 Прогрессивные формы музыки, в той или иной ипостаси, предполагают постоянное развитие (структура композиций, более глубокие звуковые ландшафты и т.д.), но есть определённые отметки по пути развития стиля, которые оформляют собой отдельные герметичные представления. Для наших подопечных такой вехой, непосредственно повлиявшей на их творчество, являются классические труды Cynic и Pestilence (91), поэтому справедливее называть данный альбом progressive-продуктом, нежели technical. С вышеназванными американцами группу сближает присутствие тонкой атмосферной компоненты, которая расстилается зыбким туманом над характерной для стиля полиритмичной основой. Оценивая гитарные партии, нужно отметить аккуратность плетения размеров, которые преподносятся в соответствии с канонами жанра. Плавные переходы не исключают сложных модуляций, но придают записи созерцательное настроение. За резкость отвечает вокалист, истошно кричащий о философских сентенциях, но не портящий впечатление от разнообразного музыкального полотна. Его манера добавляет глубины материалу, а также ответственна за эмоциональное напряжение по ходу развития событий. Одно из основных сокровищ альбома - оркестрованное аутро, напомнившее мне один из номеров со второго альбома штатовских героев из Believer. На этом треке присутствует почти всё, за что я обожаю классическую музыку. Подводя итоги, хочется отметить большой труд, проделанный на данном лонгплее. Музыканты показали свою преданность любимому жанру и посвящённость в его детали. |
Your own reality
Step on them
Those weakened parts
Turn them into mountains
That will not collapse
See, dream
The first step towards freedom is knowing you're not free.
See, it's not always easy breaking chains.
3. Alpha State
This life, world, time
Always walking, turning around
Sometimes I see them
And feel when they pass by
Touching my arm by its edge
Up to the fingers
And for an instant I die
They are facets
Gyratory sequences
Sometimes we are
But don't inhabit here
Finding the known and the conceived
Transforming into memories
The evidence
Like shinning absent spheres
Touches our dreams!!
This delirium folds me
And that's a space of nothing in time
That stops and doesn't flow
Then my shadow-soul starts to fly
and my image-body stays alone
immerse in the night,
in the dreams
lost and anguished
with oscillating eyes
and back to be a child again
this life, world, time
always walking, turning around
sometimes I see them
and feel when they pass by
touching my arm by its edge
up to the fingers
and for an instant I die!!
4. Particles of Time
We were thirsty
Of lightings and acts
We'd stay so far
From the weak ones' luck
Very distant from
Our atmosphere was clouded
By the tempest
Our nature was obscurity
Because we didn't have a path
We were a minimum part
Of an unknown inertia
Another scattered line
Into a geometrical whirlwind
Of cosmos
Another grimace
Of magic shaking dreams
While death is playing
Hiding into the night.
5. Virtual Lanscape
I squeeze my fist
I've decided to erase the message on my crypt
floating lamps illuminate the last crack
covered with ivies, lianas and weeds
that squeeze together the scornful gazes
of rapacious bloody voices
that tell me no
submerged in violent meditation
abruptly I continue being the same
in the virtual landscape of the temporary fireflies
That doesn't already exist
Neither the smallest mark in the sides
it is a lie
now I've got my soul and forehead plowed up,
most of the time
they've been impregnated on the hands
and I go back
squeeze my fist
elevating suicidal prayers
so that the deployment doesn't cease
the perfumed surf of caresses on my face
the angelical manifestation
but your are alone over there
with shivery wings
and my kisses tattooed on the skin
you observe the misplaced movements,
of my prehistoric shade
6. Perspective Quest
We all know that
Icarus' dream
Was to fly
But his wings of pretention
Have been denied and molten
Now the reflection of this denial
Is our restrictive constant
Change time
Break universe's geometry
Or the limits of our mind
Singularity exists in the whole universe
Expansible and retractile entity
That prevails Subtle yet implacable
Purification of its own
Mathematical Glory
Null and infinite particle
It absorbs time and the entire universe
Stellar dust and geometry in all perspectives
Singularity exists in the whole universe
Expansible and retractile entity
That prevails Subtle yet implacable
7. Sonic Arrival
I never needed
Eyes to cry
I was an energetic halo
I was surrounded by light
A sonic arrival
Through battered ways
Pushing us to observe the light
The radioactive radiances
Have broken into pieces
Our star
Somebody can read time
But others will be elected
All should've been a good night
But the religious mantis
Flying through space
Transforming the wind into fear
with deadly venom
the resplendence comes
the sonic arrival
converted into storm
somebody can read time
but others will be elected.