« Exterminate »
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01 | Christhammer 5:48
 | 02 | Wartorn 3:57
 | 03 | Into The Storm Of Steel 2:42
 | 04 | Phallelujah 5:36
 | 05 | Reap The Whirlwind 5:15
 | 06 | That Which Lies Upon 4:03
 | 07 | Embrace 6:07
 | 08 | Sons Of Vengeance 6:17
 | | Total playing time: 39:50 |
   Pete Helmkamp - vocals, bass
Gene Palubicki - guitars
Bill Taylor - guitars
John Longstreth - drums |
Recorded and mastered October 27 - November 7, 1997 at Morrisound Studios, Tampa, Florida.
Produced by Angelcorpse.
Engineered and Mastered by Jim Morris
Cover artwork by Joe Petagno
 | 01. Christhammer
[Music Palubicki; Lyrics Helmkamp]
The dream pervades mysterious and lewd
I am One of Many offered unto thee
Bearing proud the brand of sacreligion
Sacrificed not in vain to Azazael
Cast down from the Heavens yet never Fallen
He - whom gods hath scorned
Eden's imbecile p |
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 Angelcorpse – команда, незаслуженно обойденная большим вниманием. И ведь зря. То, на что они подрядились, они делают безукоризненно. Премиальный воинствующий черно-дэт, несущий нигилистический мессадж в вихреобразном потоке, поливающий нас сильными, заряженными паранойей мелодиями. Темпы преимущественное высокие, замедления и кач замечаются лишь в первых трэках, в основном военное дело взывает к бесперебойному залпу орудий, и законодатель тут очевиден. В то время еще только крайне способный юнец Джон Лонгстрет плотно забивает фундамент бочками и накидывает прямолинейный долбежный бит с регулярными благородными сбивками, гитаристы нанизывают на это приблэкованную гитарную вязь, а басист Пит Хелмкамп харизматично выплевывает кощунства с наложениями, создавая неплохую мракобесную полифонию. Мне, например, исключительно в жилу гимновые "Phallelujah" и "Reap the Whirlwind". Работа вся мрачно-веселая, глумливо-мелодичная, гитаристы, включая достойного в будущем участника без малого великих Immolation Билла Тэйлора, без устали раздают проворные режуще-колющие риффы и строгают атмосферно-какофонические соляки. Обновленный Deicide 2006 года заиграл в очень похожей манере. Такова уж судьба, иногда больше гармонических щедрот как раз от сатанинствующих и/или каких-то бритоголовых дэтстеров.
Любителям милитаристского пафоса, апокалиптической эстетики, бластового искусства и сдвигающей крышу набекрень вербальной ненависти рекомендуется. Точно и без утайки вектор диска обрисован на обложке, спрягающей танки и дьявольские силы, 2 по цене одного, налетайте! Правда, будьте готовы к дефициту разнообразия темпов, Angelcorpse – не созерцатели, а деятели, пленных не берут и лирикам не сочувствуют. При лучшей сбалансированности этой стороны альбома дал бы больше, но запись нигде не провисает, и это уже очень много. |
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просмотров: 10336 |
I am of the Shining One
Whip merciless their flesh
Goad with firebrands
Trumpet the advent of the bloodspray
Enraptured by torment and flames
Broken on the rack crush the cult of Nazarene
My cup runneth over...
Each Nazarene I kill
Is one thorn more
In the crown of their false saviour
A king foresworn in a halo of flies
Prostrate disciples of derisive subjection
Their spirits exude deification of defeat
A talisman profane - vile birthright borne
Enslaving vigour as if nailed to a cross
Scoff at this inheritance of wretchedness
The Daimons erect shatter shackles of deceit
Sons of Vengeance consecrate burning ways
Wolves no longer in the guise of the weak
Gammadion upon our shields
The Conquerors draw nigh
Pentagrammaton - ashes to dust
Unbridled conflagrations purify
Swoon - poison souls procured
Acknowledge the rot of divinity
The dream pervades mysterious and lewd
I am One of Many offered unto thee
Bearing proud the brand of sacreligion
Sacrificed not in vain to Azazael
Cast aside despair in chaos consecrate
For visions become truth in wakefullness
The seeming sorrows that mark my face
With head held high are tears of joy
I am the spear in the wound of christ
02. Wartorn
[Music Helmkamp/Palubicki; Lyrics Helmkamp]
Corvus corax descending
Through ashes smoke and pain
Stark sepia sigil of strength
The revealing stench of victory
Lycanthropic ripping death
A baptism in annihilation
Drips from the jaws and howls
An ultimate oblivion conceived
A solution for flesh and bone
The morbid throne the strong revere
With genocide
Our might makes right
Where charnal houses
Leer at the world
Where crown and cudgel
Rains from the skies
Withered rotted bodies unburied
Lay piled in stacks instead
Vermin swarm and vultures gather
To feast upon the dead
Anthemic holocaust and hate
Stern lord of war and vengeance
Rough beast slouching eternal
Resolves the world to dust again
03. Into The Storm Of Steel
[Music & Lyrics Helmkamp]
Beasts of prey strike with lightning speed
Wagons of war collide
Metallic plague armored locusts drive
Into the storm of steel
Exterminate - feed the battlefield hunger
With honor that is loyalty unto death
Cauldrons swarming spearhead boiling over
The ironmonger's engines roar
Motorized slaughter panzers smash
Reliquary immemorial of runic conquest
Wincing crablike across a scarred land
Into the storm of steel
Bombs flagellate as poisoned rain
Corrosives soaking deep
The skin of earth erupts in sores
Wounds and filth unending
Winged death - spurting flames vilify
Splatter the Whore of Armageddon
Gutteral ejaculate - mummifying rust
Disintegrating bones to dust
Exterminate - feed the battlefield hunger
With honor that is loyalty unto death
Cauldrons swarming spearhead boiling over
The ironmonger's engines roar
04. Phallelujah
[Music Palubicki; Lyrics Helmkamp]
Petals ripen glisten with yearning
Sanctified vessel inflamed
Fervent fingers twitch the gulf is closed
Envelop the pillar of alabaster
Cockroach entrenches in some awful orifice
Excavating living tissue
Barbaric caress - greased up and slick
pain scraping a backwards bending
Clamps smear open a warm paradise
Ribcage and vertebral column contracted tight
Bars stretched beneath the skin
Lips pulled back and drawn for curing
Penetrate - probing swollen infestation
Fisted into comprehension
Rigid so to bend contorted and suffer
Straight jacket of sadism
Sanguinary rite of passage
Sweet tongues of fire
Paroxims of union
Judas tongue scrapes spit
Bites the hand that feed it
Infectious features baring cracked teeth
Bleeding gums of joy
Flaying souls breach the vestal wall
Chorus of angels consortium of pain
Enriched blood of freshly esoterica
Mingles with man in fluid form
Outpouring thrust pelvic abominations
Thick film of sweat grim lubrication
Soon to suckle maggots at her breasts
Celebrate the palsied throes of innocence
05. Reap The Whirlwind
[Music Palubicki; Lyrics Helmkamp]
In the dancing blaze of world cremation
Ashes usurp the thrones of untruth
In the glowing funeral pyres
Where shadows and smoke no longer betray
Furnace fired - matter laid bare
The true nature of existence
Reap the whirlwind
Mercifully engulf the current universe
Reap the whirlwind
Unfetter a seedling chaos to spawn
Strip away the artificial mantle
The veneer that pompously claims
That this world is worthy of salvation
Self satisfaction - armageddon
For that is all we can ask for
Every leader a fool with a facade
Every holy man a sinner
Every love a selfish lust
Every war an orgy of laughter
Every living creature a cancer
A defilement - this flesh corrupts
All truth is fabrication
Almighty hallowed nothingness
All paths spiral downwards
All answers winged lies
All questions should be phrased with axes
Indulge celebrations enshrined in blood
Astride the inexorable
Jericho's wall shall crumble divine
Grasp the horns of the Dragons of Chaos
Furious we ride...
06. That Which Lies Upon
[Music Taylor/Palubicki; Lyrics Helmkamp]
Lascivious - that which lies upon
A chimera of orgiastic buggery
Sodomite pedophile gaping welterd cunt
The tenderness of little girls is not unknwown to me
Ripping sacred vestments - venereal debauch
Frozen phalanx thrusts
Dampened walls summmon hallucinations
Erupting wicked cold that burns like fire
Daughters of joy await the vulgar visitation
Depravity nocturnal - emissive lusts they crave
Inject impurity filth and fornication
A winged satyr raping unsullied maids
A lewdness flailing enter clubbing whip
Bestial defloration serpent riding virgin whores
Their bloodied gates wide open for all to see
Into the realm (of the) despicable unborn
Urinary baptism and licked clean
Eat until it poisons me
Enslaved to those fleshly folds
Erected into bleakness
Unchaste phantasmagoria
The salacious sordid pulse prevails
Corrupting every orifice
Greedy for love
This flesh corrupt
On bestial bloodstained wings
Rites of disgust
The incubus obscene
Lascivious - that which lies upon
A chimera of orgiastic buggery
Sodomite pedophile gaping welterd cunt
The tenderness of little girls is not unknwown to me
A lewdness flailing enter clubbing whip
Bestial defloration serpent riding virgin whores
Their bloodied gates wide open for all to see
Into the realm (of the) despicable reborn
07. Embrace
[Music Palubicki/Helmkamp; Lyrics Helmkamp]
What is to be of this pestilience
That makes empires tumble like tears
The dust of millenia - fallen ages
Staunches the flow of dawning horizons
Obscuring -
While the days crumble as their hours unfold
A sensual swooning - prophetic mocking
As the soils swallow the seeds of the past
Each one of us to his own
Drowning in hallowed solitude
Swallowing the void
The pallid hope revealed at last
*Why should I fret in microcosmic bonds
That chafe the spirit and the mind repress
When through the clouds gleam beckoning beyonds
Whose shining vistas mock man's littleness?*
Throw off those shackles of sufferance
This penance of one thousand ordeals
I wield the scepter of destiny
Choose the means of my own death
Give me both nails and a hammer
Harness those ecstasies of death
Prostrate myself on cruciform
At last...
With swift feet I made my way
Helmed by a cacophony of despair
Deaf to the legacy of youthfullness
And beauty and joy since pined away
Yet now a rush falls upon my ears
Of dripping - whispering words
The hole of emptiness I pour through
Unveils the caress from far beyond
Now no longer can I ignore
What goes before has gone again
The silence of immorality
Satisfied with this one fell step
Plunge beneath the waters -
The freezing embrace of the goddess of death
[*Quote taken from H.P. Lovecraft's "Phaeton"]
08. Sons Of Vengeance
[Music & Lyrics Helmkamp]
Awake! Sons of Vengeance rise
Rub the dust of twenty centuries from your eyes
Fashion your being: ploughshares into weapons of war
Today we conquer the self - tomorrow the world
Men of war defiant - to ashes fall the gods
Apocalyptic deeds - fierce archonic might
A knell a pall masking honored rites of spring
The empyreal majesty of abyss winds
An affirmation of struggle
Like wolves closing in for the kill
Making holy our war immortal this glorious night
A brotherhood of iron - falling in we march
Shout into the star shattered Dawn...
We are Sons of Vengeance
Blessed and bold
Reborn in hate
Fingers of scorn fists of furious destruction
Discipline of steel beyond the roar of all war
Unleashed lightning storm brigades to be
Powerful creative joyous and free