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 Apocalypse 1997! I Robot, Resisting Arrest! Stamping Boot that Keeps Us Oppressed!
Когда-то, в далёкие восьмидесятые, всем казалось, что в мире происходят такие глобальные изменения, которые приведут к тому, что наступит апокалипсис вот буквально уже в конце второго тысячелетия: где-нибудь в 1997 году, крайний срок в ночь с 31-ого декабря на 1-ое января 2000 года. Наступит конец времён, лежащие в земле мёртвые тела поднимутся и будут бродить по угасающей земле. Но прилетит сверкающая тарелка и заберёт кое-кого с собой на далёкие орбиты, где их уже ждёт лучший, более совершенный мир. Не последнюю роль в таких вот настроениях сыграли события, происходящие на одной шестой части суши, то есть в стране советской – СССР...
Эхх, ностальгия, ностальгия... Вероятно, музыканты из Gama Bomb не хотят верить в то, что третье тысячелетие уже началось, и в своём творчестве пытаются воссоздать атмосферу роскошных восьмидесятых годов – золотого века тяжёлой музыки. Начали ребята свою деятельность 2005 году, в 2008 году подписали контракт с Earache Records, а в 2009 году на этом лейбле группа выпустила свою, пожалуй, лучшую на сегодняшний день работу - "Tales from the Grave in Space". Ничего не могу сказать плохого про предыдущие релизы, но в плане музыки и концепции „Tales...“ явно сильнее. Если до этого альбома было сложно сказать, на материал каких корифеев жанра похож тот или иной релиз, то после „Tales...“ Gama Bomb можно поставить на полочке рядышком с Overkill или Agent Steel. Индивидуальность этих трэшеров новой волны заключается в том, что ребята играют, пожалуй, самый консервативный вариант этого жанра, который практически совершенно не поддаётся хоть каким-либо переделкам, а именно - трэш с вкраплениями хэви. Яркий пример подобной песни - «Mussolini Mosh» с хэви-риффингом в середине. Голос вокалиста очень напоминает мне Бобби «Блитца» Эллсуорта - вокалиста Overkill, однако порой мне кажется, что Филли Бирн „даёт Дикинсона“ по полной программе, особенно в конце „New Eliminators Of Atlantis“. Ещё, пожалуй, выделю отдельно удивительную песню „Three Witches“ - бесподобная композиция! Пожалуй, только она одна заработала три балла всему альбому в целом. Музыкантам удалось блестяще воссоздать атмосферу шабаша: в конце песни ребята вплели фольклорную мелодику и максимально ускорили темп. Короче, когда я слушаю её, то мне кажется, что вокруг меня рассекают по воздуху „Иствикские ведьмы“ из фильма Джорджа Миллера 1987 года... Ну и добавим за всё остальное ещё пять баллов. В сумме — восемь.
В конце рецензии хочу сказать, что вокруг столько всякой разнообразной музыки: очень интересной, необычной, экспериментальной, иногда ставящей в тупик. Порой действительно хочется отдохнуть от всех этих стилистических „наворотов“ и расслабиться под что-то, что совсем не удивляет, напротив, является чем-то очень знакомым. Для меня подобной пластинкой стала „Tales from the Grave in Space“. И космос, и могилы в одном флаконе. Спасибо Gama Bomb за эту посылку напрямую из детства! |
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Lights out in the city, my shiv has no pity for you
Tear – Tear the government down
Behead – The man who is wearing the crown
You're the state of the art to take the world apart
Stand for a slam anthem – let the thrashing start
It started with oil and how we despoiled, uprooted what was left of the trees
The powers that be had no trust in you and me, we ground this world down to its knees
A victim of the age of ignorance and rage
A product of society that's broke
A city like a scab, let's kick it to the slab
All but the hardest will get smoked
Sick of bearing the slavemasters' load
You're raging, primed to explode
Push the tempo to fever pitch, shoot out all the lights
A raging crew three billion strong on a final wasted night
Pissed off your face with a chainsaw and mace
Come on in and grab a tin and help us wreck the place
All the lads are out, but most people are dead
When they're finished they'll cut off their own heads
2. New Eliminators Of Atlantis B.C.
3. Three Witches
A sailor's map in an occult store,
In a place where no shop ever stood before
Making plain that near the old town square
Abandoned ruins still standing there
Scale the wall, smash the lock, tear the ivy back
Break the seal, scale the stair, find them crouching, dressed in black
They'll take all commands, so make your demands
Approach with care, speak if you dare ...
They're blind but they know, so to them we go
So come with me, see witches three
The world is yours, we guarantee
You'll share in immortality
Give your eyes so we might see
Sacrifice for sisters three
Slit your palm and grease the mirror, roll the chicken bones
In the crucible they'll forge your fortune, take instruction from the ancient crones
Like a husband who doesn't wear a ring
Like a thief left alone with a shiny thing
You'll never come to account, just paying one price
They'll grant it all when you scoop out your eyes
Your wishes come true, but what did you do?
Two eyes among three, they command witchery
Lust was your all, now you've got no balls
Eyeballs that is, oh gee what a swizz
4. Last Ninjas Unite
Ninjas! kunoichi and oniwaban unite...
dealing in murder by blowdarts tonight...
your shogun is calling, order is falling...
It's time to strap up and obey the calling...
Shinobi, cast off your farmers apparel...
an old allegiance is needed in the time of D.A.R.Y.L....
put down your sodoku, stick on your shoku...
climb down from your tree and kill people with me...
Fighting! Iron fisted men...
Masked faces drop from above...
All ninjas join forces and hands...
Guerrilla warfare tonight!...
A window is open a mind draws a blank...
A deadly puffer fish is missing from the tank...
A whisper a shadow out in the thickets...
Silent shinigami with his pockets full of crickets...
A man? 'tis a ninja, the mantis strikes!
A large group of peasants are set upon with pikes
A creak right behind your chair...
Blood and bones and teeth and guts and dinner everywhere...
You've murdered your friends and lovers and tramps...
chopped of their heads while backflipping down ramps...
Now back to your hole, there's no time to pause...
cast off your katanas, smoke bombs and claws...
Next time they insult the Ten Tigers of Canton...
they won't find their demise unfounded or wanton...
dishing out dead legs in the bitter chill...
killed you have done, and done well was the kill...
5. Escape From Scarecrow Mountain
6. Mussolini Mosh
7. We Respect You
Sitting in the house, watching High Spirits
Steve Guttenberg preparing to rock
Sitting on the bus, listening to the Terminator soundtrack
Tahnee Cain, solid as fuck
Here's looking at you, Michael Biehn
When we go drinking, we shout about you
Outlining your career, pumping my fist
Aliens is amazing, it's true
Ronnie Cox is locked on target
High-pants women are dancing for him
Shooting his cool gun across the years
His powers surely will never dim
Respecting Chrises Lee Lloyd and Walken
And JCVD? Yeah, now we're talkin'
Peter Falk can walk the walk, he talks it like it is
Bruno Mattei can make our day with his amazing films
Titanic skills and shocking styles
You're guilty of being cool
Razor licks inspired by heroes
We respect you
A pint with dick donner, kebab with J Fox
John carpenter was smashing up the drums
We were shouting about John Hughes in the kitchen at some guy's house
If you don't like Kurt Russell you're scum
Bill Paxton wasn't in Inner Space, but by Christ we wish he was
Gary Busey was in Bullet Proof, dare bring him up and we'll cause an awful fuss
8. Apocalypse 1997
Livid hands wring rinds of joy from future dwelling life
A ghost of family in every home as society spirals from the light
Patrolling black belly pigs brand identity codes into searing flesh
Reconfigure binary to bring down enemy jets
I robot, resisting arrest
stamping boot that keeps us oppressed
Apocalypse! Who'd have thunk
Humanity! The boat has sunk
Life waiting in line for a virus scan
Your own child will denounce you for having soft hands
Depredations, interrogations where intruder alarms will scream
They're watching you, so smash the screen then shoot to kill – you know what I mean?
Searching scope that snipes at hope
Ramming injustice home
They've washed your mouth out with poison soap
You will report to the justice zone
Can it be there was a time when men and women laid together with the sun upon their skin?
It's just a crime beyond comparison now in a world where thought is sin
Alternate history of a future past where orthodoxy is the law
If you are a man, you are the last, now a victim to the saw
Spotlights scan the rubble sites were the pigs unleash the hounds
To fall in love is the final crime and will bring the truncheon down
9. Return To Blood Castle
Back to the castle...
returning you might say...
there's a vat of brains and it's brain mashing day,
the lord of the manor has been up to no good...
and now he must pay...
Refined psychopath with a metal jaw...
Primitive justice comes to call
an angry mob approaches...
peasants the lot of them...
toting a priest and some pitchforks...
just like a Dracula film
They were here once before...
got no satisfaction...
ruling with a steel jaw, brain wine concoction,
He thought it was fine to mash up their heads...
Now he meets his destruction...
So tear down the gates and slash up the drapes...
For a baron of blood there can be no escape
Found in the garden...
Unsuspecting fool...
Grabbed by the locals...
Gouged up with a spoon...
We know how to deal with your sort...
We'll make no mistake...
Crudely shear his head before they fry him at the stake
Crush his minions in a rage as they batter him with sticks,
setting fires, they're saying prayers...
violence and righteousness is surely a winning mix...
Blood! Blood! We want blood!
Back for the attack
Hack! Slash! Cut a dash - it's good to get your own back
10. Polterghost
11. Skeletron
12. Mummy Invasion
Wake one day, get out of bed
Drop your Choc Dip as you look outside
There's a glowing pyramid on the edge of town
Its presence there comes as a surprise
Bony hands that claw and scrab, dessicated devils from the past
Anachronistic corpses escaped from the lab, stiff limbed invasion that came on too fast
News reports are confused, talk of bandaged maniacs causing much ado
Slow moving menace that overwhelms the town, it's hopeless to fight now their claws are on you
Fear of fire – there's nothing you can do
Evils conspire – the jackal-headed god beckons you
Borne to the pyramids, no use to shout,
they can only speak in hieroglyphs
See the doors marked ‘locals in', ‘mummies out',
oh dear god don't let it end like this
Production line of evil that pickles your skin
Conveyor belt of terror stuffs amulets in
Dehumanizing mummifying like a day spa gone wrong
Then they send you out a mummy to do evil carry-on