Simmons, Bruce Kulick
Only got one life to live, I'm gonna live it (oh yeah)
Some people say I go to far
I don't care, reachin' for the stars
Gonna climb that ladder to the top
Nothin' can stop me now
Well, look out world
'Cause here I come
(Oh yeah) oh yeah
Life's a trial by fire
I'm gonna live my life (oh yeah)
It's a trial by fire
So just roll the dice (oh yeah)
And I'll take what I get
Can't listen to nobody else
You just got to believe in yourself
They'll criticize you and lay down the law
They'll say, "just who do you think you are"?
Gonna live it till the rivers run dry
What've I got to lose
They just try and stop me
Go ahead and try
(Oh yeah) oh yeah
Life's a trial by fire
So I'm gonna live it up, oh yeah, oh yeah
Trial by fire
So just roll the dice, oh yeah, oh yeah
Trial by, trial by fire
Never gonna give it up, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
They say I'm crazy
They don't understand
They haven't got a clue, oh no
They say, "Tell me everything"
They say, "Let me hear you sing"
I say, "Tell you what I'm gonna do" (oh yeah)
'Cause I'm gonna live my life the way I want to
Live it, live it the way I want to
Trial by fire
I'm gonna live my life, oh yeah, oh yeah
Trial by, trial by fire
So just roll the dice, oh yeah, oh yeah
Trial by, trial by fire, fire
I'm gonna live it up, oh yeah, oh, oh, oh yeah
Trial by, yeah, fire, yeah
I'm gonna live it up, oh yeah
Trial by, yeah, yeah, fire, yeah
I'm gonna live my life, oh yeah
I'M ALIVE - Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, Desmond Child
Alright, let's get 'em, boys
Too many women, I've got too little time
I keep on tryin'
Man, if it kills me I know that I'll go
Dead stiff and smilin'
Oh, don't need no doctor puttin' me to bed
Give me the nurse and I'll make sure that she's fed
Don't need no doctor giving me pills
I'm hot enough to give you chills
Livin' life for love, I'm alive, I'm alive
I can't get enough (I can't get enough)
Get it right (right) I'm alive
Take a look in the Book of Love, man it's understood
Right to the letter
One pretty girl makes you feel pretty good
Two's even better
Oh, I learned my lesson, my golden rule
You know I made the teachers stay after school
Don't look for reasons, don't waste my time
I've got the goods to make you mine
Livin' life for love, I'm alive, yeah, I'm alive
I can't get enough (I can't get enough)
Get it right (right) I'm alive
You know baby, you make my heart beat, alright
Don't need no doctor
Take a look at the Book of Love, man it's understood
It ain't a crime to feel this good, no
Livin' life for love, I'm alive, yeah, I'm alive
I can't get enough (can't get enough)
Get it right (right) I'm alive
Sing it
Livin' life, livin' life for love, I'm alive, I'm alive
I can't get enough (can't get enough)
Get it right I'm alive (I'm alive)
Livin' life for love (livin' life for love)
Livin' life for love (I'm alive)
Livin' life for love, (yeah, can't get enough)
Livin' life for love (I'm alive, whoo)
Livin' life for love
LOVE'S A DEADLY WEAPON -Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Rod Swenson, Wes Beech
Ooh give it to me
I'm gettin' fired up
Hot thunder's flowin' through my blood
My temperature's risin', baby
I want the warmth of your touch
So get a grip
I'm hot on your heels
You're burnin' up 'cause you know just how it's gonna feel, oh yeah
And you just can't help yourself now, baby
'Cause this time it's real, ow
Love's a deadly weapon
And murder's on my mind
Time you learned a lesson
Gonna love you this time
Like sugar to a baby, yeah
Got something you could use
Make you an offer, baby
You can't refuse
There you stand all dressed in red
I got this feelin' in me
Can't get you out of my head
One day you say you hate me
But I found you in my bed, yeah
Love's a deadly weapon
And murder's on my mind
I'm burnin' up with fever
I'm gonna love you this time
[Solo] Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna love this time, yeah, yeah, yeah
Love's a deadly weapon
And murder's on my mind
I'm burnin' up with fever
I wanna love you, I wanna love you, yeah
One more time, ow
I read your mind like an open book
You lost your fire in your eyes
You turn to me with a different look
And then it's raining, looks like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling
Something is wrong as I hold you near
Somebody else holds your heart (yeah)
You look at me with your eyes in tears
And then it's raining, feels like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling (whoo oh)
Oh no, tears are falling (whoo oh)
I saw you cry
And now it's raining (yeah)
Looks like it's raining (someone stole your heart)
And now it's raining, feels like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling (whoo oh)
Oh no, tears are falling (someone stole your heart)
Oh no, tears are falling (they're falling from your eyes)
Oh no, tears are falling (no no, falling from your eyes)
Oh no, tears are falling
(Oh no, no, falling, oh, they're falling from your eyes)
Oh no, tears are falling (oh no, no, falling from your eyes)
Oh no, tears are falling
I saw my pictures hangin' on her wall
She cut it out of a magazine
It was a hot day, she wore lingerie
And nothin' else in between, ooh
She had long hair and thigh high snake skin boots
And she was all over me like a cheap suit
Then she bared herself, aha
And stripped my soul
Began to shake, rattle, and roll
Then I took control, yeah
But I know she's secretly cruel
I ain't nobody's fool
Yeah, I know she's secretly cruel
Just when I though it was safe
She puts her lips to my face
She's secretly, secretly cruel
Well she grabbed my hair
And I began to rise
I could tell what she wanted
By that look in her eyes, oh, ow
By that look in her eyes, yeah
I said, "Come here babe and make it quick"
She said, "Not so fast"
And had a drink
Well it ain't just luck
But I better knock on wood
She's gonna give me everything
Somehow I knew she would
Oh, but I know she's secretly cruel
I ain't nobody's fool
Well, I know she's secretly cruel
I said baby, "you're the fire, but I am the fuel"
She's secretly, secretly cruel
Yeah, so cruel
Well it ain't just luck (ain't just luck)
But I better knock on wood, yeah
She's gonna give me everything
Somehow I knew she would
Oh, but I know she's secretly cruel
I ain't nobody's fool, nobody's fool
Secretly, she's so cruel (cruel)
I'm in love, but I don't play the fool
Secretly, she's so cruel, secretly, so cruel
Cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah I know she's secretly, she's so cruel, secretly, so cruel Cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah, cruel, yeah I know she's secretly, she's so cruel, secretly, she's so cruel Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, secretly, secretly cruel, cruel
RADAR FOR LOVE - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child
So watcha doin?
Passion fire runnin' through my veins
Get a little bit of love and I go insane
I may talk big, baby, I don't lie
Ooh the guys don't know but the girls know why
Ooh girls know why, whoo oh
You get down and get to it
I know you can do it
Get down and get to it
I know you can do it, oh, oh, oh, oh
[Chorus] Radar for love, radar for love
I've got radar for love (for love)
Radar for love, ooh yeah
When you feel so hot that you can't hold still
And you don't know how you're gonna get your fill
Send an S.O.S. baby, I'm your man
If I don't make good baby no one can
Oh no one can, whoo oh
Get down and get to it
I know you can do it, come on
Get down and get to it
I know you can do it, oh, oh, oh, oh
Radar for love, radar for love
I've got radar for love
Radar, oh, oh
Radar for love, radar for love
Radar, Radar for love, oh
Yeah, ooh yeah, one more time
Get down, ooh get down, get down, oh, oh, oh
Radar for love, radar for love
I've got radar for love
Radar, ooh baby, baby
Radar for love, radar for love
Radar for love, n-n-n-n-now, radar for love, come on Radar, ooh, radar, ooh yeah
Radar, oh, radar, oh yeah, radar, oh yeah
Radar for love, radar, come on, radar, ha, radar, radar
S.O.S, radar, radar, get the message, sugar, radar, radar for love
UH! ALL NIGHT - Paul Stanley, Desmond Child, Jean Beauvoir
Everywhere around the world
Everybody's doin' time
Freedom comes at 5:15
Prison starts at quarter to nine
It takes a hard workin' lover
To keep on towin' the line
I'll meet you under the covers
I get excited, I'm so excited
Well, we work all day
And we don't know why
Well, there's just one thing that money can't buy
When your body's been starved, feed your appetite
When you work all day, you gotta, Uh! all night
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, whoo
Take me to the jungle, honey
We're livin' in a human zoo
Getcha turnin' tricks for money
I'd rather roll around with you
'Cause when the waitin' is over
I come a-runnin' to you
I got the whole night to show you
I get excited, I'm so excited
Ooh, let me hear you, uh, right, uh, uh, uh, yeah
Well, we work all day
And we don't know why
Well, there's just one thing that money can't buy
When your body's been starved feed your appetite
When you work all day, you gotta Uh!
They got me workin', they got me runnin'
But when I'm comin' home to you, yeah
Well, we work all day (they got me working)
And we don't know why (they got me runnin')
Well, there's just one thing that money can't buy (ooh yeah)
When you body's been starved (my body's hungry)
Feed your appetite (don't need no money)
When you work all day, you gotta Uh! all night (comin' home, yeah)
Well, we work all day
And we don't know why
Well, there's just one thing that money can't buy
When you body's been starved, feed your appetite
When you work all day, you gotta Uh! all night
Well, we work all day