 Долгие годы копошения в тяжёлой музыке рано или поздно приводят к тому, что у копающего назревает ряд вопросов, относящихся к риторическим. Тем не менее, время от времени их хочется озвучить. Почему, например, один бедный юноша из Назарета, и без того скончавшийся пару тысячелетий назад, по мнению многих поросших густой шерстью дядек должен быть непременно подвержен nasty sodomy при помощи подручных средств, от rusty axe до carnivorous chainsaw? Почему эти самые шерстистые дядьки считают, что добавляя каждый раз к „Jesus” непременное „fuck”, они тем самым показывают значительный кукиш в сторону райских кущ и тамошних обитателей, попутно освобождая исстрадавшееся человечество от гнета клерикалов? К слову, вряд ли сам Люцифер впишется за своих волосатых апологетов, случись им взывать к нему. Впрочем, это всё демагогия и ирония, но как без неё обойтись, когда в проигрыватель попадает очередная группа из сонма любителей навесить на мифического бога все провинности, окантовав свои религиозные претензии риффами и ходами, оригинальность и ценность которых вызывает сомнения ещё большие, чем существование той самой божественной сущности, в сторону которой вновь обращены ненавистные взгляды.
Шведов Aeon, которые сегодня и выступают в роли шестьсот шестьдесят шеститысячных претендентов на богоубиение, нельзя оправдывать тем, что „Path of Fire” релиз дебютный и потому эпигонство и отсутствие яркой харизмы можно списать на статус новичков. Вовсе нет, Aeon (десятая или пятнадцатая группа, взявшая себе столь „оригинальное” название) уже с десяток лет машут тяпками гитар на грядках дэт-металла, в лице „Пути огня” снимая уже третий урожай. Но то ли парники у парней (кстати, засветившихся в уважаемых проектах типа Diabolicum, Souldrainer и The Equinox ov the Gods) плохие, то ли чернозёмный гектар попался неплодородный, но третий приплод всё равно оказался безликим и неинтересным, так и не придав устойчивого основания лирической базе группы. Задумка была многообещающей: развитие идей Deicide в рамках техно-дэтовой шведской школы, балансирование между брутальным мясом и сухой техничностью. Но результат и близко не соответствует первоначальной идее: от бентоновской кодлы Aeon взяли лишь монотонный ритмический скелет, совсем позабыв про то исступление, с коим преподносит своё материал Глен, а от техно-дэта осталась лишь безжизненность и общая конструкция музыкальных фраз, совершенно потерявшаяся без сопутствующей продуманности. Безупречная техника и качественное исполнение вновь похожи на великолепные декорации при разваливающемся сюжете пьесы и отвратительной игре актёров. До зубовного скрежета банальный дэт, сорок минут однообразного, тягомотного, пусть и умело реализованного, материала — вот и весь „Path of Fire”. Это не тот огонь, что способен разжечь богохульный пожар, не то пламя, что лижет адские сковороды, на которых корчатся грешники, всего лишь утилитарная газовая горелка, которую можно выбросить без зазрения совести, стоит лишь кончиться в ней топливу. С одним лишь отличием: в случае с Aeon их можно выбросить даже не дожидаясь этого. (Диск предоставлен «Фоно») |
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Своё повествование я хотел бы начать с клипа на композицию "Forgiveness Denied", в котором показана расправа паренька над священником-педофилом. Весьма показательный сюжет, характеризующий жгучую ненависть к подонкам в сутанах, пролезшим даже в Ватикан. Если прихожане доверяют свои души таким вот личностям, то это не лишь еще раз говорит о лицемерии и низости духа некоторых ярых последователей самой распространённой мировой религии. Но не будем засорять рецензию делами религии, а сосредоточимся на исполняемой музыке. Шведы предлагают окунуться в варево брутального дэта, созданного по подобию флоридской модели, но обладающего умеренным разнообразием мелодических структур. Влияние Deicide, безусловно, имеет место быть, но оно не носит характер прямолинейного копирования. О американцах напоминает характерная работа ритм-секции вкупе со знакомыми накатами проходов. Тем не менее, структура песен вариативнее, чем на большинстве поздних альбомов Глена Бентона. Естественные, но гармонически назревающие смены темпа привносят в композиции струи свежих идей, хотя общее звуковое полотно выдержано в единой нерушимой стилистике. Шведы не боятся временами замедляться и подходить вплотную к околослэмовым территориям, что не может не радовать слух брутальщика. Музыканты ни на грамм не отходят от выбранного пути звукоизвлечения, предлагая массивный клыкастый материал. Во время звучания релиза не возникает ассоциаций с мелодичным крылом шведской сцены, а скорее стоит говорить об аналогиях с Vomitory и Insision. Другими словами, мы имеем дело с мощным лаконичным кусищем брутального свойства, имеющим значительно больше сильных сторон, чем слабых. |
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просмотров: 12864 |
Priest you disgust me
On your knees
Plead for forgiveness
Forgiveness denied
You are the worst kind of liar that is
You deceive deceive your people with lies
How can you stand there and preach about life
while crushing a defenceless child
Touching young children and even your own
Priest bastard I want you dead
Priest you disgust me
On your knees
Plead for forgiveness
Forgiveness denied
Execute the bastard priest
Do not listen to his plead
If it all was up to me
The priest bastard he would not live
I would show no mercy
Shove his Jesus up his ass,
fill his lungs with holy water
I invite your victims
so they all can join the fucking slaughter
Forgiveness denied
Kill the bastard
You say that you are the link between man
God and the carpenter Christ
Holding the words of your God in your hand
Preaching them all to your kind
Those empty words do not please you anymore
Young skin is what you lust for
Priest you disgust me
On your knees
Plead for forgiveness
Forgiveness denied
You must be put to death
a horrible painful death die
Maybe your God forgives and your religion too
but I know I want you dead and your religion too
You serve no purpose here
purest bastards I want you dead
2. Kill Them All
Eyes of envy stares at me they hope I fail
Anything to make me disappear
All the lies, all the tricks deception
You want what you cannot have
Kill them all
I will kill them all
If they come too close to me
Kill the enemy
Kill them all
I will kill them all
If they come too close to me
Kill the enemy
For many years they have tried to take my throne
But when I dress for war they retreat
All the words, all the talk behind my back
You will shake like a leaf if we meet
Kill them all
I will kill them all
If they come too close to me
Kill the enemy
Kill them all
I will kill them all
If they come too close to me
Kill the enemy
Watch your step don't come near I'm warning you
Cross the frontier and you are dead
This is not empty threats I'm warning you
I stand behind the words I have said
Every step you take towards me is one step closer to your death
Eyes of envy stares at me they hope I fail
Anything to make me disappear
All the lies, all the tricks deception
You want what you cannot have
Kill them all
I will kill them all
If they come too close to me
Kill the enemy
Kill them all
I will kill them all
If they come too close to me
Kill the enemy
For many years they have tried to take my throne
But when I dress for war they retreat
All the words, all the talk behind my back
You will shake like a leaf if we meet
3. Inheritance
Forever chaos rule
All lives, all suns, all worlds
All depths, all skies will fall
Fools you think you're safe
In your world of light
But you are like dust
In a hurricane
Your world was raised by them
Made by dreams of the gods
And your empty lives
Is only a fools work
The work of the week are what you are made of
Soon they will wake up the bringers of chaos
No God or man can withstand their will
Soon they will wake up your world will be dead
In your veins runs the blood
of a prince of the Gods
So in many ways
You are spawned from chaos
You will always be
an heir of the week
As long as your world will stay alive
The work of the week are what you are made of
Soon they will wake up the bringers of chaos
No God or man can withstand their will
Soon they will wake up your world will be dead
Raised from chaos
Soon to be chaos again
A dream of the Gods
Soon to awake
Fragile lives
Soon to be dead
Made by the week
Soon to be dead
Fools you think you're safe
In your world of light
But you are like dust
In a hurricane
Your world was raised by them
Made by dreams of the gods
And your empty lives
Is only a fools work
The work of the week are what you are made of
Soon they will wake up the bringers of chaos
No God or man can withstand their will
Soon they will wake up your world will be dead
4. Abomination To God
I am what you despise
I am a needle in God's eye
No congregation of yours can change who I am
A lecture from one of your priest won't change what I am
I am forbidden to man
I am an abomination to God
I know how it must sting in your eyes
for you to see how I walk over Christ
I laugh at your cross I laugh at the way that you kneel
in front of a man that was nailed to save you from me
Your holy water won't cleanse me from sin
I laugh at your Christ and his crucifixion
Bleeding your cross with each breath that I take
Preacher I know that your stories are fake
I am forbidden to man
I am an abomination to God
I don't care what you say
I don't care what you think
Everything that I do I do it for me
Nothing you can do to stop me
I am forbidden to man
I am an abomination to God
The church means nothing to me
The cross means nothing to me
I refuse to live by your holy laws
Never will I live by your holy laws
Your holy water won't cleanse me from sin
I laugh at your Christ and his crucifixion
Bleeding your cross with each breath that I take
Preacher I know that your stories are fake
5. Total Kristus Inversus
6. Of Fire
There you stand united
Attack me is your goal
Attack me your words of Jesus
You can never hurt me
or make me change my ways
We will never be the same
It can't be that hard to see
that Jesus means nothing to me
I was never one of his followers
I walk the path of fire
I can feel your presence
You are ready to attack
You see me as a threat against
Jesus Christ, your savior
Your golden fucking lord
I will never drop my guard
It can't be that hard to see
that Jesus means nothing to me
I was never one of his followers
I walk the path of fire
Path of fire
Path of fire
Path of fire
Path of fire
Of fire.
Never - I will never kiss the cross
or get down on my knees to pray
Satan - on your firepath I walk
satisfied with the choices I have made
I despise Jesus
I Despise the church
I walk the path of fire
Burning but unhurt
There you stand united
Attack me is your goal
Attack me your words of Jesus
You can never hurt me
or make me change my ways
We will never be the same
It can't be that hard to see
that Jesus means nothing to me
I was never one of his followers
I walk the path of fire
Path of fire
Path of fire
Path of fire
Path of fire
Of fire.
7. I Will Burn
They did not bring me up to pay respect to Jesus Christ
A holy prayer was never said to save me from the night
On my walls you will never see a holy crucifix
I live my life to the fullest I don't follow the Christian Faith
I will burn
In Hell I burn, swallowed by flames
Born to burn fire embrace
I will burn
With no regrets, none at all,
I won't take back the sins I've done
I walk this earth with my own views
Through holy eyes I will burn
Proud to be the man I am and all I have achieved
No holy army will stop me to live the life I live
Unclean one you will burn in Hell you point at me and say
So be it, but here on Earth spit in your fucking face
I will burn
In Hell I burn, swallowed by flames
Born to burn fire embrace
I will burn
With no regrets, none at all,
I won't take back the sins I've done
I walk this earth with my own views
Through holy eyes I will burn
They did not bring me up to pay respect to Jesus Christ
A holy prayer was never said to save me from the night
On my walls you will never see a holy crucifix
I live my life to the fullest I don't follow the Christian Faith
I will burn
In Hell I burn, swallowed by flames
Born to burn fire embrace
I will burn
With no regrets, none at all,
I won't take back the sins I've done
I walk this earth with my own views
Through holy eyes I will burn
8. Suffer The Soul
Weak spineless bastard
God among the weak
You are far from who you claim to be
I know your game and I know how to play it too
No reason to fight I am stronger I am faster
I am wiser superior to you
I know your game and I know how to win it too
Now you are mine for the rest of your life
and beyond I will suffer your soul
You played with fire
Hells energy
I am that fire, Hells energy
I know your game and I know how to play it too
No reason to fight I am stronger I am faster
I am wiser superior to you
I know your game and I know how to win it too
Now you are mine for the rest of your life
and beyond I will suffer your soul
Suffer the soul.
Trapped in here for eternity
Your soul belongs to me
Trapped in here for eternity
Always here with me
Suffer the soul, suffer the soul
Suffer the soul, suffer the soul
Weak spineless bastard
God among the weak
You are far from who you claim to be
I know your game and I know how to play it too
No reason to fight I am stronger I am faster
I am wiser superior to you
I know your game and I know how to win it too
Now you are mine for the rest of your life
and beyond I will suffer your soul
9. The Sacrament
Come choir boy stay for a while
Let's practice the way of God
To enter the pearly gate
There is no certain way
And I am the key worship me
On your pretty knees
Open your little mouth
Look me in the eyes
Swallow your way to Christ
Do as you are told if you seek heaven
It feels like heaven
This is the way on every Sunday
You must see me again
The lord he works in mysterious ways
Just do as you are told
Then you'll be accepted at the gate
On your pretty knees
Open your little mouth
Look me in the eyes
Swallow your way to Christ
Do as you are told if you seek heaven
It feels like heaven
10. Liar In The Name Of God
Welcome come inside
Take a seat in my church if you want to survive
Welcome come inside
And let me heal you with a touch of glory God
These are the words from what I would call a fake healer
Just with a touch he says that he can cure you from disease
I am amazed that so many buy his lies
A touch from his hands and no longer paralyzed
Fire the prophet screams and all of you fall on your back
Free now you are free the demon no longer attacks
He is a fraud working his hoax the Christians too stupid to see
People of God weakest of men inhales his false prophecy
Glory of God there's no glory to be seen
Not for you nor your fucking families
The only one that benefit from this is Him
His wealth grows thanks to your stupidity
Brainwashed children all under the prophet's spell
You give him power to continue his crusade of lies
You are too fucking stupid to feel sorry for
When reality hits you will die sick and poor
Fire the prophet screams and all of you fall on your back
Free now you are free the demon no longer attacks
He is a fraud working his hoax the Christians too stupid to see
People of God weakest of men inhales his false prophecy
Liar in the name of God
Liar in the name of God
Liar in the name of God
Fire the prophet screams and all of you fall on your back
Free now you are free the demon no longer attacks
He is a fraud working his hoax the Christians too stupid to see
People of God weakest of men inhales his false prophecy
11. God Of War
Born to be a God the lord of pain
Slaves shall fear my name the God of war
I only spare lives of the affectionate
Submission to greet me God of war
A call to submit for a new God
I will conquer your world
A call to go to war - obey
Kill at my command - servants
Fear of my divine - power
Hail the king of war - your master
Born to rule the earth the lord of pain
Kings shall bow to me the God of war
Don't forget that you will die
If you try to resist my will
A call to submit for a new God
I will conquer your world
A call to go to war - obey
Kill at my command - servants
Fear of my divine - power
Hail the king of war - your master
Follow to victory
My request is small
Earth and water
Kneel to me
Both beast and men are under my will
I have the undead to conquer your lands
An army of millions
Against your few
Surrender and submit
The only way to live
A call to submit for a new God
I will conquer your world
A call to go to war - obey
Kill at my command - servants
Fear of my divine - power
Hail the king of war - your master