« Russian Roulette »
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| Side A
 | | 1. T.V |
 | 2 | Monsterman 03:26
 | 3 | Russian Roulette 05:22
 | 4 | It's Hard to Find a Way 04:19
 | 5 | Aiming High 04:24
 | | Side B
 | 6 | Heaven Is Hell 07:12
 | 7 | Another Second to Be 03:19
 | 8 | Walking in the Shadow 04:27
 | 9 | Man Enough to Cry 03:14
 | 10 | Stand Tight 04:05
 | | 43:17 |
   Udo Dirkschneider - vocals
Jorg Fischer - guitars
Wolf Hoffman - guitars
Peter Baltes - bass
Stefan Kaufmann - drums |
Label: Portrait
This was the last Accept album to feature Udo Dirkschneider as lead vocalist, until his reunion on the 1993 album "Objection Overruled".
The 2002 BMG Remastered Edtion has the following bonus tracks, both taken from "Kaizoku-Ban - Live in Japan":
11: Metal Heart (live) (5:23)
12: Screaming for a Love-Bite (live) (4:24) |
 | TV war
TV war is part of life
Entertaining and far far away
What a story and how they fight
Let's gamble and guess who will win
Danger is nowhere
We still got the chance to switch off
Remote control and the guarantee
It's somewhe |
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 Старый и добрый heavy metal, при прослушивании этого альбома невольно вспоминаю те времена когда я только начал слушать тяжёлую музыку, Accept вообще был первой тяжёлой командой, которую я услышал, но не этот альбом, этот второй. Удивительно красив и очень энергичен, не лишён спокойной игры. Вот уже почти двадцать лет прошло с момента выпуска этого альбома, а всё ещё энергия его положительно влияет на слушателя. Игра каждого музыканта достойна похвал, вокалист хорош. Музыка интересна, мелодична, тяжела. Вкладывались ребята в работу по-страшному. И в итоге получили очень драйвовый, не надоедающий альбом. Хочется слушать, слушать и ещё раз слушать. Добрая музыка, крайне энергичная. А как красиво чередуются хоровые напевки с голосом Удо, великого вокалиста. Ну просто нет слов описать эту красивейшую работу, возможно, не лучшую, но красивую бесспорно. Вот с таких альбомов хорошо начинать своё путешествие в мир тяжёлой музыки, когда услышишь более тяжёлые команды эта работа может показаться безликой. |
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Седьмой альбом немецких классиков хэви металла, кроме того, в этом году мужики выпустили концертный мини альбом «Kaizoku Ban» – дабы показать всю мощь, которой обладает группа на концертной площадке (скорее всего это коммерческий шаг – думаю рановато ещё им было живую запись выпускать). Русская Рулетка звучит не хуже чем прославленного «Metal Heart», даже сильнее его, почти все песни хиты. Звук тот же и там же, то есть развития или каких то новшеств нет, но главное, что музыканты не повторили себя, предоставив нам обойму из цельнометаллических хитов, таких как заглавная «Russian Roulette» сразу же становящаяся в раздел самых лучших песен группы (вспоминаются такие композиции как «Metal Heart», «Head Over Heels» и Balls To The Wall»), если в предыдущем Металлическом Сердце не было скоростных вещей, то здесь их достаточно – спидовые номера «Aiming High», «TV War», и, в особенности, «Another Second To Be», обладающая очень мелодичными и драйвовыми риффами, не дадут вам заскучать на протяжении всего альбома, где встречаются кроме быстрых треков и довольно медленные «It's Hard To Find The Way» (очень душевный средне темповый хэви), «Man Enogh To Cry», даже несколько тягучая и тёмная «Heaven And Hell», жалко только что нет ни одной баллады. Реально сильный альбом, я даже не побоюсь поставить его с лучшими творениями восьмидесятых годов Мэйденов и Пристов, наконец-то хоть что-то вышло у банды отдалённо стоящее рядом с легендарным «Breaker». Мастхэв. |
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Совершенно непонятно, чем именно “Russian Roulette” приблизился к задорному и хулиганскому “Breaker”? Парадокс: ведь именно на фоне предельно энергичного альбома 1981 года, «рулетка» выглядит серой и вымученой. На альбоме действительно присутствуют довольно разные композиции. Есть помедленнее, есть побыстрее. Но в данном случае, это не более чем формальность, ибо любая скоростная композиция с альбома воспринимается как медленная. “Russian Roulette” всегда считался неудачным и упадническим. И основания тому более чем очевидны. Скажем так, альбом создает впечатление черствой, слегка подплесневелой булки, которая когда то была очень даже и ничего – вкусной. При все техничности игры и некоторой хитовости отдельных тем, общая атмосфера альбома – сплошная скука. Тем не менее, сказать, что он откровенно плох тоже нельзя ни в коем случае. На альбоме безусловно есть запоминающиеся темы, но они так скучно записаны, что хоть убей, ни капельки не радуют. Никак не могу понять, что здесь скучнее: мелодии или их исполнение? Слушать песни типа “Heaven And Hell” без жалости просто невозможно – песня умирающего лебедя, энергии – ноль. “Metal Heart” отличался от предыдущего творчества неким налетом комерции (пошедшим ему только на пользу!), но здесь коммерция так и прет. Вероятно, после “Metal Heart”, ребята просто устали (в чем, само собой, не стоит их винить) и записали неплохой, но далеко не лучший свой альбом. Общее впечатиление от альбома – материал, записанный людьми, мечтающими поспать. Что, вероятно, где-то так и было… |
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просмотров: 75695 |
TV war
TV war - bloodless but deadly and cruel
TV war
TV war
We are eating while we're watching
People die on the screen
Toasted and roasted and scrambled and fried
We are greedy and pay
Information in between
Missiles are in the air
You can hear them and see
They're already here
TV war
TV war - bloodless but deadly and cruel
TV war
TV war
"According to informed sources of the defence ministry
There is now confirmation that enemy missiles
Have penetrated our airspace
Impact is estimated in a matter of minutes
Good evening!"
TV war
TV war - bloodless but deadly and cruel
TV war
TV war
TV war - bloodless but deadly and cruel
TV war
TV war
Monster man
Screaming just for mercy
I am no monster man
Knowing makes you guilty
Not free of any faults
I see a hot hot fighting
On controversial sides
They call me mercy killer
'Cause I did it right
For love I gave your fading life
For love I had to give you up
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Dead or alive, dead or alive
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Facing all the trouble
I still remember our nights
And we're swearing both to free us
When life is only pain
For love I had to give you up
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Dead or alive, dead or alive
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Monster man
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Dead or alive, dead or alive
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Dead or alive, dead or alive
I am no monster man - mercy or crime?
Russian roulette
I know you raped me
And sacked my soul and life
You screwed my brain
And offered me a line
You set my heart on fire
To make me stick like glue
You know I'm coming
Down to the point of fear
You make me eat myself
And scream in pain in vain
To lose the last bit of identity
And forget humanity
That's what you like to do
To treat a man like a pig
And when I'm dead and gone
It's an award I've won
Do you think that pays, pays for my life?
Which I give now when I die
Wargames - killed in action
Wargames - for satisfaction
Shanghai'd - killed in action
For you it is so easy
To erase my name
You might have a celebration
For the ones who died
Charity in general
Is tax deductible as well
Ain't that exciting?
Ha, ha, ha! When everything is alright
Do you think that pays, pays for my life?
Which I give now when I die
Wargames - killed in action
Wargames - for satisfaction
Shanghai'd - killed in action
What a lie to say I'm immortal
What a lie to sell me your fame
Where is god when I'm buried?
Does he stop this bloody game?
What a lie to say I'm immortal
What a lie to sell me your fame
Where is god when I'm buried?
Does he stop this bloody game?
Wargames - killed in action
Wargames - killed in action
Wargames - for satisfaction
Shanghai'd - killed in action
Wargames - killed in action
Wargames - for satisfaction
Shanghai'd - killed in action
It's hard to find a way
You tried to make me feel
Our love could be real
And I tried, tried to make you feel
You and me have a chance
We tried to understand
Promises have to be kept
But it's only a game
Where both of us hope to win
But I just found the first little cut
And I wonder why, oh god, but so what?
It's hard to understand and find a way
To give you all my life
Hard to understand and hard to say
To give you all my life
Well, I pretend tonight
Our life is alright
But I feel the weakness now
Of living with a lie
I'm acting sweetness
But I'm burning in hate
'Cause I can't stand you hurting me
The same way I hurt you
But I just found the first little cut
And I wonder why, oh god, but so what?
It's hard to understand and find a way
To give you all my life
Hard to understand and hard to say
To give you all my life
It's hard to understand and find a way
To give you all my life
Hard to understand, so hard to say
To give you all my life
It's hard to understand and find a way
Hard to understand, so hard to say
It's hard to understand and find a way
To give you all my life
Hard to understand, so hard to say
To give you all my life
It's hard to understand and find a way
To give you all my life
It's so hard to understand, to understand
To give you all my life
Aiming high
Getting in the heat
Coming with the beat
And I love what I feel
Hard and heavy
And I'm moving on and on
'Cause my life is on the run
Now I feel the need to cry
Oh yeah, I'm aiming high
Longing all my life
Waiting for a friend
Who is fighting like I do
Likes to do it hard and heavy
It's a man's, man's world
Filled with love and pain
And he never gets enough
And that keeps him very tough
Aiming high, aiming high
And I'm waiting for relieve to the best of my believe
Aiming high, aiming high
What a fight to get it right for a minute of delight
Falling in the deep
Dreaming in my sleep
How it burns to be cruel
Hard and heavy
I feel lower more and more
'Cause I won't do it anymore
And I feel the need to cry
Oh yeah, I'm aiming high
Aiming high, aiming high
And I'm waiting for relieve to the best of my believe
Aiming high, aiming high
What a fight to get it right for a minute of delight
Aiming high indeed
Seeking for my need
That is my sense of touch
Hard and heavy, way too much
Aiming high, aiming high
And I'm waiting for relieve to the best of my believe
Aiming high, aiming high
What a fight to get it right for a minute of delight
Aiming high, aiming high
And I'm waiting for relieve to the best of my believe
Aiming high, aiming high
What a fight to get it right for a minute of delight
Aiming high, aiming high
Aiming high
Aiming high, aiming high
What a fight to get it right for a minute of delight
Heaven is hell
We swear it on the bible
If wanted on the koran
It's always good for trouble
To have a holy ghost
We have made the decision
There is forgiveness if you need
But this is not in this world
You have to wait and wait
There is no, no other way
You can't just believe what you want
No other way, no no
You can read it in the book, what's good or bad
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth - oh yes, it is
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
You shouldn't kill your brother
Except if he doesn't know what's right
If he can't love your heaven
It's a mercy for him to die
And that it's so much better
Than to live without redemption
This is easy to do so
And you can read how it works
All you need is the holy ghost
Oh, he will comfort you
No other way, no no
That's how they're cheating you and make believe what's good or bad
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth - is it heaven or hell?
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
Down on earth
Oh yes, it is
Is it heaven or hell?
I'm sure we all know them
Those perverts, they're everywhere
We're talking straight about facts
You know deep inside what's right or wrong
And the world stinks
And the paradise is now a sewer
And they sell shit for gold
And you have to take what you've got
Heaven is never in heaven
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is never in heaven
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth - oh, yes, it is
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth - down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is
And heaven is down on earth
Yes, it is
Another second to be
I hold a magazine in my hand
Facing the cover, it's me
They write about my coming end
No more than twelve months for me
Tainted and fainted
And lonely I picture my life
Blameless and shameless
I'm leaving in awful disgrace
Another second to be
Not another second to be
All the things I just have done
Passing my mind hundred times
All the tears I have cried, all the lies I have lied
All in hope for a better life
Tainted and fainted
And lonely I picture my life
Blameless and shameless
I'm leaving in awful disgrace
Another second to be
Not another second to be
Not another second to be
Lonely, I picture my life - no second to be
Time's running out and there's just no second to be
I'm leaving in awful disgrace - no second to be
There's not another second to be
Walking in the shadow
All my fire ain't gone inside
Only with you I will survive
And I live in the shadow of this wall
With fifty eight thousand all in all
I surrender, I surrender
Heart and soul's gone to nowhere
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night - I am walking in the shadow of this world
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night
For the very first time in your life
You've not been the last in line
You had to die instead of me
Do I have to live for you now?
Is that what you want me to do?
Live in agony and pain
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night - oh, our chance go to nowhere
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night - I am walking in the shadow of this world
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night - oh, our chance go to nowhere
Walking in the shadows
Walking in the night
In the night
In the night
Man enough to cry
I'm a man and I stand for my life and my land
Backing off is not, not my way
I was taught and I thought, a man as cold as ice
Showing off is not allowed
With my gun on the run, the force to kill a man
Looking in his eyes, my qod, why?
Is it me? Is it you? The one who has to die
Hold on, my friend, could this be our end?
I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry
Giving up what I've got for a man and his life
The only way to survive
I'm a man and I stand for my life and my land
Hold on, my friend, could this be our end?
I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry
Stand tight
My bones are trembling
Veins are filled with ice
I see you swagger through
Your boots are shiny too
I still feel your torture
Messing up my life
I cannot forget
How you showed me your dispise
Deep down in the gravel
I lie and wait for relieve
And I near the orders you scream
Sounds like a choir to me
Stand tight, all right
We all stand together
Stand tight, all right
We all stand together
I know I am unconscious
Just what you like to see
You say you've got to drill me
And you let me kiss your gun
I have to clean your boots
In every way you like
You deny my human right
You don't make it easy
And I am so down
So devoted and humbled to you
What more can a slave remain
Before he floods away?
Stand tight, all right
We all stand together
Stand tight, all right
We all stand together
Stand tight, all right
We all stand together
Stand tight, all right
We all stand together